Sunday, March 31, 2013

Mystery & Cops #7: Baby sitting


Protection details dragged your time of the day to a full stretch, with nothing to do but eat, drink and used the bathroom. And of course the movies and TV series to catch on. I was given one that week, to protect a known criminal from criminals who does not want him to speak. I am not against my role, but besides the long hours, the one we were protecting was not big; as in the mob ranking but he held an essential evidence, he witnessed a murder. So he decided to squeal and we are the squealer net.

His name was Roscoe 'Bookie' Mitchum; he was a bookkeeper turn bad, took some money from the coffer and then ran. The mobs knew it and went for him. He went to our Captain and was taken in. It would had been a Feds case but the evidence he was offering was pittance and local responsibility.

The Captain assigned us the Homicide guys to party with him until the next trial date which was two days away. I got my rookie back, as there was no other partners left. Sam my Computer Geek chose to play it again as my rookie for this assignment. We took Roscoe to a safe house; it termed as some place we owned or leased with the Police allocation to housed criminals like him. It was a couple of street away from my house, and its slapped right in the middle of the urban living aka decent folks homes.

"Detective, did you ordered the pizza?" I looked at Roscoe, we just moved in an hour and he was asking for the hospitality service.

"Pizza we have." I have just checked the house and personally stocked the fridge. I motioned to the fridge. "There are also the drinks and wines in there."

My guest checked the fridge and complained on the flavor while Sam was setting up the extra firepower by the settee. He had brought in one shotgun, and two more handguns, with three Kelvar jackets. I guess he saw too many movies.

My guest started complaining again so I walked towards him. I pulled him by the collar.

"Eat or starve." I do watched some of those movies myself. I felt then like Harry the Enforcer. 

"Detective, I am your guest. If you don't make me happy, I would go silent tomorrow." Roscoe cautioned me. I was p*****d at the task and now the man wants to dictate terms. Heck! Its not my case anyway. I slammed Roscoe to the kitchen chair and glared at him. He looked into my eyes and nodded. Then he started selecting the available flavors.

We have planned the strategy here; I would rest while Sam keep a watch. Roscoe can do what he wants as long he stays in the living room, or the room at the rear. We had sealed the window so he or anyone cannot come in. If there was a shootout, Roscoe lies on the floor and we protected him. Its was a simple strategy. Most of our protection details went smooth with no incident.

Now was the time to watch the TV. And woof down the re-heated pizza. I got mine with the extra cheese and toppings. I also have selected the channel. It was Frank's idea to allowed us to watch the x-rated channel. His explanation carried a lot of weight to the Captain.

"Let the boys see those series. At least when they go home, they have a reason to discharge." I can agreed with Frank, but Jenny mood swing, I might as well stand under the cold shower.

The clock just hit 1735hrs and life was easy going so far. Ain't nothing ever happened on my shift. That was what they used to say. But sometimes reality sucks.

Roscoe was one of those catalyst of change.

"Jim, I saw a car. It passed the house twice. Two men and looking stupid." I loved Sam; he named the criminals and bad asses stupid as he thinks he was the smarter one. He was young and intelligent, with more intuition than my Jenny at home. He knows when I am sad and happy, buys me my lunch sometimes, and leaves out the greens too. Sadly, he only become my partner on tasks like now.

Sam statement warrant a check so I got up from the settee. I adjusted my shoulder strap to make sure the M1911 does not fall off. Now I know why the ladies always pull at their bra straps. I walked to the window, and looked out. It was by coincidence the car passed by again. I recognized it; its the mob. So the hawks looking for the dove have found it. But they did not know the Eagles are soaring above.

I closed the curtain and asked Sam to checked on Roscoe. He did as he was told and stayed with Roscoe. I walked over to the settee and picked up the shotgun. Ten nasty shots inside. I walked back to the window again and looked out. The car went by again. I picked up my portable and called Precinct. I told Frank who was on the Duty Desk. He assured me the back up would be there in two minutes.

"Get the SWAT too." I shouted into the phone but Frank had hung up.

I then hung up on mine and looked at the clock. It was ticking away. They always ticked away on the wall when you are held in suspense. Such was the nuisance of a clock in situation like now. They are like the water drip from the tap at night. Other times, they never bothered you.

"F*****d you!" I shouted at the clock. I disliked its look as it was telling me how long I may have. This one had the last ex-Mayor on it. He lasted half the term.

Well, I won't die today. Frank sending over the patrol. Sam with Roscoe and I am holding the shotgun.

We are all okay.

I pocketed back the portable before turning to watched the street again. The glass on the window was shattered by the bullet that when through. It missed me by a mere two inches. There was no gun shot sound but only the window shattering.

Sniper using a silencer.

I stepped back from the window and laid my back to the wall next to it. Then I remembered high velocity bullets can passed through it. I jumped in and got behind the settee. I cocked the shotgun and shouted for Sam.

There was no reply.

I crawled over to the bedroom.

The second shot came and made a hole in the frame.

Damned! The sniper got me lined up. I got up and slammed the door open. I rolled on the rug and then looked around.

Sam' dead; bullet wound in the forehead. The way he was lying down, tells me he did see it coming. Or saw it one second too late.

So was Roscoe; they shot him in the midriff and then at the head. Bloody mess there on the bed Roscoe made. He must had rolled off the bed and then they shot him again when he landed on the rug.

Looks like the sniper' works as the window had three holes. It was my instinct which made me rolled on, before the next bullet lodged at the wall behind me. I took refuge at the dresser and held hard on the shotgun.

Where the f*****d was the patrol car? It was past two minutes now. I reached for my portable. I called Frank, but there was no response. The portable signals must had been jammed.

It has happened before. I spied the house phone on the side table. That's another ten feet of open space.

I picked myself up and ran, while shooting the shotgun at the window. My shots shattered the glass and I hoped it made the needed commotion to alert the neighbors. My run was to the house phone, but before I could reach it; the sniper hit me on the left thigh. I dropped down on my side, holding onto the wound. I had discarded the shotgun during the run. I rolled fast towards the bed and hid behind it.

I checked my wound. It was a through shot; I may lose blood now. I pulled up my shirt and reached for my sweat shirt. It was easier to tear and it was cotton. I fashioned a bandage with strips from my shirt, and it seems to hold the bleeding.

I grabbed out my M1911 and checked the clip.

"Come and get me, you b******d." I shouted out to the snipers. "Fight like a Man."

I heard the backdoor cracked open. I was still by the bedside, now with my wounded leg. I can't move fast and more to it, my bladder screaming to pee. I let it out as I felt relieved then. My pants all wet but heck it felt nice then.

They are coming in for the personal up front kill.

I held up my Glock in both my hands facing the door, and already checked the clip. It was a full load. I moved my body so I can leaned back.

"Come on in...." I muttered to myself.

I saw the shadow as it slowly pushed on the bedroom door.

It was going to happen. I could not wait; I fired five shots into the door frame. I got my reply when the door flung open but no one came in.

I hesitated to pull the trigger on the next shot but the gunman did not. He came in to my full sight with the hunting rifle held in the hands and fired at me. It missed me as he had misjudged the distance.  

I pulled my trigger andhit him in the right shoulder. It caused him to fall back. I wanted to follow through but the wounded gunman has managed to find cover outside the room.

"The detective got a gun..." I heard the call from outside the room. So the wounded was calling in his mate.

I peeked out from the bed and saw the other sniper running towards the window. The sniper would need a minute to run here as he was in the neighbor's house.

I dragged myself further in from the doorway, pulling my wounded leg. I leaned against the side table next to the wall.

I did not anticipate it; the earlier gunman whom I shot stepped up to the doorway and fired at me. This time with a handgun. My body jerked on being shot at the range before I fell on my side. I felt the blood oozing out from the new wound on chest. It probably ruptured some organs and I am dying.

I can pictured myself on Dan' table at the Morgue as he grabbed the long handle cutter to break my ribcage.

"Damned you, Dan." I muttered to myself. "Why must he do that? I am not any victim, but his good friend."

"Its my job, Jim. Just lie back."

They never cared when you are dead.

On the table, you are another number. In the Precinct, your badge would be placed on the display unit alongside the others.

In your own home, Jenny would be sitting there holding onto my pension cheque.

F*****d! I don't want to die!

I felt the shake on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Sam standing there.

"Hey, Jim. Its your turn to take over. I need to use the bathroom." Sam motioned to me. "Those damn pizza could be the cause."

Shucks! I was dreaming. I must had fallen asleep watching the TV. I checked my shoulder and leg. All are intact and I am glad it was alright.

"Jim, you can have the last piece." Sam just walked in and looking green.

I looked at the pizza and shook my head. I picked up my portable and called Jenny. All I spoke was I love her.

"I would keep them warm for you." I love the lady; she can be unpredictable.

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