Monday, January 9, 2017

Arthur; The legend and myth Chapter 45


Lancelot kicked at his horse to move its hoofs to climb the hill that will one fo the many he had done on his way back to Camelot. His twenty knights were behind him in their column formation and within that column were two wagons and a carriage. He was escorting the Lady Guinevere to Camelot for her wedding to the King. The column was reinforced with fifty foot soldiers who were assigned by the Duke for the ladies safety.

There was one who had joined then and it was he who rode besides Lancelot.

“I have never been to Camelot. I was however been to Pendragon castle.” Blackthorn asked the other.” Is it grand like the one I had visited?”

“Camelot? It’s a great castle by the sea and overlooking…” Lancelot words were cut off by the servant who ran on to meet them.

“Sire, the lady is unwell. She requested a stop to rest.” The man servant told Lancelot. The later agreed to a stop at the nearby tree lines and then set up the sentries posts. The carriage and the wagons were drawn to the tree lines and it occupants allowed to rest. The knights and foot soldiers were camped at a distance to allow a discreet distance from the ladies.

“I think the ladies need a proper rest area like a home.” Blackthorn voiced his suggestion. “They have been living it rough for three nights now.”

Lancelot nodded and sent the scouts to locate a suitable abode for them. Soon one of the scouts returned to report of an old monastery over the hill. Orders were then given and the column marched there.

“Sire, I am afraid that this humble abode cannot house all of you.” The one who spoke was friar that managed the place. “I am alone but the sanctuary of the place cannot be intruded.”

The old monastery held a low wall around it with the main building and its high shadow with the sun on its back. To the right of the main building was the stable and then to the left was kitchen. At the rear of the monastery was the vegetable garden.

“I can assure you that it’s not us who are in need of a shelter but the ladies. They are tired and the rest with a roof over their head will restore their souls.” Blackthorn made the request. “I am sure the patron of the Monastery will not turn away the needs of theirs.”

“We have not much to spare in food but the gentle bedding may be arranged. Get the ladies to follow me and all can be done.” The friar beckoned to the ladies. “I am called Friar Tuck by name and you may call on me when its needed.”
Just before Friar Tuck turned to go he glanced over at Lancelot.

“Sir Lancelot, if you are not mindful. The stables there held some comfortable hay for bedding.” Friar Tuck smiled. “We are mindful of the company of our other guests and it will not be appropriate for you to be housed under one roof. However, for an esteemed person like yourself a shelter will be there albeit it may lack a fireplace.”

“Far out here, your exploits are known too.” Friar Tuck explained when he saw the surprised look on the knight. “The almighty does not always appear in our visions, but we held also the visions from the traders and wayfarers.”

The resting arrangements were agreed and the weary knights took their respective spots. The ladies were offered the sleeping quarters of the monks which were a bare fittings there with the straw bedding and the solitary table with chair but there were stacks of scrolls and books. Friar Tuck saw the ladies looking at the bounded volumes and explained himself.

“This is the treasure of the place. The three of us were drawn to here and from here, we have spent hours reading.” Friar Tuck told the ladies. “There are many things that were written but somehow forgotten by the tongue.”

Guinevere ever keen to read reached for the volumes, She took glances through the pages on it and was wondered by the contents. The volumes were written in Latin and it spoke of a wide topic from the evolution of Man to the reading of the stars.

“Blasphemy!” Lady Elise tossed the volume away. “This should not be destroyed and left to the minds of the youngers.”
Friar Tuck stooped down to pick the volume that was tossed. He shook off the dusts on the pages and then replaced it on a nearby stack.  He then turned to the ladies.

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” The friar quoted from the words of Plato. He was directing at the lady caretaker which in return gave him the scornful look.

“And to you, the ladies are in need of space and rest so please removed yourself.” Lady Elise hit back with her plain words. With that Friar Tuck took leave of the ladies then. He soon met Lancelot at the hall. The later was holding the cat-o-tail whip by the altar. Lancelot had taken the meal served by the friars there and was spending time at the hall.

“It’s used for flagellant purpose.” The friar saw the queried expression on Lancelot and explained more. “It’s an old practice of the believers from Rome to the far dry lands of the Pharoah.  In our land, the monks do it too. You must had seen it in some places where the flogging is done at the public square as a sign of self-mortification. It’s a form of self discipline. Our Lord as in the almighty went through on Good Friday. There is merits in suffering and whipping is a way to connect to Him.”

“You for instance can find peace with it. I know of your plight from Arthur when you were defeated by the Black Knight. A defeat which made you unworthy to serve the Arthur then but on you return as the knight under the patronage of Lord Pendragon, you have felt redemption was there.”

“I did not flee from Arthur but I was shamed by the Black Knight. He had defeated me with ease ….in front of my knights.” Lancelot snapped out. “I was ashamed… then.”

“A shame which you carried till today. You rode with the knights of Pendragon own instead of the ones that were recruited by Arthur. You refused to seat yourself with them on the round table and shies away from the talks. You isolated yourself when you left the Legion. Why do you do that, Lancelot?” Friar Tuck spoke out in anger.

“You are not ashamed of the defeat. You are ashamed because of your pride. Just as when you left the Legion, you were no more a leader. You join Arthur out of your pride to prove yourself.  You are lost, my son.” Friar Tuck took the whip off Lancelot.

“You think you are Arthur’s equal when you are actually his ordained servant.” Friar Tuck glared at the knight. “You are his Optimus while he is the Legate. I knew all this for I am to be your savior. Pray with me, son. Pray for your redemption. Pray for your sins.”

Friar Tuck led the knight to his knees and then removed his tunic. He laid the whip across the back with gentle brush.

“Think of nothing but your sins. Think of your redemption.” With that the whip came down on the back with the snap that made Lancelot called out but his shout was muffled by the friar with the hand across the mouth.

“Scream not out but inside. Called out his name and be redeemed. Pain for pain, sins for sins, and with those your soul will be cleansed.” Friar Tuck administered the whipping until Lancelot fell down with his face to the ground. His back was lashed with welts and trickle of bloods were seen on it. The friar then placed the whip on the altar and left the hall.

Unknown to the duo, there was one who had heard and seen the act. The figure hidden behind the drapes of the long curtain at the far corner of the hall. The voyeur then stepped back and then strolled off along the dark corridor to the rear of the monastery. There the figure took the reins of the horse to lead it out of the place. The figure avoided the knights that were camped in the front and tool the long walk to the tree lines.

“Did you see the friar?” The figure leading the horse heard the voice and turned to look. “Tell me now.”

“I did and the friar has taken over the knight.” The figure replied. “The friar was persuasive. Even I was tempted to join in, my Lord.”

The one referred as my Lord then smiled.

“Friar Tuck is a great person and he has been a father to me. Now I hope he will teach the other of the same lessons. I am not a good father and worse at teaching.” The Black Knight sighed. “Lancelot deserved more. His adopted father was not great either but Ambrocia took on the task. He had me to coach the boy while he marched with his Legion.”

“Don’t you concern yourself with that. I know Friar Tuck well. He will do just fine.” With that the figure leading the horse mounted it. The figure then looked at the Black Knight.”Get yourself into the Camelot and be part of the round table. You are needed. Lancelot needs you too.”

“I will do so, druid.” The Black Knight replied to Merlin.

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