Sunday, February 19, 2012

Odysseus Part 8

When all seems to be in our favor, the Amazon Queen, Penthesileia came with her women warriors to aid the Trojans’. They prove their worth in the battlefield by pushing us back and if not for Achilles, we would had lost. It was Achilles who stopped her and he regretted killing her as she was a beautiful lady. Like Brisias, he fallen in love with her. But his show of emotions was mocked by Diomedes brother, Theristes. Achilles could take the insult and killed the man with a single blow.
But it was not the death of the man which we will bear the wrath later, but of the quarrel between Achilles and Diomedes. In retaliation, Diomedes threw Penthesileia’s body into the river. But she was retrieved back later to be returned to the Trojans for proper burial.When the Amazons left on the death of their Queen, the Assyrians came led by Memnon. King Priam was Memnon’s uncle. The Assyrians were formidable fighters and they took many Greeks’ life. Even Nestor was not spared of grief when his son, Antilochus was killed by Memnon. It was again left to Achilles to redeem the honor. The death of Memnon pushed the Trojan’s to withdraw back to their city with Achilles in pursuit. I was also in pursuit with Big Ajax in the rear.
Paris on the advise of Apollo shot the arrow that pierced the heel of Achilles causing his death. Upon the death of Achilles, the Trojan’s fought among themselves for the warrior body. If not for Big Ajax and myself, Achilles would had his body desecrate worse than Hector. Big Ajax carried the body while I held the Trojan’s at bay.
Both the Greeks and Trojan’s has lost their best warrior to the war. It was a time of mourning and not of fighting.
On our side, Achilles was set on the funeral pyre attended also by his mother Thetis. Upon his cremation, the remains of Achilles was set into an urn that holds his lover, Patroclus. It was then customary for the games to began. The biggest prize to be won was the Achilles' armor, made by the god Hephaestus, should be awarded to the best warrior. Ajax and myself both contest for the armor. If it was not for Athena, I would not had won the armor. But in defeat, Big Ajax was furious and he knew he was cheated of the victory by the Gods. According to Athena, he planned my murder that night. But she thwarted his plan by killing his own sheep thinking it was me. Returning to sanity, Ajax was mortified by what he done, and in his despair, Ajax killed himself with the sword. I was relieved that Ajax did not kill me, but Agamemnon and Menelaus wanted to teach the others about betrayal and infighting. They wanted to leve the body of Ajax to the elements or birds. It was Teucer who first spoke up against it as its his brother’s body they are talking about. A bitter quarrel was on and I intervened to start off a new war.
“Ajax is not only Teucer’s brother but mine and also yours. In the last ten years, we fought as a family against the Trojan’s. We are all brothers here. If one dies, the rest will mourned their death. If one wins a victory, we will all rejoice for that brother. I called on respect for our fallen brother, Big Ajax.Just as I would if I am fallen.” They all agreed and Big Ajax was given the proper burial.
My personal words to Teucer  was self remorse to challenged the brother for the armor. I offered him the armor but he said it rightfully belongs to Achilles’ son.
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We grew tired of the war and we seek the God’s help on how to end it. The man who was destined to bring Troy to its knees is indeed dead now. So who do rely on for the coming battle? Achilles is dead. Big Ajax is dead.
Finally a seer by the name of Calchas gave his prophecy.
“Where the father failed, the son will proceed. Bring him from across seas, the one named Neoptolemus. But on the voyage, seek back the bow of Heracles and rescue Philoctetes on the island of Lemnos.” I was given the tasks as I seen Achilles lover before, and I needed to explain to Philoctetes.
For me to find the son was not difficult but to convince to join us is another. I did find Neoptomus but I could bring myself to tell his widowed mother of Achilles. Deidamea. She took me to the garden and she spoke to me.
“By coming here to tell me of his death, is the honorable thing that any man can do. Before Achilles left, he did tell me he might not come back. He also told me of Patroclus. Initially I was upset but now I have accepted my fate. His son, Neoptomus is like him. Take him and care for him. I will be okay here.” I hugged the woman and rushed off with the son. But before that I handed to Neoptomus what was rightfully his, the armor of Achilles.
On the voyage back to Troy, I did stop over at Lemnos island.
“Step one more and I will released this arrow onto you.” I looked at the old friend whom I had said to leave here in isolation.
“Philoctetes, I come for you. We may have a cure for you in Troy.” But the man I left for dead is not convinced. He accuse me, Agamemnon and Menelaus of leaving him here for nine over years.
“Aye, for nine years we left you, and for nine years we fought the Trojan’s without you. Now we need you back to end the war, and we can all go back. Philoctetes, you are part of the final prophecy. And I promise you a cure or strike me down then.” It was Heracles who intervened and spoke to Philoctetes. Somehow those two could discuss things over.
We sailed back to see the others. At Troy, Philoctetes was healed by one of the Greek healers, named Machan, the son of Asclepius.Once he was cured, Philoctetes don his armor and joined the battle. He is one of the best archer and his first casualty was Paris whom he wounded with the arrow laced with poison. According to my spies., Paris’ wound would not healed too like Philoctetes, and even his wife, Oenoe the healer would not heal him. She refused as he betrayed her love for Helen’s. When she did decided otherwise later, Paris has died of his wounds. In her grief, Oenoe committed suicide.
As always, when things are good, something happens. Eurypylus, the son of Telephus came to Troy’s aid and they exact many deaths on the Greeks. Eurypylus killed many Greeks, including the healer, Machan. Neoptolemus killed Eurypylus, avenging Machan death.
On side of Troy since the death of Paris, Helen is now in a tussle between two brothers, Helenus and Deiphobus. The people of Troy decided to offered Helen to Deiphobus making Helenus very angry. Helenus stomped out of the city but he walked into my trap.
“Helenus, the seer. I heard you been left second best again. It must had hurt to be discarded by your own people.” Helenus went into rage and disclaimed my statement. But on my taunting, I broke his spirit soon enough.
“Tell me how to overthrow King Priam and I will grant you back your city.” I mocked him further.
“Troy will not fall to any of your prophecies as long as the Athena Palladium remained in Troy. The Goddess Athena presides over her city. You are all fools to think Achilles could do it. Achilles could bring the leaders of Troy to its knee but not destroy it. Only that Palladium can prevent its destruction.” I had Helenus kept in the tent’s as  I planned the next move. The next night, Diomedes and myself decided to sneak into the City the evening with the assistance of some spies. I went in first as a beggar in disguise, and found my way to the inner city. I was looking for it when I saw Helen.
“You will never find it unless I can help. I am tired of the Trojans to be discarded and given like a piece of meat. Follow me.” I did  and was met by Diomedes who also sneaked in. Helen showed us the temple and left us. We came on several guards and had them removed. It was Diomedes who removed the palladium that night. I wanted to have it so I can complete my tasks for the cause, but Diomedes saw my intention. He turned round, seized my sword, overpowered me and drove me along with him beating me on the back with the flat of his sword. We made it back and I was released by Diomedes.
“Speak of this and I will kill you.” I heeded his warning as I do not want to have a war between us as brothers. I sat down to think that night on the prophecies. None of it says how the city will far but said it will fall. Maybe its time to decide how it will fall. It was then I saw my stratagem forming in my head. It was image of Athena riding on the chariots drawn by the horses that gave me the idea. I was also given a name to look for.
Epeus, the builder. I met him among the builders in the beach,a nd I spoke to him of my dream. At that moment, he was repairing the hull of the ship from water leaking into it.
“Aye, I am building the hull hollow so we can sit in it. But the hole has to be plugged or the water will come in.” That gave me an idea and I discussed with him. Initially he thought I was mad, and then he began to believed in the idea. In the end, he said ‘you have to be mad to do something sometimes’.
So was the wooden horse stratagem.
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Fifty warriors including me and Diomedes sat in the hull of our wooden horse. It was built like a ship with four rows for us to sit on. We were given some drinks and food for we do not know how long before they will discover us, and moved us. Diomedes did asked if they will burned us for firewoods, which my replied was yes.
“Why the horse, and not a bull or a Dragon?” asked another.
The horse is a symbol for power in its vitality and its also a beautiful animal. In our time, the horse is the symbol of power, and also of immortality because it is able to recognize its owner and appears to return their love for it. It has then been a symbol of mutual respect. I had the spies spread the news that we respect the Trojans for their qualities in this war like that of the horse.
King Agamemnon has the fleet sailed earlier today and the beach head cleared of all signs of life. They leave not far but near an island so they can come back on a fast notice.
It took us three days on the beach for the Trojans to bring us back to their city. It took them a day bring us into the city and we can hear the festive mood in the city celebrating their victory. It also took us nearly near dawn before we opened the trapdoor on the belly of the horse. I was the first to rappel down, followed by Diomedes. The guards are asleep and so is the city, as the fifty of us make our way down. We ran for the nearest gate and find ourselves near the palace. I assigned the men to run for the main gate of the city. I prayed hard that we will not be discovered. We reached the gates and we silenced the guards. Twenty five of the warriors ran up the rampart and readied themselves with their arrows. The rest of them including me and Diomedes, raised the wooden bar which latched the door shut. Once its removed, we pulled the gate open and the archer on the rampart released their flaming arrows to the skies.
It was then to wait and see.
I signaled the second volley of arrows.
Then they showed up with their lighted torches. So did the city as the occupants wake up to roar of the incoming Greeks. The fight was on by then with us the fifty warriors against a roused up city, but we were soon joined by the Greeks as they come riding in on their chariots.
“Formed ranks and marched in! Do not let them get organized! We will win tonight” I ran to the assistance of a chariot who was stuck in the mud. I helped to heave it up and shouted at the rider to do Hera proud today. But by then Troy was overrun by us, and the slaughter of ten years of war swallowed the men’s emotions.
It was carnage everywhere as the Greeks run riot in the city. Some of the Troy’s leader managed to escape or was rescued by some of us as a sign of reconciliation. Aeanas had escaped during the night with Anchises on his shoulders. He was later to form the new race called the Romans. But Neoptolemus killed King Priam to fulfilled his father’s prophecy., I happened to see Deiphobus and shot him with my arrow, to end his life. As for me, I seek out Hector’s son, Astyanax  and in my rage, I threw him over the wall to his death. My thoughts then was the end of the line so that none may avenge this day from us.
It was Neoptolemus who assisted Polyxena, the daughter of King Priam who was secretly in love with Achilles, by cutting her throat upon Achilles grave. She pleaded to him to let her die on his grave and he consented on the advice of the Gods.
I could not stop Little Ajax from his act of rape on Cassandra who clung to the Athena the Goddess of Military statue. I was the one who dressed back Cassandra and seek out the man who violated her. I caught him and haul him to King Agamemnon have him punished for his cruel act in front of the Goddess, but the King released him.
“Odysseus, this is war, and the men are allowed to vent their anger when they have won. She is just another victim of such act. Be a man to witness it.” It was to bear on the Greek’s fleet when they returned back to their homeland.
Helen the cause of this war was soon to follow her husband Menelaus back to his homeland, and I heard they lived together till they died.
By the next day, major parts of the city of Troy was in fire and its people still running from us. It was not a sight for me to appreciate and I called on the other King’s to hold their men in their proper stead or I will be forced to killed them myself. I did not win favor then with them but soon order was in place. The Kings themselves took their loots and slaves, leaving the city with the bare remnants which I took charged to bring back order.
I did not followed the fleet back as I wanted to help Troy and its remaining people settle back again. It was only months later that I set sail. Meantime my work here is not complete. I have my own men and we restore back the order to the city. I selected elders to administrate and bring about resemblance of order. It will take me months before they can manage with their restored army and administration.
The war with Troy may be finally over and the city rebuild.As for me I am going over home to see my family again.
Its been a ten long years.

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