Friday, March 29, 2013

0700hrs Day One Killrock Part 1.2

1.          Black Riders

It was not technology that saved the life of Sergeant Reagan but battle hardened instinct. His senses told him that there was trouble coming up and immediately veered off his bike to the left before the gun shot took a chunk off the ground in his path. He had ridden into a low narrow dried river bed on the recon after a ride of over half an hour. The dried river bed was littered with boulders and deep narrow slope erosion on both sides. It could had been a free flowing river before it went dry or the soil was too loose to be swept by winds leaving on the hard surface on both sides.

He had two four riders riding on the ledge of the river bed with their sensors on full sweep while he took the bottom path with another rider. The shot came from a single gun that was mounted on a tripod on the left side of the valley side. It was hidden behind a boulder near the wall. The blast had him throw off his bike and rolled over on the side. He had grabbed his PH450 and was shooting at the boulder. Ranger Tomas; a new recruit rode up to the Sergeant and used his bike double guns to blast at the boulder. He had looked to the right when the Draconian there dropped him with a chest shot. He fell back on the bike still seated.

Sergeant Reagan got up and pulled the rider off before mounting it himself. He turned the bike guns to the other side of the slope wall and fired at the Draconian. By then more shot came in; as the Draconian reveal their ambush. The two riders on the edge were surprised with concentrated fire causing one of them to ride the bike off the edge into the river bed. The rider crashed the bike onto the side of the wall and exploded.

Sergeant took the opportunity to ride forward and past the gun emplacement. The explosion gave out a lot of smoke and also dust from the loose soils. He had his gun trained on the slopes and shot at the first two Draconian he saw before they took down his bike.

"Shucks!" Sergeant Reagan had expected a small squad but this one was more than twenty in numbers and heavily armed. He rolled off the bike and tried to crawl to the nearby boulder for cover but his right leg was shot at the thigh as he was crawling. He reached for his thigh and the second shot hit his left elbow.

"Aargh!" Reagan reached for the grenade with his right hand on the waist belt and took it out. He held the pin of the grenade and waited. He been fighting many types of breeds before and they always come for the close kill in these situations. He saw the two Draconian approaching with their cleavers drawn out.

"Come and get me, you blood suckers." Reagan muttered to himself, as the Draconian approached him with glee. They were muttering as if they would take his innards out before they kill him.

"Take this from me." The Sergeant tossed the grenade over without the pin, and then rolled over to his side next to the bike, curling in his legs into an embryo position. The grenade flew up before it exploded with a deadly radius of five metres. The blast reached the Sergeant but his bike and riding protective gear protected his body. The pain of pulling the leg up and moving the elbow gave him great pain but the threat by the Draconian was over.

The other rider on the edge heard the explosion and sped down to stopped by the Sergeant while firing the guns at the  other Draconian from approaching.

"Leap on." The Ranger shouted to his section leader. He reached out with his left hand to pull his Sergeant up and rode on. The rider turned the bike and rode off with his rescued leader.


2.          Green Riders

Corporal Armstrong reacted to the gun shots that was heard on her left. She called on her section to convened on the location of the shots. Its was probably Black Section that was shooting but she was not taking any chances. She called in for her section to armed up for confrontation. It was close to the dried river bed when her section was ambushed too.

The sniper took down two of the Green riders simultaneously. The riders shot when the bike was moving at a hundred kilometer per hour, move on at its own momentum until the dead rider rolled off on the uneven ground before it and veered off on its side. Then the bike would end up doing somersaults before landing on their side on the ground.

"Jack, get back. We are outnumbered." The Corporal called in to her last member of the section as she veered off to the left. She got the bike on the u-turn before the sniper got her on the right forearm when she angled her body to balance the bike for the turn.

"Aargh! Jack, get back to Command. We found the enemy."

Corporal Armstrong did another turn and went for the snipers. She paused and tracked down the sniper. It was then she saw the flash at the boulder, at half of a kilometer at eleven o'clock. She revved up the bike and ignore the projectiles which were trained at her. She rode the bike in a zig zag motion; with slight moves left and then the right at random.

At the range of fifty metres, Corporal Armstrong pressed the twin guns on her bike to fire on the sniper position. Her concentrated fire decimate the boulder alongside with the sniper. She halted at the last five metres to looked at the dead sniper with half his body mutilated by the shots.

Her instinct cuts in and she revved up her bike to ride to the left. She was upset as she forgot her briefing on Draconian military strategies; there are always two snipers in a team. The second one still out there was already shooting at her. The Corporal zoomed away holding her body close to the bike body. She wished she could save the others but right now she need was saving herself. Its was a fragging choice for herself. 

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