Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Devils Own ( Steam Punk Adventure ) 6.9

Kassius crouched down at the fence that was twelve feet high and electrified with a voltage enough to terminate a living creature. He was dressed in his dark uniform, with the usual array of weapons and the sword. He reached to his backpack and removed the contraption. He clasped in the crocodile plug at the beam which connect the fence. On the other beam six feet away, another plug was attached to the beam there, and it trailed a wire to a breaker box where the other wire extend to the last beam attached by Kassius. Once he had the plugs attached, he activated the breaker box. The box redirected the current through the breaker box rendering that section of the fence free of current. He took out his sword and cut at the fencing. The fencing came apart in between the beams that were connected to the breaker box.

Kassius proceeded across with the assault team of seven members following close behind. He moved across the open field, while the team members spread out to form an inverted pincer formation, with the fourth member holding flank position. They are the flankers in the case of a retreat.

A second team of twenty members followed behind on the tracks of Kassius. Their targets were the armory of Richard II army which was housed in eight underground hangers that measured over a quarter mile wide and length with a high cliff on the other end. On the top ground were the guards’ bunkers with its four hexagon triple levels building measuring a radius of twenty feet and height of twenty feet per level. Each structure had machine guns on each wall side, and at every level. The guard bunkers were spaced out evenly to cover any approach to the cliff. There are regular guard patrols with dogs on the ground.

The one Kassius was heading for was Building Three. .

It was past midnight and the sky was dark with the moon hidden behind the clouds.

The distance from the fence to the building was eight hundred feet, and the intruders had stopped at four hundred feet. Kassius held up his right hand to halt the team behind him. They were separated at a distance of fifty feet. The next four hundred feet was covered by a spanning search light with the regular patrols. He watched the two man patrol with the dog which made their rounds every ten minutes. The lights spanned across every two minutes. His target was the air vent in the ground, at a distance of fifty feet. He had to get there, opened it and get in before the lights come back. It may seem to be an easy task, but the schematic did not tell him how the air vent was secured.

Kassius took his chance.

He did the run after the light went pass. He ran the distance and then stopped at the air vent. It was a raised opening with a cover of two feet in area. He swept his hands on the cover looking for any locks.

There was one and it was in the inside. He was running out of time. The lights will be back soon. Kassius laid down flat on the ground and hoped the guard will missed him. The light came and swept by him without stopping. He moved his body close to the opening and picked at the lock. It was an old lock; rusted and needed some persuasion to unlock. He used his pick lock tools and with some brute strength, he got it opened. Then the lights came back again. He laid there still like before. The light was fifty feet away when it stopped. It did not move and then it resumed again. It went past Kassius without stopping.

Kassius had to act fast as the patrols would be back soon. He pried open the cover but paused at the slight opening. There was a wire attached to it. He trailed the wire and it was attached to a breaker switch. Had he pulled it open, and the wire disconnect from the switch, it would had triggered the alarm. He deftly cut the wire and then pushed open the cover. He slid in head first and then descended down the tight air vent. The vent was part of twelve tunnels in a radius of twelve feet and depth of twelve feet was connected to the bigger vent tunnel. The larger vent was connected to the bunker below. The descent measured fifty feet before it reached the ventilation ceiling that lined the ceiling of the underground bunkers. He reached an open grate cover, and above it was the lever. He pulled at it and raised the cover by one foot. It was enough for him to slip through and then there was the drop of a hundred feet. He lowered himself down to the ceiling metal beams below it at five feet. He landed on his feet with his knees bent. He had not much time as there were patrols and maintenance team there. He half crouched and walked along the maintenance beams. Soon he came upon a raised platform which was the observation deck on the ground below.  He jumped off the beam onto the roof of the observation deck. He had misjudged his jump and landed with a loud noise.

Kassius crouched there and watched for any activities drawn to the noise. He saw none and then walked along the roof before he swung over to reach the deck below. He landed on his feet and saw the Maintenance crew standing there with a long handle wrench. The crew rushed at Kassius, but the later swung his out his right leg in a forward kick to knock the maintenance crew. The guy was a huge man and with the kick, he only staggered in his rush. Kassius pivot his body around and did a right elbow blow onto the other’ throat. The maintenance crew keeled over and it was then Kassius struck with his right knee into the wounded throat. The maintenance crew went down clutching his throat before he died.

There was not much time left as Kassius rushed to the ladder that will reached him to the bunker flooring. He slid down holding the sides, and then ran to the entrance at a distance of hundred feet that will take to him to Bunker Three. He reached it and made the quick climb up the stairs leading to the upper level. There he paused by doorway, and waited. Each Bunker would be manned by at least ten guards, and that made his task more difficult. The eight gunners are all in their own chamber with a locked door. The other two remaining guards would be in the common area of each level. His task was to remove the two guards in the common area. They are seated on the two rows of consoles watching if there were any new orders coming in. They have been on the alert since the war had resumed.

Kassius have three seconds to terminate them before they could raise the alarm.

Kassius pulled out the air pistol from his belt with the right hand. He weighed it in his palm and then opened the door into bunker.

Seconds’ One; the double tap fired off two shots within split seconds with his right hand.

Seconds’ Two; He swivel his left hand to aim.

Seconds’ Three; The spring loaded dagger shot out from the left vambrace.

The last guard fell with the dagger in the throat.

Kassius got up and moved towards the first chamber on his right. He was to open the door when the guard stepped out. The guard was not alone but with another companion. It was the search light guard from above which he had not counted for. They saw the assassin and moved to react but Kassius had moved. Kassius jumped up and lashed out with his legs. He did a right kick at the first guard, and then swung his left leg to hit at the second guard. Both the guards went down but he was not stopping at then. He landed in between them and lashed out with his hands to smash their vocal cords. He then stood up and reloaded his air gun. He went to the next chamber and shot the guard there in the back. He did that for the next six more guards.

It took him nineteen seconds to take over the bunker.

Kassius then leaned out the bunker opening to signal the others. The twenty members crawled forth and entered the bunker via the bunker opening. They proceeded down the stairs to the other bunkers and removed the remaining guards. After all the killing, they took command of the underground bunker. It was to be used for storing the weapons of the army. It also held a surprise for them.

The bunker beneath the ground had a hidden taxiway out to an opening below the cliff. In addition to that, there were two frigates that were newly built named Brutus and Anthony. The third group of fifty members arrived and took command of the ships. They loaded the ships and then guided the frigates towards the open cliff entrance.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Devils Own ( Steam Punk Adventure ) 6.8

There was a clearing near the exit where they had taken out of the tunnel. The men had taken to that clearing for their discussion while the ladies took to a nearby stream for a wash. Kassius held the small case in his right hand. It measured no more than three inches in length and two inches in width. It was not a high with less than two inches in height. It was also light and he was tempted to open it but the prince stopped him.

“The Ark had been claimed to be a large case carried by the followers then, but not many knew that the Ark was actually a small case. The case may be small in dimension when held in our hand. But in a different reality, it’s even larger than even our cities boundaries. It’s all about perception. An ant percept a man as a mountain that moves, but the man may percept the moon as huge but compared the moon to the Sun, the former is just a speck in the skies.” Prince Csaba explained. “The case you held is the Ark that many seek. You have heard of its power. Or part of it.”

Kassius looked at it again. He was sure there was it more to the Ark.

“I read your mind, Assassin.” Prince Csaba spoke out. “The Ark had a price for its calling.”

The Prince opened up his jacket to reveal the missing sections of his chest. He was like Merlin, but his body was still much intact. He closed back his jacket and then continued on.

“Leave us and be on your way. You got what you needed.” Prince Csaba continued on. He sighed at the end of the statement. “I will seek out my people and lead them to a new sanctuary. You continued on with the war with King Richard. Complete the Ark and destroy him. Richard II will soon cease to exist.”

“No, we will stay and fight your war. There are some things that you may not know of fighting the war.” Kassius replied. “We can help you but we need people to build the weapons to fight Richard II.”

Prince Csaba shook his head and then smiled.

“I think you are a mad one, Assassin but I liked the idea. We may be saved after all.” Prince Csaba shouted out to the skies. “You are not the only means to end the war. We will fight ours the way we were supposed to be. We will be equal in strength and equipped in the same.”

The prince then whistled out and the carriage with the four horses appeared.

“Take my coach. The horses will lead you to a safe place. Stay there and plan the weapons. I will get the materials and people.” Prince Csaba smiled. “And we will show Richard II there are more to us than just faith.”

Six months have passed, and with effort of thousands the first dirigible took to the skies. It was a smaller version than any frigate. It was actually the size of a dhow with its hull made of wood; with the inflatable balloon above it and the twin rotor blades behind at the stern. The ship was powered by a small steam engine that powered the rotor blades. On the side of the hull was the extended twenty foot wing. On the wings were mounted several four lock release holders that held the oblong shaped canisters of explosives with an impact detonator. On the fore of the ship were twin mounted machine guns manned by the gunner. The pilot was seated at the rear with the lever to control the wings explosives. They had made the ten of them, but the first was to be tested flown that day. The pilots were tested on five smaller narrow in design, with half of them crashing initially on landing. The others just crashed into the trees. Of the initial fifty pilots, only fifteen came back for the second flight and subsequent flights. The men of Prince Csaba made good pilots as they were used to short flights on man-made wings that extended from their arms as vampires.

“My Prince, I am ready.” The pilot saluted his lord and then climbed in the ship. His gunner had climbed in while the crews were getting ready to taxi the ship onto the long clearing stretch. The pilot gave the thumbs up and the crews pushed at it. Their effort helped the ship to move faster, while the steam engine heated up to generate the power to the mini turbine and then it worked up the engine gears. The gears lubricated the joints and working parts to push the ship forward. The engine ran up the wheels that cleared the ship to an increasing speed. At the distance of two hundred feet, the pilot who was Kassius himself moved the flaps on the wings to propel it upwards. It climbed up and then dropped down but it was increasing speed. Kassius tried again at the one hundred and fifty feet, and that time the ship lifted off to the skies. It hovered at fifty feet and then slowly soared higher. The watching crowd of the flight cheered, and then the other pilots climbed into their ships. They were taking turns to fly their own ships.

Prince Csaba smiled and then walked to the giants hangers that were hidden among the trees. They had fled the tunnel of Fafnir and came to this secluded valley. The valley was surrounded by hills and on each of them, sentries were posted. His father had once assembled an army there hidden from the Romans.

“Lady Irina, I am impressed by your design.” Prince Csaba congratulated the lady.

“Nothing of this would happen without your assistance.” Irina replied. When she first arrived at the safe place, she was greeted by a warehouse of mechanical components. It was salvaged from the abandoned or crashed vehicles of Richard II army. They had scourged the land from afar and even at the sites of previous wars. Anything remote was not discounted and brought here. The experts have replicated some of the components but with Irina’ guidance, they had progressed more than before. She also improvised where it was needed. Her motto was nothing was to be scrapped until its molten metal.
“Now that your flight ships are up, may I see that others?” Prince Csaba interrupted her thoughts.
Irina smiled and then motioned the prince to mount the coach available there. The ride was short and soon they reached the end of the valley where the factories to build the ships. It also builds other inventions which Irina was familiar with. She took the prince into the large wooden structure where the people assigned to her had constructed a production line. They were producing the armored vehicles improvised on the coach design. On the sides of the coach were protected by metal plates while the four horses were also given metal plating on their bodies. The top of the coach was mounted a set of machinegun at the rear where the gunners could swivel the gun to the left and right. Beside the gunner and the rider was the additional rifleman on the top. Inside the coach were two more gunners with their rifles.

“We had made a hundred of these machines guns, and some had been deployed on the coaches.” Irina told the prince. The other nodded, and then noticed the stacks of crates containing the explosives.

“Are those explosives that you taught them to make?” Prince Csaba asked. He was told that salt peter was one of the needed ingredients, and where shortages were noticed they raided the latrines for more supplies. They had progressed from gunpowder to more refined cordite contents.

“You heard of the salt peter?” Irina questioned back. She smiled as that news had caused them to be named as the latrine diggers.

“How fare your other inventions?” Prince Csaba asked.

Irina told him of the flame throwers which she had commanded over five hundreds of it, with other numerous weapons. She then looked to the prince.

“What about your call to the people?”

“The Szekely people had answered my call. They will come from all over the world.” Prince Csaba smiled. “We will now fight Richard II on equal terms.”

Prince Csaba then paused.

“There won’t be only one front, but two. Commander Ian had also rallied his army to fight us and Richard II. He viewed it as the moment for him to vanquish all of us. He had also built more weapons similar to these ones. The war had escalated to a new level, where machines battle man.” Prince Csaba smiled again. “Among the three, we lacked the numbers but I hoped we have the extra edge in weapons.”

“There may be another way.” Irina spoke out. “We could acquired more by stealth. We have the means to do such tasks.”

Monday, December 29, 2014

Devils Own ( Steam Punk Adventure ) 6.7

The prince laughed at Kassius while he stood on mid air above the abyss. He told them to follow his steps or they will fall off into the abyss.

“It’s an unseen step here. One that was created by Fafnir to deter off the intruders. He was a smart person, but greedy in nature.”

Prince Csaba took to the steps as he descended down, while the others followed suit with careful steps. They tested their legs on the steps before they proceeded to the next one. When the prince reached the thirteenth step, the stairs appeared before their eyes from then on. From there, it was easy to move on with the stairs seen. Soon they reached an opening in the wall, and walked in. It opened up to a long tunnel but this one was man’ height and was without any slimy walls. When they walked further in, the walls seemed to vibrate with shades of colors that slowly unfolded. Then they reached the entrance to a grand hall that spanned for in length and width, laden with treasures from gold coins to statues.

“Mother of all Gods, where is this place?” Derreen shouted out. She had never seen so many treasures and never this size of the hall. It was then a figure stepped out. It was an aged man with his white hair braided to the rear, and was dressed in a dark robe with an abacus on his left hand while his right hand frisked at his long thin whiskers above the upper lip. The robe reached just below his knees, and showed his sandals that were on his feet. When he walked towards them, they could hear the sound of his sandals clapping on the floor.

“Good day to you, Prince Csaba.” The man greeted the newly arrival. “I thought Fafnir had terminated the arrangement with you. So please tell why you are here?”

“Fafnir changed his mind. I am here for the Ark.” Prince Csaba told the man. “Get me it. And remember this well, Guardian. You were placed here on my command, and unless I countered that command, you remain one of my servants.”

The robed man bowed to the prince and then replied.

“The Ark, master? I am afraid you are too late.” The man replied. “Fafnir had sent it off some days ago. He handed it to Richard II who is also his new master.”

With that, the man raised his left hand and shook the abacus above his head. From the horde of treasures, the swarm of beetles with the size of an adult rodent appeared. They were into the dozen in units and were clamoring over the treasures. They were not of flesh but of metallic body to their eight limbs and the crimping claws on their jaw. The beetles were manmade with design of small gears and pneumatic valves with the intricate wiring that connected the parts to miniature steam engine that powered it. It was an advanced development in the design of the engineering schematics then. The beetles were shade in silver shades, and were nimble in their movements.

“I guess Fafnir does not appreciate silver at all.” Prince Csaba slammed the cane head on the beetle that was to bite at his leg. Kassius in turn was kicking at the beetles, while he found higher ground onto the treasures caches. He reached for anything that he could get his hands on to hit at those ravenous beetles.

“Use your sword, Assassin.” Prince Csaba shouted out. “Wave it.”

Kassius did as he was told. When he swung the sword, the beetles near him backed off.

“They feared the sword.” Prince Csaba shouted out while hitting with his walking cane. He then looked to the lady with the flame thrower. She had turned on the flames and it was stopping the beetles from approaching her but her supply was not endless. He had to do something quick or one of them will die. He heard the scream, and looked to that direction. It was Derreen who had slipped on the climb up the gold crates. She had tried to reach higher ground but the beetles were too numerous. Derreen got up and ran to the large statue of the raging bull that towered above the height of man with twice the length of one. She stood before it and reached into her bag. From it, she took out a blue vial and tossed it onto the statue. The blue liquid slowly spread and then engulfed the whole statue. Once that was done, its eyes came alive and it stamped its hoofs.

“Do my command.” Derreen called on the bull. “The beetles are my enemies.”

The bull raised its head and snorted out blue vapor from its nostrils. It then charged into the approaching beetles and stomped on any that was in its way.  Some of the beetles tried to climb up the bull, but it found the blue surface was not conducive for climbing.  The bull raged on and used it hoofs without stopping. Prince Csaba saw the robed figure was fleeing the scene. He took to the chase and cornered the robed man at the exit.

“Tell me the truth, Guardian.”

The robed man smiled and then replied.

“I had served one too many masters before my time. I am prepared to be my own.” The robed man smiled. “With this last task, I will be free.”

“I told you not the entire truth.” The robed man continued on. “I did give the Ark to Richard II, but not the entire contents. I had been the guardian of the Ark for so long, do you think I had never peek inside. I seen the Ark content and suffered the ailment that came from it.”

The robed man opened up his robe to reveal his body frame. His body was still there and then not as if it was shifting between dimensions. It was solid in one instances and then translucent in another.

“The Ark had defense of poisoning the one who intrude without authorization. The Ark will cause the intruder to slowly fade into oblivion.” The robed man sighed. “Soon enough but before I go, please allow me to tell you of the Ark contents.”

“The Ark’ case may be of importance but its contents are more than priceless. Among the contents were the commandment tablets, the altar ornaments then, and there was one other which evades many others attention.”
The robed man reached into his robe and withdrew a small plain case from it. It fitted into his right palm and handed it over to the prince.

“It’s yours to begin with. Your father was its benefactor, not by inheritance but by choice but your lack of dedication to safeguard it had let it slipped off. I think it’s time you hold it back.” The robed man smiled. “It’s not complete, for my earlier words I have spoken. Richard did hold the other piece of the Ark. He had seized it from me, while I had this one preserved. Richard holds the one which controls major shifts while this one is the smaller one controlled only the individual shifts.”

“What is the difference? Kassius asked.

“The Ark is actually two pieces; one shaped like the ship and the other hidden inside which was the orb that carried the images of its servant. Not many knew of it, for it was only I who had the studied it. Even when Richard or Merlin had used it individually, they had never understood the contents. The larger piece seems to commands the major rifts in its power, but the smaller one gave one individual power. I know not but I suspect it was not meant to be split. Despite that, I gave Richard the bigger piece then. You held the smaller orb.”

“Fool! Do you know the consequences of your action?” Prince Csaba grabbed the robed man by the shoulder.

“I am a Inquisitor myself. I did as per my nature. But I also learned more than just making the mistake. I also learned on how to undo the mistake.”

“Speak then, old fool.” Prince Csaba was getting impatient while he moved his hands off the old robed man.

“Only its master could restore the balance. Find Noah and with his help, the Ark could be completed. And only he may know how to hide ….or destroy the Ark.” The robed man sighed. “I am old and too weak to continue on. I will take my leave of you now, sire.”

The robed man dropped his robe and then body dissipated into the air. Only the robe, the abacus and the sandals remained. Prince Csaba cursed at the leftover robe while he pranced in anger at the chamber.

“We are not out of the trouble yet, Prince.” Kassius shouted to the other. “If Richard still holds the Ark, we are not of the darkness.

“We must make haste then.” Prince Csaba stormed off from the chamber. 

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Devils Own ( Steam Punk Adventure ) 6.6


The Vault was beneath the ground, and the only way in was by crawling half crouched in the hole made by it. The wall of the tunnel was slimy and coated with silver like surface. The group found themselves slipping onto their haunches when they move on, as there was no hold for their hands. It was Kassius who in the fore, then decided to sit back and slide on his back. He found his movement was smoother and after a distance they reached a larger cavern that allowed them to stand up on their feet. Their legs were immersed into the slimy surface up to their knees and they had to move with greater effort. Kassius sighted another tunnel up ahead and proceeded towards it.  He had to pull at his legs to move forward, but then he saw something moving just beneath the slimy surface. It was swimming beneath the slimy surface as if it was in the water. There was not one but a few of it.

“Behold the surface. There is something beneath.” Kassius warned the others while he leveled his sword at the surface. Prince Csaba had retrieved back his walking cane, raised it up to his shoulder while holding it at the mid section. Irina and Derreen had moved close with their back facing each other. It was the prince who attacked first. He swung the cane down hard on the moving object beneath the surface which was approaching him. The cane head hit into the slimy surface and then sank below to contact on the object below. The object reacted in pain and pulled back its form. At that moment, it raised itself up and was seen to be a tentacle with suctions beneath its skin. The tentacle reacted by pulling itself back to its main body which was camouflaged into the far wall. The creature was not of a body form, but appeared to be plastered across the wall surface stretching to almost one third of the cavern. It was not of any shades but multi layers of dull reflection off the wall. It was then they saw the set of what may be described as its eyes; all eight sets of it spaced out in a row. The eyes were not seen earlier as it was shaded like the wall, but when in pain its lids opened up wider to show the darker shades on its orbs. The eyes were seen to be independent of each other and were watching the group.

“It’s the wall.” Kassius pointed to the wall and moved it across from him. It was then from the slimy surface, more tentacles appeared out. They raised themselves up and swung towards the group. Kassius deflected with his sword and cut off the tentacles that lashed at him. The cut tentacle retracted but from its joint a new portion was seen growing.
“It’s alive.” Irina shouted out and then leveled her flame thrower. She aimed at the wall and pressed the trigger. The flames sprouted out and burned at the eyes. The creature wobbled on the wall as if it was in pain, but its silent pain was seen when the other tentacles all swung out wildly. In its pain, the body moved as if was trying to pry itself off the wall, and then retracted back. It then moved itself across the wall to the front, using the wall as the surface. Once it had moved its body form, an exit was seen on the walls.

“There”, Prince Csaba shouted out as he waded himself on the slimy surface. Some of the tentacles came at him, but he used his cane to hit at the swinging tentacles. He soon reached the exit and called on the rest. He reached behind him to pull at Irina and then Derreen. He saw Kassius was engaged with the tentacles.

“Assassin, move it.” Prince Csaba shouted out. He did not see the tentacles that sucked itself up his back and wind around his neck. He felt the tightness, but he was one that needed not the breath of air to survive. It pulled at him back but he held firm his stance. He reached up with his walking cane, forcing the cane into the tight gap before pushed at it. The tentacle felt the push and had then pulled hard into his neck.

Prince Csaba forced his hand through after the cane and pried the tentacles out. Once he had grabbed hold of its body, he pulled at it length. His grip stretched the flesh to tautness and then to the point of splitting its skin. He pulled even harder until he severed the skin and flesh. The wound oozed out the yellow ooze which resembled its blood. He tore the severed part off and tossed it onto the slimy surface. The torn part floated on the surface and then it sank down as if it was pulled by something. He then saw the new growth sprouting out form the severed link, and thrust his hand into the wounded part. His right hand went in deep into the flesh there and then it pulled out the innards from within. The creature went into frenzy with all its tentacles writhing in pain.

Kassius was slashing at two of the tentacles with his sword. The cut off parts grew back once it was cut but when the prince hurt it, the tentacles flayed out in pain. The unprecedented move caught Kassius off guard and slammed into his face. He fell backwards but with his feet embedded into the slimy surface, it held him up. He took hold of his balance and then thrust the sword into the slimy surface in random. He was searching for the main joint of the tentacles, and with his wild thrusting he found it. The blade cut in deep at the joint and caused the creature to retract further into the slimy surface.

“Move it, assassin.” Prince Csaba called out to him. The assassin pulled his weight forward and approached the exit. He soon stepped out of the slimy cavern into a narrow ledge on the side of an abyss. He had to be held back by the prince from falling.

“We have done it.” Prince Csaba spoke out and then he stepped out into the void. “Welcome to the Vault.” 

Devils Own ( Steam Punk Adventure ) 6.5


The Prince approached the lizard-serpent but it did not stand there. It raised its head and moaned. Its body then began to shake and then the creature evolved to its former self; the body of the dwarf warrior dressed in chain mail covering most of his chest while holding the double edged battle-axe with a half body length rectangle shield. On the shield was the family crest of Hreidmar the Great. Over his head was the metal head wear with the horns on the side. His limbs were covered with the metal greaves and high leather boots. With his boots, he appeared much taller than most men with a body frame that showed strength.

“So the true Fafnir had appeared for his last hour of life.” Prince Csaba smiled. He looked down at his white suit and shook his head. “I am overdressed for the occasion.”

With that Prince Csaba moved his right foot out and leveled the sword down to his left side. He flexed his wrist to hold the hilt at an angle where he could do the reversed swing on the first strike. Fafnir stepped to the side while moving the shield to cover his right side. The prince saw the change of stance and flexed his wrist to re-position his swing. He did not hesitate then and swung the sword in at the shield, but he changed his move at the last moment. His last flexing of the wrist moved his sword to slap it against the shield, but he was following up with a downward slash. He was aiming at the right foot that was exposed.

Fafnir saw the sudden move and fell back to avoid losing his toes. That move caused Fafnir to lose his balance and the Prince moved in with a thrust at the other but Fafnir had rolled aside. He then jumped up and took his shield up.

“You are obviously out of practice, Fafnir.” Prince Csaba told the other.

“No, I was not out of practice but I am picking up fast.” Fafnir moved in with his shield towards the prince and the later swung his sword out to stop the attack. He was surprised that the sword did not cut into the shield.

“Don’t be, my dear Prince. You are not the only one blessed with the gift from the God of Mars.” Fafnir gloated at the other. “Behold my shield. This is the gift of the Roman God.; the Ancile.”

According to the legend, the shield fell from the skies during the reign of Numa Pompiplius. It was believed that the shield came from Mars like his sword. He was afraid that it would be stolen and had eleven more of it fashioned to keep in the vault. Since then the shields were protected by the assigned priests until the fall of the Empire.

“You bastard.” Prince Csaba hollered out. “That was mine to begin with. I handed it to you for safekeeping.”

The prince was enraged and attacked the other with powerful swing of the sword. Fafnir deflected the blows and retreated in steps, as if he was just defending himself. It was then Prince Csaba slipped on a move, and the other swung his battle axe. The price was open to the oncoming blow but it was Irina who saved his life. The lady had intervened with her flame sprouting at the dwarf. Fafnir fell backward from the sudden attack while Prince Csaba stepped forth. He laid his sword on the shield and pushed against it. The push caused Fafnir to fall onto his back and dropped his axe. He had both hands to hold up the shield against the sword.

“Say aye to defeat, Fafnir and I may yet let you live.” Prince Csaba told the fallen warrior, but the later shook his head. He pushed down hard, but the huge dwarf was holding its strength.

“Nay I say.” Fafnir lunged himself up while pushing the prince off his body. He rolled to his side and pushed to get up but the prince had anticipated the move. The later had twisted his body to level on to the dwarf, and saw his opening to thrust in the sword at the ribs. The sword cut through the chain mail and embedded itself into the soft flesh beneath.

Prince Csaba twisted his wrist and then moved the blade up. The blade cut the soft flesh beneath the tough chain mail. Fafnir screamed out in pain when Prince Csaba moved his body forward to thrust the sword into the upper chest cavity. Fafnir dropped his hold on the shield and reached for the blade, but the wound had become fatal when the heart was cut. He tried to evolved back to his lizard form, but the pain was distorting his moves. He screamed one more last time before he succumbed to the throes of death. From the fatal wound, the blood of Fafnir bleeds out in the yellowish shade and emitted the foul smell.

Prince Fafnir crouched up and then reached with his right hand into the wound. He plunged his hand in and groped at the inside. He then pulled out a section of the ribs bone and waved it Kassius. It was shaped like a rib bone, but there were carvings on it. It was over a foot long and concave in design with the thickness of the larger thumb.

“Behold the key to the Vault.” Prince Csaba held up the bone.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Devils Own ( Steam Punk Adventure ) 6.4


Kassius stepped off the carriage guard onto the open acrid land. It was devoid of any vegetation for miles, and nothing that was living was seen on it. Prince Csaba joined the later and told him that this was the land of Fafnir the Serpent Lizard.

“You have heard of the legend in your world, but in here Fafnir had created a land of his own. He kept the others from it by laying poison to its earth and the water here is all poisoned. Only Fafnir could survive in this land.” Prince Csaba told him. “I had the Vault created here to safeguard it.”

“If the land is poisoned, how could we step into it?” Irina asked.

“We could not, but to await Fafnir to seek us. He will come soon as he knew we are on the borders.” Just as Prince Csaba completed his sentence, the stench of utmost bad scent whiffed into their nose. The group covered their noses but their sight was greeted by the arrival of a giant lizard that was silver in its smooth skin. It had emerged from the ground; crawling out and slitter towards the group. It measured ten feet across with body length at over a hundred and twenty feet in length to the tail end. Its body supported by the two fore limbs and on the limb was the four talons that gripped the ground it crawled on. The end of its body was without limbs and ended to it long tail. It eyes were narrow slits with the green orbs beneath it. It had some spikes on its chin before the extended jaws and the fangs appeared out of the side of the jaws.

“Fafnir, I brought guests to see you.” Prince Csaba greeted the foul creature. “They come for the Ark which I had left in trust with you.”

Fafnir moved his head to sniff at the new arrivals, and then it snorted out some fumes off. It turned to leave but Prince Csaba had commanded it to stop.

“Fafnir, you are my servant. Heed your master’ command.” Price Csaba shouted out. Fafnir stopped and the turned to look at the prince.

“Csaba, you were once my master but not anymore.” Fafnir replied. “Richard II had defeated your army, and you are now just another prince.”

“Defeated?” Prince Csaba rebuked. “I am not defeated yet. I shall fight Richard II when I have regrouped. Now heed my command or prepare to be slain.”

Fafnir hissed out his tongue and then snorted out more fumes.

“The last time, I fought you and lost was not because of my strength, but my desire to hold your treasures. Since I have them, I am no longer yours to command.” Fafnir slammed his right limb forward. “Behold my talons before it tear into your body.”

Kassius was to challenge it when the prince stopped him. He held out his hand for the sword.

“Pass me the Sword of Mars.” Prince Csaba told the assassin. “Today, I will do what I failed to do years ago.”
Kassius passed him the sword and then stepped back. The prince held the sword with both his hands.

“Let us end it today.”

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Devils Own ( Steam Punk Adventure ) 6.3

Kassius looked to the prince who was smiling at the departing creature. He approached the other but was interrupted by the appearance of the Nephilim who had dug itself out of the ground. It was dressed in the gnome reddish coat and held a shovel the height of Man. It climbed out and howled at the six figures. It was Renfield who sprang into action, with his walking cane. He jumped up and did a somersault before he pressed the cane side to release the blade at the end. The Nephilim swung the shovel at him which caught him on the somersault. Renfield landed his feet on the shovel handle and did a quarter twist to do a scissor kick towards the Nephilim’ head. The kick hit the Nephilim and then he did a reversed somersault to plunge the blade into the back of the chest. The blade was coated with a chemical which soon spread across the body and freeze its movements. The result was almost instantaneous and the Nephilim fell on its face.

“Renfield is quite an adept guard. He had fought these giants before and had suffered but he is gaining momentum.” Prince Csaba smiled. “He learned acrobat tricks to make himself versatile.”

Renfield had landed on his feet, did a curtsy bow on his achievement. The cheering soon ended when another Nephilim appeared from below and pulled at the aide below. Prince Csaba rushed forward but the aide of his was gone under the ground. He hollered at the hole but there was no reply. It was then another two Nephilim appeared on the sides.

“We have been compromised!”Kassius shouted and drew his sword. He rushed to the nearest Nephilim who was armed with a pick. The giant swung the pick at him but Kassius had his sword drawn. He cut the pick at its metal head to the surprise of the giant. Kassius followed up with a thrust at the giant’ chest and killed it. He pulled out the sword and saw Irina had burned the other giant. The flame had engulfed the beard and the coat.

“This way.” Prince Csaba motioned to his entourage. He walked on but paused to look back at the hole. He will miss his old friend. He then led the group to the tree lines, and then there was a carriage with four horses in waiting there. They climbed in and then the carriage took off. It destination was not disclosed but the horses were pulling hard.

Then the firing of the bullets was felt on the roof of the carriage. It was followed by the sounds of cannon shots.

“What are those?” Prince Csaba shouted out. He had been underground for too long. Kassius looked out from the carriage side and saw the cause of their issue.

“Pegasus!” Kassius saw two of those flying contraptions up there. “Richard II had more of the inventions here too.”
Kassius looked to the sky again. He then asks the Prince if there was anything that could fly.

“Fly? How would I know anything that could fly when I have not done it by myself?” Prince Csaba replied. “The creature was the first I had seen who could fly in years.”

Kassius proceeded to open the carriage door and climbed out to the driver bench. There he saw the reins to the horses are still tied there and held it. He took control of the four horses and directed them past the trees. Over the tree tops, the two Pegasus were still in pursuit with one frigate lending support higher up. He lashed at the horses to move them to weave past the trees so to throw the Pegasus shooting off course. He then came into the thicker end of the trees and hid them from the flying hunters but the later had spread out to shoot in random. He held the reins and pulled the horses to turn around, and retracted on their path. It was then Irina joined him on the carriage top.

“Can we shoot back this time?”

Kassius nodded to her, and then pulled the horses to move out to the open. Once they hit the open clearing, they rode hard and then the Pegasus came roaring towards them. It was then Irina let off her flames but the distance was too far to reach it but it deterred them off. At the higher heights they were not able to aim better, but the frigate came in with their cannons.

Just like it started, they saw the frigate turning to leave without warning and so were the Pegasus. Kassius looked up and saw the Leviathan had returned from its retreat. It was flying towards the frigate and it was getting adept with the extended fins. It was also making greater speed than the frigate and soon crashed into it. It used it body mass to crash into the bottom hull and dragged the cracks to sink the ship. Down below on the ground, Kassius had released the reins to let the horses took its own course.

“Where are we going?” Irina asked.

“No idea. Let the horses decide.” Kassius replied. It was then Prince Csaba joined them. He heard the question and provided the answer.
“We will now seek our Fafnir’ Cave.”
Fafnir was from the legend of Loki and Odin who the former had killed for the cursed gold of Andvari and his ring Andvaranaut. It was greed that made Fafnir killed the other brother to keep the fortune of gold which was paid in ransom for the release of Odin and Loki. It was fabled that Fafnir became obsessed with the gold and then evolved into a giant serpent lizard to guard the treasure. Fafnir also breathed poison into the land around him so no Man will come close to his lair. In that world, Prince Csaba had defeated the serpent lizard and had it swore allegiance to him. He had appointed it as its treasure keeper.

Merry Christmas from me

Ho Ho Ho.... I have been a  bad guy not posting my comments for some time now. Pardon me, but work and more personal issues plagued my time. I have also not been able to concentrate much on my writing but I am getting it clear. In fact, I started off a tale last week, and its swooping at 21K words now. I think this one will be longer at maybe 80K words to complete or longer. Its a Steam Punk tale with a dash of adventure of the high seas. I may do it before the end of the year or early Jan.

I tested with three tales on rotation in the loading and noticed it was not well received. I will then stick to one tale per time. Well, we have ended Crusaders III and coming to end soon on Devils Own. I will complete up Othello before deciding what to post. I have two more Shakespeare Tales; Coriolanus and Titus in the keep. I actually re-writing those tales; it was fun.

Meanwhile I have done part works on Crusaders IV and Preys & Predators IV but they are uncompleted. I shelved it with my other commitments. On the later, I guess I ran out of 'sexy scenes' .....hahahaha. The Predators series have always been targeted for the matured.

I also have New Pangaea II in the works from last year which I also shelved. I decided to rewrite that with a new approach. New Pangaea was one of my earlier writings at about 320 over pages and it ended with a cliff hanger on the settlement there. It was a whirlwind of 52 weeks of adventure and I think I will give it one more chapter with Pangaea II after I done the current works.

Till then, its Ho Ho Ho .... and Happy New Year.


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Devils Own ( Steam Punk Adventure ) 6.2


Prince Csaba was amused at the confused look on his guests. He had just revealed to them that they are all in the Vault.

“The Eighth City was not of man structure but of flesh and blood.” Prince Csaba repeated himself. “It also known as the Vault. The Vault is actually a creature that had been extinct for millenniums.”

The walls of the hall moaned once more.

“It’s a Leviathan. It’s a creature of immense size and unknown of its abilities.” Prince Csaba continued on. “Father came upon this one beneath the ground, in this large cavern. It was huge and towered over his men many times. He had feared it, but his instinct told him to explore it. He had sent his scouts to measure it, but not all of them returned. The ones that did told him of the serpents who guarded the monster. He will not give up that easily and had the army of his hunt the serpents. They were removed and then the monster spoke to him.”

“The Leviathan spoke to my father not only in sound of words but in thoughts as well as the sounds you heard. The moaning is meaningless to you, but to the selected ones, it translates to words. It’s like gesture of the hands and body to tell the words. It told my father of its injuries from the war with the skies, and had stayed there to recover. The serpents had not been his ally but his enemy too. They had turned on it and fed it of its blood. It was grateful to my father and told him of many secrets, including that of the Ark. It offered itself to be an ally of my father but its use was not then, but in the generations to come. All it asked from my father was to feed it with the remains of the enemies he had slain. Soon before his death, my father told me of the Leviathan. He told me that the creature yield great powers, and will be my home if I ever need one. I took sanctuary here and also moved the artifacts here. Little was I to know that the Leviathan also kept me alive for these years.”

“The Leviathan gave me the elixir of life, but with a price; the blood of the living among my own kind will be needed to nourish it.”

“You are a vampire.” Irina spoke out. She reached for her weapon again, but Kassius held back her hand.

“In person and in reality for this world.” Prince Csaba did a courtesy bow. “It was a choice I made, and never had I regretted it.”

Then the sound of moaning came through the walls again, but that time it was louder and sounded in distress. Prince Csaba looked up to the ceiling of the hall and bellowed out his command.

“Let me see the battle.” The prince voiced sounded out and the hall evolved from that of plain red tiles to that of a large reddish screen with a view of a large cavern. In the cavern were towering figures that had broken through the cavern walls. They must have tunneled through as their bodies were caked in dust. They were seven of them, and towered at thrice the height of man, with a frame of the gnome.

“Nephilim!” Prince Csaba spoke out. The seven figures were soon added with more of their own kind with weapons that resembled the tunneling tools like picks and shovels. Their face was covered by their thick hair that covered almost all of their face except for the eyes and nose. The headwear was a steel covering in the fashion of the Helm of the knights’ era. From the ceiling of the cavern, dark figures were seen to fly towards these giants. The dark figures were unarmed but they had wings on their back and the affinity to lay their bites on these giants. The later swatted them with the shovels or impaled them with the picks when they caught hold of these.

“No!” Prince Csaba moaned out. He felt the pain of his recruits dying in the battle. “We must move, my dear friend.”
The walls of the hall reverted with moans but the prince had protested hard.

“Your sanctuary had been breached. They will kill you unless you fight back.” Prince Csaba pleaded with the creature. “We are undone if we stay here.”

The wall murmured a reply and then there was silence. The screen before them disappeared and the six figures stood there in silence. It was Kassius who offered to help but Prince Csaba denied him of that wish.

“Assassin, the war was destined to end with the death of the Leviathan. It was prophesied.” With those words, the six figures saw the opening of a portal where the screen had appeared. “The Leviathan wants us to leave.”

“What about the Ark?” Kassius asked. The prince turned to him and smiled.

“I lied about the Vault. The Vault is not here.” With the prince stepped into the portal and appeared at a clearing. In the distance, they saw the army of Richard II pounded the earth to seek out the Eighth City. There were the large mining equipments that resembled dozers and diggers but the amusing inventions were the ones that resembled the giant drill. As they were admiring the works of Man in defiling the might of the earth, the later had rebelled back with its own quake. From the quake a monstrous figure soon slitter out like a creature of the serpent frame, but it was not of one. It was pinkish in shades in the bottom with the darker shades on the top. It was more like a monstrous sea faring monster with a wide jaw on its fore with the high forehead and a body that sailed to the rear for a distance to end with a large fin. It must have measured a distance of over eight hundred feet with the body shaped like a large tadpole in design.

“The Leviathan…” Prince Csaba spoke out.

The Leviathan emerging from its sanctuary after its self exiled for millenniums. Once it emerged from the ground, it roared out in a loud moan and from the side of its body, the side fins emerged from before the jaws to extend near to the end. The new fins spread out wide at over a hundred feet and then flapped. Its initial flaps brought up the dust and earth around it. It was creating a wind storm around it with the wind creating a cushion beneath its body. It then slowly rose for a short height before it collapsed onto the ground. During the fall, it those caught beneath it burying the mining equipment too. The Leviathan tried for several times before it managed to raise itself just above the ground. Then from the horizon came the new threat.

The fleet of four frigates appeared there, and fired their cannons at the Leviathan. The distance was too far to hurt the creature, but the loud sound of the firing alarmed it. It could not move its head but the orbs on the side of its head lobbed to focus its sight on the frigates. It had not seen such creatures before, but its loud noise was scaring it. It flapped harder on its fins but the working of it was cumbersome after the long hiatus in the cavern.

The frigates were getting nearer and their cannons shots were hurting the creature. It then decided to turn it body to fly away but it was slow. The shots hurt more of its body. It then took in a huge effort to move its body again but that time it moved towards the frigate. It used the momentum of the body to crash into the nearest frigate on the stern. The crash caused the frigate to crash into the next before both of it went down. By then the Leviathan had been given more space to move and it took to flee. The remaining frigates gave chase but the Leviathan was adept to its renewed movements and distanced itself from the frigates.

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...