Saturday, January 28, 2017

Arthur; The Legend and Myth Chapter 56


In the heat of the battle, the body had its momentum build from the flow of the blood that coursed through the body. Each movement of the body was a coordinated effort of the mind and the body with the later calling on the reserves in the body to enhance the moves. It was how Arthur felt then.

“Watch your back!” Arthur called out before he thrust his sword into the warrior chest with both his hands gripping the hilt. He had his shield slung over his chest to cover the back. It found it easier for him to fight with Excalibur with both hands on the hilt. The extended length on the hilt allowed both hands to grip it firmly and the long blade gave it a wide swing to the cut. He felt the comfort of the shield on his back with the cross emblem giving him visual to the invaders The invaders are pagan worshippers and with Arthur displaying his skills, the pagan were then thinking that they were dealing with a semi-god in their midst. Arthur relied on the shield to cover his back and the armor plates to protect his limbs.

“Arghh.....” Arthur felt the cut on his left thigh where the warrior had cut in low but Arthur had retaliated with the down swing of Excalibur to cut at the warrior on the back. The heavy and sharp blade sliced into the thick furs and then the unprotected flesh before it struck the rib cage into the heart. The warrior fell when Arthur pulled the blade out. He turned to look for the next warrior to satiate his desire for killing but the knights have formed a cordon around Arthur.

“Protect Arthur!” That was Percival who was always trying to stay near Arthur. He had done it before as Legionnaire where he always maintained the protective detail. Even when he was the Centurion, he was never fall from securing the important assets like the eagle totem or the supply wagons. He always assigned the legionnaires to those targets. Percival had formed a personal team of six knights to be always near Arthur. That last slip on those knights had placed Arthur into danger and caused a cut on his left thigh.

“Sir Percival, the King is not …” The knight reported and then found the Arthur had moved on.

Percival saw it and rushed over to cover Arthur but he was forced back by the two warriors in his path then. He ducked on the swinging hammer and replied with his faithful gladius with a low cut and then he turned his boy to deliver the thrust into the second warrior in the lower chest.  By then Arthur was swallowed by the invading warriors. Percival ignored the assigned knights and fought his way to find Arthur.

“Where is Arthur?” Percival called out before he pulled the sword out of the dying warrior. He was standing back to back with Lamorak. The later held in his hands the hammers with the blood covered over it. The later did not reply but grunted his reply while he deflected the thrust by the warrior before his other hammer broke the elbow of the warrior. Percival was concerned for they were outnumbered then even though the foot soldiers have joined in the battle. The tetsudo formation of the knights had worked and they broke through to the wall past the barrier of warriors. They have reached the inner walls and was fighting to push the invaders back but they were separated from the foot soldiers and the main contingent of the knights.

Unknown to Percival then, Arthur was cornered with four warriors facing him. He held his sword upright in front of him and faced them. They were a wall of bodies behind the four blocking Arthur from the other knights. Arthur assessed his situation and then he saw the option.

There were some jars of tar there by the wall with the lit torches there to create a fire on the inner walls but then it was an opportunity for Arthur. He rushed for it and then toppled over the jars at the warriors. The tar in the jugs was flammable and Arthur kicked the torches into it. The tar began burning and it spread when more tar were spilled. The fire turned bigger and it spread when some of the warriors clothing began burning. The warriors started to battle to escape the fire but they have to fight their way out. It was then a horse came trampling past the withdrawing barrier of bodies and it was without a rider. Arthur sheathed Excalibur and then jumped onto the horse. He took the reins and then reared the horse on its rear legs before he galloped it at the warriors. He reached for Excalibur and with his right hand holding it he cut at the warriors in his path. It was a feat with the right arm pumped with the reserves was untiring cutting the warriors. His sword recognized neither foe nor friend but with each cut he drew blood that spurted out. He spurred the horse forward and used it to trample over the fallen ones.

It was his move then that rallied the surviving knights still on horsebacks. The knights saw Arthur in the rampage and they rode towards him trampling and cutting their way through. Soon from one figure, the equivalent of a narrow column began forming and then from it conical formation was shaped. The formation then had dispersed the besieged with more falling to the swords or the hoofs. The casualties were not the trampled but the ones who fell off from the column. Some of them managed to escape death but it was not death that they feared. It was the feeling once again to be outnumbered and then then killing or the torture of being cut and hammered before getting killed. The fire had then contained but the column of Arthur and his knights were making headway then with more bodies piled up on the trodden path. Arthur was not stopping then and led the column along the wall killing the warriors there. At that moment his arm moved without tiring and his arm was covered with blood. He soon found the barrier of warriors was no more there and there was a clearing then at the wall. It was a clearing of strewn bodies and the ground was covered with blood.

“Arthur, we did it.” Percival rode up to Arthur. “We lifted the siege.”

Arthur looked to Percival before sliding off the horse. He lowered his right arm then drained of the strength but his grip was firm on his sword which then broke in half.

“My sword…” Arthur muttered out at the sword he had taken from the stone. He saw then part of his armors were damaged or removed but the coating of blood was still on his body. He cringed then when he saw the unusual sight then; it was the image of Excalibur before him. It was calling to him to be held. He had not forgotten the sword for it lay in his tent with his belonging.  

“Aye, we killed plenty.” Sir Kay had then approached Arthur. “You have earned your right as their King.”

Arthur looked up at the surviving army of his and then the people on the walls. The dwellers of Badon were relieved to be freed then and some were rushing out the gate. Then a shout was heard.

“The invaders are leaving. Look, they are leaving.” Everyone there looked to the plains and saw the invaders retreating out. “The Anglo Saxons are defeated.”

“Hail King Arthur!: The shouts went out while Arthur then felt the weariness of his body and was supported to the inner city with the help of Lancelot. Once he was lowered to the bedding in the tavern he closed his eyes while the others removed his armor and belt.

“Bring me my sword. I want Excalibur.” The sword was brought to him and reached out to hold Excalibur before he told them to leave it.

“My King, you are tired. It had been three days and nights of fighting, my King. We take care and secured your sword.” Percivsl who was there told him. “Excalibur will be well taken care of.”

“Three…days and nights? I …” Arthur mumbled but he was too tired to continue on. He soon fell asleep.  A group of knights led by Percival guarded Arthur while he rested.

Percival then had recovered the previous sword of Arthur. The fame sword in the stone was broken in half and then left with the belonging of Arthur. The newly famed King rested while his knights fought on. It was also then Lancelot sought out the others and found the Black Knight missing.

“I saw Sir Black Knight rode out with his knights. I think he was pursuing the invaders.” The sentry told Lancelot.

The Black Knight dropped over the saddle before he approached the two figures. They were at the foot of the hill and the way to escape was cordoned off by the knights. He drew off his head gear and then spoke.

“Octa, you can’t run anymore.” Hengist looked to the elderly figure standing next to the younger man. Both of them were covered in the fur coating and were armed with the sword and rounded shield. Hengist looked at the elderly man who was covered in the silvery beard that reached the chest.

“Witta the Old Bear.” Hengist addressed the elderly man. “You were to return to the old lands. Why are you here? I thought you left for good.”

“Hengist my grandson, I am a warrior who came here to seek land and …home for our people. I did what others had done before and after me. You were one but you became one of theirs.”

Witta, I did not become like them. I am still me with my own families and friends. We learned to live together but we have left our old ways behind.” Hengist explained himself. “Killing and looting does not mean living here. We are no hunters and travellers but farming and ….”

“You became them and forgotten our way.” Witta exploded in his words. “I trained Octa here in the way which we used to live in. He had become adept at the skills. He became a leader and united the clans for this battle but we were not to win. Once more we have to return on another day.”

“You will not return, Witta. You will ride with Octa and never come back.” Hengist told the two of his intentions. “We will escort you to the borders. You do not know Arthur. He is unlike Pendragon who was more…”

The arrows struck Witta and Octa both in the chest. Both men fell back before Hengist could rush to them. He reached Octa and saw the later was still breathing. The arrows were near the heart and right ribs. It was fatal the former arrow but it can’t be moved or pulled. Any attempt will hasten the dying of Octa. He looked over at Witta and saw the other was dead. Hengist heard then the knights of his own had arrived for they dismounted to assist.

“Who shot them?” Hengist shouted out.

“They did.” Hengist looked up and saw Gaheris with his brothers. There was also Lancelot. He glared over and then got his reply.

“They are Anglo Saxon leaders. We have our command to kill them.” Lancelot replied in a cold manner. Hengist then stood up and stared at the four knights.

“You have just killed my son and his grandfather.” 

Arthu: The legand and Myth Chapter 55


Arthur halted the army then. He saw the city and saw those which laid the siege there. He was late to arrive and that allowed the invaders to regroup there. The siege lines were deep with the columns camped there and blocking all aids to the city. The moat of the city was breached and the main walls were down

“Arthur, the city is still intact.” Percival was beside Arthur then. “I can see the fires are outside of the inner walls but they need us to reinforce them.”

Arthur saw the battle and knew that the city could only hold on for then for a matter of hours or days. It was not like the City of Legion with its high walls. He was to issue the command to attack when he was distracted by the figure holding the horse reins.

 “Salvation is here? Are you our salvation?” Arthur was surprised by the figure that had reached him passed the guards and knights. It was as he had whisked himself past the lines and appeared before Arthur. “We are in need of salvation.”

Two knights reached out to hold the figure who was dressed in the ragged clothes but the figure evaded their hands and then pulled away but he was stop by Percival with a restraint hold.

“Unhand me please. “ The figure pleaded. “I need to get the King’s help. I can’t go back without his help.”

It was then Arthur dismounted and approached the man. He asked the man to speak.

“I am Ambrose son of the trader Ambrocia. The city was the edge of the border and we been for ages a place of meets. There were many and none harbored any hatred then until the invaders took their plans into the works. Initially we were spared and even the passing invaders had not come to our walls.” Ambrose then looked to the city. “My father is holding them together. He was the one who warned them when the invasion began but he was looked as being mad or envious of the peace there. He worked his way to the ones who will believe him but the attack came earlier than expected. King Arthur had fought them across the land and they were driven to us.”

“Our city was once a haven to them but in their desperation to gather all they could in more drove them to attack us.” Ambrose continued on as he had then approached Arthur but was stopped by the knights. Ambrose looked to the knights with surprise.

“He is my King. Why can’t I approach him? I had come so far to seek his help.” Ambrose looked at them with his teary eyes. “I lost my family in there. Have you ever seen your child died from the wounds of the sword?”

Arthur waved the knights off and approached the figure from Badon. He stood before him while he continued on

“We were not prepared; we were peaceful but the slaughter began. The ones outside was hit first and then they past the walls but thankfully, one of the believers was the knight that fought them there and regained our walls. Then it became a siege which we were not prepared for. The brave and bold fought but they were outnumbered. My father rallied the others to the walls and we piled the bodies there to make it appear that we were still many but the dead could not fight. We stayed on and fought but sooner then we moved back to the inner walls. The invaders came in over the walls but they did not attack us. They negotiated with father on their terms and we agreed. We gave them the treasures and supplies but they reneged to remain there. Soon we were under a siege that was constricting us in the smaller space with no supplies. Some of us went out to negotiate but were taken as captives. They were killed later in most vile manner.”

“How did you escape here?” Percival asked before he strode next to Arthur with his eyes set on the figure.

“I… I did not escape, King Arthur. I was released by the invaders.” Ambrose spoke out in a clear manner. “I was released to tell you of this tale. I was released to …kill you.”

With that Ambrose rushed at Arthur with the dagger hidden in the ragged clothes. The dagger struck him in the chest but the chest plate there deflected the thrust. The dagger cut into Arthur’s left arm but then Percival had pulled Ambrose off and pushed him to the side. He was then held down by the other knights but Arthur stopped them from killing the assassin.

“Your tale was good and made it to my side.” Arthur confronted the other. “Who are you? The real you.”

“I am Ambrose but I am not Briton. I am Anglo Saxon and I regretted not killing you.” Ambrose replied. “I have failed my King.”

“Who is your King?” Arthur asked. A voice next to him told him.

“He is Octa my son.” The Black Knight told Arthur. He then removed his head cover. “The son of Hengist.”

All the eyes there turned to Hengist. They have not really seen that coming but few knew of Hengist birth. Sir Kay was the first to charge at him but Lancelot there had blocked the other.

“He is their’.” Sir Kay bellowed out. “I never trusted him before and won’t now.”

“Back off, Sir Kay. Hengist…The Black Knight is one of …ours.” Lancelot held his grip tight on his sword. “Let him speak”

“I did not know until recently. Octa is my son and he leads them. He is with the surviving Bear Head leader that you missed.” Hengist glared at Sir Kay. “Octa is with my father.”

“So the venom ran deep in your family.” Sir Kay lashed out. “Why are you here then? Join your family as you did years ago to murder the kins of Pendragon. And how you stole his lands.”

Hengist then reached for his sword but it Percival who stopped him.

“Don’t be a fool. You are outnumbered here.” Percival gripped the other at the right hand holding the hilt of the sword. “The real enemy is there.”

Hengist relaxed his grip and then looked at Arthur.

“I have repented on my past and am loyal to Pendragon and to you, Arthur.” Hengist told Arthur then. Arthur turned his back and mounted his horse. He then turned to the knights holding Ambrose.

“Turn him loose. If he is to be killed, then it will be in the battle to come.” With that Arthur ordered the columns of his to form the lineup for attack. He was without the Cataphracts then but the knights will suffice. And his foot soldiers to be the pillar of his attack.

“I want fifty knights to ride with me alongside my round table knights.” Arthur rode down the line and then he called out to them with his arm raised holding the shield with the cross on it.

“Behold I have with me God and the sword I hold is Sword in the Stone.”

The mention of he sword stunned the assembled. Many of them had seen the sword carried by Arthur and they have never questioned it. Lancelot heard the name and was surprised. He had thought his was the unique one and the others like many before it missing or destroyed.

“Sword in the Stone? I can’t believe it…” Lancelot mumbled but his voice was heard by Gaheris.

“Believe it or not, I think we got a battle to to fight.” Gaheris words then was cut off by the shout by Arthur.

“We will break through to the city. Ride with me. Ride with God. Believe in God and he will bless you all as Badon had held its faith among those who dwelled there and with their faith that they will be saved by us.”

The knights paced forward but Arthur had ridden ahead with his round table knights. Among them was Hengist once again the Black Knight with the head cover over his face. Percival rode next to him but Sir Kay had slowed to the rear. The later then whispered to Lamorak who was his close friend.

“I have my eyes on him. He cannot be trusted.”

Arthur had his knights formed line then and counted the numbers. There were a hundred of them with their shields and swords. He then looked at the invaders at the outside of the walls. The invaders have formed up with their numbers to challenge Arthur. He saw that his knights were outnumbered by three to one but the later were an assortment of warriors with no single leader there. He saw among them were the Scots and the Picts but the Anglo Saxon made the biggest faction there.

“Ride with me, knights.” Arthur called out after he brief the round table knights of the plan and they to the other knights. Once that was done, the assembled then rode out. The knights when riding out formed into a column of nine riders and then the similar number made the rows behind. They were forming a tetsudo formation similar to the Roman’s formation.

“Strength in number, force in the formation.” Arthur muttered to himself before he kicked the horse to pick up pace. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Arthur" The Legend and myth Chapter 54


Garwlwyd, fight me like the true man that you are.” Cai challenged the one who had betrayed them. “Fight me, Mad Dog.”

The later was the nickname for the Lord who was known to slay one Briton a day and two on the Saturday to avoid killing on Sunday. The battle was then at Tribuit where the army under Arthur had surprised the retreating invaders. The battle was brief but the leader of the invader was still alive. He stood there bloodied from the battle with his own wounds and the blood of those he killed. He was a huge and tall figure with a sword in each hand.

“Who dares to call my name?” Garwlwyd challenged back. “I will do my battle with the puny King of yours. Bring me Arthur and let us end this like warriors.”

Arthur then wanted to take the challenge but he was held back by his good friend. Cai stepped forth and faced the other. He was holding his own sword with the rounded shield.

“We are equals in height and frame. I stand here to fight you.” Cai replied to the other. “You are not worthy of the King but not for me. I am a killer of mad dogs. When I kill them I do it with my bare hands.”

With that, Cai tossed his sword and shield before he challenged the other again.

“Fight me….” The challenge was taken but the other came slashing with his swords. Cai stepped side and then used his fists to slam hard on the right wrist of the other. His blows made Garwlwyd to drop the sword before screaming in pain but Cai had moved his body forward and using his elbow he smashed the other’s face. Garwlwyd reeled back in pain but Cai had resumed his next move with the clenched fists to club the other on the back of the head. Garwlwyd fell onto the ground and Cai grabbed the fallen sword to sever the head.

Arthur’s army roared alive then with their rousing voice at the death of the Lord named as Mad Dog. Arthur was stunned by the raw ferocity displayed but the victory had his army confident to fight on. Arthur shook his head and then approached Cai who was then still rejoicing in his victory.

“Hail Cai the Victor.” Arthur joined in the celebration. More accolades were showered on the tall warrior that he felt then he was alike the King himself with the mass saluting him. That was the start of the new list of battles with Arthur in the lead and with no obligations to none. His next battle was then the deciding one that made Arthur the name which many will remember as Arthur’s greater achievement.

“Badon Hill.” Lamarak sighed. “I hate this place.”

“Nothing pukes us than the sight of defeat. What ails you, Lamorak?” Cai asked of the other whom he had befriended during the short time they were together. They made a pair although one stood taller but both were brash with their manners more so when drunk. Lamorak did not reply then but his mind took on a view to the sad memory then. It was a sad night thirty years ago.

“Lam, we must flee.” Lamorak then a child of eight years of age looked to his elder brother, Sean. They were hiding in the woods when told by their father then. It was a ritual for them when the strangers came around. Lamorak then was a scrawny child clad in the ragged tunic had never argued with that command. Both Sean and him were there by the old tree trunk saw the three rode up. It was not something new then for traders do come over when they were need of their father’s skills. Those three were there before and Lamorak had recalled their features. It was one thing his father taught him. The traders followed their father in and then there were silences. It was expected for his father’s skills focused on the selection of the swords that he made.

“It’s taking too long.” Sean was right and Lamorak felt the nervous feel then. Lamorak then felt the sword thrust towards him. It was his father’s cache kept there. Lamorak picked up the sword and then felt it. His father taught him that that the sword must be a part of you if you are to wield it. He had learned that since then, and at times, his arrogance was displayed in his kill. It was like him telling the sword that they had done it together.

“You must be one and only as one with the others not of you. Then when you win, you must show it to them.” It was taught to Lamorak. He had then to showcase his first kill. It began with the three men that stepped out with armful of swords. That scared the two boys and more when they did not see their father then. They ran to the house and soon fell over on the knees. Their parents were no more alive then. They were hung over the roof beam with their limbs restrained and their throat slit. The sight was gory to the young boys; watching the pair that was to protect them but then was dead. The begged their parents to see them but the eyes were there without the sight on them.

“Mother…” The words uttered from Lamorak were harder with his saliva constricting in his throat. He was on his knees and soon buried his face in his hands. The grief was hard but the harder was when Kay held the sword. He looked at Sean.

“We will kill them.”

Lamorak never did it on those three men but in his rage he killed many of that to him resembled them. For each kill, he gloated on it with these words ‘one more I am to find the murderers’.

“Lamorak, You have not told me why you hate Badon Hill?”Cai interrupted the other who was still watching the city.
“I was here before and kill my parent’s killers.” Lamorak told Cai. “I killed them when I met them here.”

Lamorak sat in the far corner of the tavern with his sight focused on the three figures seated in the middle. They have aged after twenty years but they still harbored the trading spirit. They were negotiating with the obese trader who was trailed by Lamorak for weeks. It was one of his extensive works to be in the trade but he was more of the user of the weapon than its trader He had moved from traders to trainers but his focus was to find the killers. He followed them and then had them cornered in the alley.

It was perfect.

It took Lamorak ten moves to kill the three traders. The three traders were in their advance age and the younger agile gladiator had used that to advantage with his fleet moves and cuts before he killed them. His last move was to thrust the blade into the heart of the trader but the later moved and the blade missed it. The trader scream of pain brought attention to the fight but Lamorak was determined to end it. He pushed the blade from the shoulder downwards and past the ribs into the heart. He then took to his escape with the trail of blood. But Lamorak was pursued by the Vigiles then; the enforcement officers then were on his tail. He ran to escape and soon found himself cornered. There were three of them then.
“Surround him.” The Vigiles in the middle then had called out the command. The leading Vigiles was dressed in the purple shaded tunic and carried the wooden Roman shield was also armed with wooden truncheon but the other two was holding gladius
The one on the left charged forth but Lamorak was prepared for that. He sidestepped before he cut the Vigiles across the right shoulder. He moved his body to the left and kicked the wounded Vigiles in the knee. He followed through with the swinging cut at the back of the head. He then turned his body to avoid the downward swung truncheon but his move was then to move his sword for a low cut on the leading Vigiles on the back.

The last standing Vigiles stood there panting when he saw the others were brought down. He shown fear in his eyes for before that night all his fighting was on drunkards and petty thieves armed with daggers without the skills. He turn to run but he fumbled and fell. Sir Kay had then charged at the Vigiles and grabbed the hair of the later. He sword thrust in from the right severed half the neck before he pulled it back with the bone crunched.

“Ya….” Lamorak shouted out in glee as if he was in the pit with the blood thirsty crowd cheering him then. He dropped the dead Vigiles and ran on before he found a horse that was unattended. He rode it for the gate but he was to find his regret then. He kicked at the horse heading for the gate and it was then a kid ran into his path.

Lamorak pulled at the rein but was unable to stop then and the kid went under. He heard the child screamed but he was also in need to escape. He did not stop then and galloped for the gate and passed through it until he was in the clear in the forest. It was then he rolled off the horse and his legs were coated with blood. Not was his but the kid’s was on the hoofs.

Lamorak sighed then and walked into the forest to complete his escape on foot. Soon he joined the Legion to start a new life but the dreams of the kid prevailed. His muttered words were it was not his fault.

“So when do we fight?” Cai was getting impatient and had interrupted Lamorak thoughts. “Do you know? Fighting makes me feel better.”

Lamorak nodded and then laughed out loud

“Kill them!” Lamorak shouted out.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Arthur: The legend and myth Chapter 53


 If there was a tale to describe Excalibur the Sword and its significance to the legends. The weapons of the legendary figures were always alike the symbol of their power. Since ancient times, the list of swords that considered as legendary from the sword of Ogier, the Caladbolg by Irish legend Cu’Chulainn to the Muses that belonged to Perseus or the Thetis given to Achilles. The swords mentioned here are made by craftsman be if the elves to the dwarfs or even the giants that once roamed the lands. The strength of these fabled swords were either the powers it endowed on the wielder or its intricate designs to the hardness and sharpness of the blade. Even the fables may speak of the blade was able to kill demons and other mythical beings.

There was one exception in Excalibur.

It was handed to Arthur from a hand that appeared from the lake.

“Behold Excalibur.” Arthur saw the hand appeared out with the new sword. “The keeper of the lakes bestowed to you this sword.”

Arthur reached out and took hold of it. It had the same feel as his previous sword but the new one named Excalibur was different in many areas. Its blade was whitish in the shades with no reflection of the sunlight but the surface gleamed as if it was polished with something smoother. The hilt was golden in its material and with the handle bounded by the green strips that lent grip to the fingers. At the top of the hilt was a translucent small orb that was set there. The orb was shimmering as if it was alive inside.

“Behold the scabbard that will protect both the sword and its handler.” Lady Ninniane motioned to the next item handed by the same hand that reached into the lake water to withdraw then. “The sword needs to be sheath when not in use for once it’s drawn it sought the blood of the enemies. When it’s returned to the scabbard, it cleanse off the blood stains to retain its pure form.”

“There are rules to the sword. None may hold it except yourself. If the sword is used by another, it will weaken the unwanted wielder.” Ninniane advised Arthur. “It must be returned to an area where there is a lake, and the name Excalibur spoken out once and the hand will ask for it.”

“Wield it with greatness, King Arthur.” With that the servant of the Lady from the Lake disappeared into the lake water. Once the lady figure had disappeared into the lake, the water in the lake began bubbling and then it dried up with the once lake bottom surface covered with trees and bushes as if there was no lake there.

“Arthur, you are now worthy to be the King. Ride with the army and win the war.” Merlin told Arthur.

“No, you told me that the Bedyr has it. Why here?” The later still baffled by what he had seen stared at the sword in his hands. That was the only thing that made sense to his mind then.

“Your questions will be answered soon but you need to be Excalibur’s sword.” Merlin backed up and then walked away. He turned to wave his arms without glancing back. Arthur could not recalled much after that for next he knew he was back at the camp with his army restored to full strength but the call for battle was heard. He stored Excalibur with his belongings then and marched with his faithful sword from the stone.

“The City of Legion beckoned us. They are under the threat of the invaders.”

The city was built by King Belinus who had then sacked Rome with the Gauls in the days before. The then King named Belinus and his brother Brennius had returned to the land with their loot. He had used the loot to restore the ailing cities and one notable city he build by the river bank of Usk, near to the Severn Sea and named it Kaerusc. When the Romans took the land, they renamed the city to the City of Legion for it housed the Roman Legion there with the iron fort standing guard on the area.

“The City is a real design by the best of the city with a fort there.” Arthur stood there looking at the iron fort which was situated in the city. It housed a huge population and impressive cathedrals. The Earl was standing next to Arthur with his expression frowned.

“They have laid a siege there.” The Earl was motioning to the Anglo Saxons with the Scots there. It was a thin column but they had the city covered. The issue then was the city was without any army there. The Roman legions have withdrawn with the nobles but the local militia took over. They were not a force to challenge the invaders but they reacted fast to avoid the overrun and thus the siege had taken place.

“We will attack them now.” The Earl wanted to attack then after seeing the odds was in his favor. “They are on the outside and we can do it.”

Arthur was to protest but the Earl had ridden out to his army. It happened so fast then and before Arthur could gave the command, the Earl army had moved towards the city. Arthur saw the Cataphracts were sent in as the fore force. The heavy knights slow in the pace with their armors charged into the invaders. They tore into the invaders line like a rolling boulder. The heavy knights were trained to move in groups using their strength to push the invaders back. Their mass included the armored horses trained to use their hoofs to trample the enemies or their heavy rumps to push the enemies off while the armor plates absorb the blows. When the invaders were focused on the Cataphracts, the foot soldiers following as the next wave came in with their huge numbers to attack the invaders. They were the charged force to push for wider breach in the lineup made by the Cataphracts. Just then the knights came in not only to pick at the one that was escaping but to push them back into the main battle. It was all a good strategy when your numbers are more. The battle was fierce and the invaders moved by the waves of the Earl’s army then had opened a gap on the front gates to the city. Arthur saw it and gave the command then.

“We will reinforce the city now.” That was a timely move for the city was welcoming the uncrowned King then. He had the city lifted from the siege and then manned the walls. The people in the city cheered the newly arrived reinforcement and later joined them in the battle outside the walls.

It was soon over but it became Arthur’s victory.

A victory which Arthur did not get to celebrate for there was a dual tragedy.

“Lisanor was to be here. She came here because of you.” Earl Sevain stared at Arthur but the later was looking at the laid body of the deceased. “She was found by Baron Rueben in the battle. She had rushed into the fight and was challenged by the warrior. The later was armed with a hammer but he was a huge figure. He had no finesse in the skills but his frame was intimidating. Lisanor leveled her sword and thrust it deep into the invader but the force of the attack forced Lisanor to collapse backwards. She tried to push the huge frame off but the other was not dead yet. Lisanor panicked but the warrior had her pinned down. She then screamed like any ordinary lady and she paid the price for attracting the attention.

The blow came from the hammer that broke her face.

“Yah!” That was the battle cry of the killer who had smash Lisanor’s face soon.

“She loved you.” Earl Sevain glared at Arthur and then he stomped his feet to state his other grievance. “I came to you in good faith and you betrayed me.”

Arthur looked at the Earl trying to work out the issue. He was then told the second grievance.

“You stole my victory at the City.” Earl Sevain accused Arthur. “You rode in while I was battling the invaders.”
Arthur was to reply but the Earl had departed. A moment later, Arthur saw the Earl withdraw his army to return back to their land.

Arthur was once again alone but his army was completed with the reinforcements. The news of the reinforcement by Lady Igraine had then spurred on others to join in the war. It was then Arthur received a surprise visit from an old acquaintance.

“Aron of the Legion.” The voice roared from the rear of Arthur. “I thought you left with the Legion.”

Arthur turned to look and then he himself roared off with delight.

“Cai of Caer Goch.” Arthur was never glad to see the other who was one head taller than Arthur. “You are still growing taller. What did they feed you there?”

“Nothing but the best, and here they are.” The newly arrived guest showed the column that came with him; on hundred knights and five hundred foot soldiers. “We are here for you, King Arthur.”

And the feast began.

"Nine nights and nine days his breath lasted under water, nine nights and nine days would he be without sleep. A wound from Cai's sword no physician might heal. When it pleased him, he would be as tall as the tallest tree in the forest. When the rain was heaviest, whatever he held in his hand would be dry for a handbreadth before and behind, because of the greatness of his heat, and, when his companions were coldest, he would be as fuel for them to light a fire".

Arthur laughed out till he keeled over spilling his drink with Cai. The later was one that not expected by Arthur but he was relieved the other was there.  Arthur excused himself to seat by the far corner. The praising bard song that both of them croaked with their daft ears to rhymes was carried through with the strength of the fermented drinks and an inviting audience equally drunk in them.  It was the victory and new reinforcement, Arthur had then called for a break to celebrate with friends.

“How did you know him?” Arthur found himself asked by Sir Kay who was then hovering between clear mind and weaker knees. Arthur then relate the tale of his with the tall brute that he found kinship with.

“Cai was the eldest son of Cynyr Ceinfarfog. He was always tall and we were close when I met him when I was just a Centurion. We did not fight over many things but we shared many fights together but Cai was not all about his fighting. He was an enchanting person when he is in front of the damsels.” Arthur slurred out his words when the fermented drinks drowned his mind. “And Cai was a true believer of God unlike me.” 

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Arthur; The legend and Myth Chapter 52


Arthur stood there at the flap of his tent and stared into the setting sun. The war had lasted then over a moon and the string of battles had been lengthy from Dubla and through the Caledonian Forest where they chased and battled the survivors of the Dubla battle. The Earl had taken his war across the lands and they were to meet at the next designated battle place at Guinnion Fort.

“Arthur, I can see your army is taken apart by the enemies.” The Earl had seen Arthur’s army camped at the tree lines. “I checked my own. We lost some but we are still strong. The Cataphracts also suffered some losses but they are stronger than yours.”

Arthur knew where the conversation was headed. The Earl had fought on the battles where his army was more superior or odds favored them. More to it, the Ear have taken his loot on the defeated with the huge numbers of captives retained as slaves. Arthur knew then that he was unable to question the Earl but focused on winning the war.

“Arthur, I want to discuss with you on our alliance. I have lost my people…” Arthur interrupted the other and walked out of the tent. The Earl hollered after him but Arthur was past listening. The later walked to his knights which were cleaning their weapons for the next battle. He himself had cleaned his own sword many a times and it concerns him then that the sword in the stone was not as described by the lips of Man. The blade on the sword had chipped in several places which said little of the value in it. He had wanted to ask Merlin but the battles have kept him distracted. He then saw Sir Kay approaching him swinging the sword.

“Arthur, why are we doing the kill and those metal knights only moved in later?” Sir Kay let off this grieve then at Arthur. “I thought we are all in the same side.”

Arthur ignored the knight and approached the seated knights cleaning the swords. He enquired on their wellbeing and was given a rousing reply.

“We are well, my King. We will win this war.” Arthur was relieved at the morale and then he moved on. It was during the walk, he saw Lisanor at the distance. He had his eyes on Lisanor but she had ignored his presence. He recalled his first attempt to see her after the sudden appearance with the Earl. He had visited her at the tent and admitted himself. He found himself staring at the familiar back view of the lady. She felt a presence and turned.

“How dare you come in without telling?” Lisanor dropped the inner wear over her nude body. “Arthur of ….whatever, I am appalled by your …”

Arthur tried to approach her but she backed off. She grabbed a dagger hung on the stand nearby.

“Stand any closer and I will stab you with this.” Lisanor waved the dagger at Arthur. “Why are you here? You were not there when I needed you. When your son was born you were not there. When your son was sent off where were you?”
“Son?” Arthur was upset. “Where is my son?”

Lisanor turned her face away. Arthur pained by the knowledge and then explained himself.

“I did not know. We were told to …not to come to your father’s land. The Legate had an arrangement with the Earl that he will not interfere in the land. Your father was managing the rebels there. I could not go there.”

“Lies! I will not hear you.” Lisanor held out her hand at him. “Leave now…Please leave me, King Arthur.”

Those last words irked Arthur to be called the King. He felt then the name was a curse than a blessing. He left her that moment and never attempted to see her. That was a lie for he was constantly watching her from afar but she was also protected by the knights provided by the Earl. He then moved to find out who can tell him about his unknown son. He worked on the one person that was known to him.

“Baron Rueben, may I have an audience with you?” Arthur approached the leader of the Cataphracts. Although they have been together in the battles but their conversation was limited to giving commands and receiving commands. The Baron was busy looking out for Lisanor. Both of them had retired to a quiet corner and it was the Baron who started off the conversation.

“If its Lisanor, then I have little to add…” Baron Rueben stated his stand then. Arthur was taken aback by the comment and then he got to know more. “When you left her, she was ashamed and bitter at the same time. She fought with her family to keep the child. She left the castle and ….sought refuge at mine. I had to stand in her defense and was almost exiled but the Earl saw sense towards the daughter.”

“How was my son?” Arthur found the words shallow in his voice but he wanted to know.

“He knows not who the father if that was your question. I was sworn not to tell and Lohort….that is his name lived at my place. He is comfortable there.”

“Did you…No, I meant to say thank you. I do appreciate you in taking care of them.” Arthur stammered on his words and the Baron replied in a low tone.

“I know Lisanor loves you still but you are not for her. Not anymore.” Baron Reuben stated it clearly to Arthur. “She needed a new life. Or one without you.”

With that Baron Rueben ended the conversation and walked away. Arthur was silent then and took his walk back to his tent. He was stopped at the tent entrance by the hurried Percival.

“Arthur, we are saved. A column of army approached us. They are led by Sir Bedivere with the banner of Camelot. The column is of knights and foot soldiers.” Percival reported. “I saw the druid too. I am sure he was the one who did it.”

The column rallied under the name of Lady Igraine was six thousand strong with five hundred knights. Sir Bedivere was a knight under Pendragon and with his bearded looks, he was proud of his Welsh heritage. He was named after his grandfather who was killed in a Roman battle then. The surviving Bedivere had sworn against the Romans but he held more respect to the lady of his Lord. He had agreed to reinforce Arthur despite the later having being a Centurion. It was the words of Lady Igraine that swayed his anger.

“Arthur is not a Roman. He is a son of Wales and like the few of them they were forced to serve Rome. Now that they are free of the servitude, they loyalty lies with Wales as in their blood.” With those words, Bedivere took the task and led the column to relief the uncrowned King then.

“Arthur, my King.” Bedivere addressed the Arthur. “I hold a gift for you from Lady Igraine.”

The gift was an oblong shield that measured two feet across and three feet in length with the cross drawn on it and the lions on the both sides.

“The lady spoke highly of you and wanted you to hold the symbol of our Lord as in our belief to remove the pagan worshippers.” Bedivere prostrated before Arthur when he handed the shield over.  Arthur reached for the shield and placed it over his left arm. It fitted his lower arm and felt light to his touch. He thanked the knight and offered him a place with the round table knights.

“Arthur, we need to talk.” The druid had approached Arthur. “Time is of essence.”

Arthur was then led by the druid into the forest far from the army he commanded. He found himself led without an argument as if he was bewitched. The duo rode travelled deep into forest and Arthur was sure he had seen the trees and bushes moved to open a path for them while the forest creatures stayed away at their hideouts or sounded their arrival ahead. He soon came to a lake that was wide and reached far into the other side with the roots of the trees that reached the lake water at the edges. The place where Arthur stood with Merlin was a small clearing with a ring of trees offering them the seclusion of privacy.

“Merlin, did the trees move?” Arthur asked of the druid but the later had dismounted to approach the lake waters. Arthur did the same and stood by the druid. The druid stepped into the lake until the water reached his knees and then he started calling out in the ancient verses. It was then Arthur saw the swirling on the lake surface as if there was something coming out. It resembled what may be seen as small whirlpool and then the water parted for a head to emerge. The head soon revealed its upper body clothed in the whitish materials that may had been a coating of mucus or something of the same. The figure was a lady with the long white tresses of hair that reached far below her back to the thighs and her eyes were of green shades with the lips of pale shade.

“Who…” Arthur was never a believer of the arts was startled then but the druid held out his arm as if to welcome the figure from the lake.

“Ninianne, you have travelled far.” Merlin spoke to the whitish pale figure. “I am obliged. How is your Mistress of the Lake?”

“None so for the one who was my master.” The figure replied. “I see you are well Master Merlin.”

“I am fine, Ninianne. How fares your sister, Viviane?” Merlin asked then with his interest on one other.

“I should be sad that you chose to ask of her when it’s me who had come to see you.” Ninianne replied. ”I however cannot ignore you calling for her. Never the concern I have taken the spell of forgiveness for the both of you. She is well although you may understand the scorn of the lady held more fury than the combined fires of Hades.”

Merlin sighed then for he had done wrong then and that was his penance for it. It was Ninianne who came to the reason for his call as the Lady in the Lake

“Is that Arthur who had removed the sword from the stone?” Ninniane motioned to Arthur. She then spoke to Arthur. “Your achievement was remarkable though what you wield maybe ordinary but the feat was extra ordinary.”

“Ninniane, Arthur knows naught of what we knew.” Merlin looked at the figure from the lake. “He has proven himself to be worthy of the true treasure placed by you.”

“Don’t tempt me, Master. I may be once your….apprentice but my role had been enhanced with my current standing. Excalibur finds its own master and not for me to dictate. And not you either.” Ninniane reminded the other. ”We are not the servants of the lake or its master. We are just its keeper’s servants.”

“Give me your sword, Arthur.” Ninniance asked of the other. “If you are truly the one then Excalibur will appeared to you.”

“Excalibur?” Arthur looked at Merlin. He recalled that Excalibur was with the people of Bedyr and yet then they were far from the place where the Bedyr resided.

“Arthur, I lied to bring you to Bedyr which have now become Camelot. The real Bedyr is in you as Camelot is your castle. Behold the truth, Ninniane is the holder of Excalibur.” 

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...