Sunday, March 31, 2013

Mystery & Cops #7: Baby sitting


Protection details dragged your time of the day to a full stretch, with nothing to do but eat, drink and used the bathroom. And of course the movies and TV series to catch on. I was given one that week, to protect a known criminal from criminals who does not want him to speak. I am not against my role, but besides the long hours, the one we were protecting was not big; as in the mob ranking but he held an essential evidence, he witnessed a murder. So he decided to squeal and we are the squealer net.

His name was Roscoe 'Bookie' Mitchum; he was a bookkeeper turn bad, took some money from the coffer and then ran. The mobs knew it and went for him. He went to our Captain and was taken in. It would had been a Feds case but the evidence he was offering was pittance and local responsibility.

The Captain assigned us the Homicide guys to party with him until the next trial date which was two days away. I got my rookie back, as there was no other partners left. Sam my Computer Geek chose to play it again as my rookie for this assignment. We took Roscoe to a safe house; it termed as some place we owned or leased with the Police allocation to housed criminals like him. It was a couple of street away from my house, and its slapped right in the middle of the urban living aka decent folks homes.

"Detective, did you ordered the pizza?" I looked at Roscoe, we just moved in an hour and he was asking for the hospitality service.

"Pizza we have." I have just checked the house and personally stocked the fridge. I motioned to the fridge. "There are also the drinks and wines in there."

My guest checked the fridge and complained on the flavor while Sam was setting up the extra firepower by the settee. He had brought in one shotgun, and two more handguns, with three Kelvar jackets. I guess he saw too many movies.

My guest started complaining again so I walked towards him. I pulled him by the collar.

"Eat or starve." I do watched some of those movies myself. I felt then like Harry the Enforcer. 

"Detective, I am your guest. If you don't make me happy, I would go silent tomorrow." Roscoe cautioned me. I was p*****d at the task and now the man wants to dictate terms. Heck! Its not my case anyway. I slammed Roscoe to the kitchen chair and glared at him. He looked into my eyes and nodded. Then he started selecting the available flavors.

We have planned the strategy here; I would rest while Sam keep a watch. Roscoe can do what he wants as long he stays in the living room, or the room at the rear. We had sealed the window so he or anyone cannot come in. If there was a shootout, Roscoe lies on the floor and we protected him. Its was a simple strategy. Most of our protection details went smooth with no incident.

Now was the time to watch the TV. And woof down the re-heated pizza. I got mine with the extra cheese and toppings. I also have selected the channel. It was Frank's idea to allowed us to watch the x-rated channel. His explanation carried a lot of weight to the Captain.

"Let the boys see those series. At least when they go home, they have a reason to discharge." I can agreed with Frank, but Jenny mood swing, I might as well stand under the cold shower.

The clock just hit 1735hrs and life was easy going so far. Ain't nothing ever happened on my shift. That was what they used to say. But sometimes reality sucks.

Roscoe was one of those catalyst of change.

"Jim, I saw a car. It passed the house twice. Two men and looking stupid." I loved Sam; he named the criminals and bad asses stupid as he thinks he was the smarter one. He was young and intelligent, with more intuition than my Jenny at home. He knows when I am sad and happy, buys me my lunch sometimes, and leaves out the greens too. Sadly, he only become my partner on tasks like now.

Sam statement warrant a check so I got up from the settee. I adjusted my shoulder strap to make sure the M1911 does not fall off. Now I know why the ladies always pull at their bra straps. I walked to the window, and looked out. It was by coincidence the car passed by again. I recognized it; its the mob. So the hawks looking for the dove have found it. But they did not know the Eagles are soaring above.

I closed the curtain and asked Sam to checked on Roscoe. He did as he was told and stayed with Roscoe. I walked over to the settee and picked up the shotgun. Ten nasty shots inside. I walked back to the window again and looked out. The car went by again. I picked up my portable and called Precinct. I told Frank who was on the Duty Desk. He assured me the back up would be there in two minutes.

"Get the SWAT too." I shouted into the phone but Frank had hung up.

I then hung up on mine and looked at the clock. It was ticking away. They always ticked away on the wall when you are held in suspense. Such was the nuisance of a clock in situation like now. They are like the water drip from the tap at night. Other times, they never bothered you.

"F*****d you!" I shouted at the clock. I disliked its look as it was telling me how long I may have. This one had the last ex-Mayor on it. He lasted half the term.

Well, I won't die today. Frank sending over the patrol. Sam with Roscoe and I am holding the shotgun.

We are all okay.

I pocketed back the portable before turning to watched the street again. The glass on the window was shattered by the bullet that when through. It missed me by a mere two inches. There was no gun shot sound but only the window shattering.

Sniper using a silencer.

I stepped back from the window and laid my back to the wall next to it. Then I remembered high velocity bullets can passed through it. I jumped in and got behind the settee. I cocked the shotgun and shouted for Sam.

There was no reply.

I crawled over to the bedroom.

The second shot came and made a hole in the frame.

Damned! The sniper got me lined up. I got up and slammed the door open. I rolled on the rug and then looked around.

Sam' dead; bullet wound in the forehead. The way he was lying down, tells me he did see it coming. Or saw it one second too late.

So was Roscoe; they shot him in the midriff and then at the head. Bloody mess there on the bed Roscoe made. He must had rolled off the bed and then they shot him again when he landed on the rug.

Looks like the sniper' works as the window had three holes. It was my instinct which made me rolled on, before the next bullet lodged at the wall behind me. I took refuge at the dresser and held hard on the shotgun.

Where the f*****d was the patrol car? It was past two minutes now. I reached for my portable. I called Frank, but there was no response. The portable signals must had been jammed.

It has happened before. I spied the house phone on the side table. That's another ten feet of open space.

I picked myself up and ran, while shooting the shotgun at the window. My shots shattered the glass and I hoped it made the needed commotion to alert the neighbors. My run was to the house phone, but before I could reach it; the sniper hit me on the left thigh. I dropped down on my side, holding onto the wound. I had discarded the shotgun during the run. I rolled fast towards the bed and hid behind it.

I checked my wound. It was a through shot; I may lose blood now. I pulled up my shirt and reached for my sweat shirt. It was easier to tear and it was cotton. I fashioned a bandage with strips from my shirt, and it seems to hold the bleeding.

I grabbed out my M1911 and checked the clip.

"Come and get me, you b******d." I shouted out to the snipers. "Fight like a Man."

I heard the backdoor cracked open. I was still by the bedside, now with my wounded leg. I can't move fast and more to it, my bladder screaming to pee. I let it out as I felt relieved then. My pants all wet but heck it felt nice then.

They are coming in for the personal up front kill.

I held up my Glock in both my hands facing the door, and already checked the clip. It was a full load. I moved my body so I can leaned back.

"Come on in...." I muttered to myself.

I saw the shadow as it slowly pushed on the bedroom door.

It was going to happen. I could not wait; I fired five shots into the door frame. I got my reply when the door flung open but no one came in.

I hesitated to pull the trigger on the next shot but the gunman did not. He came in to my full sight with the hunting rifle held in the hands and fired at me. It missed me as he had misjudged the distance.  

I pulled my trigger andhit him in the right shoulder. It caused him to fall back. I wanted to follow through but the wounded gunman has managed to find cover outside the room.

"The detective got a gun..." I heard the call from outside the room. So the wounded was calling in his mate.

I peeked out from the bed and saw the other sniper running towards the window. The sniper would need a minute to run here as he was in the neighbor's house.

I dragged myself further in from the doorway, pulling my wounded leg. I leaned against the side table next to the wall.

I did not anticipate it; the earlier gunman whom I shot stepped up to the doorway and fired at me. This time with a handgun. My body jerked on being shot at the range before I fell on my side. I felt the blood oozing out from the new wound on chest. It probably ruptured some organs and I am dying.

I can pictured myself on Dan' table at the Morgue as he grabbed the long handle cutter to break my ribcage.

"Damned you, Dan." I muttered to myself. "Why must he do that? I am not any victim, but his good friend."

"Its my job, Jim. Just lie back."

They never cared when you are dead.

On the table, you are another number. In the Precinct, your badge would be placed on the display unit alongside the others.

In your own home, Jenny would be sitting there holding onto my pension cheque.

F*****d! I don't want to die!

I felt the shake on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Sam standing there.

"Hey, Jim. Its your turn to take over. I need to use the bathroom." Sam motioned to me. "Those damn pizza could be the cause."

Shucks! I was dreaming. I must had fallen asleep watching the TV. I checked my shoulder and leg. All are intact and I am glad it was alright.

"Jim, you can have the last piece." Sam just walked in and looking green.

I looked at the pizza and shook my head. I picked up my portable and called Jenny. All I spoke was I love her.

"I would keep them warm for you." I love the lady; she can be unpredictable.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

COTN: House of Micha Part 4

4.  Elgin

Medi comforted the distraught warrior after the Councilor left them alone to go on her own quest. They are in hiding in the forest near the Outpost. Elgin looked at the walls where his men are now hanging by their feet to feed the crows and flies. There are eighteen of them hanging there with their innards hanging out. Elgin wondered about the nineteen Elite if he can recalled among the faces hanging there, the missing one should be Zerin; the one whom he considered as his brother.

Where is Zerin? He is not hanging out there. The others are all there.

"I need to get there." Elgin points to Medi the Outpost. "Those are my men. I need to get them down. And to find Zerin. He is not there."

"Zerin may be alive. I know it." Elgin shouted out again at Medi. "He is like my brother. I cannot let him die needlessly."

"Elgin, he could be dead by now or held as prisoner but we need a plan to get him out. You can't charge in like this. You would be next on the wall."

Elgin restraint by the Medi soon settled down. Then they were to see what actually happened to Zerin.

Zerin came out under escort by the Red Guards but not as a prisoner but dressed like them. He is a Red Guard now. There are six of them escorting him now. They are riding towards the city and could be passing through the forest. Elgin and Medi took to intercept and soon found the ideal spot to ambushed them. Its a small clearing in the forest which the path has to go by.

Elgin took to the fore of the group and rode into them with his twin halberd. He swing both his weapon and took on the first Guard in the chest. The second Guard blocked his attack but was thrown off the horse. Meanwhile Medi came from the rear and thrust her spear into the unsuspecting Guard, and rode up next to Zerin. She kicked at Zerin' horse to get it to run forth. Elgin on seeing Zerin fleeing for safety, also turned his mount to follow suit.

The trio rode hard and were not chased by the Guards. Soon in the dark forest, they stopped to rest and Elgin confront the surviving warrior.

"How did you escape unharmed?" Elgin saw no wounds on the warrior.

"When we attacked, I was knocked by a Red Guard with the hilt of the sword. I must had blank out and next I recalled was being captured. They held me captive while they haul the rest dead or injured to the walls. They cut the throats of those who are still alive and throw them over the wall hanging by the rope." When Zerin said that, he was emotional and broke down into tears.

"I was to be escorted back to the city as a prisoner to be presented to Lord Darren. He wants me to tell him the whereabouts of the others or I would suffer a fate worse than that." Zerin placed his head onto his hands and sobbed.

Elgin walked off from the spot and Medi followed him.

"Do you believed him?" Elgin asked her. Medi looked at the leader of the Elites and nodded.

"Why do you doubt him?" Medi wanted to know why Elgin does not believe him.

"An Elite does not betray his own, and more to it; we would not allowed ourselves to be prisoners. We prefer death to imprisonment. Zerin knows that, unless he is a coward. Then he does not deserved to live too."

Elgin turned to face the young warrior. Zerin is now holding a dagger that was concealed in his tunic. Medi saw the young warrior true self now.

"Elgin, I could not die. They wanted me to kill myself, but I could do it. I would had prefer to die by their swords but not on my own. They taunted me and made me a fool. They want me to be public display at the City for the others to see me as I was; a coward fearing to take his own life. Kill me, Elgin; I begged of you. Fight me and kill me like a warrior." Zerin charged at the other two, but Elgin stepped in with his halberd to cut into Zerin' chest and neck. The young warrior died at Elgin' feet. 

It was then the Red Guards came storming out; there are about fifteen of them armed with swords on foot.

"Its a good day to die, Medi." Elgin shouted out and charged at the Guards. Medi also took up her spear and joined in.

Medi held her spear at the end of it and used it like a swinging sword with a deadly end. She find herself facing six of the Guards now. Its seems that the Guards have split up to attack them individually. She keep on jumping and swinging her spear to deter them from attacking her. She have not taken on so many foes on her own; three was her max during training. She landed on her feet and still find her foes all around her keeping at bay from her swinging spear. She looked over and see Elgin had taken down two of his.

She stood there and looked at the Guards. She could tired out before them, and they would attack her. She needed to find a new strategy to fight them. She saw her chance and ran in to the dark forest; she would use the darkness as taught to her by Cedi.

"She is getting away. Find her." The Guards followed her but they are in her domain.

Medi slipped between the trees and crawled into the undergrowths as the Guards came rushing in.

"Find her. She has to be near here." The leading Guard shout out and his voice ended with a short take of breath as the spear pierced into his lower throat. The Guard hands reached out to hold the spear but the life is slipping away.

"Spread out. We would find the vixen." Another Guard shout out loud. The remaining five Guards spread out to search for her. They slashed at the undergrowths as they searched. No one looked up and one of them lose his life when the dagger from Medi found the back of his base head. The dagger sink deep and cut the thick veins that feed the heart. Medi was running off on the branches with her dagger as soon as the Guard fell on his knees.

"She is there. She got Terry. Damned these trees, we cannot see far. Or near" The Guard shouted out just before the arrow pierced his left eye into his head. He fell back without a sound to the sunned looks of his other Guards.

"We cannot fight her here. Let us get out." They ran out as fast as they could. Medi could not resist to let loose another arrow at the fleeing Guards but she missed the person she aimed at. She joined them at the clearing to see Elgin being wounded still facing four Guards.

"More to the fight. I always find the odds are good in bringing the best out of me." Elgin laughed out loud to see Medi still alive and untouched by the fight. Elgin did not hesitate in his attack as he lunged towards the startled Guards. His twin halberd coated with blood now found another on the right shoulder and left thigh.

"Ah! One more down." Elgin kicked at the wounded Guard to removed his weapons. "Medi, we are even now; three each and that is a good odd to win against."

The six Guards looked across at the two warriors and decided they had enough for now. They took off back for the forest leaving Elgin holding onto his wounds. Once they have left, Elgin fell down to his knees. Medi ran to his side to cradle the Elite warrior' head.

"Medi, I am dying. The wounds are deep and I may not live." Elgin is holding to his lower right waist where the blood is spewing out. Medi reached down to hold his hand over the wound.

"Elgin, please hold on. I would get some herbs for you. You would be fine." She try to assure him but she sounded unconvincing as she seen such wounds. They are fatal and most of them never made it alive after that.

"Medi, I am a Elite warrior. I know the wounds are fatal, so patronize not my feelings." Elgin pulled to sit up and leaned on the nearest tree.

"Elite Warrior, you would not die. I have the means to help you."

Medi looked up to see Monik, the High Priest leading a a small group of his priests walking towards them. Monik raised up his hand to show Medi he bear no malice.

"Medi, I am here to help. My priests freed me after you left. They been following us as they did with the other Guards. They are not fighting warriors but peaceful devotee of the House. I am also here to heal the warrior as I am his only hope to live. Please allowed me to redeem my wrongdoing." Monik did not pause in his strides as he knelt by the wounded warrior. He moved the hand to looked at the wound and slowly shakes his head.

"Its fatal but there are hope." Monik reached out his hand and one of the devotee came forth to offer a leather pouch. He reached in the leather pouch to remove a vial. He poured the content over the wound and watched it work over the bleeding. The bleeding soon stopped and Monik ignoring Medi indicate his priests to move the wounded body to lie down on the ground.

The High Priest took over the wounded and pushing Medi to stand aside. Soon the priests have fashioned up a simple sled to move the wounded.

"Medi, I would take care of the warrior. Your task is to continue on to restore the House. Find your Mother; she would know." Monik said to Medi as the priests pulled the sled with the wounded away back into the forest. "He would return to your side when he is fully recover. He would not come alone, as my priests would seek out more of his type in the land."

Medi stood there to see Monik joining his priests.

Friday, March 29, 2013

When time stood still

"This thing; all things it devoured, birds, beasts, trees, flowers. I seen it gnawed at the iron blades wield by warriors, steel pikes were swept aside like flies." The one who wore the armor of the warriors shook his head as he recount the sights he saw. He looked up to me with his tear welled eyes, as he pleaded for more of my audience.

"My Lord, it slayed even the Kings of the lower realm, and brought their army to ruins, with their castles beaten to the foundation of which it was build...." The warrior was silenced by me with a sweep of my right index finger; he was slammed against the far wall and there he shall remained until I will it he can be removed.

"Who is this thing; beast or man that battles my lower realm?" I looked at the rows of warriors who had earlier toasted me for being their King. The same warriors whom I had fought to submission of their loyalty to me as their King. Now they all hold their goblets of wine in their hands not above their heads, but at their waist.

"Baron Kruger, pray hold your goblet well. The wine are slipping off by the sides." Baron Kruger straighten up his goblet from spilling more of the wine from my cellar. He was once the brave knight of the plains; having relinquish the giants and orcs from his land, and fighting for others in those quest. He was once boasted to had slew three giants in one battle, armed only with his dagger.

"Lord Munchen, your jaw needs some fixing. I could see the swollen tonsils from as far as here." I taunt the old man who was one of the richest in these lands, owning also some fine warriors in his command, but now he was left gaping for speech in my presence.

"Who's it that I should fear; name it and let us battle." I shouted out in defiant of the foe who was mentioned by my warriors from the border camps.

"Sent these cowardly dogs to their death." I motioned to my own personal guards; the finest in the realm, Red Guards they are called. Once the personal guards of All Father, Odin the Great, now they all bowed to me as I have defeated the All Father. He now who was the great stood at my right side; frozen in his state and neither death served him yet as life still lingers inside him. He was not alone as my fiendish step brother stands next to him, the trickster Loki with his beaming smile.

"Who dares to usurp me? Speak now or be silent when I find out." I stood to my feet and held up my Mjolnir the Hammer bestowed to me by All Father, Odin.

"I dare..." The great doors to the Clan Hall was pushed opened from outside with the twin doors slab removed from it metal hinges by the force, My two loyal Red Guards who stood guard there were thrown close to my feet by the force that opened the doors.

"It can't be...." I stammered in my reply. "I placed you there myself."

The figure who walked in was Father Time; dressed now in rags, far from the looks of his once grand robe that had the motif of the Hour Glass on it. The figure, despite the time he was sent off still retained his strength as he walked in with his feet. He face remained the same; the falcon nose and those deep eyes below the thick brows with the leading flow of white beard that reached his waist.

"I am not a God but a being of the Universe. I was created when the Universe was unveiled to settled the stars and moons, long before your kind even exist." Father Time approached me with the intent to punished me for the deed I had done to him.

I had banished the being who controlled time into limbo; a dimension created by another being named Mephisto. I did it by trickery that was the mark of my step brother but no one; not even him expect it from the noble Thor to performed the foul deed. I imprisoned Father Time to stop time from moving ahead.

How did I do it? I did the unnoble act of stealing his Hour Glass Tool. Once it was held by me, I stopped time and then few which would hamper my plan. They included the Guardian and also my All Father. Of the later, I held him in my Hall but frozen in time. I also used the Hour Glass to vanquish the stronger foes, and gathered myself an army that no Gods have ever assembled.

"For a hundred years, you banished me to Limbo. I could not sought any help from others there to come back here, but like you, I also tricked Mephisto. With him in my power, I was to cross back over, but I was still in need of one item." Father Time pointed to the Hour Glass. "I searched and finally discover where it lies."

I held onto the Hour Glass, refusing to let it off my hands. I reasoned with the being named Father Time. The other questioned me on my action as I was once a noble God being and now reduced to an Evil Incarnate Being.

"I stopped time to save my clans. If we had let time run, we may face Ragnarok; the end of time for us as Gods." I pleaded with him. "Odin once told me we cannot avoid it unless we stop time. I did as per what he said."

"Thor, the universe stands for time. Its creation and demise are the ways of the involvement of time. Just like the mortal beings, they stand to live and die by time. Immortals as you called yourself are also involved in the time circle but it may be a longer process. When the time comes, even Gods may die." Father Time reached out his hand for the Hour Glass. "Give me back my tool. Take not what is not yours to keep."

"No!" I threw the Hour Glass onto the flooring and shattered the fragile material. I laughed then at the foul task which I did.

"You cannot control time now." I laughed out at this being who was without his tool. Just as I held Mjonir, he had his Hour Glass.

"Once Mighty Thor, your ego would be your downfall." Father Time announced for all eternity to hear. "I am Father Time. Do you think my tools are the ones with the power. I am the power. I just needed the tool to direct it."

"Of which you have none now." I laughed again, and waved Mjonir at it. "Speak your peace and prepared to be banished once again, not to Limbo but to Hades."

"You wasted too much of my time, Thor." Father Time pulled from beneath his rags, a small round object made from glass and metal. "Like the time, we improvised with its creation. This is my new Hour Glass. Its named a Stop Watch."

I did not know what happened next but I soon find myself part of the Universe; scattered yet united within it. I am no more a God, I am a being with the Universe. Father Time have moved me eons ahead when even the Gods have died and became beings of the Universe. In my hands was Mjonir but it was now talking to me.

"I could had told you but we never speak to each other." Trust my only ally to offer sarcasm remarks at the time.

0700hrs Day One Killrock Part 1.2

1.          Black Riders

It was not technology that saved the life of Sergeant Reagan but battle hardened instinct. His senses told him that there was trouble coming up and immediately veered off his bike to the left before the gun shot took a chunk off the ground in his path. He had ridden into a low narrow dried river bed on the recon after a ride of over half an hour. The dried river bed was littered with boulders and deep narrow slope erosion on both sides. It could had been a free flowing river before it went dry or the soil was too loose to be swept by winds leaving on the hard surface on both sides.

He had two four riders riding on the ledge of the river bed with their sensors on full sweep while he took the bottom path with another rider. The shot came from a single gun that was mounted on a tripod on the left side of the valley side. It was hidden behind a boulder near the wall. The blast had him throw off his bike and rolled over on the side. He had grabbed his PH450 and was shooting at the boulder. Ranger Tomas; a new recruit rode up to the Sergeant and used his bike double guns to blast at the boulder. He had looked to the right when the Draconian there dropped him with a chest shot. He fell back on the bike still seated.

Sergeant Reagan got up and pulled the rider off before mounting it himself. He turned the bike guns to the other side of the slope wall and fired at the Draconian. By then more shot came in; as the Draconian reveal their ambush. The two riders on the edge were surprised with concentrated fire causing one of them to ride the bike off the edge into the river bed. The rider crashed the bike onto the side of the wall and exploded.

Sergeant took the opportunity to ride forward and past the gun emplacement. The explosion gave out a lot of smoke and also dust from the loose soils. He had his gun trained on the slopes and shot at the first two Draconian he saw before they took down his bike.

"Shucks!" Sergeant Reagan had expected a small squad but this one was more than twenty in numbers and heavily armed. He rolled off the bike and tried to crawl to the nearby boulder for cover but his right leg was shot at the thigh as he was crawling. He reached for his thigh and the second shot hit his left elbow.

"Aargh!" Reagan reached for the grenade with his right hand on the waist belt and took it out. He held the pin of the grenade and waited. He been fighting many types of breeds before and they always come for the close kill in these situations. He saw the two Draconian approaching with their cleavers drawn out.

"Come and get me, you blood suckers." Reagan muttered to himself, as the Draconian approached him with glee. They were muttering as if they would take his innards out before they kill him.

"Take this from me." The Sergeant tossed the grenade over without the pin, and then rolled over to his side next to the bike, curling in his legs into an embryo position. The grenade flew up before it exploded with a deadly radius of five metres. The blast reached the Sergeant but his bike and riding protective gear protected his body. The pain of pulling the leg up and moving the elbow gave him great pain but the threat by the Draconian was over.

The other rider on the edge heard the explosion and sped down to stopped by the Sergeant while firing the guns at the  other Draconian from approaching.

"Leap on." The Ranger shouted to his section leader. He reached out with his left hand to pull his Sergeant up and rode on. The rider turned the bike and rode off with his rescued leader.


2.          Green Riders

Corporal Armstrong reacted to the gun shots that was heard on her left. She called on her section to convened on the location of the shots. Its was probably Black Section that was shooting but she was not taking any chances. She called in for her section to armed up for confrontation. It was close to the dried river bed when her section was ambushed too.

The sniper took down two of the Green riders simultaneously. The riders shot when the bike was moving at a hundred kilometer per hour, move on at its own momentum until the dead rider rolled off on the uneven ground before it and veered off on its side. Then the bike would end up doing somersaults before landing on their side on the ground.

"Jack, get back. We are outnumbered." The Corporal called in to her last member of the section as she veered off to the left. She got the bike on the u-turn before the sniper got her on the right forearm when she angled her body to balance the bike for the turn.

"Aargh! Jack, get back to Command. We found the enemy."

Corporal Armstrong did another turn and went for the snipers. She paused and tracked down the sniper. It was then she saw the flash at the boulder, at half of a kilometer at eleven o'clock. She revved up the bike and ignore the projectiles which were trained at her. She rode the bike in a zig zag motion; with slight moves left and then the right at random.

At the range of fifty metres, Corporal Armstrong pressed the twin guns on her bike to fire on the sniper position. Her concentrated fire decimate the boulder alongside with the sniper. She halted at the last five metres to looked at the dead sniper with half his body mutilated by the shots.

Her instinct cuts in and she revved up her bike to ride to the left. She was upset as she forgot her briefing on Draconian military strategies; there are always two snipers in a team. The second one still out there was already shooting at her. The Corporal zoomed away holding her body close to the bike body. She wished she could save the others but right now she need was saving herself. Its was a fragging choice for herself. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Killrock Deployment at 0700hrs

0700hrs Day One Killrock Part 1.1

Book 2

0700 hours Day One Killrock

1.          The New Command Post

General Manning picked the Production Lines as his Command Post. It has the facilities for deep space communication besides the Space Port. Since the second was destroyed, the only facilities available. He had Second Company posted in the Settlement while Fourth Company had remained at the Staging area. First Company was split up to cover both entry points in between the peaks and Mines.

The nine surviving CT's were all retained at the west of the Space Port alongside the four Juggernaut.

The Witch had resumed operation minus one sponson but its was deployed to remain at the Staging Area. 

Ten ATT were all parked around the Settlement to form a perimeter with ten LTT for mobility. The balance of the LTT and ATT were dispatched to the Companies for recon at their position.

Captain Dieter and his team have scaled the Side Peak and setup up their base at the higher elevation to oversee the entire base.

Green and Black Knights of the Horsemen are on recon to the south and east of Side Peak.

The Rangers rescued the one hundred and fifty surviving settlers from the pen; including the Controller Theresa and her daughter.

There was also a lull in the battle.

Squad Five was having private ceremony of burying the remains of the late Ranger Micheal and Silve. They lost two CT today and it was not a good start to the mission.

General Manning stood on the top of the east building in the Settlement facing the Space Port as he gave his son a farewell salute.

2.          Black Knights

Sergeant Reagan of Black Knights eased the throttle on the bike as he cruised on the east side of the Twin Peaks. He can see the sun rising in the horizon and marveled at sight. Like any other planets they been on, the sunrise of set was a beautiful sight. It was then he picked up the sight on the trail fo the Draconian. It seems like they marched from here towards the other mesa up ahead. He signaled the other riders to followed suit as he cruised along the trail. He want to see where the camp could be. Just before he embark on it, he called on Green section.

"Green, I think I may had found the trail. Heading east after the peaks." Green acknowledged in.

"Black, we would run parallel to you. Check in every five clicks." Both sections took on the hunt for the missing Draconian Division.

3.          Rescued Settlers

Controller Theresa rushed from the ATT and approached near officer. She asked to be taken to the General immediately. She had vital information that was needed to be conveyed. The Sergeant in charge of the settling in the settlers took her to see the Captain.

"Captain Silver, I need to see the Commander. I have urgent information for him." Theresa stood taller than the Captain gave the officer.her downcast stare. "If you do not take me, you could all be killed very soon."

The officer took the threat seriously and escort her to see the General aide.

"Controller Theresa, I am Major Dominique. I am the personal aide of the General. What is your urgency to report to the General?" The small sized officer dressed smartly in her uniform and holding a pad in the right hand.

"Tell the General, there was more than one carrier that landed on this planet. There was a second one landing outside of the mine. I think it was twenty five kilometres to the east of here. There is a ruin city there and the Draconian are there." Theresa told the Major." They camouflage the ships by flying in close and distort the scan. It only broke away before the landing. I saw the ship veered off towards the ruins."

The Major looked at her in disbelief.

"That was probably why they destroyed the Control Tower. They did not want us to review the data."

"I heard you, civilian." The man with the rank of the General walked over. "I am General Manning. I would speak to you."

"Manning? Are you related to Captain Manning, FC Odin?" Theresa asked.

"Yes, I am. He was my son." General Manning held out his right hand to the Controller. "Please follow me."

They convened at the temporary Command Center next to the Production Center. General Manning explained to the ex-Space Controller that he cannot evacuate the Rangers or them as there was no ships available.

"Ms. Theresa, I can assure you rescuing the Settlers are my biggest concern but we have ships on orbit as of now." General Manning explained to Theresa but she was fixated on getting out.

"Ms.Theresa, you are dismissed from my Command Center." General Manning was getting irritated by the lady persistent questioning. In the end, he got the two Rangers to dragged her out.

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...