Sunday, January 15, 2017

Arthur: The Legend and Myth Chapter 48


The sight of Camelot was relived for Lancelot when he reached the plains that were before the castle. He could feel the knights that were in the task also heaving with relief. Since the battle with the hounds, the knights have been tensed and so were the foot soldiers. He then saw the column approaching him.

The banner was Arthur’s.

“Lancelot, is that the lady you were to fetch?” Arthur approached him and without a formality or welcome had asked for the lady. Lancelot nodded and then pushed his horse aside. Arthur rode to the carriage and addressed the lady there.

“My King, I am Lady Elise.” The bosomy lady appeared before the carriage opening. “Lady Guinevere is not suitable to meet you now.”

“I understand.” King Arthur did a slight bow to the lady. “I am not here to intrude on the lady but to escort her to the castle for her safety.”

“Safety? Is not the earlier column enough for her?” Lady Elise asked with a sarcastic tone. “Surely the knights of Camelot are warriors and not some whimsical farmer.”

:No, my lady. They are warriors but we are facing a bigger force.” King Arthur replied. “The Anglo Saxons are back.”

Arthur then turned to approach Lancelot. He told the later that they were to ride for Camelot then.

“The extra column will assist the ladies there.” With that Lancelot rode off with Arthur and was later to be seated at the round table. There was one more new figure on the round table.

“Hello Lancelot. We meet again.” The Black Knight greeted the other. Lancelot reached for his sword but Arthur stopped him and then took the seat before the table.

“We will all respect the round table. All seated here are allies and hold no grudge against each other. We are all for one and one for all. Right now we have to be all for one in battle against the Anglo Saxons. They appeared on our lands once more.” Arthur glared at Lancelot and then he continued. “The Anglo Saxons have plagued us for such a long time with their raids and worse of all, occupied our lands.”

“What of…” Lancelot snapped out at the Black Knight but was cut off by Arthur.

“Among us all, there are some who were claimed to be the blood of the Anglo Saxons. I was  one too. The village of Bedyr have them as settlers too but they are no more Anglo Saxons as I am no more a Roman Legionnaire. However I will ask all seated to take a vow before me and with me before God that we will protect this land from all that is the enemy. Be it the Anglo Saxons, the Picts and even the Normans.”

“And even the Romans.” The voiced belonged to Gaheris. His statement was watched by all at the table but Arthur soon attest to it.

“And even the Romans. We shall fight them as one and if need be die as one.” Arthur looked at the ones seated there. The consents rang loud in the hall that day. Arthur smiled at the agreement of the knights at the round table and then turned to describe the threat posed by the Anglo Saxons.

“We thought that we had them defeated when we removed the Bear heads leaders….” Arthur was interrupted then.
“One escaped if you recalled I told you.” Sir Kay replied. “He was never found.”

Arthur glared at the other for disrupting his delivered words then. He looked back at the others and continued.

“Even if one of them survived, he must have been a greater leader than we thought. As I speak, my scouts told me that Anglo Saxons are once more on our land. They are led not a Bear head leader but of another.” Arthur looked towards the Black Knight. “His name unknown to us but he have done not one but several raids. As I speak again here, the Anglo Saxons are being reinforced by the other clans and their numbers held big in the columns.”

“How many are there? Could it be a thousand or five thousands of them? We have more among us and the allies.” Sir Kay again displayed his arrogance towards Arthur.

Arthur shook his head before he replied.

“Our numbers are that great given that most of our allies like King Lot having withdrawn their forces to their own land. Most of the smaller Lords have also retained their own for the safety of their own lands.” Arthur sighed. He was the King but his stay as one was not long and thus lack the influence to garner the level of support needed.

“You are the King..” Sir Kay hit out again but he was quiet down by Percival who tapped the other on the left shoulder.

“I am the King. And even as a King, I have to …able to raise an army but to do so, I needed …a say that they will not reject me. I am still not the King that Pendragon was.” Arthur then sadly missed the days when he was in the Legion where the commands fof the Centurion was never questioned. He could lead several cohorts into battle but then he had the Eagle banner to rally to. In Camelot, he held nothing of such.

“You needed a symbol, Arthur.” Percival read his concern. “In the Legion, we have our Eagle but here …”
“We have something that could be called on.” It was the voice of Lancelot. He stood up and then explained. “The enemies are non-believers. They worshipped the pagans. Carved figures from the stones. Our people are believers. We hold Him in our heart and mind. We whispered His name in our prayers. We …”

“Pagans, God, Cross and … I am no believer and if I am to be, it will be my sword.” Sir Kay again displayed his arrogance. “I have seen many warriors prayed to their Gods before the duels. Not all of them got the blessing they wanted but the skillful fighter returns to fight another day.”

“Maybe they did not pray for the win but the swift death when it’s needed. No one wants to look at the spilled innards before taking the last breath. I much prefer mine to be swift,” Lamorak spoke out in fear. Percival looked to the one who had served with him.

“I am of late been listening to the words of the believers. I am for one now. I do my prayers daily and in remembrance of Him in my prayers. He guide me in my life now. He is also in my skills.” Lancelot confessed. “I hold this near to my chest.”

Lancelot removed the miniature cross given to him by the friar and since then have been his mentor. Friar Tuck have also travelled to Camelot with the lady.

“We need to have Him with us in our battles.”

“If I may suggest.” The Black Knight spoke from his seat. “I am a believer too. The symbol we carry close to our hearts can be that symbol. I have it on my shield and armor.”

Arthur stared at the knight who had spoken of the cross as the symbol. He himself had not used any symbol on his armor or shield. He had thought that the sword he carried was the symbol of his ascension. After all, it was the sword in the stone. Many have tried to remove it but only he had successfully done it. He looked at Lancelot and recalled the one that the other held. He was then in doubt on his and called for the discussion to be held the next day. He took leave of the hall but was stopped by Lancelot.

“Arthur, of whom I have brought to you. Are you going to see her?” Lancelot found himself stumbling in his words. He had felt that Guinevere was not given the proper welcome when Arthur pulled him off the column.

“Yes, I am. It’s just that Anglo Saxon had taken precedent over her. I will see when I am …prepared.” Arthur replied before he took off on his own path. Lancelot left standing there was feeling uneasy of it and rushed off to meet the ladies. He was soon dismayed to hear that the ladies were not there but redirected to the castle of Pendragon.

“On whose orders were those?” Lancelot questioned the servant.

“The King himself.”

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