Saturday, January 28, 2017

Arthur; The Legend and Myth Chapter 56


In the heat of the battle, the body had its momentum build from the flow of the blood that coursed through the body. Each movement of the body was a coordinated effort of the mind and the body with the later calling on the reserves in the body to enhance the moves. It was how Arthur felt then.

“Watch your back!” Arthur called out before he thrust his sword into the warrior chest with both his hands gripping the hilt. He had his shield slung over his chest to cover the back. It found it easier for him to fight with Excalibur with both hands on the hilt. The extended length on the hilt allowed both hands to grip it firmly and the long blade gave it a wide swing to the cut. He felt the comfort of the shield on his back with the cross emblem giving him visual to the invaders The invaders are pagan worshippers and with Arthur displaying his skills, the pagan were then thinking that they were dealing with a semi-god in their midst. Arthur relied on the shield to cover his back and the armor plates to protect his limbs.

“Arghh.....” Arthur felt the cut on his left thigh where the warrior had cut in low but Arthur had retaliated with the down swing of Excalibur to cut at the warrior on the back. The heavy and sharp blade sliced into the thick furs and then the unprotected flesh before it struck the rib cage into the heart. The warrior fell when Arthur pulled the blade out. He turned to look for the next warrior to satiate his desire for killing but the knights have formed a cordon around Arthur.

“Protect Arthur!” That was Percival who was always trying to stay near Arthur. He had done it before as Legionnaire where he always maintained the protective detail. Even when he was the Centurion, he was never fall from securing the important assets like the eagle totem or the supply wagons. He always assigned the legionnaires to those targets. Percival had formed a personal team of six knights to be always near Arthur. That last slip on those knights had placed Arthur into danger and caused a cut on his left thigh.

“Sir Percival, the King is not …” The knight reported and then found the Arthur had moved on.

Percival saw it and rushed over to cover Arthur but he was forced back by the two warriors in his path then. He ducked on the swinging hammer and replied with his faithful gladius with a low cut and then he turned his boy to deliver the thrust into the second warrior in the lower chest.  By then Arthur was swallowed by the invading warriors. Percival ignored the assigned knights and fought his way to find Arthur.

“Where is Arthur?” Percival called out before he pulled the sword out of the dying warrior. He was standing back to back with Lamorak. The later held in his hands the hammers with the blood covered over it. The later did not reply but grunted his reply while he deflected the thrust by the warrior before his other hammer broke the elbow of the warrior. Percival was concerned for they were outnumbered then even though the foot soldiers have joined in the battle. The tetsudo formation of the knights had worked and they broke through to the wall past the barrier of warriors. They have reached the inner walls and was fighting to push the invaders back but they were separated from the foot soldiers and the main contingent of the knights.

Unknown to Percival then, Arthur was cornered with four warriors facing him. He held his sword upright in front of him and faced them. They were a wall of bodies behind the four blocking Arthur from the other knights. Arthur assessed his situation and then he saw the option.

There were some jars of tar there by the wall with the lit torches there to create a fire on the inner walls but then it was an opportunity for Arthur. He rushed for it and then toppled over the jars at the warriors. The tar in the jugs was flammable and Arthur kicked the torches into it. The tar began burning and it spread when more tar were spilled. The fire turned bigger and it spread when some of the warriors clothing began burning. The warriors started to battle to escape the fire but they have to fight their way out. It was then a horse came trampling past the withdrawing barrier of bodies and it was without a rider. Arthur sheathed Excalibur and then jumped onto the horse. He took the reins and then reared the horse on its rear legs before he galloped it at the warriors. He reached for Excalibur and with his right hand holding it he cut at the warriors in his path. It was a feat with the right arm pumped with the reserves was untiring cutting the warriors. His sword recognized neither foe nor friend but with each cut he drew blood that spurted out. He spurred the horse forward and used it to trample over the fallen ones.

It was his move then that rallied the surviving knights still on horsebacks. The knights saw Arthur in the rampage and they rode towards him trampling and cutting their way through. Soon from one figure, the equivalent of a narrow column began forming and then from it conical formation was shaped. The formation then had dispersed the besieged with more falling to the swords or the hoofs. The casualties were not the trampled but the ones who fell off from the column. Some of them managed to escape death but it was not death that they feared. It was the feeling once again to be outnumbered and then then killing or the torture of being cut and hammered before getting killed. The fire had then contained but the column of Arthur and his knights were making headway then with more bodies piled up on the trodden path. Arthur was not stopping then and led the column along the wall killing the warriors there. At that moment his arm moved without tiring and his arm was covered with blood. He soon found the barrier of warriors was no more there and there was a clearing then at the wall. It was a clearing of strewn bodies and the ground was covered with blood.

“Arthur, we did it.” Percival rode up to Arthur. “We lifted the siege.”

Arthur looked to Percival before sliding off the horse. He lowered his right arm then drained of the strength but his grip was firm on his sword which then broke in half.

“My sword…” Arthur muttered out at the sword he had taken from the stone. He saw then part of his armors were damaged or removed but the coating of blood was still on his body. He cringed then when he saw the unusual sight then; it was the image of Excalibur before him. It was calling to him to be held. He had not forgotten the sword for it lay in his tent with his belonging.  

“Aye, we killed plenty.” Sir Kay had then approached Arthur. “You have earned your right as their King.”

Arthur looked up at the surviving army of his and then the people on the walls. The dwellers of Badon were relieved to be freed then and some were rushing out the gate. Then a shout was heard.

“The invaders are leaving. Look, they are leaving.” Everyone there looked to the plains and saw the invaders retreating out. “The Anglo Saxons are defeated.”

“Hail King Arthur!: The shouts went out while Arthur then felt the weariness of his body and was supported to the inner city with the help of Lancelot. Once he was lowered to the bedding in the tavern he closed his eyes while the others removed his armor and belt.

“Bring me my sword. I want Excalibur.” The sword was brought to him and reached out to hold Excalibur before he told them to leave it.

“My King, you are tired. It had been three days and nights of fighting, my King. We take care and secured your sword.” Percivsl who was there told him. “Excalibur will be well taken care of.”

“Three…days and nights? I …” Arthur mumbled but he was too tired to continue on. He soon fell asleep.  A group of knights led by Percival guarded Arthur while he rested.

Percival then had recovered the previous sword of Arthur. The fame sword in the stone was broken in half and then left with the belonging of Arthur. The newly famed King rested while his knights fought on. It was also then Lancelot sought out the others and found the Black Knight missing.

“I saw Sir Black Knight rode out with his knights. I think he was pursuing the invaders.” The sentry told Lancelot.

The Black Knight dropped over the saddle before he approached the two figures. They were at the foot of the hill and the way to escape was cordoned off by the knights. He drew off his head gear and then spoke.

“Octa, you can’t run anymore.” Hengist looked to the elderly figure standing next to the younger man. Both of them were covered in the fur coating and were armed with the sword and rounded shield. Hengist looked at the elderly man who was covered in the silvery beard that reached the chest.

“Witta the Old Bear.” Hengist addressed the elderly man. “You were to return to the old lands. Why are you here? I thought you left for good.”

“Hengist my grandson, I am a warrior who came here to seek land and …home for our people. I did what others had done before and after me. You were one but you became one of theirs.”

Witta, I did not become like them. I am still me with my own families and friends. We learned to live together but we have left our old ways behind.” Hengist explained himself. “Killing and looting does not mean living here. We are no hunters and travellers but farming and ….”

“You became them and forgotten our way.” Witta exploded in his words. “I trained Octa here in the way which we used to live in. He had become adept at the skills. He became a leader and united the clans for this battle but we were not to win. Once more we have to return on another day.”

“You will not return, Witta. You will ride with Octa and never come back.” Hengist told the two of his intentions. “We will escort you to the borders. You do not know Arthur. He is unlike Pendragon who was more…”

The arrows struck Witta and Octa both in the chest. Both men fell back before Hengist could rush to them. He reached Octa and saw the later was still breathing. The arrows were near the heart and right ribs. It was fatal the former arrow but it can’t be moved or pulled. Any attempt will hasten the dying of Octa. He looked over at Witta and saw the other was dead. Hengist heard then the knights of his own had arrived for they dismounted to assist.

“Who shot them?” Hengist shouted out.

“They did.” Hengist looked up and saw Gaheris with his brothers. There was also Lancelot. He glared over and then got his reply.

“They are Anglo Saxon leaders. We have our command to kill them.” Lancelot replied in a cold manner. Hengist then stood up and stared at the four knights.

“You have just killed my son and his grandfather.” 

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