Wednesday, May 22, 2013

OZ; a remake of the tale 1.4

5. The new friends.
I finally woke up but my surrounding was all toppling over like. I pushed at the case cover and find it stuck. I don't have much of a leverage to pushed as I am curled up like an infant here in this new cramped womb environment. My frantic pushing woke up my pet and friend. Toto on sensing my panic, began evolving to her Griffin nature. Her sudden increase in the size is slowly cramping the tight space.

The case cover opened up and I find my rolling out like drunkard on a freighter having a turbulent ride. Toto on being released from her confined space became the larger than man sized Griffin but there was difference, she was in fright. Its not like her; as she was always very fierce.

I stepped up to my upright position and looked at the surrounding.

There were some great differences.

The workshop contents are scattered; cases opened up and contents spilled out.

My bike is missing. Instead I can see standing upright before is a three meter tall metal droid that looked like a ancient medieval knight complete with a head piece that looked like a cone with horizontal slits for the eyes and another vertical slit diagonal to it that extend below to the chin level. Those slits are lighted up with an amber light emitting from it.

The droid have an extended left arm that has a metallic battle axe in place of the hand making it extra long while the right limb has a metallic hand like a human. It lower limbs are a set of larger limbs that look like a set of over padded layers boots. The droid does not have any feet but its got a set of triangular round wheels that allowed it to stabilized on any surface.

"Good morning, Dorothy. My name is Tin-Man. Or you called me as Droid." The droid looked to his left extended arm. "Whatever we went through, it transformed me into this new form with the components from the bike. It used the parts that can be salvaged and removed the useless one. That's why I am named Droid. "

The droid swung the left upper limb and then emit out a loud vocal that could substitute as a laugh.

"This is a Baxon Axe design prized by the Baxon Warriors. I am surprised that it was re-constructed here. It can cut through most surfaces without a scratch. It can be detached to hurl as a flying projectile towards the target."

"A most unusual gift for a droid." The other voice sounds out. "Unless you are considering to go curing the world of its trees. You know like chip chop of the axe."
I looked to see the new figure who spoke.

"Its me, N1. Or you may had known me as that. My real name is Cen Krow or you may now called me as Scarecrow."

The figure that used to be dressed as a man was with a height of five centimeters but now over two meters tall and dressed to go for a Gothic party. Her head piece is a witch hat with the top end bend to the left. She has on a dark vest over her plain short sleeve half tunic that leaves her midriff exposed. Her lower torso cover in a pants that the reached the knees with her lower legs clad in a set of a dark maroon felt boots. On both her wrists are a set of greaves that reached her elbow. On the greaves are a series of colored stones in two rows. She also carries a bag slung over her left shoulder.

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Oz. Or shall I mentioned the former Kingdom of Oz."

"No! I am dreaming. This is a fragging dream." I rushed to the walls and hit my fists on it. Its solid and painful to hit after the first few blows. I ran to the droid and slammed into it. If it was a dream, I may had run through it, but I am not. Then I saw the cut on my knuckle. Its bleeding and I placed it at my mouth.
It tasted like blood. I knew my own taste as many a times, I get bruised from my bike fall or worse from the cliffs. I am no ordinary lady on the farm. If you want a hen, picked one at the market. I am the only hen which can out fight a rooster.

"Dorothy, this is real. Look outside." The figure named Scarecrow spoke to me.

I got up and walked to the door. The sight that greeted me once I unlatched the workshop door was a different scenery. The farm is gone and so are the vast farm lands. What I was greeted with was a thick green jungle, with over bearing red skies without the clouds.

"Uncle Henry? Aunt Em? Where are they?" I asked as I stepped out. "Oh, no. This can't be."

I just stepped on a pile of dung. A big pile from the way my right foot sank into it.

"You are in the seventh dimension on the same planet but this is our dimension. Here the Munchkins populate the lands till recent years. Seventeen years ago, a group of witches got together and topple the King of Oz. Since then, the land have been split down into four parcels by the designated direction of North, South, East and West."

"Scarecrow, tell me how can I get back to my own dimension?" I asked her.

"Dorothy Gale, you been brought here for a reason, but I do not know what." Scarecrow replied. "I cannot recognise the place but the sky looked familiar."

She was about to say something more when she saw the approaching creature. Its local name was the Dark One; a foul looking dark midnight skinned legged feline with four legs with a long tail. The first expression described the details of the creature head looks; it has a set of long fangs that jutted out from its jaw.

"I recognise that one. Its Puma Toothed. A predator of the jungle and deadly to meet without any weapons."


"Do not fear for I am here." The droid stepped forth and his axe light up "I fear nothing of any kind including dark creatures."


The droid walked toward the dark creature while swinging his axe. The dark creature on seeing the droid pounced at it like any prey but the droid made short of the creature intent. Its battle axe sliced the creature head off. The creature dropped dead at the droid feet.


"Ah, a fine specimen. I always wanted a overcoat of that dark shade." The Scarecrow walked up the dead creature and began removing the skin.


I shrugged my shoulders not because of the skinning before, but the notion that I am still lost in this dimension. I am not sure why I am here.


Or for what reason.

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