Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Weekend Special Short Tales California 2.4 Chapter 13



The leader of the Launderette had his team lined up at both sides of the doorway. The clock read at 0231hrs. He tapped his watch to his team. It meant that they are on the clock there.

Two of the team tossed in the smoke grenades.

The laser beams were seen moving in random direction in the Hall, and then the team moved in. The members were highly trained and moved in formation.

“Clear!” The calls went out. The team moved forward and it was then the hidden lift opened up. The roar of the shotgun brought down the member near the lift. He was stunned but not hurt. He was later when the RN P90 shot him with two short bursts on the face.

“Contact on the left. 5 down.” The leader of the attacking team called out. He then felt the shots on the vest and it hurt like Hell then. The bullets from the Tavar were penetrating the vest with every additional shot. On the tenth shot, he fell down clutching the left side of the chest.

“1 down. Find cover.” The second in command called out. He was code named 2.

The attacking team went for cover but 3 and 8 got the bullets on the back of their knees when they turned to leave. It was the shotgun dispersed pellets. Glenn followed through with the double grip on the Taurus at the neck area on 8. He got through on the third shot at the exposed flesh. It was all he needed but he wasted five bullets. He reloaded when the returning fire came at him. He was facing down when he felt the need to turn left. He did and shot the other in the chest with the Taurus. He felt the recoil to the left shoulder.

“Hold your position. I am calling in the airborne.” Number 2 called the shots. He was down to eight if you ignored the one limping. It was a bad start. He heard the chopper sound above the hotel. He looked at his watch. It was 0245hrs. Nine minutes and they were fragged down.

“Launderette Ground, we are rappelling down.” It was Launderette Air, and they arrived by airborne. It was an eight men team. They got by codes of A1 to A8.

“We are on the rooftop now.” A1 called out on the comms. “Moving no----”

A1 went down with the scalpel stuck in his left eye. The poison took effect and hid body went limp. Then the other poison kicked in and his brain was affected. It took seconds.

“A1 down. We got an ---.” It was A3 who assisted A1 and he was hit by the scalpel in the left wrist. “I ---”

The rest of the Airborne took cover. It was not east to make out the person on the rooftop killing them.

“Chopper, this is A2. Can we have the search light on here?”

The helicopter flew back. It turned on the search light on the rooftop at about fifty feet above the rooftop. It lasted a few seconds before it blew up hit by the arrow with the explosive tip. It does not take a huge explosive when the impact was on fuel tanks. The helicopter went down over the cemetery.

“Damn you!’ A5 stood and leveled the rifle across the area in front of him. He was hit by the next arrow in the chest and there was not much to pick up on his remains.

“All members stand down. A2 called out.” Then A2 counted his losses. He was down to five members. He had known of one named Tiffany there. She was a fighter.

“Tiffany--- or shall I call you Keiko Sinada for old time sake. You will challenge us with your fighting skills. We won’t use our guns. Only daggers. Like old times.” A2 was the one that use to spar with Tiffany then. “I am stepping out.”

A2 stepped out and dropped the Colt 14 with the belt holstering the handgun. He also dropped off his armored vest.

像旧时一样”. (English translated ‘Like old times’.). The challenge was offered. “They are all trained by me in the old school. 们都是我在老学校训练

The other seven did the same and stood there with the daggers. It looked like the Commando knives but it was wider at the blade.

“Katsu Matsada, I accept your challenge.” The doctor appeared out of the cover. She had removed the vest and the crossbow. She held in her hands was the double short swords.

“We will fight the old way.” The doctor told the other. Two of the attackers rushed at her. One came in with the low strike at her legs and the other was aiming for her head. It was a good move and the doctor stepped aside to the left to avoid the low attacker and with the twist of her body she swung her left sword downwards to cut the lower attacker in the right side of the neck. In the same move, she turned her body face up over to the left side to avoid the swinging upper attack and her right arm went out from below to embed the right-handed sword into the throat of the attacker. She then did a body turn to straighten up. It was then another one had charged into her from the right and caused her to bend backwards avoiding the dagger and her left sword went for the belly.

“You still have it in you, Sister.” Stanley complimented her. “Your acrobats moves are as smooth as before.”

“Thank you, Katsu-san, I still do my callisthenics daily. Even at my age now.” The doctor told Stanley.

“We are still the same despite our age. I will fight you now.” Katsu rushed at her with great strides. Both she and him were trained by the same master although they held an age difference of ten years. The years of training and sparring made them a formidable pair then when they learned ‘tantojutsu’ the short blade fighting technique.

“In the art of assassination, the weapon must be concealed or you will not get to the target.” The Master of the art told Keiko then. “Get in close for the dagger is short but deadly. The areas to hut are covered but vulnerable on the kill.”

It was how Keiko had to wrestle Katsu many times that most others thought they were like lovers but Keiko had liked someone from the outside. It caused her banishment and soon her isolation to the faraway land. She learned to be a surgeon and knew her skills well.

Katsu had applied the low strike with the focus on right wrist of Keiko. He reached out with his left hand to grab her right wrist and moved in with the right hand holding his dagger at Keiko’s chest. Keiko felt her right hand was trapped and she moved her body to the right to avoid the oncoming strike by Katsu. When she moved, her left arm went down in a striking move to deflect the attacking dagger. She knew that given the strength of her opponent, she was not able to push him off, so she struck with her left leg on the inner step of Katsu’s right leg. It unbalanced him and he fell. She then moved back while she tossed the right hand kaiken at the fallen adversary. The blade struck at Katsu in the back of the area below the neck. He reached for it but she was already making her next move.

The revolver was effective at the shorter range. She aimed at the face and gave Katsu a new nose opening.

“Master!” The other six attackers saw their leader was down and rushed to their discarded guns. Keiko was doing the same for her scalpels. She may not make it in time.

A series of shots rang out and Keiko was still unhurt. She looked up and saw the seven attackers were dead on the rooftop. She looked over and saw the shooter who saved her.

“Don 54, thank you.” The doctor looked at the one she had treated the leg wound. Don limped over and pulled the doctor up. Keiko stood just below the other lady’s jaw and she had to look up.

“I was knocked out like a date rape; which hardly happens to me. And I heard the shooting and explosions, but I could not move.” Don looked at the doctor.

“You were sedated for your safety.” The doctor replied. “The Hotel was under attack.”

“I know that. The Delagi was downstairs. Was it the old man here?” Don asked.

“Youi know the rules. No names. You can go back to your room or leave. The doors are opened.” The doctor told Don. “I need to go and see my patients.”

“You can forget the Chief. She is dead. The old man I think is still sedated.” Don told the doctor. “And I am leaving. I don’t want to be in any dispute here when they do raid this place.”

“Thanks, Don. And do take the lift at the other end. It will take you down. The main lift is damaged.” The doctor told Don. “And your subscription is on hold but you can come in anytime.”

“The heck I will. Do you know the time now?” Don asked.

“0330hrs. Why?” The doctor asked.

“I hate to tell you this but I don’t wake up that early since I left the Army. Now I may not get back to sleep until tonight.” Don had limped away to the entrance to go down. The doctor followed suit.

Meanwhile downstairs at the Ground Floor, Glenn was still at it with the nurse with speaker playing the sog that he liked.

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year (any time of year)
You can find it here



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