Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Arthur; The legend and myth Chapter 66

“I say draw your sword, Lancelot.” Lamorak had then held his twin axe firmed in his hands. He was at the edge of the forest where a row of trees were chopped for fire woods. The camps have grown rapidly and so was the cold air that marked the colder season. “There are many I counted as friends and you may not be in it.”
Percival stepped in to intervene on the two knights while a gathering was forming then with the other considered as knights watching then. It was embarrassing that the knights on the round table will fight among themselves.
“Stand down both of you. I command you.” Percival stood there with glances towards both. He knew them both and he was once their compatriot in the Legion. “The Legion does not fight among themselves.”
“The Legion is no more here. We are the…” Lamorak bellowed out in anger.
“Knights on the round table of Camelot. Yes we are and as the knights there our bond shall be stronger than that of the Legion or …even brothers.” Percival stared at Lamorak. “Lower your weapons and we will speak as one.”
Lamorak held his respect for Percival as he was told and the older leader pushed the two knights to a private corner to talk things over.
“He told me that my friends cannot join us.” Lamorak snapped out immediately. “They are hungry and raring to fight.”
“They are not to be trusted. I had seen them with the Anglo Saxons and they are here …”
“Lancelot, whatever their alliance was before does not matter now when we are fighting a bigger enemy. Scotland, and then the Normandies, and probably even the Franks to the Goths. I know not what Arthur had in mind but we are to prepare.” Percival turned to Lamorak. “I valued no ally that will stab me in the back. If it’s to be then I will do so in yours.”
“They will fight for whoever offers them gold.” Lancelot hit back but Percival was the one who replied.
“So are we. How do you think we get land and farms? A castle perhaps? Was it all free or given to us for our efforts? What is the difference between our gifts than their gold? It’s all the same. We are fighting for the wealth first and glory next.” Percival looked to the two he considered as his friends. “So take sides, knights. We are the same. The only that matters is that we win. You win, I win and all of us win. When and if we die, someone else will win. I don’t intend to die just yet. Not then as a Legionnaire or now. Maybe I will die of old age then God wins.”
Percival turned to Lancelot.
“You will check on the knights at the plains while Lamorak do here. Tristram will focus on those by the sea and I will ….I will assist at Camelot.” Percival whispered to Lancelot later. “The sickness of Arthur is to be silenced. Not a word.”
With that Percival mounted his horse and rode back to Camelot. In the castle at Camelot, Merlin had retreated to his lair at the cavern. He saw then the young lady was busy at the volumes which made him smile. He had not such a willing student since Ninniane. The apprentice of his who was later to be the Lady in the Lake was his most coveted one. He had her under his care from young tender age to her calling two decades later to the Lake. It was an honour to called upon to be part of the Guardian of the Lake. The last Lady had been spirited away after many aeons and the place unattended. It was rumoured that Ninniane was called upon to take the role. It would be an honour for her and him. On the last thought, Merlin smiled to himself. Was it his doing or her’? Merlin was not sure but he had memories of the one he had name ‘my once love’.
“Merlin!” Morgan called out and then corrected herself. “I meant Master Merlin. I am learning the art of…”
“Potions. I know. The volume spoke of the many things that could do wonders and yet some are dangerous.” Merlin walked past her and approached the long table with many of his apparatus lined up there. There were boiling liquids and some of have the gaseous extracts collected into the thin narrow glass bottles. There were also the assorted droppings of the night creatures which he was doing some works on.
“Master Merlin”, Merlin stopped momentarily then when his name was mentioned. It slipped into him the memory of Ninniane then. “Master Merlin, why are there no writing on the pages on the …”
“On the more deadly potions? I covered them with a spell for you are not ready for it. You are with me for less than a full moon and yet you chose to bind yourself with twelve moons of learning. My dear apprentice, Morgan Le Fay, the volumes took longer than your lived life cycle to write.”
“Master, I am a…” Morgan was cut off then and told to fetch some water from the well. “And take your pet wiuth you.”
Morgan Le Fay kept her pet with her during the stay. It was a dark shade cat with the green emerald eyes.
“It’s far too heavy.” Morgan Le Fay complained . 
“That’s why you need to start now before supper could be cooked.” With that Merlin was left alone in his cavern. He tried to do his work but his mind floated back to his once treasured love. He had a few given his long life time on the physical world. With Ninniane, it was different. He had then believed he found true love although it almost killed him. There was no deep love than to be seen it from the brink of death. It was always said that the last vows of love just before death was the truest form of truth that one could speak of in one lifetime.
Ninniane was his then.
Merlin knew Ninniane when he was passing the forest then in the state of Burgundy. It was the time when King Ban and Bors were not born and their father was a knight under the Duke of Burgundy. Ninniane was reaching her puberty then and she had run away from home. She was upset that she was to be wedded to a boy then that she had not met. Her sisters Vivien and Nimue were not obstinate like her and accepted their marriage arrangement.
“He is not a boorish boy. He is the Lord’s son and a warrior too.” Her father, the Duke of Burgundy had defended his choice. “I was married to your mother, God bless her soul when she was ….How old is she?”
The aide whispered to him.
“Yes, at your age and she gave me …three daughters.” Duke of Burgundy continued on. He then looked at the girls of his first Queen. “You may do better. Perhaps ….”
“Half a dozen more than her? Do you take us for your sow or the mares in the stables? We are your daughters, father.” Ninniane fought back. “I will bear my children when I and if I need it.”
Her father’s roars were heard by all in the castle but Ninniane was already mounted on her mare to the forest where she found sanctuary there by the lake. Once a friar told her the lake was unique for it was fed by the many streams and rivers to have its pool of water that will then feed the surroundings. It’s not a place of taking and giving. Ninniane felt her life was more than just bearing children but to be like the lake, it held more than one purpose.
“Who’s there?” Ninniance reached for the dagger on her waist belt. She hardly go riding without it. Merlin stepped out of the trees dressed in the grey tunic with the sandals and the shoulder bar slung crossed over the chest.
“I am Merlin, I am a druid.” It was the first few words that he spoke to her but in his sight then was more words. He was studying her with interest. He has seen the beautiful ones from sands of Egypt to the streets of Paris and from there to the colonies to view the darker beauties. He was soon to befriend her and from there she made the request of him.
“I want to learn magic.” Ninniane asked of him one day. “It’s my only avenue of escaping this life.”
Merlin looked at her with intense workings on his mind. The short time he was with Ninniane he had learned so much of her. He did not see the royal brat there but a young budding lady with very strong passion for liberation from her current life.
“Why? Many would have …died for this opportunity to be like you. You have food and drinks, protection and above all respect by many for your rank….”
“A life seen by…no, it’s through the eyes of one which I have not seen. They saw the glamour but did they see the darker side of things. The need to be well mannered in public or seen by the eyes of the other but we crave to tear each other throat like savages. The food and drinks you saw consuming was taken from the sweat and blood of the others. And I can name more things but you will say I am just envious.”
“Well, I am. I cannot even decide my life after I had grown up.” Ninniane looked at her hands. “I need to control my own life.”
Merlin recalled his expression then was reached out for her and let her cry on his shoulder. His fingers twitched but then he couldn’t do it. He was too old for her. He was figuring the options when she rushed into his arms. It all happened so fast and before he could start a new dialogue, he was kissing her and she kissed back. It was not a forced act but everything seems to be forced.
“Why?” Merlin spoke out while his arms cuddled the lady whom he had made love to. “I could be your Uncle or …”
“Lover? I cared not. It was one thing that the others bragged on. We were told to be pure and yet are we inside of us?” Ninnane then sat up and reached for her clothes. “So will you teach me now? I have given you my gift.”

Merlin was baffled but he was soon to be her tutor in magic. 

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