Week 24
Day 1
Facts: Man and chimpanzees share an estimated 98.5% of our DNA sequence.
Facts: Among all the primates; chimpanzees are meat eater like man. Or vice versa.
We heard shots and screams of human like for the last two days and nights. Today is the third morning, and we are keeping watch. I have installed sentries all the way from SWAMP to Outpost Eight. I have commissioned the cannons made by Napoleon and also the ancient ballista. Doctor Leong has been busy capturing raptors and similar predators. He is feeding them as he caged them in certain location. I have moved the infirmed and old to the plateau. The non-military colonists are making spears and anything we can use including netting as suggested by the zoologist.
The first batch to appear was the five colonist with two Feds watching their rear. They waved frantically for us to go over. I approved two MSV with extra guards. The MSV went over as surface boat and picked up the survivors or refugees. As the last person was boarding, the two Feds guards opened fire on the treeline, and shouting ‘monkeys...monkeys’.
There were some spears thrown out from unknown enemies behind the trees to a distance of over fifty yards. But the MSV once fully boarded, the crafts reversed their engines and came back to our sides. We received seven refugees from the Federation side; bruised but unharmed. I got them medical treatment and food.
This is their report.
Statement from Refugee; Corporal Begun Moktar
Day 1 Week 24
I am a corporal in the Federation Special Forces, under the command of General Victoria, for the exploration of this new planet. We were a batch of a hundred twenty under her command with five officers including me. We landed here more than a week ago and rejoined her command at the base named Beach Head. The General came earlier with fifty personnels but she lost almost all of them.
We landed a distance away form Beach Head and marched to here under the rain. On the way here, we lost five men to creatures which we did not see coming at us. We fought one giant snake and killed it. The stupid Captain asked us to kill it with our blades, and we lost one men and injured another. We made it back to Beach Head and rejoined our force. The HELI and LSC landed further upstream and only joined us on the day we are ready to fight.
We been trained to fight in different conditions but here its different; we did not know what to expect; big creatures, flying ones, and deadly ones. But we asked to lined up the next day on the river bank to see our real enemy; the Empire troops. That one we know we can fight.
We boarded the LSC and HELI for our transport, and we were given talks of how we can win this battle. General Victoria even hugged me and told me to come back. I was in the LSC while my cousin, Beni Moktar was in the HELI. He did return as a dead body. For those in the LSC, I was the first to disembarked on your side. We kept to the trees for cover and shoot to kill at the Outpost. We stayed near to the Outpost to avoid your cannons from the other base. While we were firing at your Outpost, we had reptiles crawling over our feet. Our Sargeant Todd Lane was bitten by one beetle like creature and he stomped it with his legs. The swelling became larger and then we saw excretions coming out. But then we were called to retreat back to the LSC boats. It was a blessing in disguise to get out of the jungle.
We were lined up on the yard and reprimanded for failing to meet our objective. We were left there that day with our wounded. There was no additional rations given to us. Sargeant Todd died that night from the infection. We were also shown the dead bodies form the failed HELI raid, and I identified the body of my cousin. They told us that the Empire troops mutilated the bodies but we did not believe them.
By morning, we were allowed to our units to rest. But we were called for sentry duties at noon till night. We did rotation duties as sentries or patrols. Three days ago, our patrol went missing but no rescue was mounted. Instead we were told to be on alert for attacks. But nothing came, except the previous night. First it was Recruit Jamal and then Recruit Shiv, just before dawn it was Lieutenant Farlone. All the witnesses said they were there and then nothing.
It was early dawn, when the monkeys came in to attack. They swung from the trees and jumped high over our wall. They are running on their four legs and very agile. We could see one and shoot at it but the next moment it was gone. But we did get a few but they got more of us with their spears and limbs. I saw a recruit being speared by a chimp who threw it at him from twenty feet. The spear pierced his chest and pinned him to the wall five feet back. I saw one monkey took five shots before we dropped him dead. Just as the attack came, it ended when they retreated.
Lieutenant Colonel Wilhelm was one of the wounded with his right arm torn off. They are the lucky ones as some had their head bashed in. We lost I think ten men or more, but there was wounded everywhere. Then the General appeared with her four goons entourage. She asked the weapons to be collected and dispersed to the Colonists. They are to fight alongside the military.
That day, there was sporadic firing as the men claimed they saw the monkeys. It was during the last night, that Doctor Melanie Chan spoke to me. She mentioned of defection and asked that I joined them. I declined at first and she relented on my reasoning. I told her I would go if my other remaining cousin followed me. She agreed to my terms, and my cousin wanted to leave too. So we planned our escape that night.
It was before dawn when we sneaked out. But we were surprised no monkeys came to stopped us. They are there in the trees but they did not come down to attack us.
The rest you know.
Statement from Refugee; Doctor Melanie Chan
Day 1 Week 24
I am a dentist, but I know a little more on medicine. I was part of the colonist which first arrived here some weeks back. When the container opened up, we were greeted by the sight of thick undergrowth and tall trees. It was like God’s given gift to us then, until the creatures which we saw came forth to attack us. The two assigned guards tried to save us but they were the first few casualties. Others took up their guns or blades to defend us. We huddled back for protection in the container. Then we heard more shots and we were rescued by your men. We were relieved but we lost half our friends on the containers.
Life at the new camp was bare but live-able. We had Colonel Ras doing what he can to accommodate all of us, until he became a victim of the creature attack. Lieutenant Colonel Wilhelm took over and decided to ‘militarize’ the camp. He issued weapons to the abled bodied man, and planned an attack on the Empire Outpost. I knew as I was the servant in his unit, making his drinks and meals. When that attack failed he was upset, but not for long as General Victoria arrived. They landed some distance away and she came ahead with her personal guards. She was escorted by the ones who escaped from your penal colony.
She took over and decided to attack the Empire Outpost again. But Pepe, one of your fugitive told her of the village and farm. She mentioned supplies there and little defenses. The General took her advise and planned the attack. It failed as you know. She had Pepe executed for treason and the others stood by in silence as Pepe begged for her life.
It was then I decided to defect and I gather my followers. They want to come but they are afraid of the jungle. But it was not the jungle we should be afraid but the monkeys that came and attack us. It was gruesome and we had little defense against it. I see the chimps tore the limbs off their preys or swing them into the walls. But they stopped suddenly and left leaving us the dead and wounded. There was one chimp lying wounded shot by some soldiers or colonists, and the people took up the spears lying around and stabbed it to death. In the end I could see like ten spears in its body.
Last night I managed Corporal Begun and he also managed to convince his cousin to followed. We sneaked out at early dawn and ran for the river. We go see the chimps looking at us on the way but they did not do anything.
Please go back to rescue our friends.
I had a conference with my officers and all agreed to offer assistance except Major Chavdar. He said no to any assistance as that is the enemy. But I disagreed with him, and he left the conference. I asked the officers to think of their options and we will resumed tomorrow at dawn.
Day 2
‘Chimpanzees are not "monkeys" as many you called it that. They belong to the family of apes along with gorillas among others extinct on Earth. But they are closer to humans than any other animal. Yes, you and me. They have a stocky structure with long arms, short legs but no tail. Long black hair, which covers their entire body except the face, ears, fingers and toes. Their hands and fingers has a strong grip and allows them to pick up objects much like human beings. We know for a fact they use simple tools in their daily lives. Chimpanzees and humans share a DNA similarity of about 98.4% leaving only a difference of approximately 1.6%. so don’t ‘ape’ about them. The lifespan of a chimpanzee is approximately fifty years in the wild but in captivity these animals can live up to sixty years. A baby chimpanzee lives with its mother for approximately five to ten years after birth. Like us, humans. Chimps are omnivorous although their principal diet is leaves, buds and flowers of various plants, but their diet also includes meat. They are also prone to diseases, which also afflict human beings. They are found mainly in the tropical forests and almost extinct on Earth.
Chimpanzees spend as much time on land as much in trees though most of their eating and sleeping is done in the tree. They begin their activities at dawn as they descend from their night nest and start their activities. They are more active during the moonlit nights. Chimpanzees live in large communities of approximately 15 to 20 in a group and converse with each other with the help of grunts, screams and hoots. They are one of the noisiest animals and they are also very social and warm when they interact with each other. They kiss, hug and also show anger like human beings.’
‘But they kill here now in New Pangaea.’ I had to interrupt or the doctor will put us all to sleep. ‘They used spears and they clubbed you to death. Remember that. Our objective is to save the people and we will used force if need be. So lets go now.’
I had the two Bubbles flying up there to offer air cover and recon. I had SWAMP cannons turned to shoot across the river on manual by the operatives. I had an assault/rescue team of thirty men in protective clothings and armed with PH925 Short Barrel Recoil Rifle, which fires the same type of bullet but at a slower velocity. Its effective at 200 yards and it can bring down a raptor with a single well placed shot. So it can surely bring down a monkey or chimp as they called it. Among the team members, was Sargeant Keefe and Corporal Pedro. They carried with them PH900 and the incendiary handheld rocket launcher which has load of six mini tubes that can load the incendiary rockets. Each rocket contain an incendiary agent that burns spontaneously at temperatures of 1200°C (2192°F) when exposed to air.
We boarded and crossed over on the eight MSV and it waited on the river for more refugees or us in case we need to evacuate in a hurry. The smell of blood and fire was in the air and the creatures knows it well. They came to mass around the land waiting for the fire to die down. Even the ‘crocs’ were curious but we told them to back off with some well placed shots. Pedro shot one of them in the eye and the bleeding got the blood swirling in the fast current. It caught the scents of the others and soon there was a fight in the river over the wounded croc.
On landing, the assault team went into the jungle and approached the campsite. Colonel Ras came along as speaker or interpreter so that we are not viewed as hostile. He was unable to move fast so we had to carried him piggy back all the way. We met some chimps on the trees and they started sneering and grunting. We did not like that so we shot them down with our rifles. The PH925 lived to its name, one shot was it need in the head or the heart. We came onto the campsite and waited at the edge. We scanned the place and saw its quiet but sections of the wall is still there. Colonel Ras walked out to called out his men in the camp.
Initially no one responded then later one of them came out camp wall and walked towards us. He is a military officer and is unarmed. The Colonel and myself spoke to him. His name is Corporal Risdane, and he is the one of the few who survived the attacks. We spoke to him of the aids we are providing a nd we would like to know the fate of the survivors. We want to offer medical aids. He was reluctant and then he said he need to confer with his men. He turned to go back into the camp. While waiting, I had the team deployed in formation for any attacks. I don’t want any surprises from Fed’s or chimps.
‘Commander, I can see a column of twenty apes coming in on your starboard. Permission to take them out.’ That was Lieutenant Ludwig and he’s got good eyes.
‘Permission granted.’ I can see the silent Bubble made it way to my left and fired her cannons. It tore into the columns of chimps causing them to disperse. By then the Fed’s also rained fire on the other chimps and the chimps took to their heels. It also convinced the Feds of our intention.
‘Column dispersed. Am dispensing missile now.’ I saw the streaks of one missiles hitting the trees, and exploded on impact. That was a loud bang and then heavy smoke. Juts as we thought they were gone, a wounded chimp came swinging out and snarling at my men but it met a hail of bullets to fall down dead.
‘Secondary attack got them running. I see two of them retreating. Will scout more.’ But by then the gates were opened and I can see the refugees coming out unarmed. They were escorted by Corporal Risdane and two of his men. I got Sargeant Sharon to guide them to the MSV while the men covered their tracks.
I requested permission to proceed into their compound and the Corporal approved. I walked into the compound with Colonel Ras limping in and I saw the General for the first time in person.
Colonel Ras and myself saluted the General Victoria aka General Vampire. She is accompanied by four nervous goons as can be seen now. They are as what Doctor Melanie Chan called them; big burly man with deadly toys in their hands.
‘Commander Bent.’ I announced myself.
‘I know. I am General Victoria Seeker or you probably know me as Vampire. It does not matter, I am what I am. I am releasing the colonists to you as well as any soldiers who choose to go with you. They will board your ships unarmed but I offered you their weapons in the crates here.’ She points to the crates of discarded guns and rifles. ‘We may keep some if needed, but it should be all there. We may add in some ammo for them just in case. ‘
‘General, you may leave with us, and we can protect you.’
‘Protect? I think no. Start again perhaps but I will declined for now. My re’ I looked at the General more closely. A tall woman of a feminine shape but unfortunately her reputation precedes her beauty. She is armed with her handgun and also her rifle which resembled the PH762.
‘No, Commander. I have remote bombs all this place and I will die with it if need be. My four guards can follow you if they choose. I will leave it to them to choose. Let me introduce you; Platoon Six, 2nd Special Forces survivals. We used to number twelve and now we are left five. The rest died in the service for the Federation. Unfortunately against your Empire most of them.’ She turned to walk away but her four goons stood their ground eyeing us.
I did not care what they were but we have an evacuation to do.
‘I was their commander, and still is. We survived the missions and now they followed me as my team. Their names are not important to you. You can call them One, Two, Three and Four.’ She does have a good view in the back.
‘General, you need to listen.’ But she is not. She stood there and looked at the campsite. I care not, and I walked up to her. I club her unconscious from behind with my rifle stock. Her guards reacted by stepping back and raised their rifles but they didn not fire. The Colonel step forward and stopped them with his hands motion.
‘We are taking her along for her own good. Carry her to the MSV.’ The colonel told the goons and they lowered their rifle to carry her. They understand the situation better. I saw the remote in her jacket pocket and I reached for it.
‘Give me her remote.’ The guard next to her took out the remote form his pocket and pass it to Colonel Ras. The four goons then carried her and took her to the MSV.
I looked at the Colonel and he smiled at me. I know what he wants to do, and I did not want to stop him. He looked at me as what I seen in many friends of mine in the service and what they want to do next. Its called ‘going down in glory’. I handed him a rifle and he took it. He asked for a grenade too, just in case it did not work. He then ordered the remaining men on the walls to come forth.
‘Clear the armory and whatever you can carry to the MSV.’ The men ran to the armory and grabbed the things they can carry. They got it cleared fast and emptied it. I turned to the Colonel who is looking at the camp. He then saw where he wants to go. He limped to the Command Unit and close the door.
The last MSV left the river bank with me on board. Bubble has fired another missile at another advancing column before she flew back to replenish her missiles. But by then we were pushing the MSV off the river banks and reversing out to the river currents. I was half way past the river when I heard the shots and then silence. Then came a series of explosions that rocked even the MSV on the river. Among the explosions was probably a grenade held by a Colonel.
Colonel Ras taken his last stand with the chimps. It was 1614hr Day 2, Week 24.
Day 3
I had the Fed’s and their colonist settled at Holdings while the inmates moved to their farms. They did not complained so I left it as that. The last headcount I had was seventy one colonists and twenty nine Fed’s including the four goons and the General. I allowed the Fed’s to guard their own campsite now in Holdings. I had Bubble One fly recon over the previous Fed’s camp and Major Shaw said she saw scorched clearing and damaged units. Most of the walls are damaged and there are bodies of chimps around.
I had Major Feeley take command while I go across again with ten man assault team on the MSV. We landed and ran for the campsite but we were un-harassed. I saw first hand the campsite condition. It was still smoldering from the explosion and there are small fires here and there. Most of the units are destroyed as she probably rigged explosions there. There are dead chimps everywhere, and we counted nearly forty of them and some more in parts. Some has been dead from the explosion from the looks of the wounds, while some were dead earlier from their decayed looks. Its also un-denial that some died not form their wounds but from the creatures that came after the explosions.
From the looks of things, the Colonel must had enticement them in the last assault. He must had fired at them so they will come in. When they were all in yard, he pressed the detonator. They died by the deception of the Colonel.
‘Commander, this is Bubble One.’
‘Go ahead, Bubble One.’
‘I can see the column of chimps marching back to the west. I can count about twenty or thirty of them. They are leaving, Sir.’
Yes, for now, but they will returned in force.
‘Wait, there is two men with them. Its Mathews and Mongol. They are captured by the chimps.’
‘Follow and recon. Do not attack.’ That was my order.
We seen enough and without air support, I am not risking my men’s lives. I signaled for them to retreat to MSV. We boarded it and sailed off for our own land. For some reason, during these couple of days, we had ignored the creatures of New Pangaea. Now on my way back, I began to take notice of them again.
There is the T-Rex now coming to the riverbank as we leave with the MSV. I can also see the raptors coming in through the breaks in the jungle and peeking at us. They are curious if we will be meal for the T-Rex so they can picked up the leftovers. Then there is the sound of the Spinosaurus in the near distance, announcing its arrival to everyone. The T-Rex on alert of its enemy, then took to heels into the jungle.
Then Its back to norm for now, with the serenity of the river currents hitting against the MSV hull. For now, man and creatures will ignored each other till later.
‘General, for now you can’t go back. Please let your people recover and then you may return. But for now we will also plan your camp so they are better in protecting them against any more attacks by chimp or T-Rex.’ I never said General Victoria Seeker was ugly but she does have nice blue eyes. Her stare at me would had melted even the coldness of the ice but here I felt the sense of warmth. She is sitting on the bed in the Infirmary with a bad headache. Her four goons are next to her and holding their weapons.
‘Please, Victoria. Don’t be rash.’ I pleaded with her.
‘Let me go back. You are not responsible for me. I am a General in the Federations. We know how to take care of situations. I need to go back to the other side. I got to check on my camp.’ She is in shock and she is not sure of what is going on.
‘Your camp is gone. Colonel Ras died detonating the explosions. He is dead, and you will be if you go back. You can go back but not now. We can help you to get back on your own feet and be better in defending.’ She looked at me and then her shoulders sagged. The iron lady has exposed her feminine self. She shook and then nodded in agreement. I gave some time to rest before we sit down to discuss things of interest.
I got to know her better. And she of me. I would had given a pound of my flesh to her if she would look at me more than just a Commander. Well, I did soon enough.
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