Monday, March 25, 2013

COTN House of Micha Part 1

Fifth Part

The House of Micha

1.  Loyalty

Medi got off her pet when the wolf stopped from its exhausting escape from the Tower. The wolf had no trouble skimming the lake surface and then pouncing on the crumbling surface till they reached the top. From there, it was a regular run for wolf as its slipped through all the undergrowths and branches with its mistress on the back. Never once did the wolf paused in its strides nor did it bothered with the serpents that seem to be near on every path or tree. Its sprang so fast passed the reptiles that none of their fangs made contact with the wolf.

Medi dropped down to the soft green grass to soothe her limbs and also to grab a drink. She should not had listened to the old fool and all would had been still like before. Now she is exposed to Cedi on her intention, although noble can be seen to others as betrayal.

The amulet on her chest starts to glow and she has been ignoring it since they left the lake. She pulled at it with every intent to throw it but her hand held its motion as she thought of her task. A task that began way back during the war when she was asked to infiltrate the Genoe' people in their seeking of sanctuary with the Canaan. Its not a difficult task for one who has been trained from a tender age till then. She remember it all as if it was like yesterday.

Medi was an apprentice assassin and infiltrator from the House of Micha. She was born to a Councilor of the House who oversees the division of warriors who does the dirty tasks. The Councilor was known as Mother to all, but she was also Medi' birth mother. At the tender age of five years, Medi was absorbed to be trained as one of her elites. That was during the war when she was losing a number of her elites but the new recruits like Medi was pushed to train harder. The war came too close to the House of Micha and the new recruits were halted in their training. Instead they were given a new task; assimilate to the other Houses and be a warrior there to spy for Micha.

They were wrong; there was nothing to spy for Micha as the House of Micha collapsed with theirs. By then, Medi was a lovable child with the family in Canaan whom she joined when the House of Genoe fell. She lived with them for many years and soon find herself attracted to the son of the family.

It all began to haunt her that one morning when she was outside the Canaan' home.

"Medi, there is a lady looking for you." A simple request that was told to her by a child no older than her when she left the Micha care. Medi walked over and find herself faced with her mother covered in rags and tatters where once the proud yellow cloak cover her shoulder. The mother was carrying her Yellow Scepter; her symbol of power. Its a long metal tubing in the shape of a Unicorn horn with intricate carvings and rumored to contain the stone named 'Tears'. Its the sacred ornament of the House of Micha. The one item that can controlled the mystical creatures and known to heal the wounded.

'Kneel before me, Medi of Micha. This I command of you as Councilor of Micha."

Medi did as she was requested.

"Your House needs you. Your House has a need for the Oracle. You would take it and deliver it to the High Priest of Genoe. You would request in return to be trained as a Jhitai. Do your task, Medi of the Elites." The older lady turned her back and walked off without a second glance at her child of birth.

Medi planned and scheme her way till she got the Oracle. None of the family knew then, and she was leaving the adopted home that night. There was one other person who knew.

"Medi, please stop." She heard the voice and turned her head.

"New Father," The man she addressed as her father is the man who offered her shelter in this new home. He was none other than Kedi the Brave. He was also the father of Cedi of the Guardians. Kedi is very much like his son, dressed quite similar and holds an elf sword name Corina; that once belong to his mother's brother who died in battle. Corina was given by the wife to him, as his keepsake. He gave Excab to his own son, which belongs to the family for generations.

"Medi, the Oracle is mine to guard and yet you take it. Your potion would had worked if you knew the amount for my body, but it was too weak and I threw out much of it." Kedi had drawn his sword and faced the young lady. "Who are you?"

"I am Medi of Micha. My mother is the Councilor Torin, who commands the Elites." Medi bowed to her New Father. "I am sorry, New Father. I did not meant to lie to you but I am also an Elite."

"I know, my child. Just like my wife who protects her brother who is an Elite. She is also from Micha before, but she cross the boundary on consenting to her brother's work here. I caught him but she asked me to let him go. She did so later, and I had to punished her. An action I regretted till today." Kedi the Brave lowered his sword. "Give me back the Oracle. I would let this matter rest."

The older man hands out his left hand for the Oracle.

"I can't, New Father. I am first an Elite and next your family."

Medi rushed out and was not chased by the older man. He just stood there and not moving. She rushed out and into the Dark Valley. Then she made her way to the House of Genoe.

She was accepted into the Jhitai and she trained hard with them. It was during her training, that she saw her mother once again.

"You did well, child. Now go ten leagues from here, and seek the fallen. Administer the flying one of its wounds and let it find Cedi. Tell it to serve the Dark Elf, while you would keep to your own pet that would come soon enough." The older lady again turned her back on the warrior and disappeared into the forest.

She found the Gryphon on its side nursing some bad cuts on the limbs. Next to it, was the dead large wolf with a young cub snarling at the Gryphon.

Medi used her magic taught to her when young by the Micha trainers. She approached the injured Gryphon and noticed its wounds are deep and may need some assistance. She searched the surroundings for the correct herbs with the young cub barking at her foot stepping and on occasion snapping at her legs.

"Stop it! Or I would have you....." she looked down at the young cub and could not find her mind to speak it out. She ignored the irritating cub and got the herbs wanted. She took it back with her and treated the Gryphon. She soon cover the wounds and she sat down to next to the flying creature.

"Gryphon," Medi did a mind talk to the creature. "You are to seek a new master. One that would care for you and you are to served him. I would make you fly but you need him to help you fully recover."

Medi looked at the dead large wolf. She know what is to be done. She went to work on digging a hole and leaving it in there. Then she set the leaves and twigs over it, before she light up the hole. The fire burned at the dead carcass while she hold the young cub in her arm.

She then ran off to hunt for some small prey and came back with it. The meat was shared between the cub and the Gryphon. The next day, the Gryphon flew off while Medi took her new pet with her back to her new home with the Genoe.

She named the wolf cub; Silver after seeing the furs on it shimmer like silvery threads. Silver became her pet and followed her everywhere. When it was old enough to hunt, she left it in the forest and she does joined it in hunting. The Jhitai do encourage the Warriors to keep a pet and most of them do so with their own horses as that mount could mean their death if the horses misses them when called in battle. Medi was the exception as she rides the large wolf to battle which make up for her diminutive size compared to the others.

She did not see the Gryphon until she was summoned to seek the alliance of the Canaan in the coming war. That was when she met Cedi again.

"I hear you, Councilor. The task failed when Cedi of Canaan intervened. I had to escaped as we were outnumbered. Malech of Genoe was there too. I am sorry, Mother." Medi spoke into the amulet.

There was no reply from the amulet and Medi knows her Mother is upset. Then her mother spoke up.

"Kiring is a Serpent Queen. She is too dangerous to live. You must attempt again and this time, make you are not to be
diverted by your emotions. Do you understand, my child?"

Medi did not reply but her mother continued.

"You must win back Cedi' trust and win this coming war with his help. Then killed hin and discard his body for the serpents. Get your Gryphon to assist you. I would take care of Malech."

Medi could feel the burden on her body as she hear the last instruction. She thought to herself; how could she win back his trust when she had betrayed him not once but twice since their reunion.

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