Monday, September 13, 2021

Tweet...tweet... My journey with Dante on Purgatory ...13/09/21

 31/08/21 late night

I am into the last leg (pun intended) of the Dante Purgatory adaption. I am taking some moments to read the final Canto of Purgatory to construct my ending for this adaption. The last few ‘Canto’ adaption took on challenges unexpected in the tale. Unlike Inferno, I stayed mainly on the original but to make it a tale, I took on the hellish (Pun intended) trail of making it into a Sci-Fi.

By now you will have realized that Dante is in a virtual prison and getting out was his task. He was told that he is living in a dreamlike state and it may be layers of dreams; something I picked from Freud, and the doubts of his own existence. Maybe, Dante is not who he believed to be. He was also questioning the role of Virgil; friend or foe? And even Beatrice. It was a lot of self-doubts.

Here is the part I think needed to be constructed. If plain adaption of Dante’s poems will be ‘boring’ to the readers who were not into the original, hence my version here. I am going to slide in the action to get the pace moving from here but keeping pace with the original.

The real challenge in my mind will be doing Dante’s Paradise (Ironically, Paradise is supposed to be nice), but I will give you a nasty hint to my mind now; I am watching Jurassic Hunt now, and it's snapping on my side view. Just a hint of the new direction so maybe Paradise may not be that cheerful if I have my write.

I will end here for now. I am writing as it comes from my mind, so if nothing makes sense, don’t worry, I will sort it out soon enough.

Compared to the Arthur Series, this set of tales is like riding rodeo on a T-Rex hanging below the jaw of the dinosaur running with the herd. Till later, let me read the last Canto from XXIII to XXXIII.


In the concluding passages of Dante 6; the main character was in self-doubt to his role. Last night I read the summary of the Canto to the conclusion of Purgatory. I was figuring out how to add in my twists to the tale. Some hints- given here are as follows.

Self-doubt on the main characters, Dante, Virgil, Statius, and Beatrice. Like who am I before I am; a ZEN teaching lesson.

And also (hint here); the creators of the program, and who is the real Doctor? The two nations at war here, real Empire and Federation. I did touch on the beginning of the Federation.

And who is the real Doctor?

Upon the end of Purgatory, perhaps a prison break, as like the migration towards Heaven.

Or just as I recalled a TV series in the 60’s named The Prisoner. It’s all about Prisoner 6 in the series. (; a virtual prisoner with everyone there with a number instead of a name.

So many twists I am thinking of, but it may differ when I am into the actual write.

I also had a brief on Paradise; the summary of what to expect and framed my storyline to the end. I have some possible outcomes and will refine it further.

Seven spheres, and more intriguing thoughts.


I want to kick start the chapter but the mind is zero in creative thoughts. I did work; paying works. And was into a series of virtual ‘hello, we meet’ sessions and no handshakes except virtual hand waves. Ironically, during those sessions my mind drifted to Dante. More like ant bites.

I will take a short break and do it on this weekend. Meantime, I am reading Asimov Robot series or the Foundation. Or maybe not.

12/9/21 late night

So much for a break, I was penning frantically at last night…. Mind was sizzling like the steak on the grill. And doing it now at the office after my morning session of ‘hello, are we on the meet soon? Oh, we are…”


Short break or rather work focus, and I am back to pen from Canto XXIV. Ironically, while working, a casual conversation with an acquaintance brought on the subject of Asimov’s Foundation. It tempted me to check on my archive library and found the paperback; Foundation. I spent half the night reading to one-third of it; an achievement considering at my current state, reading three pages, I will doze off, and that included Hustler’s pages… seen them all, I guess.

And from Foundation, I was to explore a 60’s TV series called the Prisoner (17 episodes). A short-run ( did a mini-series in 2009 ) but it was ahead of its time in the production then. It was helm by Patrick McGoohan. It was a prison in a village with the inmates given a number instead of the name.

It gave me some more ideas in the head…or while I slept.


I spent the last few nights reading the last Cantos of Dante’s Purgatory, and it's tough to adapt so I have decided to go solo on my write. 

Those were my penned-down thoughts while writing Dante's Purgatory adaption... and I am at Canto XXIV of Canto XXXIII to complete the tale. I took the time to read the last chapters, and it's a tangent off my side of the adaption.... well, in my words though. I then decided I will do my own endings.... more explosive with my style,,, after all, Dante here is in a prison' a virtual one.  And there are thoughts in Dante as to who was him, and his companions; are they allies or foes, and who is Beatrice; is she real? I intend to cover that all in the chapters.

Thereafter I may pen something else... been reading the last few days.... carving it out of my archive of books and comics... and ideas are buzzing in my mind... I was doing Arthur III The New Knights and stopped at like 20,000 words. I may go back to re-write it with some new plots in mind. 

Till then, I will sizzle my soul with Dante and complete the journey there. 


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