Friday, February 10, 2012

Odysseus Part 6

Troy started off as a minor village that became a fortified stronghold that served its lords then. In times of dangers, unprotected settlers near the stronghold seek it for shelter in its citadel. Its said that the massive walls and towers helped to secure good passage for these people. So the settlers move in and built the stronghold into a real city over the years. During out war with them, they had enlarged the city with strong high walls that are thick at the base to withstand any pounding by enemy siege’s weapons. On the walls are also ramparts and towers which archers and men with spears hold their enemies at bay. That is our objective for to removed the people inside, we need to breach the wall. It was our discussion during the long voyage to Troy. And like many other voyages, we had to stop for fresh water and supplies.
On the island of Lemnos, an ally of ours Philoctetes who holds the bow of Heracles went hunting. It was not his best of days, he got bitten by a water snake and the wound will not heal. It also gives out a foul smell which we cannot bear. The Physicians tried to cure him but nothing seems to work. Therefore it was both King Agamemnon and myself who decided for the others to abandon him on the island but we forgot to check if there is other inhabitants on the island. Philoctetes was to spend his days in pain and isolation for the next nine years. We did come back for him and he was bitter about it. It was one decision I hope never to make again.
Our next loss to come was on the island of Tenedos, where we fought Tenes. Tenes is the son of Cycnus and Achilles was warned by Thetis but he forgot about the warning. It was unavoidable as Tenes came at him with a sword and Achilles reacted in defence. He could had taken the blow as it may not had harmed him but he fought like any warrior. Achilles sword took the life of Tenes, and Achilles was to commit his first act against his mother’s wishes. It was to bring about the downfall of Achilles. 
On arrival near to Troy, King Agamemnon redirect the fleet to a nearby shoreline so that they can rest while the Greeks sends their representative to see King Priam of Troy and also Hector, the Commander in Chief. Hector is the brother of Paris and King of Troy. He does not want to repeat the same blunder as in Mysia. It was the task for Menelaus and myself who went to see King Priam  and Hector. We traveled alone without guards to show our sincerity and also our bravery.
“King Priam, we come to collect back our Queen, Helen from your son, Paris. Please allowed us to take her back and we will recall our fleet from your sea.” King Priam is a reasonable King who also cared for his people. He looked at us and asked to speak to his advisers. So it was then that Paris spoke up that he will not released the lady he in love with.
“If its a war then Troy will answer it.”
But I spoke to the advisers and their King on the futility of a long war as the people will suffered and both sides will encounter casualties. I was able to accommodate some of the advisers to see things my way but Paris was ever insistent, that he will not relent to such demands. He challenged me that his thick walls in the city will hold us back for years, while the city is self contained with its own water sources and food.
I was shifted my discussion to Hector hoping that I may find reasoning but he was also drawn into the honor of sovereignty and we were pictured as intimidators. It was made worse by the presence of Aeanas, my enemy who came with his Dardanians.
“A word of a madman cannot be accepted on the sounds of it.” He recounts my days when I feigned madness to avoid fighting this war. I wanted to defend myself but Menelaus stopped me. There was another, Sarpedon and Glaucus who stood by Paris to defy us. The two are brothers, and co-captains of the Lycian forces, and allies of Troy. I heard of Sarpedon, and some said he is the son of Zeus too. They are also formidable warriors and they will exact some losses on my allies.
As the discussion was going to no conclusion, we seek our return back to our people so that we can tell them the decision made, and it was granted by King Priam. On our way back, we were set upon by some armed men but Menelaus and myself out fought them.
“Trojans are cowards and backstabbers. Aye, Odysseus, we will teach them the Greeks way fo conduct.” I laughed at Menelaus statement as I withdrew my sword from the chest of my would be assailant. Truly its nice to feel the surge of blood in my arms as I parry deadly moves by these Trojans and then my fatal thrust which ends the fight. Its a great feeling to do this again after a lapse of six years now. A fight the Trojan wants, and a fight was we gave them.
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For a fleet our size, we needed a big beachhead to dis-embark. So we send out the scouts and soon we came to the near land where the shore line can accommodate our fleet. There is this long and very wide sandy beach where the one thousand over ships draw up to the beach in a row. It was there we disembark to establish our beachhead and to make our camp but no Greeks will step down first on the ground of Troy. They remembered Achilles mother’s caution.
Achilles threw his shield on the beach and stepped on it but not ProtesilaĆ¼s from Achilles’s men who chose to defy the warning. He was the first to step on the beach.
“Hail my my step. I feared no prophecy as there is none that my sword cannot saved me from. I am the warrior Protesilaus.” He gloats about it and said he will bring Hector’s head to show them. But he will soon die in Hector’s hand instead. But ProtesilaĆ¼s was not without company on his last journey as he did take some Trojan’s head before .his death.
The distance from our beach head to Troy requires some riding but its a fertile land with many livestocks. We stake our tents and plagued the countryside for food and wine. The builders went about their works to build the siege machines and the carpenters saw fit to erect wooden defence walls so that the camp can be protected from any attacks. Moats and dykes were build to manned the defenses and by the end of the third month, the Greeks has made it known to the Trojans of their arrival with our new fort in Troys’ land.
It was to start off the Trojan War which lasted ten years.
Like the war in Mysia, the battle began with the shelling of the walls and the city. It went on for days and nights, and during that time warriors came to challenge each other. It was single bouts of personal skills and strength with victories awarded to the winner. It was also a morale lifting game as the siege took on time. During that time. Kim Agamemnon decided to weaken the city by destroying its nearby allies.
“To defeat Troy, we need to defeat its nearby allies. Its going to be a long war but one which can be shorten if we removed their allies who replenished them. There would be a few cities to ransack or laid to siege too, but for those accept our terms will be merged with us but those who rebel, we will reduce them to the grounds. Hera can sort them out with her minions who to send to the underworld or the garden of warriors. But we have secured ours to the garden of warriors where the nectar permeates into wine and maidens to served on us.” Its the kind of words I would have said, but coming from Agamemnon sounds more credible.
So columns of our army was to scout the Trojan land for these allies. Not less than twenty three towns were sacked by Achilles himself. The names are many like Briseis, Tecmessa and Chryseis. As many cities fell, so did many warriors. All this time, my mind was on the words spoken by Aeanas, who berated me of my madness and it almost caused my son’s death. I blamed not him but Palamedes for the action. If not for Palamedes, I would not had been ridiculed and be here. I see Palamedes almost daily and his presence mocks me. I would removed him but the King Agamemnon spoke no more of it when I asked him.
“This is a war which all of Greeks will make a name for themselves. I will not dismissed one on his rightful wishes. Unless you can show me prove of his treachery, then I will do so.” I listened and I contemplate my actions.  So be it, treachery can be influenced or created by one.
“Palamedes, I find you selfish for your own good. You are a traitor to our cause. You being bought with gold from the Trojan’s. Just as I seen you in my father’s court, you liaise with them for your own good.” I confronted him in the the Great Tent among the presence of the other Kings and warriors.
“Odysseus, you are mad to say such words. I do not betray my own people nor do I joined the Trojan’s. Show me you proof of my betrayal and I will submit to the great King. But beware of your proof, for if I am proven otherwise, I will not hesitate to kill you, even though I served your father, King Laertes.” I knew this was coming so I invited the group to the tent of Palamedes. The guards searched the tent and came out with a chest of gold coins with a scroll.
“This is the initial amount as promised. Hector of Troy.” It was on the scroll and read aloud by Menelaus. Everyone near Palamedes shunned from him as the truth unveils itself.
“Lies! Odysseus, this is your doing. The chest belongs not to me. Its yours. You carried it back with you on the days of your mercenaries fighting. I am framed by the son of the man I served loyally. Why? Tell me why, Odysseus.” He looked at me for the answer which I know he knows himself; humiliation.
“Aye, its looks like my chest that I carried when I was a mercenary years ago. But I not been one for years. Its the kind of chest that mercenaries carried as Palamedes said. So if he has one now, then he is one of them too. Mercenaries works for the highest bidder. We are warriors who works for the oath of the warrior; to fight and die in glory. Palamedes, I betray not you but you did it yourself. Why?” It was my turn to questioned him.
“I think they could be a misunderstanding, I would suggest we investigate this; or asked Hector before we passed judgment.” It was Menelaus who spoke for Palamedes.
“Those are wise words, Menelaus but now we are at the brink of war because of you. And we cannot fight knowing that among us a traitor stands. Who will watch my back in the battle? Palamedes, I fear not.” I needed to incite the group to stand by me, or I will be one going back alone.
“No, none shall worry about it. I, Palamedes will not stand for any defence. The Gods knows I am innocent. I have no way to push this accusation, and I will submit myself to the punishment I deserved.” Palamedes words moved even my heart then. It was not my intention to have him punished in that manner, but I made the call and I must carry the call through.
“Palamedes, deny not his accusations. I stand that he be sent back as punishment.” I shouted for the group to approved, but it was King Agamemnon who spoke last.
“Palamedes, the punishment in war for betrayal is death. You will be stoned to death by your fellow peers and may the Gods have mercy on your next journey.” King Agamemnon walked back to the Great Tent followed by the rest except me. The King of all the Greeks has spoken and none may defy his words.
“Odysseus, I know not why but you done your worse today. But I will abide by the law and I hoped you lived to regret this one day.” I looked back at the man who spoke those words to me; one who was with me from young, who protected me, yet taught me many things.
“Palamedes, I hold no regrets for that is me; void of that emotion.” I walked back to the Great Tent.
Palamedes was stoned the next day and it was I who threw the one that ends his life. We buried him in the well with the chest of gold coins as his payment to Charon on the River Styx.
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The next quarrel was not of mine creation but by the lust of man. King Agamemnon took Chryseis, daughter of a Trojan Priest of Apollo. The father, Chryses offered to ransom his daughter back but Agamemnon refused to accept. In dire straits, Chryses pleaded with his God, Apollo for intervention. Apollo came to me in my dream and told me to do something for Chryses.
“Odysseus, I stood by you when you accuse Palamedes of betrayal. I now asked you stand by me, as I do want this woman for myself. Achilles despite his preference, took on Briseis. Why didn’t you stopped him then? Why me? Because Apollo said so. Who is Apollo compared to my God, Zeus and Athena? Mock me no more or I may even stoned you myself.” I walked out of his tent and walked back to mine. I am not sure why man has to succumb to lust when they have one who already satiate it in their own chambers. Truly Zeus has paved the way for these men to emulate him in his vile sowing of the seeds.
“I heard his mockery of me, Odysseus. Forgive me if I am take my vengeance on your people. None may mock me.” I went on my knees for Apollo to hold his venting on the innocent among the Greeks but he was not listening. The plague took its toll on us for nine days, and the Great Tent was once again filled with the Kings and warriors on the 10th day.
“Agamemnon, freed us of your lustful desires. Released the lady and return her to the father with equal compensation. We cannot go on with his war if we are weak and sick.” Agamemnon looked at the congregation of Kings and warriors.
“I took no more than all of you. But I happened to take what was protected by the Gods. Its truly unfair. Achilles, you took Briseis without consulting me, your King to all that is Greek. I demand compensation for that. I give up mine and you do for yours. You have another; Patroclus who shared your beddings. Do you yield to your King of all that is Greek?”
“I yield.” Achilles utter those words with absolute disgrace. Its an open discussion that he has a lover in Patroclus and now he holds another for his own too. He felt that at that moment, he could had betrayed Patroclus’ love for him.
I tried to defend Achilles but he has taken leave of the Great Tent.
“King Agamemnon, Achilles has been your strongest ally and now you let him go. Does the lust of a woman override your good judgment?”
“Odysseus, speak no more. Your actions are also questionable and I will listen to none of yours now.” I was dismissed too from his Great Tent that day. I sat in my tent for that day and was told that Achilles is leaving the fleet. I ran to his tent and confronted him.
“Achilles, I brought you here and now you leave without a word for me.” Achilles was packing his armor when I walked in. “Achilles, we fought for nine years here and tell me if that is not a ground for us to be called as brothers in arm?”
“I am sorry, Odysseys. I came because you invoked in me the way of the warrior. I did not come as I was not sworn by the Oath that you all took. But I am not needed now, so I must go. But you will always be in my heart as my brother. I love you.” He hugged me and then he left me with Breseis. He asked me to send her to Agamemnon for he has no need of her. I can see in him the emotions but he is  true warrior not to show it.
“Come, Breseis. I will take you to Agamemnon.” But she will not move.
“Are we women of easy pickings for all of you men? If you want, we are yours and then it not, we are given away or discarded. If that is so, I will prefer the life of the Amazon then this.”
I looked at Breseis.
“I am sorry; Amazon you are not.” My punch was to let her fall into my arm. I carried her to the tent of Agamemnon and walked away in silence to the nearby forest. I prefer to hear the sounds of the serene forest than that of the lustful grunt of a zealous man.
Grunts are not we are made to hear soon, as the moans of dying men came to our ears. Since Achilles left us, the war has turned against us with the Trojan’s winning the battles. All of us sat in the Great Tent and nursed our wounds.
“Agamemnon, plague be on them Trojans as they has bested us in the last five battles. I can count my wounded before but now I only see swarms of them,.” Menelaus was to mince his words with his own brother. We called forth the seer, and this was what told to us.
“Zeus has laid his wrath on you. It was the request of Thetis, the mother of Achilles who made Zeus took sides. He is calling for your side to be weaken and that is his right as the God of all the Gods.” I called immediately for a feast to be held to appease the Gods so that we can recovered. It has been nine over years of battles and we do not want to be one defeated by the intervention of the Gods.Agamemnon sent words out for Achilles, and he let Breseis to her own tent without his calling on her. He felt remorse now his action. But the defeats still came in the next battle.
“I cannot accept the day if we are to be taken as prisoners by the Trojan’s. We, the Greeks are a proud nation and we will not bow to another. Its said that only with Achilles help would Troy fall, but now he is gone and not coming back. I am calling for a withdrawal than to be in chains. Sound the withdrawals now.” But I stood in to counter the command.
“No fellows Greeks ever run from a battle. None will do today. You are a warrior breed and you will die as one before you choose to run. Are you not warriors or men in skirts? The prophecy said Achilles will be needed to defeat Troy. He was here and that fulfilled the prophecy. The reason for our losses in the last battles was not because of Achilles, but because you have forgotten how to win battles without Achilles. You are all equal of Achilles and you have won many wars. So why stop now?” I never seen so many men with the rage in their eyes.
We marched that day onto Troy and we fought like the true warriors which earned us the respect as Greeks. We reached the ramparts of Troy and if not for the determination of Hector, we would had the gates of Troy opened. Although we had to retreat but we came back with the feeling of a victory earned. Our spies later told us that Hector was very upset with his brother Paris who did not partake in the last battle. We seemed to have scared them so much that they are calling for a truce.
We got the invitation to end the war. “Let the two estranged warrior decide their fate as the next lover of Helen”.

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