Friday, March 29, 2013

When time stood still

"This thing; all things it devoured, birds, beasts, trees, flowers. I seen it gnawed at the iron blades wield by warriors, steel pikes were swept aside like flies." The one who wore the armor of the warriors shook his head as he recount the sights he saw. He looked up to me with his tear welled eyes, as he pleaded for more of my audience.

"My Lord, it slayed even the Kings of the lower realm, and brought their army to ruins, with their castles beaten to the foundation of which it was build...." The warrior was silenced by me with a sweep of my right index finger; he was slammed against the far wall and there he shall remained until I will it he can be removed.

"Who is this thing; beast or man that battles my lower realm?" I looked at the rows of warriors who had earlier toasted me for being their King. The same warriors whom I had fought to submission of their loyalty to me as their King. Now they all hold their goblets of wine in their hands not above their heads, but at their waist.

"Baron Kruger, pray hold your goblet well. The wine are slipping off by the sides." Baron Kruger straighten up his goblet from spilling more of the wine from my cellar. He was once the brave knight of the plains; having relinquish the giants and orcs from his land, and fighting for others in those quest. He was once boasted to had slew three giants in one battle, armed only with his dagger.

"Lord Munchen, your jaw needs some fixing. I could see the swollen tonsils from as far as here." I taunt the old man who was one of the richest in these lands, owning also some fine warriors in his command, but now he was left gaping for speech in my presence.

"Who's it that I should fear; name it and let us battle." I shouted out in defiant of the foe who was mentioned by my warriors from the border camps.

"Sent these cowardly dogs to their death." I motioned to my own personal guards; the finest in the realm, Red Guards they are called. Once the personal guards of All Father, Odin the Great, now they all bowed to me as I have defeated the All Father. He now who was the great stood at my right side; frozen in his state and neither death served him yet as life still lingers inside him. He was not alone as my fiendish step brother stands next to him, the trickster Loki with his beaming smile.

"Who dares to usurp me? Speak now or be silent when I find out." I stood to my feet and held up my Mjolnir the Hammer bestowed to me by All Father, Odin.

"I dare..." The great doors to the Clan Hall was pushed opened from outside with the twin doors slab removed from it metal hinges by the force, My two loyal Red Guards who stood guard there were thrown close to my feet by the force that opened the doors.

"It can't be...." I stammered in my reply. "I placed you there myself."

The figure who walked in was Father Time; dressed now in rags, far from the looks of his once grand robe that had the motif of the Hour Glass on it. The figure, despite the time he was sent off still retained his strength as he walked in with his feet. He face remained the same; the falcon nose and those deep eyes below the thick brows with the leading flow of white beard that reached his waist.

"I am not a God but a being of the Universe. I was created when the Universe was unveiled to settled the stars and moons, long before your kind even exist." Father Time approached me with the intent to punished me for the deed I had done to him.

I had banished the being who controlled time into limbo; a dimension created by another being named Mephisto. I did it by trickery that was the mark of my step brother but no one; not even him expect it from the noble Thor to performed the foul deed. I imprisoned Father Time to stop time from moving ahead.

How did I do it? I did the unnoble act of stealing his Hour Glass Tool. Once it was held by me, I stopped time and then few which would hamper my plan. They included the Guardian and also my All Father. Of the later, I held him in my Hall but frozen in time. I also used the Hour Glass to vanquish the stronger foes, and gathered myself an army that no Gods have ever assembled.

"For a hundred years, you banished me to Limbo. I could not sought any help from others there to come back here, but like you, I also tricked Mephisto. With him in my power, I was to cross back over, but I was still in need of one item." Father Time pointed to the Hour Glass. "I searched and finally discover where it lies."

I held onto the Hour Glass, refusing to let it off my hands. I reasoned with the being named Father Time. The other questioned me on my action as I was once a noble God being and now reduced to an Evil Incarnate Being.

"I stopped time to save my clans. If we had let time run, we may face Ragnarok; the end of time for us as Gods." I pleaded with him. "Odin once told me we cannot avoid it unless we stop time. I did as per what he said."

"Thor, the universe stands for time. Its creation and demise are the ways of the involvement of time. Just like the mortal beings, they stand to live and die by time. Immortals as you called yourself are also involved in the time circle but it may be a longer process. When the time comes, even Gods may die." Father Time reached out his hand for the Hour Glass. "Give me back my tool. Take not what is not yours to keep."

"No!" I threw the Hour Glass onto the flooring and shattered the fragile material. I laughed then at the foul task which I did.

"You cannot control time now." I laughed out at this being who was without his tool. Just as I held Mjonir, he had his Hour Glass.

"Once Mighty Thor, your ego would be your downfall." Father Time announced for all eternity to hear. "I am Father Time. Do you think my tools are the ones with the power. I am the power. I just needed the tool to direct it."

"Of which you have none now." I laughed again, and waved Mjonir at it. "Speak your peace and prepared to be banished once again, not to Limbo but to Hades."

"You wasted too much of my time, Thor." Father Time pulled from beneath his rags, a small round object made from glass and metal. "Like the time, we improvised with its creation. This is my new Hour Glass. Its named a Stop Watch."

I did not know what happened next but I soon find myself part of the Universe; scattered yet united within it. I am no more a God, I am a being with the Universe. Father Time have moved me eons ahead when even the Gods have died and became beings of the Universe. In my hands was Mjonir but it was now talking to me.

"I could had told you but we never speak to each other." Trust my only ally to offer sarcasm remarks at the time.

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