Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Arthur: The legend and myth Chapter 53


 If there was a tale to describe Excalibur the Sword and its significance to the legends. The weapons of the legendary figures were always alike the symbol of their power. Since ancient times, the list of swords that considered as legendary from the sword of Ogier, the Caladbolg by Irish legend Cu’Chulainn to the Muses that belonged to Perseus or the Thetis given to Achilles. The swords mentioned here are made by craftsman be if the elves to the dwarfs or even the giants that once roamed the lands. The strength of these fabled swords were either the powers it endowed on the wielder or its intricate designs to the hardness and sharpness of the blade. Even the fables may speak of the blade was able to kill demons and other mythical beings.

There was one exception in Excalibur.

It was handed to Arthur from a hand that appeared from the lake.

“Behold Excalibur.” Arthur saw the hand appeared out with the new sword. “The keeper of the lakes bestowed to you this sword.”

Arthur reached out and took hold of it. It had the same feel as his previous sword but the new one named Excalibur was different in many areas. Its blade was whitish in the shades with no reflection of the sunlight but the surface gleamed as if it was polished with something smoother. The hilt was golden in its material and with the handle bounded by the green strips that lent grip to the fingers. At the top of the hilt was a translucent small orb that was set there. The orb was shimmering as if it was alive inside.

“Behold the scabbard that will protect both the sword and its handler.” Lady Ninniane motioned to the next item handed by the same hand that reached into the lake water to withdraw then. “The sword needs to be sheath when not in use for once it’s drawn it sought the blood of the enemies. When it’s returned to the scabbard, it cleanse off the blood stains to retain its pure form.”

“There are rules to the sword. None may hold it except yourself. If the sword is used by another, it will weaken the unwanted wielder.” Ninniane advised Arthur. “It must be returned to an area where there is a lake, and the name Excalibur spoken out once and the hand will ask for it.”

“Wield it with greatness, King Arthur.” With that the servant of the Lady from the Lake disappeared into the lake water. Once the lady figure had disappeared into the lake, the water in the lake began bubbling and then it dried up with the once lake bottom surface covered with trees and bushes as if there was no lake there.

“Arthur, you are now worthy to be the King. Ride with the army and win the war.” Merlin told Arthur.

“No, you told me that the Bedyr has it. Why here?” The later still baffled by what he had seen stared at the sword in his hands. That was the only thing that made sense to his mind then.

“Your questions will be answered soon but you need to be Excalibur’s sword.” Merlin backed up and then walked away. He turned to wave his arms without glancing back. Arthur could not recalled much after that for next he knew he was back at the camp with his army restored to full strength but the call for battle was heard. He stored Excalibur with his belongings then and marched with his faithful sword from the stone.

“The City of Legion beckoned us. They are under the threat of the invaders.”

The city was built by King Belinus who had then sacked Rome with the Gauls in the days before. The then King named Belinus and his brother Brennius had returned to the land with their loot. He had used the loot to restore the ailing cities and one notable city he build by the river bank of Usk, near to the Severn Sea and named it Kaerusc. When the Romans took the land, they renamed the city to the City of Legion for it housed the Roman Legion there with the iron fort standing guard on the area.

“The City is a real design by the best of the city with a fort there.” Arthur stood there looking at the iron fort which was situated in the city. It housed a huge population and impressive cathedrals. The Earl was standing next to Arthur with his expression frowned.

“They have laid a siege there.” The Earl was motioning to the Anglo Saxons with the Scots there. It was a thin column but they had the city covered. The issue then was the city was without any army there. The Roman legions have withdrawn with the nobles but the local militia took over. They were not a force to challenge the invaders but they reacted fast to avoid the overrun and thus the siege had taken place.

“We will attack them now.” The Earl wanted to attack then after seeing the odds was in his favor. “They are on the outside and we can do it.”

Arthur was to protest but the Earl had ridden out to his army. It happened so fast then and before Arthur could gave the command, the Earl army had moved towards the city. Arthur saw the Cataphracts were sent in as the fore force. The heavy knights slow in the pace with their armors charged into the invaders. They tore into the invaders line like a rolling boulder. The heavy knights were trained to move in groups using their strength to push the invaders back. Their mass included the armored horses trained to use their hoofs to trample the enemies or their heavy rumps to push the enemies off while the armor plates absorb the blows. When the invaders were focused on the Cataphracts, the foot soldiers following as the next wave came in with their huge numbers to attack the invaders. They were the charged force to push for wider breach in the lineup made by the Cataphracts. Just then the knights came in not only to pick at the one that was escaping but to push them back into the main battle. It was all a good strategy when your numbers are more. The battle was fierce and the invaders moved by the waves of the Earl’s army then had opened a gap on the front gates to the city. Arthur saw it and gave the command then.

“We will reinforce the city now.” That was a timely move for the city was welcoming the uncrowned King then. He had the city lifted from the siege and then manned the walls. The people in the city cheered the newly arrived reinforcement and later joined them in the battle outside the walls.

It was soon over but it became Arthur’s victory.

A victory which Arthur did not get to celebrate for there was a dual tragedy.

“Lisanor was to be here. She came here because of you.” Earl Sevain stared at Arthur but the later was looking at the laid body of the deceased. “She was found by Baron Rueben in the battle. She had rushed into the fight and was challenged by the warrior. The later was armed with a hammer but he was a huge figure. He had no finesse in the skills but his frame was intimidating. Lisanor leveled her sword and thrust it deep into the invader but the force of the attack forced Lisanor to collapse backwards. She tried to push the huge frame off but the other was not dead yet. Lisanor panicked but the warrior had her pinned down. She then screamed like any ordinary lady and she paid the price for attracting the attention.

The blow came from the hammer that broke her face.

“Yah!” That was the battle cry of the killer who had smash Lisanor’s face soon.

“She loved you.” Earl Sevain glared at Arthur and then he stomped his feet to state his other grievance. “I came to you in good faith and you betrayed me.”

Arthur looked at the Earl trying to work out the issue. He was then told the second grievance.

“You stole my victory at the City.” Earl Sevain accused Arthur. “You rode in while I was battling the invaders.”
Arthur was to reply but the Earl had departed. A moment later, Arthur saw the Earl withdraw his army to return back to their land.

Arthur was once again alone but his army was completed with the reinforcements. The news of the reinforcement by Lady Igraine had then spurred on others to join in the war. It was then Arthur received a surprise visit from an old acquaintance.

“Aron of the Legion.” The voice roared from the rear of Arthur. “I thought you left with the Legion.”

Arthur turned to look and then he himself roared off with delight.

“Cai of Caer Goch.” Arthur was never glad to see the other who was one head taller than Arthur. “You are still growing taller. What did they feed you there?”

“Nothing but the best, and here they are.” The newly arrived guest showed the column that came with him; on hundred knights and five hundred foot soldiers. “We are here for you, King Arthur.”

And the feast began.

"Nine nights and nine days his breath lasted under water, nine nights and nine days would he be without sleep. A wound from Cai's sword no physician might heal. When it pleased him, he would be as tall as the tallest tree in the forest. When the rain was heaviest, whatever he held in his hand would be dry for a handbreadth before and behind, because of the greatness of his heat, and, when his companions were coldest, he would be as fuel for them to light a fire".

Arthur laughed out till he keeled over spilling his drink with Cai. The later was one that not expected by Arthur but he was relieved the other was there.  Arthur excused himself to seat by the far corner. The praising bard song that both of them croaked with their daft ears to rhymes was carried through with the strength of the fermented drinks and an inviting audience equally drunk in them.  It was the victory and new reinforcement, Arthur had then called for a break to celebrate with friends.

“How did you know him?” Arthur found himself asked by Sir Kay who was then hovering between clear mind and weaker knees. Arthur then relate the tale of his with the tall brute that he found kinship with.

“Cai was the eldest son of Cynyr Ceinfarfog. He was always tall and we were close when I met him when I was just a Centurion. We did not fight over many things but we shared many fights together but Cai was not all about his fighting. He was an enchanting person when he is in front of the damsels.” Arthur slurred out his words when the fermented drinks drowned his mind. “And Cai was a true believer of God unlike me.” 

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