Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How love affects ...when you cannot afford a cab fare.

If its love, then I am in it. How would I describe what is love in me? I be honest, I can't. But I know its in me. It has always been since I saw you. You are just more than anything I have ever seen, or felt. Even to my imagination, I could not pictured you before. So how can you tell me am I wrong to admit that I am in love with you. I did not planned it, nor did I fell in it. It just happened when I lay my eyes on you. You are if words can be found for your looks, its only in one word; beautiful. Sometimes I felt even that is not enough to describe you. I feel the need to have more than that to frame your beauty.

Pardon me, are you confused? Oh, please don't just leave. Please allow me explain myself. I am in love with you. If I could declare it louder, I would shout it out to all around us but you will probably run away in embarrassment. So I would spare you that as I do not want to be alone without you.

You want me explain why I love you? I thought I just did. No, its not enough. Okay, I would need you to calm down. Please allow me to remove the seat buckle. Begone, you knave. There, comfortable?

I can’t leaned over? Alright, but can I just move this offending barrier between us. I know its your handbag, but we could be closer. After all, I do love you. If I am close to you, you could hear my heartbeats that tells no lies of my feeling. I know its awkward to you but for my heart to be heard by you, I need to hold my arms around you. Now, hush my love. Do you feel my heart? Its not beating as usual but playing a tune that only love can make it so. Its called the rhythm of love beats.

Are you feeling cold? No? Then it must be me. Yes, I am feeling cold. I am in need of warmth as even my hearts beats for you, you questioned with coldness on my love. If you must know, the heart does break on the such treatment. Surely, you do not want me to die with a broken heart.

I mocked you? No, I am not. I am just asking for your warmth. How? Well, it would be easier if you would start with my hands. You see those fingers there; they need some warmth. Put your fingers in between mine and it will all be fine. That's a good start. Now we need to do is fixed our eyes to each other's. You can't see me clearly. That's called an unfortunate event which need to be corrected. If I would come closer, perhaps you would be able to see the needed correction.

Need I said more. No apology is ever needed if our lips are sealed. But I am truly sorry if I did hurt you then. It was my ultimate failure then and never to be repeated again. So this is my way to say I am sorry. So can we be as we were; ever in love and sharing the time always together.

You do love me too. Okay, but you are paying for the cab fare. I paid my last dollar on the stalk of rose before I arrive here. Love is more than kisses and fresh air, darling. It also cost more than my college allowance. But I would make up for it when I get a job after graduation.

I am forgiven. Its your sacrifice for me as you love me? Well, if its to be, then I shall suffer it in the name of love for you.

Sir, could you take a cheque for this trip. You not charging me for this trip. Why, thank you sir. I mean Mr.Anderson. I promised I be good to her from now onwards. I know, Sir. You would make me regret if this happens again. But can I add in some words of mine. Someone once said, love is not without mishaps, but when it does happened, it makes the heart grow more fonder.

Sorry, my love. I would call you later. I guess your dad does not have a better sense of humor than I thought. Bye, Mr.Anderson.

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