Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Tweet...tweet...I woke up into 2017

Funny as I was never one to holler Happy New Year every time the clock passed the hour of midnight. Most times I was asleep ( and maybe on some earlier years had some one nuzzled on my arm ) and I hardly noticed the year passed by. If I did then it would had been 'coitus de destructive'. My wife's words for it was 'he never came on time'.

Oops! That was not the Enid Blyton ending.

I do however knew that each morning I wake up its another day be it whether Woodstock was in play or there was nothing to Trump on about the President. Most days, I am thankful for another breath of air; fresh, musky, or recycled (we all breath recycled air anyway. ). I am ever thankful I could still see the new day.

Pardon me if I sounded unworthy of the 'new year' but each day brought me a few constant conditions;

I am alive for one, I may still fear the dangers that I may encountered like a falling asteroid debris on my head thus rendering me into an antiquated droid without the vocal sounds. Or bumping into a group of zombies out of work given that the list of movies and TV series are now depleted except for one which is 'Walking Dead'.

I may find something new to look at with my sight; perhaps new wrinkles in my ex-girl friends which I may bumped at the mall ( no, I am not a stalker but I do patronize the mall where I knew they worked ) or a new girl on the block ( at my age, you will know who is new and ...past the looks. ) Trust me which I always tell my wife beside me, I am just evaluating the options for my son who will soon be on the lookout. It's like the Captain of the ship looking out for the First Mate. Most times she entertained me on that or she will be the vengeful Spanish Armada pursuing me in my skiff to the safety.

One other condition of living life were my meals' that they are laden with meat based protein ever since I read that article at age of nine that protein does wonders to Man. I did held back on the bull testicles and dongle. Or the succulent end of the turkey. I would had served myself powdered monkey pouches but the one I saw behind the cage at the zoo jeered at me as if we were comparing pee wee then. It turned me off. My dad should have told me that you can't compare to the Orang Utan when you are still a peewee smaller at the age of nine.

One main condition for living are my dreams. I have them since five then I was with my Dad to watch those movies. He will take me on the bicycle and pedal to this huge cinemas then. I will sit on his lap for it was cheaper then, and craned your neck to match the spine. There were many movies then from 'Kelly Heroes' to "Captain Apache' or James Bond in 'Doctor No' ( who cares about the lady who stepped out of the waves, I was more keen on the dragon then. ) and even 'The Longest Day'. The last one both Dad and myself got soaked in the rain, and later we sleeping side by side with warm towels on the foreheads. But at the end of each movie, the dreams came on. It was great to be with him then, and God Bless him we will do it one day again. Maybe watching "Heavens can wait'.

I have to admit that I viewed every day as a day to live. We will never know if someone may not be there anymore but when I could I try live it one more day with those who are then. And with that, I wished everyone Happy New Day if you have just woken up. If you are going to sleep, then Happy Tomorrow for you.

Cheers for they are always wonderful days in our life.

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