Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Odysseus Part 9

“Raise the sails, we are going home.” The roar of the warriors in my fleet of twelve ships can be heard above the strong wind which is taking out of Troy’s land. Its been six months now since we taken Troy but we stayed back to assist in rebuilding it. We have our loot but its not much compared to Menelaus or Agamemnon. Before I set sail, I prayed to the Gods for a safe journey and also for the Trojans’ to recover from their ordeal.
“Keep the sail steady. We will ride the wind today.” The ships rode with the waves but these men has been land warriors too long; their sea legs are unsteady and they sway to the movement of the ship. I can’t put the blame to them as I am also one myself. Ten years is a long time to be away from the sea. But the sea was not obliging to our call as we fought the rough and soaring waves. All of us had to manned the sails as the oars is useless in this condition while I hold the steer. I prayed to Poseidon to let us go home like our other Greeks brethren. I am sure they are all in their homes now and enjoying themselves. I also thank Hera for not adding my name to the list of great warriors on this war. I will be there, my Goddess, but not so soon. We were tossed like a leaf in the winds and by the praise of Poseidon, we finally saw land.
“Its Tenedos. Let us seek shelter there. This storm will not let up so fast. We sailed for it.” Indeed we did but it was not Tenedos we landed on. It was much later someone found the town by the bay, and they asked the inhabitants.
“Its Ismaros, and we are Cicones. Welcome to our land.” But we declined the offer and stayed off their bay. We know not the Cicones, and after Troy, we feared our mentioned name will be taken as invaders. But the men complained of low in food and drinks. Its not that we are low in them but the men needed to do something more like a warrior. So I read the signs and thought of a prank to be played on the Cicones.
“Hoist down the standards, and raised this one.” I handed over a rough cut of cloth with the signs of pirates on it. We hoisted that up and roughed up our appearances to be crude and nasty. I told the men, we will go in and ransack the place but take only what you can carry. Do not waste time or we will be punished for our action. They will agreed to anything I said now but their actions later are different.
We landed on the port and holler our ‘pirate’ battle cry. As there was no garrison in the town, we had the citizens subdued in no time. No one was killed as per my command, and the men went to work on their ransack. I took back to the ships, to await their return but it was not as I planned. Some did come back with sacks of golds and silvers, but there were some who decided to moved more into the town. I spent my time in the nearby Tavern and had my first meal of braised meat and goblets of wine. Achilles has his Briseis, and Agamemnon had his but I was the most faithful to Penelope. Even here now, I satiated my desire with the drink of wine and food. I am not keen to pursue any woman except my own Penelope.It a nice day to be sitting on the porch of the Tavern and watched the ships all moored at the port.
“Odysseus, see beyond there.” I looked up to the nearby hills to see the dust of horsemen. Its as I feared, their army is not far away and they have come to answered to the distress call.
‘Sound the alarm! Grab those fools back. We got to leave.” I also took up my war horn to blow to alert my men in the town. I got out to the streets and called them to return to the ship. Some of better senses were already loading their wares on the ship but there are some who still scuffing out with their backs still laden with the loot.
“Drop it and run, you fools.”’ Some did as flight of retreat is better than death by the sword. But there are some who choose to pull on their loot even as they see the horsemen arriving. I cannot wait too long as my ships will be compromised. I ran to the ships and asked the oarsmen to row hard.
“Raise the sails and manned the oars. We are leaving those rascals who do not obey my command.” I am cruel yet I cared for my men. I prayed their death will be a warrior’s death and not by a cowardice action of a sword in the back. Once more has boarded the ships, I asked them to hoist the sail.
We did sailed all twelve ships but we lost twelve men for every ship that raid on the foolish act of mine. I let them go when their lust for gold calls, and they stayed too long for the same call. It was a bitter voyage out into the storm, but the raging seas was soon to preoccupied our minds.
For nine days we were tossed like broken dolls again and we had many repairs on our ships, so the call to find land was set upon me again. It was a miserable voyage and many already lament of even leaving Ithaca for his foolish war. But I soon spied another island and this time I had the ships landed in a isolated beach for repairs. I am not taking any more chances of my men going ashore and then not returning at all. I sent three of my trusted warrior to go look for inhabitants and report to me if there are around. They are not to make any contact but observed.
It was for three days and we heard not of them. I took on two men and went in search for them. Its a heavy forested island with thick tree trunks and high canopies of leaves that leaves the ground damp and filled with undergrowths. On the search I spied some fruits we called as mushroom or Food of the Gods. Its very tempting to eat them but as said they are the Food of the Gods. So we left them aside and proceeded on our journey. We came across some ponds and we found among these an unique plant I was soon to know as Lotus. It flowers in the water and has large leaves. I chanced upon a local inhabitant who picking it. We caught him and questioned him on three more of man like us. He wanted to lead me to my men. For some reason,I did not believe him so I had him binded and made to lead with the help of our sword. We did come upon the men in the village. I told my men to stay and watched the prisoner. I took myself in by the side of the village and crept into the huts. There I waited for the right moment to move. It was dark and I made my way quietly to the men who was kept in the nearby hut.
“Persis, what has happened?” I asked the man who was one of my trusted lieutenant.
“Uh, who are you?” He have me the looks of a man whose mind is blank. I lean over and grabbed hold of him.
“Persis, its me. Odysseus.” But Persis only could shook his head on the memory of my name.
“Are you hurt or did they do anything to you.” But he said nothing but offered me the same lotus plant I saw earlier. It was then I prayed to the Gods for the cure to my men. It was Gaia who appeared before me.
“They are taken over by the Lotus whom they ate. These people here make everyone eats it so that they will forget who and where they come from. That is the way they get them to stay here. Most of them here are from elsewhere but now resides here. Your men will be better left alone here. Go back to the rest and sailed far. If you bring them here, the sickness will spread and lose more men.” I cried on hearing Gaia’s words, as I just lost another three warriors from my fleet. The fools has not listened to my command and made the contact which led to their blank mind now.
I crawled back to my men and told them we are going back.
“What about him?” They point at the man who was our prisoner.
“Bound him to the tree, and shut his mouth. We need now is silence and we will sailed away.” I gave my command.
“What about Persis and the others?” His mates asked.
I told them the trio in the village has been duped to stay on  and they refused to follow me. If I had forced them, they would alert the others and we will not make it all. Persis’ mates refused to believe but the point of my sword closed his argument. On the way back to the ship, I felt as bad when I left Philoctetes on the island, but it was a choice to made and only I could do it for the safety of the others. We reached our ships which was fully repaired.
“Make for the sea and make haste. We have a wind to catch.” We sailed in silence while some of us mumbled of my cruelty to leave the trio behind without knowing their fate. I know in me, they are better off than us for we are not sure of what lies ahead.
------------------------ 0 -----------------------------
If the days were to be counted, then we would had gone mad with hunger as our supplies ran low, and the sea can only give so much before we grew sick of it. The sea is calm but the mood of the men is raging with sickness of the mundane diet and the sightless land. I scout the horizon with my sight but all I see is the blue horizon. Even the sea gulls are not seen nor even the mermaids. It was on one dawn break that I was awakened by shouts of joy. I rushed to the deck and was greeted with an island I see not the day before. It baffles me then but the steer of the ships are moving to it. Men of desperate thoughts called for desperate wishes, and theirs now is to land on some place for food and drink. I did threw caution to the men but they ignored me for being silly. But nevertheless, soon they came to their senses and allowed me to lead.
“We will sailed in one ship to the island. If we do not return in one day, sailed off again and do not wait for us.” They reluctantly agreed and it was my ship who was chosen to sailed there.  We took oars to do so as the wind was dead.
“Heave! Heave!” that was the words we could utter then. We near the beach and the men are looking even as they rowed. Their anxiety building on some hope they will find people and maybe friendlier ones.
“I see animals. They are grazing on the hills. They are sheep!” That was the word of the lookout sentry. I dropped my oar and went up the helm to see for myself. Indeed they are sheep and large ones too.
“Aye, he is right.” The men cheered and rowed every harder to the motivation of a thick piece of mutton soon. We landed and they spared no time to run for the sheep. I was still myself and I wandered around the beach for signs of inhabitants. Surely, they are animals, there must be man. But my men are busy preparing their sheep which they have slaughter and the fire is being stoked as I speak. Soon the smell of fresh roasted meat reached my nose and nothing came to my mind then except to eat. We feast on those sheep and we soon rested on the beach.  When it was later, and the hunger pang came; Otheus called upon me.
“Odysseus, I smell more roasted muttons but they are not ours. Could it be our people has come without us knowing?” I sat up in an instance.
“Sound out the alarm, as it could be enemies of ours.” So the men were roused up from their stupor and we followed the directions of Otheus. We proceeded along the beach and into the hill sides. We halted before a big cave entrance and Otheus points at it.
“Shall we proceed or do we withdraw? I heard of only giant’s or dragon’s resides in caves. “ It was the wise words of Meus, who was then ridiculed by the others as still suckling on his mother’s teats. Meus challenged any who will insult him again, and I stepped in to avoid any fights.
“Hush, we will move in together.” I led all fifty of my men in. Its a dark and long cavern with some torches to lit up in some places. It stank of fifth and droppings of all kinds. We continue walking and soon we came to the end. It opened up to a large cavern and we saw the burning fire place with the sheep hung over it. Near to it  is the pen with about fifty more sheep in it. There are bones everywhere and the place smell of death. All fifty of us walked in with our swords drawn and shields raised to our shoulders.
“More meat to be eaten.” We all heard the voice but not see the person who spoke it.
“Who speaks and not be seen?” I shouted back.
“Brave words for one who does not know me yet. I am here.” I see before me, a huge man of four times my height and three times my width. He carries with him a wooden club made from the tree trunk. More to it, he has only one eye in the middle of his forehead. I heard of them; they are called cyclops; servants of Zeus and one who gave him his lightning bolts.
“Run for the ships. We cannot battle the giant.” Bit my warning came late as the Cyclops has barred the exit with the boulder. He just rolled it over the place and we are trapped.
“Hide in the rocks or any shelter!” I told the men as we all ran for cover. Some of them refused to do so and approached the Cyclops.  Their swords can’t cut into the thick hide of the Cyclop’s whereas their shields are no match for the strength of the Cyclops swinging wooden club. The five men who stood their ground were soon clubbed and grabbed by Cyclops. He cooked them not but bite into them raw as he enjoys the feast of man.
“Tasty morsels of meat. I have not had such meat for a long time.  Where are the rest?I will catch you and you will be penned up like the sheep.” But the meal of five men was more than he can take for now. He saw down next to the fire and sleeps his meal off.
Meanwhile I gathered my men and whispered to them to find ways out of this place. They searched and all came back with one answer; there is no other exit. I told them next to find shelters which we can hide and await our chance. They did and we waited.
It then when I set myself to think of how to overcome the Cyclops. I then saw the opportunity I wanted. I told the remaining men to picked the long tree trunk he uses for a club to move the boulder. We grabbed the club and used it to push against the boulder. Its did not move but soon it did ever slowly but not fast enough.
“He’s awake” and we all ran for cover but not so for two of my men. I cried that day for the loss of my men as I hear their screams and the crunching of their bones. I was climbing up when I spied a long branch near the place of my hiding. I picked it up and its as longer and thicker than our spear. But more to it, is has a sharp end. It was used to stoke the fire and now is sharp end is a burning ember. I pulled it to me and Meus assisted me. We climbed ever slow on the side of the cave dragging the heavy branch. We came upon a high ledge that perched out like a branch. The ledge is higher than the Cyclops head and we rested there. I discussed with Meus my plan.
I climbed down the ledge and shouted out; “Cyclops, my name is not of Man.  Speak your name first. “ I used that name to said I am a hero of the war and I am no ordinary man.
“Mine is Polyphemus. Who are you again, man?” He asked of me again but I evaded his question. Polyphemus  is the son of Poseidon.
“Not of Man. I am a great warrior of Ithaca. I was with Agamemnon to battle the Trojan’s at Troy.  We won and now on our way back when we stopped at your island. Why do you eat us and not your sheep?”
“The sheep are nice but I liked man more. You are a brave one. Share with me a drink. I may eat you last.” He took out a large jar which contained wine. He poured for me a goblet and he drank from the jar.
“Good wine. May I have more?” I asked of him and he grabbed more jars for me. Every time he pours, I did not drink, but I poured the wine to the ground for the dead warriors. I got him to talk and he told of his plight. The Cyclopes are giant beings with a single, round eye in the middle of their foreheads. They are strong, stubborn, and without emotions. The first generation was the three brothers, Brontes, Steropes, and Arges who were the children of Gaia and Uranus. He is the second generation descended from Poseidon. Although they gave the God’s gifts, but they were imprisoned most of their life's as they were ugly and hated by many. It was Cronus who freed them but he feared the powers within the Cyclops, thus he cast them into Tartaruswhere they remained imprisoned again. It was Zeus who released them. When Zeus overthrew Cronus, he allowed them to stay at Olympus to make armors and weapons. He was of the later generation which they settled on this island as shepherds of sheep.
Soon Cyclops has one too many and he fell asleep.
I ran up the ledge and looked down. Its in the correct position to cut into his head. Mues and myself blew on the burning end fo the branch to light up its fire. We carried the branch and ran along the ledge. We leaped off with the heavy branch towards Cyclop’s head.  But he could had sense us as he moved his head upwards to see us. We were falling like a rock then towards his face. I grabbed the branch hard and divert it to into his eye. It sank in deep and caused him to shout out in pain. The branch had pierced into his only eye and the fire blinded him.  As he was howling in pain, I  rushed down to assist the others. I told them to grab the sheep and ride beneath it when the times come.

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