Sunday, May 26, 2013

1210 hours Day Two Killrock 1.3

1. Command Center.

General Manning looked at the map and frowned on his expression. He had read the report from Major Moshe and felt the tunnel may proved to be the Achilles heel he needed now. The tunnels are at least five to ten kilometres long and goes behind the Draconian line.

He turned to look at his new aide, Major Ferdinand.

"Recalled the Scouts. All of them to here." General point to Twin Peaks. "I want them to do havoc at the rear of the Draconian."

"Give me the report on the Northern side." The General asked his aide. Major Ferdinand reported in.

"They are holding their position. Major Koenig is in command."

"Tell them to get ready to fight at 1700hrs." General Manning looked at the digital clock. He got two hours to move the advantage forward. "I am going to Twin Peak."

"General, we are also experiencing high winds outside there now." Major Ferdinand updated him.

"Move the 4th Company to hold the flanks and yourself; take over the Armored." General Manning looked at the Major. "Good luck."


2. Northern Lines.

Major Koenig wiped his left sleeve above the greave of the dust accumulated there. He was with the 2nd Company at the line supported by three CT's and two Juggernaut. The other armored had moved to the Southern Lines. He walked up to the hull of the stalled Juggernaut. They have cleared the filter and now preparing to move out.

"Captain Haus, are your crew ready to go into battle?" Major Koenig was trying to get the final confirmation.

"Major, we are ready." Captain Haus reported in. "We can't take you, Sir. I got a new request. Major Ferdinand would be taking command of the Armored."

"Damned!" Major Koenig cursed at the Captain. He climbed back into the LTT and drove to the front. He still got an hour plus before they strike.

3. Twin Peak

General Manning looked at the four hundred odd Scouts; he took from the lines. He had three commanders besides Lieutenant Basilus. He told them his plan and they have one hour to be at their position.

"Lieutenant Basilus would lead us down the tunnel and when we reached the chamber which allowed us to branch out, all of you would proceed as planned." General Manning spoke to the Scouts. All the Scouts are given extra explosives and some Eagles to used including Toads.

"Lieutenant, Squad Five to assist me." Basilus nodded to the General.



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