Saturday, January 21, 2017

Arthur; The legend and Myth Chapter 52


Arthur stood there at the flap of his tent and stared into the setting sun. The war had lasted then over a moon and the string of battles had been lengthy from Dubla and through the Caledonian Forest where they chased and battled the survivors of the Dubla battle. The Earl had taken his war across the lands and they were to meet at the next designated battle place at Guinnion Fort.

“Arthur, I can see your army is taken apart by the enemies.” The Earl had seen Arthur’s army camped at the tree lines. “I checked my own. We lost some but we are still strong. The Cataphracts also suffered some losses but they are stronger than yours.”

Arthur knew where the conversation was headed. The Earl had fought on the battles where his army was more superior or odds favored them. More to it, the Ear have taken his loot on the defeated with the huge numbers of captives retained as slaves. Arthur knew then that he was unable to question the Earl but focused on winning the war.

“Arthur, I want to discuss with you on our alliance. I have lost my people…” Arthur interrupted the other and walked out of the tent. The Earl hollered after him but Arthur was past listening. The later walked to his knights which were cleaning their weapons for the next battle. He himself had cleaned his own sword many a times and it concerns him then that the sword in the stone was not as described by the lips of Man. The blade on the sword had chipped in several places which said little of the value in it. He had wanted to ask Merlin but the battles have kept him distracted. He then saw Sir Kay approaching him swinging the sword.

“Arthur, why are we doing the kill and those metal knights only moved in later?” Sir Kay let off this grieve then at Arthur. “I thought we are all in the same side.”

Arthur ignored the knight and approached the seated knights cleaning the swords. He enquired on their wellbeing and was given a rousing reply.

“We are well, my King. We will win this war.” Arthur was relieved at the morale and then he moved on. It was during the walk, he saw Lisanor at the distance. He had his eyes on Lisanor but she had ignored his presence. He recalled his first attempt to see her after the sudden appearance with the Earl. He had visited her at the tent and admitted himself. He found himself staring at the familiar back view of the lady. She felt a presence and turned.

“How dare you come in without telling?” Lisanor dropped the inner wear over her nude body. “Arthur of ….whatever, I am appalled by your …”

Arthur tried to approach her but she backed off. She grabbed a dagger hung on the stand nearby.

“Stand any closer and I will stab you with this.” Lisanor waved the dagger at Arthur. “Why are you here? You were not there when I needed you. When your son was born you were not there. When your son was sent off where were you?”
“Son?” Arthur was upset. “Where is my son?”

Lisanor turned her face away. Arthur pained by the knowledge and then explained himself.

“I did not know. We were told to …not to come to your father’s land. The Legate had an arrangement with the Earl that he will not interfere in the land. Your father was managing the rebels there. I could not go there.”

“Lies! I will not hear you.” Lisanor held out her hand at him. “Leave now…Please leave me, King Arthur.”

Those last words irked Arthur to be called the King. He felt then the name was a curse than a blessing. He left her that moment and never attempted to see her. That was a lie for he was constantly watching her from afar but she was also protected by the knights provided by the Earl. He then moved to find out who can tell him about his unknown son. He worked on the one person that was known to him.

“Baron Rueben, may I have an audience with you?” Arthur approached the leader of the Cataphracts. Although they have been together in the battles but their conversation was limited to giving commands and receiving commands. The Baron was busy looking out for Lisanor. Both of them had retired to a quiet corner and it was the Baron who started off the conversation.

“If its Lisanor, then I have little to add…” Baron Rueben stated his stand then. Arthur was taken aback by the comment and then he got to know more. “When you left her, she was ashamed and bitter at the same time. She fought with her family to keep the child. She left the castle and ….sought refuge at mine. I had to stand in her defense and was almost exiled but the Earl saw sense towards the daughter.”

“How was my son?” Arthur found the words shallow in his voice but he wanted to know.

“He knows not who the father if that was your question. I was sworn not to tell and Lohort….that is his name lived at my place. He is comfortable there.”

“Did you…No, I meant to say thank you. I do appreciate you in taking care of them.” Arthur stammered on his words and the Baron replied in a low tone.

“I know Lisanor loves you still but you are not for her. Not anymore.” Baron Reuben stated it clearly to Arthur. “She needed a new life. Or one without you.”

With that Baron Rueben ended the conversation and walked away. Arthur was silent then and took his walk back to his tent. He was stopped at the tent entrance by the hurried Percival.

“Arthur, we are saved. A column of army approached us. They are led by Sir Bedivere with the banner of Camelot. The column is of knights and foot soldiers.” Percival reported. “I saw the druid too. I am sure he was the one who did it.”

The column rallied under the name of Lady Igraine was six thousand strong with five hundred knights. Sir Bedivere was a knight under Pendragon and with his bearded looks, he was proud of his Welsh heritage. He was named after his grandfather who was killed in a Roman battle then. The surviving Bedivere had sworn against the Romans but he held more respect to the lady of his Lord. He had agreed to reinforce Arthur despite the later having being a Centurion. It was the words of Lady Igraine that swayed his anger.

“Arthur is not a Roman. He is a son of Wales and like the few of them they were forced to serve Rome. Now that they are free of the servitude, they loyalty lies with Wales as in their blood.” With those words, Bedivere took the task and led the column to relief the uncrowned King then.

“Arthur, my King.” Bedivere addressed the Arthur. “I hold a gift for you from Lady Igraine.”

The gift was an oblong shield that measured two feet across and three feet in length with the cross drawn on it and the lions on the both sides.

“The lady spoke highly of you and wanted you to hold the symbol of our Lord as in our belief to remove the pagan worshippers.” Bedivere prostrated before Arthur when he handed the shield over.  Arthur reached for the shield and placed it over his left arm. It fitted his lower arm and felt light to his touch. He thanked the knight and offered him a place with the round table knights.

“Arthur, we need to talk.” The druid had approached Arthur. “Time is of essence.”

Arthur was then led by the druid into the forest far from the army he commanded. He found himself led without an argument as if he was bewitched. The duo rode travelled deep into forest and Arthur was sure he had seen the trees and bushes moved to open a path for them while the forest creatures stayed away at their hideouts or sounded their arrival ahead. He soon came to a lake that was wide and reached far into the other side with the roots of the trees that reached the lake water at the edges. The place where Arthur stood with Merlin was a small clearing with a ring of trees offering them the seclusion of privacy.

“Merlin, did the trees move?” Arthur asked of the druid but the later had dismounted to approach the lake waters. Arthur did the same and stood by the druid. The druid stepped into the lake until the water reached his knees and then he started calling out in the ancient verses. It was then Arthur saw the swirling on the lake surface as if there was something coming out. It resembled what may be seen as small whirlpool and then the water parted for a head to emerge. The head soon revealed its upper body clothed in the whitish materials that may had been a coating of mucus or something of the same. The figure was a lady with the long white tresses of hair that reached far below her back to the thighs and her eyes were of green shades with the lips of pale shade.

“Who…” Arthur was never a believer of the arts was startled then but the druid held out his arm as if to welcome the figure from the lake.

“Ninianne, you have travelled far.” Merlin spoke to the whitish pale figure. “I am obliged. How is your Mistress of the Lake?”

“None so for the one who was my master.” The figure replied. “I see you are well Master Merlin.”

“I am fine, Ninianne. How fares your sister, Viviane?” Merlin asked then with his interest on one other.

“I should be sad that you chose to ask of her when it’s me who had come to see you.” Ninianne replied. ”I however cannot ignore you calling for her. Never the concern I have taken the spell of forgiveness for the both of you. She is well although you may understand the scorn of the lady held more fury than the combined fires of Hades.”

Merlin sighed then for he had done wrong then and that was his penance for it. It was Ninianne who came to the reason for his call as the Lady in the Lake

“Is that Arthur who had removed the sword from the stone?” Ninniane motioned to Arthur. She then spoke to Arthur. “Your achievement was remarkable though what you wield maybe ordinary but the feat was extra ordinary.”

“Ninniane, Arthur knows naught of what we knew.” Merlin looked at the figure from the lake. “He has proven himself to be worthy of the true treasure placed by you.”

“Don’t tempt me, Master. I may be once your….apprentice but my role had been enhanced with my current standing. Excalibur finds its own master and not for me to dictate. And not you either.” Ninniane reminded the other. ”We are not the servants of the lake or its master. We are just its keeper’s servants.”

“Give me your sword, Arthur.” Ninniance asked of the other. “If you are truly the one then Excalibur will appeared to you.”

“Excalibur?” Arthur looked at Merlin. He recalled that Excalibur was with the people of Bedyr and yet then they were far from the place where the Bedyr resided.

“Arthur, I lied to bring you to Bedyr which have now become Camelot. The real Bedyr is in you as Camelot is your castle. Behold the truth, Ninniane is the holder of Excalibur.” 

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