Tuesday, May 7, 2013

2030hrs Day One Killrock Part 1.4

1.          South of The Power Plant at Side Peak

There were two Big Banger laying cover fire on the 1st Company hundred Rangers while the Vampires are holding back the 3rd Company at the lake. The main force of the Draconian are pouring it there with almost one Division pouring in. Major Moshe was leading the defense with the 1st Company as he dig it in with the Rangers. He was holding a PH375 and feeding in a new clip of ammo. He had assembled Squad Ten with him as personal guards. He saw the approaching Draconian; they are too many of them.

"Get Command for me. They need to reinforced us." The Major told his comms aide, while he looked at the advancing Draconian. "Check on 3rd Company. Get me Captain Kruger."

"Draconian!" The Ranger next to him yelled out and moved the double rotary guns on the makeshift wall to lashed out at the enemies. The other Ranger placed the load of ammo clip and took up the PH375 to lend in more firepower.

"Major, Captain Kruger' dead. Its Lieutenant Timon." The comms Ranger relayed the message. "They are being overrun too."

"Sound the retreat to the Power Plant." Major Moshe called in his men. He saw the Draconian which was jumping over the front wall and using the rifle like a club. The Draconian had taken off two other Rangers before the Major shoot him. He took up the PH375 and let off a long burst on the rifle. The Draconian toppled backwards but it still not letting off on its murderous rampage. It crawled up and the Major emptied the clip on the Draconian splattering the brain of the alien into the sands.

The winds started to picked up again, and it was getting all dusty again. The sun was also getting up in the east side. It was to be another day.

2.          North of the ruins.

The ATT packed with the wounded Rangers made the run across the dry land in the early dawn light. They would had done it if not for the Vampire which was still there supporting the Draconian flank. The Vampire gunner slapped in a HESH projectile and aimed at the retreating ATT. The projectile hit the ATT and blast it off its track. There were six wounded Rangers inside the ATT.

"Darned it" Squad Leader Landi cursed when she saw the ATT fell on its side. "Let's go and drag the wounded out."

The Rangers ran out from their cover but the Vampire got their range; as it opened up with the guns. Two of her squad went down in the volley.

"Get back in cover." Leader Landi shouted. The crippled Vampire was not giving out as it unleashed another projectile on the upturned ATT. The projectile hit the bottom weak armor plating and blew up the ATT.

"Squad Two, rejoined my squad at the ruins. We got better cover there." Basilus shouted out. He then point to Marc. "Check the Eagle."

Marc confirmed there were two more missiles left and he know what was needed. He positioned it and aimed at the Vampire. He fired off the missile and watched it fly towards the Vampire. It hit at the turret but its did not do much damage. Marc loaded in the last missile and fired it off. This time the missile dropped at where the last blast occurred and penetrated the weaken armor. The Vampire went up in flame. But it was not as bright as the rising sunshine which showed the wind picking up pace again.

"Seek cover at the ruins." Basilus ordered the Rangers. He looked at the time on the greave.

It was only 0400 hours.

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