Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Odysseus Part 7

I dressed up Menelaus in his armor myself, and gave him a lot of encouragement. I incite in him the words to rouse his determination to forgive Helen and it was Paris who took her. He must win back her love with his courage and skills. He must not go in as a raging bull but a spirited tiger on the prowl. So it was that day the two lovers of one lady fought.
How do you narrate a duel which took a long time but it was a fight that many will speak of for centuries. It pales even the fight between Achilles and Telephus, or Heracles against the Lernean Hydra. The two men met in the open ground outside the walls of Troy watched by the thousands of warriors as they fought. Initially they circled and sometimes thrust their swords at the other to test the defence of the other. And soon it was clashes of the swords and shields as both sides took the fight to the next level. The first cut was by Paris on the upper arm of Menelaus, cutting throw his thick clad armor. But the fight looked to be on Paris’ favor as he scored three more cuts; minor but could had been deadly if not for the reflexes of Menelaus. Soon the tides changed, and it was Menelaus with his renewed vigor was wining back. His attack was more ferocious and timely that he scored not one cut but three cuts in one attack. Paris had to stepped back to recover his battle stance. At that moment, I had the whispers of Apollo in my ears; “she is adding him.”
She? Who dares to intervene? Then I know.
Its the Gods and they are abetting with Paris. I prayed hard to Zeus to seek justice for Menelaus. Some of my men saw me doing and they followed suit. Soon we have thousands who prayed for Menelaus. His fight became more intense and Paris is backing off as he parried the oncoming slashes. It was so then, that Menelasu saw his chance and slashed at the left wrist of Paris causing him to drop his shield. Menelaus swung back his sword in a reversed slash towards the exposed ribs of Paris, but he disappeared from the fight. Menelaus’ sword was now cutting into thin air. Paris was actually whisked by the Goddess Athena back by a few feet. Then she carried him in her arms and spirited back to the city.
The Greeks roared their delight at the victory and the Trojans were dismayed. King Priam was glad that his son could come back alive. King Priam then called for the peace settlement as he does not want to continue this war. Many does not know as it was Apollo who told me that Zeus intervene by using Athena to stop the fight. Zeus has plans for the Greeks.
Menelaus and myself was sent as the representative to seek the peace settlement. I find myself sitting in the hall with the Trojan’s again. We discussed the terms and all was agreed except for one; the return of Helen. It was decided that Helen will speak for herself in this settlement.
“Menelaus, I shall not returned. Even as you battle and win Paris, he will share my bedding as I did with him after your last fight.” It was the words that made Menelaus filled with rage.
“Harlot! How dare you mock me in front of the Trojans’?” But at that time, Pandarus, an archer with the Trojan defended his Prince’s lover with an arrow into Menelaus thigh.
“Speak not of ill words of Troy’s people or the next arrow is in your heart.” Brave words spoken by a man who is just a charioteer.
I ran to Menelaus side and held him up onto the chair; “This truce is over. We will see the destruction of Troy or die in the effort”. I carried my friend out of the Hall and back to our lines. As I was walking out, I can hear the voice of Hector shouting at his brother, Paris.
“You may just brought on the downfall of Troy. For that I will expect to see you on the ramparts by morning or I will dragged you there myself.”
Little was I to know later after attending to Menelaus wound, Apollo told me that Athena was the one who influence Pandarus to shoot the arrow at Menelaus. But she was touched by the man who was denied his love, so she diverted the arrow to his thigh. But there was nothing left but to continue our war again.
Diomedes whom I mentioned before rode out at dawn to meet Glaukos of Trojan. They fought from their chariots and soon took a reprieve in the middle of the fight. It turns out that the two are related and they decided that they will not fight but exchanged pleasantries. It was the most unusual sight in this war. On seeing this new development, Hector rushed in to keep the war momentum going but he was met instead by Big Ajax. They fought till the sun has set and the they called off their fight for another day.
It was an uneventful night as we on our side, cremated our dead and started building defenses again. I was told by Apollo that night the Trojans are at odds on the presence of Helen. Paris was still adamant on his keeping Helen as it was in our settlement talks. I was also surprised that Zeus also prohibits the Gods from intervening in the war from now. The next day battle sees the Greeks almost breaching the wall again but we were denied the victory. That night we camped near the wall so we can start the war early.
I was summoned to the Great Tent that night to see King Agamemnon.
“Odysseus, just as you brough Achilles here, can you do the same to get him to return. I will have Ajax, Phoenix and Briseis to follow you. We know his whereabouts but he will not received my men. He may see you as you are his friend. I seen my own folly and I seek his forgiveness.” We left with so gifts for Achilles. It was most eventful for Achilles to welcome me into his arms. I also embraced the man who is Achilles’ companion. I do not know if he likes me for bringing back Briseis to the side of Achilles. I gave out Agamemnon wished for Achilles to return but he refused.
“Unless the Trojans choose to burned my ships, I would not be seen on their land again.” We were dismissed and we returned with a heavy heart. I told King Agamemnon of Achilles words and he just sighed. King Agamemnon retired to his tent and refused to see anyone.
As there was anger in me, I called on Diomedes to do battle with me on the Trojan’s. But instead we were given a mission to spy on the Trojan’s. We each took a chariot rode to the Trojan wall. On the route, we encountered a Trojan spy by the name of Dolon. He was captured and he sang a beautiful song when skewer over a fire. We found out Rhesus, the King of the Thracians who had arrived to joined the Trojans. Rhesus also brought in two immortals horses. We sneaked into the Thracian’s camp and killed the nobles including Rhesus. Then we took the immortal horses and flee for our camp. We had a good laugh as we rested that night in the tents, recounting our day’s exploits.
It was then we saw Patroclus walking in on us.
“Two merrymen in the same tent. Surely, I can joined with the fun.” We did but not to our bedding but on the floor. The three of us spoke openly about the war and it was then we heard Nestor is speaking to the warriors. We could hear bits of it from our tents and it moved even us, as the old man who once sailed with Jason as an Argonauts speaks of heroes and heroic times. Patroclus was moved by the speech and said he had to return to Achilles.
“Why did you come, Patroclus?” I forgot to asked him for his visit.
“Aye, I came on the request of Achilles. He cares for you all, and wants to know how the war fares for the Greeks.” Patroclus told us, but before I could reply; the war-horns sounded.
The Trojans has invaded our beach head. The Trojans are here on our walls now. Its Hector who is leading and he is winning the battle. We did not see it coming until they reached the walls. Maybe the sentries are asleep or we are blinded by the sweeping fog from the sea. Hector was in the lead and he killing many of us.
“The Gates are breached!” We all heard the call. So the Trojans are in the beach head and heading for the ships. Agamemnon was injured by Coon, a Trojan elder’s son but he was killed by Agamemnon in retaliation. Diomedes and myself fought side by side again, and we soon find ourself facing Hector. Diomedes hurled his spear at Hector which struck the Trojan, but before we could land the final blow; he was spirited away by Apollo. At the same time Paris shot a arrow into Diomedes’ foot stopping him from pursuing his brother. I wanted to give chase but the Greek line called for men.
“Guard the ships!” I shouted. None of the Trojan must reached the ships or we are stranded. I rallied the men to me to defend the ships. I killed a score of them before I was wounded. Menelaus and Telamonian Ajax arrived in time to rescue me from meeting my grandfather earlier.
Unknown to me, Patroclus has ran back to his ship where Achilles stand guard. Patroclus motivated by Nestor’s speech, begged Achilles to help the Greeks but he was reluctant until he saw the first ship that got burned. But by then Patroclus asked for Achilles armor that he can wear to lead the Greeks. He wants to emulate Achilles in the battle. Achilles relented but one condition; do not lead them to battle but defend only the beach head. Patroclus leads the Myrmidons to battle just as the Trojans set fire to the other  ships. The Trojans were not prepared for the new onslaught and was beaten back. Patroclus wearing Achilles, ignored Achilles's command, pursues and pushed them back to the gates of our wall. Patroclus also killed Sarpedon of the Lycian forces. It was seen by Hector.
Patroclus met Hector who thinks he is facing Achilles. The fight was brief and Patroclus was finally killed by Hector. Hector took Achilles's armor from the fallen Patroclus for himself but fighting develops around Patroclus' body as many assumed he was Achilles. The news reached Achilles and he was struck with grief on the death of Patroclus. Achilles vowed to avenge his lover and companion’s death and swore against the God’s for killing him. Thetis grieves too knowing that Achilles is now fated to die if he kills Hector. Achilles on advise by the Goddess Athena went forth to the Greek wall and declared his name. He shouted three time for the return of his dead lover or he will come in to do it himself. The Trojans who were fighting for Achilles body realized their mistake and allowed the Greeks bear Patroclus' body away. It was Menelaus and Ajax who collected the body.
Hector was advised to withdraw back to the city but he refuses as he just sample close victory on the Greeks. On our side, we all mourn the death of Patroclus and he was given a proper burial befitting a warrior. Thetis worried for her son, Achilles, asked Hephaistos to fashions  a new armor for Achilles. An armor was done and it came with a magnificently wrought shield.
In the morning, King Agamemnon received Achilles back into the Greeks army and he was bestow all the promised gifts, including Briseis. Achilles did not looked at them as his mind was on vengeance for Patroclus. Achilles excused himself to go into fasting for his coming battle and then he straps on his new armor. I stopped him to re-consider aas he will be weak without food but he ignores me. Little I was to know, the Gods will do the feeding to him then. Achilles decided to drives his chariot into battle by himself. I was preparing for myself to step up with Achilles for battle when I saw Apollo in my tent.
“Odysseus, beware as Zeus has released us from the bond of non-intervention.” I did not understand what he meant then, but soon in the coming battles I would witnessed what is mean by it. I was with Achilles when we trapped the Trojans in the river which was named to the God of River, Scamander. In his rage Achilles stepped up to the river and slaughter the army as they tried to leave it. Even Aeanas was no match for the raging Achilles but again he escapes his death. But not so for the youngest son of Priam, Polydorus who pleaded for his life but Achilles took it nevertheless. Hector saw the fight and came to avenge his brother’s death but he was whisked away in time before the fatal blow by Apollo. Achilles went to mad rage as his kill has been rescued. He went forth into mad frenzy with the remaining enemies army.
On seeing his supported side being killed by Achilles, Scamander intervene to save his river water from being consummated with blood. But for three times, he raised the water to block Achilles’ view, but the other Gods who favored Achilles intervened. The river named was soon littered with dead bodies and its water flowed with the dying or dead bodies blood. In an last effort, Scamander caused a major geyser of water towards Achilles, but Hephaistos’ firestorm stopped it. The Trojans on seeing their heavy casualties ran for their city gates. The gates was called to open so that the Trojans can go in. Achilles laid chase and as he approached the open gates of Troy, another Trojan warrior distracted him. His chariots crossed Achilles path and Achilles turned to pursue that chariot. It turned out to be Apollo who led the Greek warrior away. I was following behind but when I reached them, Apollo has left for the skies. 
Achilles on realizing that he has been deceived once again this time found Hector again on the outside of his Troy wall. Finally the two warriors decided to meet face to face in personal combat with no Gods intervention. If the battle between Menelaus and Paris was great, then this one outrivals it by a bigger margin. There was no test of strength or skills, but brutal onslaught of two giants with no regards to any bystander. I rallied the men to keep a safe distance but they already heeded for their own safety. As the ground trembled by the heavy steps of both men, the dust of the ground was ruffled to a above our heads as we view movements of their fightings. I was dumbstruck by the ferocity of the clash, that I did not see Apollo climbing into my chariot to stand next to me. This time it was no act of God but a careless move by Hector and taken advantage by Achilles sealed the fight. The sword of Achilles cut into the neck of Hector and end his life. Achilles took the body of Hector and tied him to his chariot. He rode with it for days around the city of Troy.
King Priam requested for the body but Achilles refused to released it. He is acting just like Paris for Helen. If not for the dream of Patroclus by Achilles, Achilles would not had returned the body to King Priam. King Priam came in a wagon led by Hermes to collect his son’s body. King Priam fell on his knees to begged for his son’s body so that he can be given the proper burial. It was then Achilles remembered Patroclus dream and he released the body to the father.

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