Saturday, September 18, 2021

Story Write Compilations Volume 2 Stories 24

 The Woman I created for Adam


Authors Note: This is a short satire on Adam. Inspired by a song named the "Woman I made from Clay".


Contests rules:



One day in the ages when we never bother to date, in a beautiful garden; they do plant more than flowers those days, they added in fruit-bearing plants too as they were all one big family. Talking about family; pardon me everyone had an equal opposite to be considered as their pair, there was one who was all alone. He sat there brooding and looking glum. It was on this day that I walked by and saw him sitting there.


"Hello, Adam." He looked at me and weakly raised his hand to wave at me.


"And hello again, Adam. What's with you today? It’s very unusual for me to see you sitting here in such a sad mood. Where's your other half?"


Me? I know everything in this place, as I am the Maintenance Man. I fixed the needed fixes and unfixed the unneeded fixes so they can be fixed once more. Even HE calls me when the flush does not work. I told him it would be eons before we perfect the flushing mechanism but HE was said my daily routine cannot wait for it to be invented as HE invested so much into his body. I would have suggested a diet but the kitchen staff took offense to it. So I suggested to HIM to use the lava tubes as they go all the way down to Hades and are blown dried by then. HE did and now HE tells me HE has got the piles on him. Guess we can't satisfy them all in this garden of Eden. HE is now resting on some clouds and I hope HE does not do it up there or we would have more than cats and dogs raining on us soon enough. <


But let me get back to Adam. The lad is so embarrassed that he had to whispered into my long tall bunny's ears.


"So she dunks it again. Poor lad, with you so vigorously ....male-like and she went for the one named Samuel. I tell you, my dear lad; you need a new woman in your life......" But poor Adam took to hide on me mentioning the last lines.


"Shhhh... You are an imbecile for an angel. I need fixing to my life and not have my life story affix to their ears." Adam was pointing at the fairies who are within ear shouts distance.


"Pardon me, Adam." I sat down to think of how to resolve Adam's issue, I was looking at the fairies who were all playing by the golden pond. It's a golden pond as its water glimmers with the gold dust falling off from the blonde hair of those fairies. The fairies are making castles by the pond and then they poured water onto it to soften the material. Its molds well into the shapes they want and by golly, they can even build the upright twin turret with perky points.


"Hey Blondies, what is that you are using to make your castle?"


"Who are you calling Blondies, Bunnies ears?" One of them replied to my question. "We are building our castle and you ain't going to be invited to it."


"I need to know where you got those materials so I can help you cart some moreover. I was just offering my help that's all." I pretended to walk away and the fairies echoed the answer to me; "Ask the Mole man as he said there been a heck lot of clay being dumped into his lava tubes. We found it soft and easy to mold when mixed with water, so we brought them here. Would you fetch more of these and maybe you can make a mate for yourself and save you the needs to creep up on us beneath the waterfall."


Shucks! They knew and yet they did not sound me out earlier. I need to find a new burrow for that place. I rushed off to the Mole man's place and heave out a hundred pounds of clay from his lava tubes. I took them to the golden pond and mold them myself like an artist with his models in the display. The covered can be uncovered from my memories if not by the glimpses I can peek at. Soon I have my present ready for the lonely lad.


Adam, come forth and see your lady in clay. You can name her as yours as if she was made for you." Adam came running from his hidden corner to view his newly presented model. He looked at the model before he and sang the chords as below:


He rolled His big sleeves up

And a brand-new world began

He created a woman and-a lots of lovin' for a man

Whoa-oh-oh, yes he did

With just a hundred pounds of clay


That's one more maintenance works I completed today. I left for my other works but not long later Adam came running to me.


"I think she broke an arm"Adam showed me the broken limb of his model. I ran back to the pond and fixed the model's arm back and she was new again. Before I left, I told Adam to keep her wet or if would be hell to pay.


It was not for another day that he came running.


"She grew all fat and clumsy like a pile of clay....." Adam was sobbing in front of me. I rushed back to see the model all crumbled down and it does look like a pile of clay. I was to start again when HE arrived.


"Why does Adam ails?" HE asked as he stood before me. "Is that what I think it is? Oh goodness, did you bring it here or did I dropped it on the way the last time I pass by."


I whispered into his ears on the plight of Adam.


"I knew then I did make him short on a peck or two. I should make amend. Come here, Adam."       


Well, the rest you know from your storytimes. But let me add to you this final part. I had to clean the mess everyone left behind as I am still the Maintenance Man. But they now appreciated me more. I can tell from their singing of my efforts.



People, let me tell ya what He did

With just a hundred pounds of clay

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