Saturday, September 18, 2021

Story Write Compilations Volume 2 Stories 23

 My new Life


Authors Note: This is a short tale of girls taken out of their life into forced prostitution. I used the song lyrics "Sound of Silence" to showcase the mood then.

Contests rules:



It was dark as usual when we are locked in the rooms with only the single window up above on the far wall allowing us a glimpse of the night sky. But tonight was different, I could hear a song being sung by a man on the guitar. He was strumming the song I have heard before but not in recent months. The lyrics vibrated in my mind as I recall its words.


Hello darkness, my old friend

I've come to talk with you again

Because a vision softly creeping

Left its seeds while I was sleeping

And the vision that was planted in my brain

Still remains




A beautiful song heard from a beautiful time but now it holds my emotions in as silence is what I desired now. It’s the defined word I have held onto since I came here. The same word I hope would be heard by me when the sun comes up. I wished upon it every night when I looked to the darkness. But comes morning, my wish would just be a dream to be re-taken into the next night. It had failed me ever again to take on my wish and left me to be tormented in the day with the opposite of silence.


Like the coming new day when the sunlight came creeping in and I moved my body to the other side. It’s not that I cannot bear the stench of her who lies with me but to see the welts and damages her body reminds me of mine endured before. I had suffered the bruises and pains like her; stripped of my dignity and strength but never my soul.


Just as then when I could take the nags and scoldings I lived my own life regardless. I do not need their love then but only their unending flow of money for me to use was my care. I hang out with my friends and abuse my time with restless actions so that when I dragged myself home; it was to be in my bed and be asleep till the need to get up. That was how it was then while I sum up my life with my parents when they do see me; silence, when we meet and, silence when we part. We all led solitary life from each other although we are bonded by blood and name.

Till that one day, they came and took me by force into their van. I fought hard and they beat me harder till I had to succumb to their needs. If the abuse of my body was bad then, then the treatment later was more brutal. Slavery is not a way to live life, but it was of mine then. I became a fragging human slave made to serve and be served on their needs. I lost all hopes when I was abducted.


But I found myself not alone.


Oh, God! If you can hear me, please stop it. Maybe then we would have leaned more to you in our times of need, but you have forsaken us in these times. We prayed for your mercy and none was given. We could have cursed at you but what good would it do. Like her behind my back now, we wept and cried but silent sounds followed our tears. Surely, you could have seen us but you sent forth the Devil himself to do his foul works. So tell me, God, do you know mercy or do you only give to those whom you think deserved it. If it, my dear one whom I called God, I am not your failure but you are mine.


We numbered more than you can imagine. The lucky ones died before their tormenting overcame them but I was not one of the lucky for I am still here. My mind tells me not to take my life but I tried many a time to do it. All it did was give me more pain than relief. As I lay in silence, I asked myself; maybe you would come. But when was the second question I asked myself. I could find no answer for both nor do I know how long I can last this pain and abuse.


The new day has come again and we would be on our way. Nothing would be different from other days but we hope that we would not need to come back here tonight. Maybe you would be merciful and forced the hand of Death to take me with her today.


But if you could not, please let me be silenced from the thoughts of the enduring sessions on this stretch of my life. That would be my final request of you. Now let me be alone to hear the last of the lyrics before I am awakened.


To the neon god they made

And the sign flashed out its warning

In the words that it was forming

And the sign said "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls

And tenement halls

And whispered in the sound of silence




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