Sunday, May 12, 2013

0520 hours Day Two Killrock 1.1

0520 hours Day Two Killrock

1.          The Power Plant

The Power Plant was designed based on the principle of generating Photovoltaic Electricity; the method uses photovoltaic cells that absorb the direct sunlight. The light hits the solar panels which caused solar radiation to be converted into direct current electricity. The DC then passes through the panels and converted into alternating current that travels through transformers. The voltage boosted for delivery onto the transmission lines to powered up the colony structures. There are two main structures; the reactor and the plant. The reactor was filled with the solar panes all lined up in rows and mounted on the metal scaffolding. The panes are rotated to get the maximum sunlight tracked to the alignment of the sun. Its impossible to work in there unless you have on a thermal suit, but most times the maintenance are done by the droids.

The plant was a standard design with four turbines and one larger transformers. The Controller Unit was based on the platform at the rear of the plant on a raised platform. Twenty five Rangers of the retreating 1st Company including Major Moshe took refuge inside the Plant while the rest went further back to the second defense line.

Major Moshe positioned the Rangers with him at the Controls Section and the Transformer. He had also the Turbines lined up with Frag Bombs facing the three sides of the wall. He had the Reactor lined with traps including the Frag Bombs, but he doubted the Draconian would go in there. It was to dangerous to go into the reactor.

"Sir, the sun coming out." That means the reactor would be powering up soon, and its a hot area to be stationed in without a thermal suit. "Sir, we have confirmation that they are massing near the Plant."

Major Moshe took to the console which have the viewers on the various cameras showing the outside of the Plant area. The Draconian are massing there; he saw the five Tigers there.

"Blast the Reactor." Moshe gave the order.

The explosives on the Reactor set off and collapsed the walls around the reactor facing east and south. It bought them some time and took care of three Tigers with Draconian.

"At least now we are winning." Moshe shouted out while the men cheered. "Now let come and get us."

"Sir, the Draconian are withdrawing." The message was welcomed by many in the 1st Company. "Sir, we also have two CT's reinforcing us."

"Time for us to fight back." Major Moshe told his men as they picked themselves up and began to regain back their previous position.

2.          The Ruins

Basilus placed Second Squad at the south side of the ruins while his own squad covered the northern side. Durant and Pete was manning the double mounted rotary gun nicknamed Weasel at the northern wall, while Mira and Marc offered sniper support with the extra PH750 on the same wall. Basilus took the central platform with Luke and Rhonda. They have also a mounted Weasel, one Thor Launcher and Eagle with half load at their disposal. Squad Two was down to five Rangers including Landi and they have two sets of Weasel. They stayed on the south western wall. Officer Moss pitched in with a borrowed PH375 with Leader Landi.

"Incoming!" Leader Landi shouted in the comms, as she took aim with the Weasel on the approaching Draconian. The Draconian have also two Tigers as support. The Tigers shot their guns at the walls covering for the advancing Draconian.

Basilus tracked the nearest Tiger which was firing at the walls in front of his position. The cover he had stacked there with the cementing liquid was holding but it would be penetrated soon. He signaled Luke to fire the Thor Launcher.

"One o'clock, three hundred metres." Luke acknowledged the command while adjusting the sighting. He fired the first missile off at the Tiger. The missile overshot as the Tiger advanced ahead.

"You overshot!" Basilus ducked down on the next volley of gun shots from the Tigers.

Luke was not giving up; stood up and held the Thor up on his shoulder. He aimed and fired the missile off before getting shot in the chest. The missile streaked across the distance and hit at the Tiger on the driver compartment, bursting through to the interior and igniting the ammo storage.

"Get the next one." Basilus looked to see Luke lying on his back dead. He was out of ammo and Rhonda was reloading. The Eagle lying there unmanned. He rolled over and picked up the Eagle.

"Cover me, Rhonda."

The other Ranger got into position while firing the gun while Basilus adjusted the sighting on the Eagle. He raised it up the launcher and fired off. Once he fired it off, he rushed over and held up the new ammo clip for Rhonda who was firing away. The missile did not explode the Tiger but blew off its track onto its side.

The Draconian have reached the walls and they are taking shelter below it. Marc and Mira had to leaned over to shoot at the Draconian there. Rhonda was alternating between the two gap between the walls. Landi had moved her Weasel down to the ground and covered the gap at the western wall while her other Rangers covered her flank. That allowed Rhonda to focus on the other gap with Basilus offering her cover.

"We can't hold the line. Withdraw to the central platform." Basilus gave the order. They withdraw back there under fire. "Squad Five take to the right and Two to the left."

The Draconian are holding back at the walls, and trying to find gaps but the Rangers are holding them back. Basilus knows their luck could only hold for a while as their ammo were running low. He pulled over Pete over and took up the comms set.

"Command, I need reinforcement." The answer was a negative. Basilus looked around for an alternative.

"Ditch the guns. We would go further east." That was his order.

The Rangers retreated into the dry lands again. They found a shallow rise and climbed over it.

"Squad, hold position." Basilus gave the order while he recon the area more thoroughly. Its a small rise and offered some cover.

"Moss, would these temples have hidden tunnels? And where would it be?"

"Khun Ta Temples are known for it.." Moss got the idea and took a scanner from his back pack. He began scanning the surface. Meanwhile the Rangers took position and cover the ruins which they had just excavated. It was Moss who gave them the needed answer.

"There appeared to be a chamber behind here." Moss pointed to the ground below. He then took up the explosive and placed on the ground. "Fire in Hell."

The explosive took the section of the surface and revealed the chamber below. Mira, Marc and Moss went in while Basilus held back the rest of the squad. The relief came when the comms came online.

"We found a tunnel heading south." That was enough for Basilus to ordered the Rangers into the chamber. He got Andrei to placed some explosives before joining the rest inside.

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