Saturday, January 28, 2017

Arthu: The legand and Myth Chapter 55


Arthur halted the army then. He saw the city and saw those which laid the siege there. He was late to arrive and that allowed the invaders to regroup there. The siege lines were deep with the columns camped there and blocking all aids to the city. The moat of the city was breached and the main walls were down

“Arthur, the city is still intact.” Percival was beside Arthur then. “I can see the fires are outside of the inner walls but they need us to reinforce them.”

Arthur saw the battle and knew that the city could only hold on for then for a matter of hours or days. It was not like the City of Legion with its high walls. He was to issue the command to attack when he was distracted by the figure holding the horse reins.

 “Salvation is here? Are you our salvation?” Arthur was surprised by the figure that had reached him passed the guards and knights. It was as he had whisked himself past the lines and appeared before Arthur. “We are in need of salvation.”

Two knights reached out to hold the figure who was dressed in the ragged clothes but the figure evaded their hands and then pulled away but he was stop by Percival with a restraint hold.

“Unhand me please. “ The figure pleaded. “I need to get the King’s help. I can’t go back without his help.”

It was then Arthur dismounted and approached the man. He asked the man to speak.

“I am Ambrose son of the trader Ambrocia. The city was the edge of the border and we been for ages a place of meets. There were many and none harbored any hatred then until the invaders took their plans into the works. Initially we were spared and even the passing invaders had not come to our walls.” Ambrose then looked to the city. “My father is holding them together. He was the one who warned them when the invasion began but he was looked as being mad or envious of the peace there. He worked his way to the ones who will believe him but the attack came earlier than expected. King Arthur had fought them across the land and they were driven to us.”

“Our city was once a haven to them but in their desperation to gather all they could in more drove them to attack us.” Ambrose continued on as he had then approached Arthur but was stopped by the knights. Ambrose looked to the knights with surprise.

“He is my King. Why can’t I approach him? I had come so far to seek his help.” Ambrose looked at them with his teary eyes. “I lost my family in there. Have you ever seen your child died from the wounds of the sword?”

Arthur waved the knights off and approached the figure from Badon. He stood before him while he continued on

“We were not prepared; we were peaceful but the slaughter began. The ones outside was hit first and then they past the walls but thankfully, one of the believers was the knight that fought them there and regained our walls. Then it became a siege which we were not prepared for. The brave and bold fought but they were outnumbered. My father rallied the others to the walls and we piled the bodies there to make it appear that we were still many but the dead could not fight. We stayed on and fought but sooner then we moved back to the inner walls. The invaders came in over the walls but they did not attack us. They negotiated with father on their terms and we agreed. We gave them the treasures and supplies but they reneged to remain there. Soon we were under a siege that was constricting us in the smaller space with no supplies. Some of us went out to negotiate but were taken as captives. They were killed later in most vile manner.”

“How did you escape here?” Percival asked before he strode next to Arthur with his eyes set on the figure.

“I… I did not escape, King Arthur. I was released by the invaders.” Ambrose spoke out in a clear manner. “I was released to tell you of this tale. I was released to …kill you.”

With that Ambrose rushed at Arthur with the dagger hidden in the ragged clothes. The dagger struck him in the chest but the chest plate there deflected the thrust. The dagger cut into Arthur’s left arm but then Percival had pulled Ambrose off and pushed him to the side. He was then held down by the other knights but Arthur stopped them from killing the assassin.

“Your tale was good and made it to my side.” Arthur confronted the other. “Who are you? The real you.”

“I am Ambrose but I am not Briton. I am Anglo Saxon and I regretted not killing you.” Ambrose replied. “I have failed my King.”

“Who is your King?” Arthur asked. A voice next to him told him.

“He is Octa my son.” The Black Knight told Arthur. He then removed his head cover. “The son of Hengist.”

All the eyes there turned to Hengist. They have not really seen that coming but few knew of Hengist birth. Sir Kay was the first to charge at him but Lancelot there had blocked the other.

“He is their’.” Sir Kay bellowed out. “I never trusted him before and won’t now.”

“Back off, Sir Kay. Hengist…The Black Knight is one of …ours.” Lancelot held his grip tight on his sword. “Let him speak”

“I did not know until recently. Octa is my son and he leads them. He is with the surviving Bear Head leader that you missed.” Hengist glared at Sir Kay. “Octa is with my father.”

“So the venom ran deep in your family.” Sir Kay lashed out. “Why are you here then? Join your family as you did years ago to murder the kins of Pendragon. And how you stole his lands.”

Hengist then reached for his sword but it Percival who stopped him.

“Don’t be a fool. You are outnumbered here.” Percival gripped the other at the right hand holding the hilt of the sword. “The real enemy is there.”

Hengist relaxed his grip and then looked at Arthur.

“I have repented on my past and am loyal to Pendragon and to you, Arthur.” Hengist told Arthur then. Arthur turned his back and mounted his horse. He then turned to the knights holding Ambrose.

“Turn him loose. If he is to be killed, then it will be in the battle to come.” With that Arthur ordered the columns of his to form the lineup for attack. He was without the Cataphracts then but the knights will suffice. And his foot soldiers to be the pillar of his attack.

“I want fifty knights to ride with me alongside my round table knights.” Arthur rode down the line and then he called out to them with his arm raised holding the shield with the cross on it.

“Behold I have with me God and the sword I hold is Sword in the Stone.”

The mention of he sword stunned the assembled. Many of them had seen the sword carried by Arthur and they have never questioned it. Lancelot heard the name and was surprised. He had thought his was the unique one and the others like many before it missing or destroyed.

“Sword in the Stone? I can’t believe it…” Lancelot mumbled but his voice was heard by Gaheris.

“Believe it or not, I think we got a battle to to fight.” Gaheris words then was cut off by the shout by Arthur.

“We will break through to the city. Ride with me. Ride with God. Believe in God and he will bless you all as Badon had held its faith among those who dwelled there and with their faith that they will be saved by us.”

The knights paced forward but Arthur had ridden ahead with his round table knights. Among them was Hengist once again the Black Knight with the head cover over his face. Percival rode next to him but Sir Kay had slowed to the rear. The later then whispered to Lamorak who was his close friend.

“I have my eyes on him. He cannot be trusted.”

Arthur had his knights formed line then and counted the numbers. There were a hundred of them with their shields and swords. He then looked at the invaders at the outside of the walls. The invaders have formed up with their numbers to challenge Arthur. He saw that his knights were outnumbered by three to one but the later were an assortment of warriors with no single leader there. He saw among them were the Scots and the Picts but the Anglo Saxon made the biggest faction there.

“Ride with me, knights.” Arthur called out after he brief the round table knights of the plan and they to the other knights. Once that was done, the assembled then rode out. The knights when riding out formed into a column of nine riders and then the similar number made the rows behind. They were forming a tetsudo formation similar to the Roman’s formation.

“Strength in number, force in the formation.” Arthur muttered to himself before he kicked the horse to pick up pace. 

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