Saturday, September 18, 2021

Story Write Compilations Volume 2 Stories 22

 The Reluctant Gamer

Author's Note: This is a one-shot in the series of Hunger Games but mine is more like anti-Hunger Games.


Contests rules:



I tried to keep up with him but he was more agile and stronger than me. He is of a different district and yet he saved me from the warrior from District 4. His name was Brian, from District 2, and the mallet he wields was from his sponsor. The sponsors are allowed to gift us with weapons that carried their branding.


I was from District 1 and had lived a good life there till then. I was selected to be my District Representative.  The sponsor in my District gave me a steel rod of about my arm's length but I felt hopeless with it. I tried to use it as a fighting stick and ended up with cuts on my wrists fighting the opponent from another District. She was armed with a series of hand-sized fish hooks which she used with proficiency to hurt me. It was Brian who came up from behind the lady and clobbered her down with his mallet. I thought I will be dead next but he extended his hand to me to joined him. It was unusual in this game but it was not the first time I get invitations from boys.


I am not your typical warrior but a typical teenager who wanted to have fun before I turned an adult. I did not train to be in the game but attended as an assistant for my friend then. That was then when Kim, my nemesis at the training academy suggested that I joined in and managed to convince the coach of my abilities. So I was roped in and before I could even master my basic training, I was the punching bag for the so-called seniors. The bitch trapped me in to be here so they could humiliate me. Just like she manipulated the selection and I came to be selected. But she was not selected as someone was chosen in her place to go with me. That replacement of her's never made it to the level as I did then but died soon although he has trained for four years. When anyone of the contestants’ died, the viewer's rating will go up. They will place odds on the next victim to die, and it was me. I was surprised that that was what the viewer wanted to see; defeated and not so much as a winner.


So if anyone was asking, I may be lucky so far as no one ever thought I will make it this far in the games. I have my odds increased but I was still in the game. Unlike the others who were in the same round as myself, I was hardly trained; the others have been trained for years. All I remember of the training was the instructor's words: 'keep your feet ready, heartbeat steady'. I did just that so far and now it got me this far but I wasnot safe as yet.


"Tsana, we need to rest. I don't know where the other one is but I am too tired to find or fight him. Please be seated here." The chamber we are in was a metallic walled area with only a single doorway. The chamber was also cleared of any furnishing that we could use, so we end up resting on the floor. It was the first time, I looked at Brian. He was your typical athlete jock with a penchant for surviving this game. He was wearing a dark blue suit that clings onto his body like a second skin which is rather appealing. But what he held in his hand may make me shudder knowing that this jock is a game's participant.


"Why did you help me? You could have eliminated me then. Unless you had other goals which you may want to share with." When I was speaking, I had moved the steel rod in case I need to use it. I could have used the hooks I took from the previous fight but I decided to keep it at my belt waist. I am not the favorite of the sponsor so gifts would be a rarity in my case.


"My strategy calls for two players to eliminate the others. When mine from my District died; I almost lost my place here hence I find you as the best replacement. I had been monitoring you for a while before I came out to help you. Trust me, if we work together; we can win this game. Divided we would lose it all." He held the mallet ready to strike if I give any wrong indication. He has recently acquired a new gift; his sponsors were very generous. He wore it proudly on his back the small shield that will give him some protection from flank attack.


I nodded at his statement and he relaxed his hold on the mallet.


"Thank you. Do you know that it was only yesterday we were children of our mother and father? We were given love and care as befitting any child. I even learn our basic writings but when I reached the age of selection, it was all began to change. I was taught that dreaming dreams with happy endings were the way to wake up but now I woke up to best my peers so I can be better than them. It’s not a dream anymore but a series of nightmares. So much responsibility for one so young, We are different, are we not? The pride of the District but are we that or reject of our society to satisfy their desire for escape fantasy."


He was the one talking while I listened. Am I seeing a participant questioning his role hereafter undergoing so many of the levels? Would he let go that moment of glory for his true conscience as befitting a lad his age? I would as I was not selected for the games but a misplaced candidate stepped into a cruel world.


But we were interrupted by the stone thrown into the chamber. The third surviving participant has found us.


"He found us. Be ready, I am going to call him in. We would fight it here." I stood up and held onto my steel rod like a baseball bat. I took to the left side of the room and Brian took the right side. "Come on in."


The third survival walked in; she was armed with a bow with an arrow pulled taut while she walked in. Like us, she was dressed in a suit but she had on a green one with a quiver filled with arrows on her back. I knew her for she was the favorite of the sponsors. They have shown their preference very well. She got the choice of weapons.


"A reunion. I liked it. Shall we now decide who leaves with the golden slipper?" So my mother was right when I fell off the cliff and broke my arm. She said this when I was admitted for training; 'every lesson comes with a scar if you are careless or impulsive'. She meant well for I learned that well during my training. Neither of them noticed that I removed the fish hooks from my belt waist while loosening the catch holding it together. It is my ace in the sleeve.


Brian moved first by swinging his body towards the new guest, and the bow lady unleashed her arrow. But Brian was quick to react as he turned his shield on his back to deflect the arrow and swing the mallet at her. The blow broke the bow lady's right elbow but Brian was vicious as he laid the next blow on the injured lady's head. It is ugly but she was out for good. So much for the sponsor's best as the saying goes, they've surrounded you with great gifts but if you slip a step, they would laugh you out of the games.


Brian's back was to me and I took the opportunity to swing the steel rod hard on the back of his head. I must have cracked his skull as blood was seen pouring out. He staggered and I raised the steel rod one more time and this time it's deadly when the rod went into his back. I won the game as I was the only survivor. I stepped back to see the results and all in my stomach came out from my mouth.


It was disgusting these games. We are the results of it and we lose our lives for it too.


At the ceremony, I stood on the rostrum to give my speech.


"I have lost not one friend but twenty-three of them as we all shared one friendship by being participants in these games. But I asked you; are you pleased? If so, take one of these and pricked them on your tongue." I threw the fish hooks at them.


"Be like us'; baits in the games. Baits that would satisfy your hunger for this sick game. Me, I am going home to satisfy my hunger with real food. Goodbye in your next game."





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