Tuesday, May 14, 2013

0520 hours Day Two Killrock 1.2

1.          1st and 3rd Company fights back

The Rangers under 1st Company aided by the two CT's fought back and reclaimed their previous holding position. They fired on the retreating Draconian and collected back their wounded. At the same time, the 3rd Company at the lake side also hit back forcing the Draconian there to retreat too. The Vampires on seeing the new onslaught and the arrival of the two CT's caused them to back up with the Big Banger.

"Lieutenant Timon, rebuilt the line and get settled in." Major Moshe looked at the 1st Company who had lost half their numbers now was reinforced by the 3rd Company. I addition to that, they have a Juggernaut named Viking joining in. It was commanded by Major Kimble who was promoted to take over from Colonel Jahangir.

The new order came in and they were to move towards the ruins. The 3th Company would joined up with the remaining 1st Company in the north and marched to the ruins too. It would be a two prong attack.

2nd Company would moved to cover the flanks and protect the Production Line.

2.          The Tunnel

Squad Five was down to seven of them including himself and Landi was holding with four of her own Rangers. The chamber turned out to be a tunnel; a narrow one with a width of five metres and holding the ceiling at another five. There were intricate carvings on the wall sides and Officer Moss was very intrigue by it. As usual Squad Five took the lead while Squad Two brought up the rear.

"No Draconian at the rear." Leader Landi reported in but Basilus was taken in by the tunnel. It was not the length, or the width nor the carving on the walls but what lay ahead. They did not get far when they were ambushed by Draconian troops.

"Take cover!" Basilus shouted out when he saw Durant went down in the first first volley of bullets. There was not much to cover in the tunnel except on the flooring. They all hit on the floor and returned fire towards the Draconian troops. Basilus reached for the explosives but there no more of it left on him. He looked at his squad; they are all pinned down and there was good cover.

"Retreat!" Basilus gave the command as they crawled back under fire. It was Andrei who was hit next before Officer Moss shouted out.

"They are a tunnel here. I can opened the doorway." Moss shouted out and pushed at the wall. It opened up to a new chamber and they all ran in. On the way in, they lost another two Ranger from Squad Two. This new chamber was a narrow rectangle one with man sized statues lined up on both sides. Moss got the entrance sealed before the Rangers stacked the statues there. They just toppled the statues and pushed it against the entrance. They poured out the liquid cement over it and sealed the entrance.

"Leader, we have another chamber ahead." Leader Landi shouted back. "One that leads to bigger one. You have to see this."

Basilus rushed over and soon himself of the opened doorway. In front of him was the large chamber five times the width of the current one. It had a the same ceiling height but what amazed the Leader was the row of five vampires there alongside stack of crates lined up in rows and columns. Officer Moss took up his scanner and did some scanning.

"The chamber is over a fifty metres in width and sixty in length." Officer Moss read from his scanner. "What are those Vampires doing here?"

Mira and Marc climbed into the tank and checked the unit. They later reported that the tanks are without ammo projectiles and missing some equipment but it can fight.

There are a thousand of these crates." Office Moss reported in. "They contained stones."

3.          The Draconian Surprise

"Maybe that would answer the question of why the there was such a large army here. Those crates contained the artifacts of Khun." Officer Moss shouted out in jubilation. "And this place was also used for staging the next attack."

Basilus grabbed the Intelligence Officer by the forearm. He told the officer to get them to safety or be buried here. Officer Moss acknowledged the request and went to look for any exits. Meanwhile Basilus looked around for anything that he can trigger as a massive explosion to stop the Draconian from following them. He could only rummage out three explosives and that was enough to rig the tunnel. He got Pete on the task while he looked at the crates. He was interrupted by the Intelligence Officer outcry.

"Lieutenant, I found an exit. Its on the east side of the chamber." Officer Moss comms in. "I would recon ahead...."

The line went down and Basilus called in his squad to make the rendezvous. They reached the doorway but the Intelligence Officer was missing from there. Basilus looked in and saw the place was another corridor. That was similar to the earlier tunnel.

"Damned!" Basilus thought to himself; the Intelligence could had gone either way. He told the Rangers to take the one on his right.

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