Sunday, February 19, 2012

Issac New Hope

My main two characters: Isaac, who has bipolar 2 disorder co with insomnia, possible personality disorder and social issues. Parents committed suicide together.

Tom: Tom visits for therapy; he has 'possible narcissistic personality disorder', and schizophrenic.

My tale begin....

"Tom, please be seated." I had to indicate to Tom, my new student into his class of ten special students. Tom is a slim in built but he wears well of his dressing; befitting a boarding student in some posh school in the countryside. Tom looked to me with his look of disdain. Then I remembered his therapy notes which I had briefly read before class. "Your Lordship, please be seated. I am sure you will find the chair unaccommodating for today, but we will do better tomorrow."

Tom aka 'His Lordship' took his rightful place but he moved his desk away from the others. Well, as long as he sits in, I am happy to accommodate him.

I turned to my class to tech them the subject today, but I was distracted by my other student, Issac who has started to weep on his desk. He is one of my earlier student and I think he is progressing better now. I walked up to him to address him.

"Issac, why are you crying? Did you take your medicine today?" Issac need to take his medicine on a regular basis or he may lose control of himself. He nodded at my query but I know he sometimes lied to me. "Can I see your medic case?"

But the others starts to chant like before; "Issac did not take his medicine...Issac did not take his medicine". I had to stop it before it become worse. I slammed my hand on the table and told the class off. That quiet them down but not Issac's weeping. He is now having his head on the desk, knocking at it with his forehead. He is asking for his mother but she is not here. She won't be as she is dead alongside with the father in a dual suicide pact. They left him as an orphan at the age of five and no others related to him would take him. He has been with us for over ten years now. He has been attending class since he was twelve but he is slow. I reached out to him to hold him in my arms and let him cry. He would once he gets over it soon.

"May I asked am I sit here and listen to the weeping or shall I take my reading to the library?" Tom is displaying his narcissistic side now. He thinks he is bloody pompous Lord will all us to served him on our knees and elbow. Screw the day I decided to become a doctor in this line, but every time I turned my back, I find myself coming back again. They are children and they need help. Frag the society for ignoring them that they needed us to guide them.

"Sorry, Tom. Please be seated and we will resume our class soon." But I find Tom talking to himself or to his other self. He is schizophrenic and I got to check on his medication too. All my students has a tendency to forget their medication. Its not they want to but they just forgot. Its up to us who are their guardians to remind them daily. Now Tom is reaching for his book to read again. His mother tells me he has been reading the book for over five years now. Its called Treasure Island. She also tells me sometime he thinks he is Long John Silver and only he knows where the treasure is. I find an unique coincidence here. Issac likes Long John Silver too, but he thinks he is the boy in the book. He thinks he would run away and seek his lost treasure like the boy, Jim Hawkins.

"Tom, please come over. I want you to meet Issac. He likes Treasure Island too." Tom walked over like drunk and swagger over. to us. He is Billy Bones who stayed at the Inn and met Jim Hawkins.

"Howdy, boy. I am Billy Bones and I am looking out for a bad man... Black Dog his name. Let me know if you see him." The imitable young pirate of my class hobbled back to his seat. I could see Issac's face gleamed with the words he just heard.

"Your secret is safe with me, Billy. I would keep watch over ye old mate of yours." He has come out from my arm and stood up on his chair, withy his hands on top of his eyes like the extended telescope of old. "Aye, I see the man... He is coming now."

That was when I decided to take the play on. I walked over to Smith, another student of mine.
 "Smith, you read Treasure Island?" He just nodded. He is here for his bipolar but he is on the recovery. "Can you be Bad Dog?"

"Ms.Green. He ain't Bad Dog. His name is Black Dog and I can be one. Woof! Woof!" But the play is on as more wanted to be in the play. But no one took on Long John as that is also what Tom wanted to be. He was aloof on holding that character or he won't play. So we let him be what he wants as long as he is happy. I was to be Billy Gunn as no one wants to be the one that was left on the island marooned for many years. I can relate to that as these children do not want to be pictured without friends and love on their own. So I improvise and I become the Billy Gunn.

The play took up the morning as the children learned to play their character and they did not fight or go separately in the game. But twice in the game I had to stop some squabble on who is right as they argue on the character. But I found something new. All the children like any children likes to play acting as its their way to role into adulthood life. More to it, I found that Tom and Issac likes to read about the same books. By the end of the day session, Tom and Issac were sitting side by side whispering away while I am coaching. I paid them no heed as its good to see them communicate unlike before. Then the final bell rang and the class has to end.

"Please packed up and place the chairs to the back of the room before you leave. And don't forget your medication for tonight and tomorrow." Tom's mother was there to see me and she asked if she could talk to me.

"How is he today?"

"He is doing fine. He was involved in a play and I think he can fit in eventually." She thanked me and I am left with only Issac standing there. He is waiting for me as I am his legal guardian. I took his hand and we went home together. He was so tried with today's play that he slept holding his book. So was I.

When I had completed my chores and a refreshing shower, I was standing before my medication box. I think I would do without the anti-depressant for today. I think if I can do without it and be cured of my addiction, then I can be the role player to these children. They need also a beacon to light up their journey to recovery, not only a medicine box with daily dosages. The former is also important as its the magical properties which only love can offer.

"Lights off, Issac."

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