Thursday, February 2, 2017

Arthur; The legend and myth Chapter 58


Guinevere was reading the book she taken from the monk. She was alone in her personal chamber. In the confines of the chamber, and with her personal time, she spent time reading the book. The book had intrigued her more and at times, she felt the relief it gave her. She knew it was forbidden but the release was worth it. Lady Elise was removed from her side by the command of Lady Igraine. The later had taken over her life. The Lady had taken to instruct Guinevere  on her manners and moves.

“Guinevere…” Morgause had then rushed into the chamber. She saw Guinevere seated there with the book on her laps but what shook Guinevere had her inner shift tucked around her midriff. Morgause paused in her words and then turned to leave. Morgause closed the door and then heaved in her breath. She was breathing in hard then like when she caught the stable hand standing there with his tunic held above his groin. It was the look of it. She stormed off and had reams of it. She knew then she will suffer the same.

It took some days before Guinevere could find the courage to approach Morgause.

“Can we speak?” Guinevere stood at the doorway of the personal chamber of Morgause. The younger lady then was in her night shift immediately grabbed the tunic from the bedding to cover herself. “I came to speak.”

Morgause looked sheepishly at her chamber as if she was looking for misplaced items. She then replied.

“Let me get dress. Please wait outside.” Guinevere respected the request for privacy and waited outside. Morgause dressed in a dark gown stepped out and motioned to Guinevere to follow her. She was led back to the chamber occupied by Morgause.

“We will speak here.” Morgause looked at Guinevere. “I will be here if only what you are telling me have any interest to me.”

“I want to tell you of what you…” Guinevere gave a weak smile at Morgause. The later had cut in with a direct request.

“I want to see the book.” Morgause spoke out. “The one you were holding then. Don’t lie to me. I have ….seen it here.”
Guinevere was reluctant then and finally she relented. She reached for the book hidden behind the shelf to pass it over. Morgause held it in her hands as if she was weighing it. She looked up at Guinevere and then spoke.

“It’s heavier than the one I read.” Morgause smiled. “Here sit with me and we can read it together.”

It was different in another chamber where Lady Igraine was having her first meal of the day when the servant told her of the visit by the Black Knight. He was to allow him in when the later barged in with the guards thrown aside.

“Lady Igraine, I am in need to talk to you alone.” The Black Knight voiced out in a controlled agitated voice while the guards have recovered to block the former. “I want to only….talk.”

The Black Knight was allowed his audience without the guards and servants. Lady Igraine did not offer a seat to the knight while she continued her meal. He removed his head gear and faced her with his urge to speak but she stopped him.

“When Pendragon was in battle, I will seat myself here holding my composure that he will walk through the doorway one more time. It’s the will of mine that he comes back but it’s his will that he does with his life intact. I could not be with him at all times but I could give in to my will. I have my own scouts there and from them the reports on his wellbeing. Every cut he had and every pain he held.” Lady Igraine lowered her hands. “I felt then those pains.”

“I know your pain, Hengist. Before you think I did not feel the pain of the loss of your son, let me tell you how I felt when my son was taken away at birth. It was like having him died not in my hands. At least yours did die in your hands.”

“Did you command their death?” Hengist asked. Lady Igraine looked at the knight.

“Would I kill? I may if needed to ensure no one disrupt my son’s inauguration but I did not kill Octa. It was …the bastard Lancelot. The Pecht woman’s son killed yours.” Lady Igraine resumed her meal. “Like how Pendragon had killed many of the others, while I sat here.”

“Please tell me the truth, Lady Igraine. Did you kill ….command the death of my son?” Hengist asked again with his anger held back.

“I am here, Hengist and you were there. Could I have killed him? And I am no more the Queen of the Lands. I am a widow of Pendragon and I hold no command to kill anyone.”

“Lancelot is your knight. He was sent back to Camelot by yourself. Just when you did for me to ensure you hold an influence in Camelot. You were not sure of Lancelot and you found me more to your preference then. Or was it two needed on the round table?”

“Your words are treacherous to the new King., Black Knight. Stay your words or you find none to speak on.” Lady Igraine glared at the knight. “I may the one that command you to look after Arthur and …Lancelot but I did not command Lancelot to kill your son. He may have done it on his own will. I heard that you humiliated him in the duel in front of his men. You disgraced your own …student then.”

“I did…I showed him the real skills of the sword. He may had been adept at it with the gladius but on the true sword he had failed.” Hengist defended his action. “It was good for him to be humble than to be dead.”

“As you had humbled my King then when you spared him death while his fellow kins died at your hands.” Lady Igraine reminded the other. “For that he gave you land and then the namesake as the Black Knight. Pendragon had not forgiven you but he was admonished of his fear then. His fear than of the kins’ will usurped him of his throne then. You did him a great favor then.”

“Just as he gave away our only son when he feared retaliation by my previous lover.” Lady Igraine then smiled. “Pendragon may be a King to you, but he was a coward at times.”

“Enough, woman. Who commanded the death of my son?” Hengist lost his patience then.

“You did when you allowed him back here.” Lady Igraine hurled back those words to Hengist. “You should had stopped the war but you let it fester with your son then retreating. You should have told him that it was time to go home but you ignored that. You let him feel defeat to….feel humbled then perhaps. He may have and took his grandfather home but he was killed on the way. Perhaps Lancelot should had been then instead of being released to serve next to you and …”

“Enough,  woman! I shall…” Hengist stepped to approach the lady but held back when she stood up to face him. She pulled at her dress top to tear it apart.

“Ravish me then as you wanted to years ago.” Lady Igraine stood there with her bosom exposed. “I saw your eyes then, Hengist. You were no better with your brother. How many of the kin of you ravished that night? You were an animal then and still is.”

“Cover yourself, woman.” Hengist stepped back and looked away. “I have …”

“You had, Hengist. You also favored me like Pendragon. Confess your sins and be cleared of the penance in your heart. I was a young lady then and with a finer body that many men had lusted after.” Lady Igraine held the dress top to cover herself. “My breasts are not as before and its milk long dried but I knew my beauty still prevailed.”

“Hengist the Black Knight, I am still your Queen. As your Queen, I will tell you once more I did not kill your son. It was done by Lancelot on his own will. However my command to you remains the same. Protect my son from the others. Lancelot in particular. I feared for the Pecht woman may reach out to my son through him.”

“Why then place Lancelot near him?” Henguist asked.

“It’s better to keep your enemy close than across the field with another army to fight you.” Lady Igraine replied. “You should had done that for Octa. Now go and leave the lady to have some privacy.”

With that Hengist took leave while Lady Igraine reached for the last piece of her meal. Her hand shook then but it held the spoon well to feed her. Her eyes then welled up in tears while she munched on her meal. It was not the first time she had fearful for her life. In fact her life was all about fear and sacrifices. Her father sent her to be the bride of Gorlois who was then a man unknown to her. She had obeyed but with Gorlois, she had no children nor was there much love between them. It was an arrangement of convenience. Soon after she was seduced by Pendragon, she had felt fear for her life if Gorlois was to know. She feared more of the child inside her body then but fate had taken on her a new path and lover but it was also the parting of her previous fear. She cried for her son but her lover spoke of more to come. Like the obedient servant, she had relented and bore him the three daughters but no more sons. She feared being cursed at but Pendragon gave her instead was love and care. It was not to last when the Anglo Saxons took him hostage. She took the courage to seek out him among those invaders, Her lover then was held at ransom when she found him. She feared for her King and protector then to seek out the leader.

“I am Lady Igraine.” The lady had stood there before the invader in his tent. “I come to seek the release of my King.”

She had not come alone but with a group of guards. The guards were relieved then and taken away. She saw them being pushed to the far side and then they were slaughtered by the others.

She was all alone.

Hengist then younger of age was dressed like the others in the fur lined clothing stared at her. He stepped up to her with his body then stench of blood and wine.

“What have you to offer me?” Hengist asked. “Your friends, guards and what else had been killed or worse taken for slavery.”

“Take me then for your own but release the King. Pendragon needs to be with his people.” Lady Igraine found the words strained but it was spoken then. “I can be yours.”

Lady Igraine then pulled her gown off the shoulders to reveal her body to the invader.

“I am of child bearing but I have …not.” Lady Igraine lied then. Hengist stood back and admired the beautiful woman before him. “I will be …”

“There are others like you and why should you be the exception?” Hengist replied in words of sarcasm but his body revealed otherwise.

“Because I am a Queen. Have you lain with a Queen? And not some bitches of waiting or servants of the court.” Lady Igraine challenged him. “Can you make a Queen screamed in pleasure or are you inadequate for it?”

It was a challenge to the invader who sprang forth to grab her right breast with his hand. He squeezed hard and caused her called out but she held her scream back. He glared at her and then released his hand. He turned to walk back before he spoke

“Get dressed, Queen. Your King is to be released today. Hold him in your arms and rejoiced in his love. He had earned his release.” Hengist replied without turning back. It was only late did Lady Igraine knew how Pendragon had secured his release. Her sacrifice would have been in vain regardless.

Lady Igraine then spat the last morsel of pastry from her mouth. She felt then the weight on her shoulders were never lifted even though she was no longer the Queen. She had yet to pass the task over.

“Servants, bring me Guinevere. “ Lady Igraine called out after she pulled the rope to signal the servants. “And bring me my wine.” 

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