Monday, March 18, 2013

COTN House of Micha Part 2


Medi recalled the day she walked back to Cedi' life. It was no surprise that she could make it so far as she knows the Elves traps as she was told of it by Cedi before. She rode her mate then, the beautiful wolf who never leaves her side. She called it her mate as it deter off any males counterpart of the Jhitai who try to come near her.

She caught the scent of the Gryphon when she was moving through the forest. She decided to let them have a race just for the fun and then the arrows came. She was cautious then as Cedi told her before, the first volley are a warning and then the real attacks would come. She did not know why but she shot back although she knew it was malicious. They used to do that when Cedi and her used to go hunting at times.

She decided it was enough and then stopped to wait for him. She checked her hood and made sure its proper in its place. There he is swooping down with the Gryphon.

The Gryphon; oh, its so beautiful. It looked so large now, and so inviting. She can feel her wolf stirring next to her. She reached down to pat the wolf, and they both looked up to see the arrival of the Guardian.

She was taken aback when he recognised her but he was reluctant to hold her or reached out for her. He was like keeping a distance. Finally he respond but she was wary. He probably remember her sudden disappearance and the Oracle. She spoke on the wolf to change the topic but it was a wrong subject. Cedi got more cautious and was distancing himself from her.

He questioned her on the Oracle and she admitted. She took it on instructions and she walked away. They were not the same as before.

She did turn back to see him riding on the Gryphon and she said to herself; she did no wrong.

It was years later when she meet him again. This time he would be forced to join her and he is not afraid to show it to her. He ignored her and she was upset again. Little does he know she was there on the representation of the House of Micha. The Council knew it but he was too upset to probe further than that.

She did not lead the army to their doom, but she knew there would traps. She did not know what traps. She felt the loss too, and she rescued him out as she love him.

She went against the wishes of the Council not to do anything if there was an attack. The House of Micha does not honor the treaty they had with Canaan.

She was disloyal to her Council but she was doing it for love then. A love she felt was slipping away as Cedi lies there dying. Medi went back to the House of Genoe and asked to see the High Priest. The High Priest dressed in the yellow shades but his cloak is only knee high with the matching tall cone hat.

"No, we do not have the Oracle. It was taken by a sorceress named Pipa. She bested our best to snatch it away. I am sorry, Jhitai warrior. But there is another that may saved your friend."

Its did not take her long to be back in the same chamber with her mother. Her mother is dressed in a yellow off gown with a plunging neckline and covered with her yellow cloak. She carries her Yellow Scepter in her right hand and a short sword at her waist belt.

"I heard about the massacre at Metro Plains. You did your best and they are unfortunate to be there. Now the House of Canaan is weak and we, the House of Micha would call on them." The Councilor is pleased with her daughter' task, but the meeting was disrupted by the arrival of an Elite warrior.

"Councilor, we are under attack by Man. There have already breached the boundary and some are in the Towers. The orders are to vacate the non-warriors like yourself." The warrior bowed before the Councilor. The Councilor moved towards the warrior and then she paused.

"You are not one of us. I know the Elites. Assassin!" The Councilor withdrew her sword and swing it out at the Assassin cutting the assassin into two portions head down.

More assassins came in and surrounded the chamber. There are seven of them and they are all armed with array of weapons.

"Red Guards! I should had known. If Canaan fails, then Micha should be next." The Councilor swings out with her sword and two more assassins went down. Medi struck out at the assassin near her but the assassin managed to back up nearer to his group.

"Watch the Councilor' Scepter. Its what we are here to get." The leader of the assassin holler out as he sees his number fell by two men. "Use the hooks."

There is a division of the Red Guards who used the three pronged hooks on the rope; they are better known as the Red Hook, the assassin squad. Their mode of attack is to immobilized the victim before killing it.

"Not today,, Red Guards." The Councilor backed off and raised her Scepter. Her guards have appeared with their bow and arrows. They already head their arrows notched on their bow and their aims were on the assassins.

"Medi, I see among them are my disloyal guards." The Councilor speak to her guards. " That to me is an act of treason. Beware of that, Medi. None would be spared."

The Councilor walked to her personal chamber next to this chamber.

The Councilor stripped off her cloak and gown to put on her battle dress. Its a yellow leather armor suit with straps to hold it tight for movement. She then clad on her gown and hold the Scepter. 

"Medi, there is another way to get out from here. Follow me." The Councilor ran the closet and pulled open the back section to reveal a hidden staircase. "Take that down to the below the ground and there is a hidden tunnel to safety. You would need this. "

The Councilor passed the Scepter to Medi.

"Mother, what about you?" Medi asked of the Councilor.

"Medi, you have a task to do. I did not become a Councilor by wielding the Scepter. I also fought off many battles with my skills as a warrior. Go now. I would seek you for the return of the Scepter."

The Councilor pushed Medi into the staircase and she closed back the wall. Medi tried to open the wall but she could not. It was also dark in there and she reached out for the Scepter.

Medi found a torch and held it up. Medi took the staircase and ended up beneath ground. She soon find the tunnel and she went through it to find herself soon a safe distance from the House of Micha. She keep on trying to find her way back but she noticed the flames burning at the five towers of the House of Micha. She ran towards there, but she soon find herself being pushed back by the fleeing crowd.

Then she met the High Priest who stopped when he saw her holding the Scepter.

"The House is no more. The Man are already occupying the Towers and the land around it. We did not lose to Man, we were betrayed by the ones we trusted: the Council of the House of Micha. The Councilors betrayed the people for more power. Only one stood against them; your Mother. She fought them but she is only one. Her Elites assisted her but not all of them are loyal. They are some swayed by promises and gold." The High Priest sank to his knees as if in prayer.

Medi grabbed the High Priest to ask him for more.

"Last I saw her fighting alone against some she trained. She fights well, but I am not sure she can win. You may be late." The High Priest held onto Medi. "You are our new hope. The Councilor told me so. She knew this was going to happened. She told me so yesterday before you came to see me. Your Mother is an overseer besides a warrior."

Medi looked up to see the Five Towers collapsed in unison. Its all over for the House of Micha.

"Go my child. Your lover needs you now. Fight with him and end this war. That is the your new task." The High Priest looked at the warrior who now has only tears in her eyes. "But beware one thing. You are not the Scepter rightful owner. It still belongs to your Mother. She did not passed it to you with the correct ritual. There may be price to pay every time you used it. It takes your life soul."

Medi looked at the High Priest with the disbelieving look.

"I don't know why but she making you to pay a price for what; I also do not know. Your Mother had her reason and she would tell you much later."

Medi looked back again. She nodded and she remember that her Mother never gave her anything without a condition. It was like this since she could remembered like her recruitment to the Elites and then the tasks. Its all about conditioning as what her Mother used to say.

But for what? She has been loyal to the House but the House is no more. Does that make her disloyal if there is no more House to work for. What she did now was to save Cedi; would that be disloyal to do so with the Scepter.

Or did Mother foresee that but the main concern is that Cedi still needed to be saved.

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