Monday, March 25, 2013

05:30hrs Day One past at Killrock 1.1

1.          The Horsemen

Captain Malik split his team into four men sections like their namesake; Conquest, War, Famine and Death. They all are represented by their shades on their bike; White, Red, Black and Green. He does not called them by their names but by their colors. He was White Knights, and with his section; they are converging at the Production Lines. He send Red Knights to the south of the Production Lines. Black Knights were to check on the Power Plant, while Green Knights to do recon on the south of the Power Plant. He told them to be careful and look our for snipers.

He reached the rear gate of the plant and looked at the crashed gate. He halt the section and looked at the buildings in front of him; high roofed of over twenty metres high. Despite the dark shadows before dawn, there are signs at the walls where the Draconian had shot it; probably in the state of euphoria of having taken over the place. He seen such displays among the Draconian in other stealth tasks. He send in his riders while he rode in between the buildings to the building behind. He noticed the warehouses are all intact except the broken down doorways. He rode to the front of the Admin Building and stopped there.

Malik saw the Red Knights riding in through the main gate in front of the Admin Building. By then the other riders of his own section arrived and parked on the open yard with the Red Knights riders. All of them have the same expressions; they are no Draconian to be seen.

"White, Black here. No sightings." The same reply came from Green.

"Both sections continued recon to the perimeter of five kilometres. I want confirmation if the enemy had retreated or hiding in the rocks." Captain Malik gave the next order. Its his responsibility to tell the Division what's happening despite the feedback from Intelligence.

His comms went off.

"Captain, I need an update." That was the General. The bastard probably had landed. The last to arrived and the first to asked the inevitable question.

"Yes, Sir. The Draconian seem to have left. We are still doing recon. Will...." The General cuts in.

"Captain, I need reliable intel. Don't disappoint me." Captain Malik felt annoyed that the General was cutting in when he was trying to explained his action. He can visualize the General standing next to the Intelligence Officer; showing the other how he runs his Division.

"Bigot..." Captain Malik muttered to himself. 

2.          The General

General Carl "The Wolf" Manning have just placed down the comms, and felt the Senior Intelligence Officer breathing down at his side.

"Captain Dieter, my scouts tell me that they have not spot any Draconian division." General Manning was trying to cordial. "You can try on your resources."

"My officers would be deployed, General." Captain Dieter replied to the Rangers Commander. The Senior Intelligence Officer excused himself without consulting the General. The General did not bother to look at the departing officer but he was more agitated to read the latest comms from the Commander of the Destroyer. They been recalled to another quadrant for a more urgent task. He would had interjected but the comms was from the Admiral of the Fleet.

"Frag it! Get the commanders for me. They need to know the new game rules." The General told his aide.

"General, we have Squad Five on the comms. They found the Black Box."

The General was relieved that they found the objective as instructed by the officers above his rank. That was one of the objective they came over to Selvan VIII.

The Captain of the FC Odin was a Rangers Officer under cover. He obtained the objective from the Draconian turncoat, or spy for the Federation. It outlined the strength of the Draconian five armada including numbers and also capability. It was a simple mission of retrieve until they discovered that the mission was compromised. The officer managed to escape on the freighter after submitting false permits, and was en-route to the first Armada when they were intercepted by Draconian shops. The Freighter re-routed to Selvan VIII when new orders came in.

The frigate "Pantheon' was dispatched but the invasion was already underway. The Draconian ships were nearer than the Pantheon. The officer left the objective at the Space Port but he did not envisage the barrage. When he saw the outcome of his escape route blocked, he communicated to the General, that he was going to ram the Destroyer.

"Dad, I am not going to let them get away that easily. Please apologize to their families. And complete the mission for me." Captain Billy "Kiddo" Manning died a Ranger; 'My life is the Rangers."

General Manning slammed his right fist on the make shift table. It cracked on impact as his right fist was a fake one; a bionic implant with a powered force of five men.

"Sir, the commanders are online." The main screen shows the commanders of the divisions; Colonel Ludwig, Colonel Jahangir and Captain Malik. The General relayed the information to his commanders. They are to dig in. The Pantheon won't be back for a while. The next order was given to the Horsemen,

"Find me the missing Division of Draconian. We had hardly touched the Infantry. They must be out there."

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