Tuesday, March 19, 2013

02:30hrs Day One past at Killrock 1.3

1.          Micheal's Move

Ranger Micheal paused at the remaining low walls of the Landing Pad One. Part of the landing pad have collapsed showing a chamber below. Micheal paused there before he gave new instruction. He told Andrei to stay with the recruits while the rest followed him to recon the hole. They found a place where they can descend; ten metres drop.

A cinch for them as their armor would protect them at this height. Ranger Tasha went down first followed by Kurata with Durant, but he stopped Silve from going down.

"Stay here, and keep us covered." He jumped down with the rest.

"All clear, leader." Tasha tried to comm in but there was only static. When she saw Micheal, she went over to him with her rifle trained on the darkened surrounding.

"Our comms are blocked." Micheal told her. He already tried to comms Basilus but failed. He switched on the visor on his helmet that gives him infra red view on his left eye. He could make out the maintenance and baggage handling equipment at the level. The level here was spared most of the damages except where the flooring had collapsed. He then saw the connecting tunnel to the main building at the port. There are some light emitting from that area.

Micheal tap on Tasha shoulder and point to the tunnel. Kurata and Durant went along with them as flanker.

Once in the hundred metre long tunnel, they came upon more bodies of Militia and Port personnels which could had taken shelter here during the invasion. Most of the bodies are dead and some were buried partially by the debris. It was Tasha who saw the trap set for them.

"Explosive at one o'clock, five metres." Tasha point to the explosives attached to the last of pillar at the end of the tunnel. It was a sensor motioned explosives. Micheal paused there but before he can react, the explosive went off. The explosion threw both of them back towards Kurata; with all three falling down on the ground.

"What the..." Micheal picked himself up. The tunnel ahead was sealed up by the explosion. "I thought that we are the ones here. So who could had triggered that off?"

"It was me. I must had hit the limit distance." Tasha replied. "There was another."

Micheal picked himself and ordered the Rangers to withdraw. They have to try another way to get in. As they were climbing out, they heard the shots. They rushed up and saw Silve lying face down holding her PH375.

"Sniper! Three o'clock." Silve was injured at the lower left chest but she has found cover. "Surprised me. Got shot."

The next shot took her left leg at the shin. She had not realized her leg was exposed too far out. When she was shot, she pulled up her leg in pain. Tasha took out her PH750 and shot at the possible sniper spot.

Micheal raised up his rifle and looked for the sniper. He raised up his head, and the sniper projectile hit him in the visor passing that into his brain. He fell back on the landing pad.

"Micheal's down." That was Tasha calling out.

2.          Basilus loses

The comms failure prompted him to search for Micheal and rest of his squad. He signaled Mira to follow him as they skirt the wall towards the landing pad. They were making their wat along when they heard the shots. Mira point to the landing pad and saw Silve there. She was shot by the sniper and Basilus motioned to Mira to snare the sniper out. They checked the wall for any opening which they can used. There was a break in the wall which they can climbed into the building.

It opened to the Lobby of the Space Port; the place was a mess with broken down walls, scattered seatings. The Destroyer had hit the place with concentration of firepower on the Control Tower. That back section of the Lobby was completely demolished but this side was saved.

Mira moved in with her sight on the upper level like any trained sniper. She was looking for the sniper, and found it. She was fired on her position before rolling over on her side to take cover behind a seat. Basilus who was still behind her held back on his position.

Mira did not fire again but trained her rifle there looking for the second sniper. There were no more shots but she was being careful. Mira knew there would be two snipers; Draconian do works in pairs, but she cannot be sure of the second sniper location. She tried to comms Basilus but there was only static.

Basilus saw the position Mira was in so he looked for ways to assist. He saw a cutoff cable which he used to tied to the last explosive in his pack. He swing the cable with the explosive and threw it over his head. He then ran towards the Mira before jumping some cover.

The explosion brough the whole flooring down alongside with the Draconian sniper. It wase dead from the explosion.
They also found the cause of the static; a deception tool for short range signal blockage.

Later Basilus was joined by the rest of his squad and told of the demise of Micheal and Silve. The later died from her wound, while Kurata picked up their ID disc to passed onto their Leader. Outside he can hear the guns of the CT's and the Rangers attacking the Production Lines and the Settlement Buildings.

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