Monday, September 13, 2021

Story Write Compilations Volume 2 Stories 20

 Fear Factor at Age of Five


Author's Note: This is a one-shot in the series of Jonathan Blake as the character. It's all about fear and I choose it from a five-year-old kid.


Contests rules:



"Jonathan Blake! you come back here this minute! I am telling your mother what you did and you going not to sit for the next few days!" I gave up. no one is going to hear me inside here. I looked to the sky and I can see nothing from this stupid hole which Jonathan told me there is a rabbit here. now I am the rabbit and this is my burrow. but no Jonathan and it's getting late. I wished Mummy or Daddy are here. they would know what to do.


"Jonathan Blake, you are going to regret this. I hate you." That felt good. but I am getting hoarse from all the shouting. then I saw the spider; it appeared out of nowhere. I looked at Dolly and told her there is a weeny spider in the hole.


"Picked me up and smashed it." I did as Dolly told me and I grabbed the doll to hit the spider. Soon I stopped and looked at the spot where I had last seen the spider. It's dead now as Dolly had taken its head and crushed it to a pulp. I carried Dolly in my arms and wiped her face and head clean of the dirt. \


"Thanks, Dolly." She smiled at me and closed her eyes as I lowered her down to sleep. Soon it would be very dark and besides Dolly, I have no one to talk to. I would have snuggled up to Dolly but the ground is hard and the height of the hole is too high for me. Just then a thought came to me and I decided to dig in a little bit more into the ground. I might find the treasure or maybe a lamp which contains the genie. Or worse come around, it would be a smaller hole and I can crawl into it to sleep when it gets dark.


"What do you think, Dolly?" But she is still asleep so I must be quiet or she would wake up. I picked at the soft ground and slowly move the loose earth aside. Soon I found what may be a long bone which I was able to use to dig deeper and faster. I remembered reading about bones being found near treasure chests. I wondered I find any and Jonathan Blake is not having shares of it. It would be all mine plus some more for mommy and daddy.


"That's for not coming back to help me, you naughty Jonathan Blake." I kept on digging and finally, I have my little hole to crawl into rest. The sky is getting dark and then I saw the skull like the one Jimmy has for Halloween. It's all bony and missing the lower jaw. Jimmy's one still had one on it and it could talk. Probably that's why it did not cry out when I dug it out earlier. Anyway, I left it there on the mound of dirt I dig up and carried Dolly with me to the new hole. I prod Dolly next to me and she opened her eyes to smile at me.


I must have slept for a while because next when I opened my eyes, I saw it was all dark up there on the skies. More to it, I felt hungry and I got up from my hole. I was surprised to see somebody sitting in there; slumped against the other side of the wall. It's a man and he looked like he is sleeping. Well, I thought he was until I have seen the blood on his shirt. I have seen those sights before on TV and that means he is either shot or dead.


"Mister, are you okay?" But he was not answering, so I got up from my hole and walked over to his side. I tapped him on the shoulder but he was not moving. Jonathan used to do that when we are playing Cowboy and Injun. He would pretend to be dead when I approached him. But sometimes I caught him peeking under my skirt and I would tell his mummy later.


"Mister, if you are dead, then I would let you stay here. But you don't come over to my side. I would scream so loud that even the ghosts would come and take you away."


I went back to my side of the hole and sat down holding onto Dolly for comfort. I looked at Dolly and she was still smiling at me. So we decided to sing some songs and make them loud so that someone may hear us. Jonathan Blake would be in deeper trouble soon. So I selected "Jack and Jill' and I went on the rhymes.


'Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.

Jack fell and broke his crown.

And Jill came tumbling after.

Up got Jack, and home they did trot

As fast as he could caper

He went to bed and bound his head with vinegar and brown paper.'


When I had finished singing, there were sounds of someone talking.


"Mickey, you sure that the sound came from here?" The man who spoke was now shinning into the hole at the dead man. "I shot him six times and he is unlikely to sing anymore. You sure?"


So that man was dead from the way the one on top was talking, and if he finds me I would be dead too. I crouched in deep into the hole I dug earlier and move all my friends out on top. The torchlight shone towards my side and it must have reflected off the skull I dug up.


"Jesus, did you see that? I just saw a dead man looking at me." The two men immediately ran away as they got back into their car. The sound of the car was heard being driven away. I crawled out of my hole and held Dolly to my face.


"Looks like the bad men are all gone. But we are still stuck here." It was then Dolly told me to check if the man has any food on him. So I walked over to the dead man and searched his pocket. I found his pack of smokes which I threw aside.


"Smoking is bad for you. If not them smokes, maybe....  being shot could. You never listen.." I could not find any food but I found his portable. The portable still had some power on it, and I remember how daddy made us remember the numbers we can call if we ever get lost. So I dialed the number he taught me.


"911, how can I assist you?" I liked that sweet voice. She sounded like Mummy. That was when I cried.


"I am lost here. My name is Elizabeth Mann of 321, Main Avenue 5, 47888. Please tell my mummy I am okay and I need her....." I sobbed even louder on mentioning my mother. "Tell her Jonathan Blake pushed me into the hole...."


I don't how long I cried and talked into the phone but it must have been long as the battery went dead. I sat down there and cried some more holding onto my doll named Dolly.


But soon they came with these big lights and bigger cars. I was taken out of the hole and sent to the hospital.


On the way to the doctor, I had my Mummy with me.


And so was my Dolly.


The next morning when I woke up on the hospital bed, Mummy told me I was a brave girl who survived almost the whole night in a new dugout hole in the cemetery. The dead man who was in there is a wanted criminal and the police are going to reward me for finding him.


"Liz, what did you do when you were down there?"


"I sang Jack and Jill. That chased the ghost away from catching me. What would happened to Jonathan Blake now?"


"Well, he is not going to sit for a while, and he bought you a new Dolly. Here it is." I told my Mum I prefer my old one as Dolly can talk to me in the dark.


"Mum, can I push Jonathan in the next time?


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