Thursday, September 30, 2021

Story Write Compilations Volume 2 Stories 26


Friday the 13th; The King Arthur Version


Authors Note: This is a short tale to do it within 500 words on a tale.


Contests rules:



"Welcome, my dearest friend Lancelot. Your companion, Mordred held the seat warm for your arrival." The sight that greet me was the thirteen knights who sat at the round table while the Queen of the land, Guinevere who sat at the far corner away from the men. I walked towards my King and bowed before him.


"Lancelot, none may need to show ranks or obedience at this table as we are all equal as Man here. Get yourself a seat from the walls and be seated. Today is Friday the 13<sup>th</sup>, and folks fear of its dreaded curse that things would be black and death may arise. But to me, it's a day to rejoice. What held you up to this late coming?" Arthur, my King was true to his words as within this table, we are all equal and none may need to bow to anyone at all, even though he may be King. I can see the spread of food and drinks on the table as well as my companion who still holds a goblet cup filled with wine. Mordred saw me looking at him and he sheepishly took his leave of the table to allow me back my seat.


"Pardon me, Arthur. The ride was long and the sweet wine of Camelot is truly an elixir of life. With a drop of it, I am swept to the clouds of heaven and I forget all my woes of the day. Please tell me of what I was to miss this evening." I joined in the celebration with the other twelve knights who are my friends and allies. Soon as the flow of food and drinks slowed down by the equally drunken participants, Arthur stood up to make an announcement.


"My fellow knights and members of this round table, I call on you today as I had a vision of pain last night. I dreamed of betrayal by one of us and the removal of my Queen."The drunken stupor of ours was soon to cleared to sober looks as we looked to the man we named King, who now stands to accused one of us as his betrayer. "But I shook off the dream as I told Merlin. It's not a prophecy but an illusion probably set on by Morgana to doubt my loyal knights. I dismissed it so and that is why I am telling you this today. So heed my words, if you hear of these rumors that one of you betray me, then rest it as a prank of the mind and not be true. Come now, let us continue our drinking and rejoice for nothing shall stand before us thirteen knights and nothing would break us in faith for each other."


It was near dawn when I woke up to ease myself in the yard. When I have completed the task, I turned to go back but I was stopped by a familiar sight.


"My lady Guinevere, pardon me as I did not know you were there." The lady who is my Queen was also my illicit lover during a period of turmoil when she was upset with Arthur. But that period has surpassed and we have been keeping our distance.


"Lancelot, please stay. I need to talk to you." I held my ground by standing a distance from her. I feared my lust may overcome my conscience and may carry out the so-called fake prophecy of the King. "Arthur's dream was not of his alone but also mine. We both had the dream last night, and I feared the worse. Should it be true, I asked of you to kill me as my dignity could have been tarnished by the betrayer during his capture. I cannot bear to faced Arthur if that were to happen." I wanted to say something, but she held me back with her hands on my lips.


"What happened between us was not the same as my willingness to accept you. But the dream showed me to resent and deny the person although he forced on me his body. That is the difference between dignity and ... comfort of one's feelings." My Queen left me that hour with a heavy burden to my mind. I rushed to Merlin in his chamber.


"Tell me, Merlin the truth. Would what the King spoke on today be happening?" The bearded older man waked from his sleep now looked at me with his dark eyes.


"So he told you all of his dreams on this Friday the 13th. It's possible the event he dreamed of could be true. I checked the charts and symbols. They are all in sync we are on the fifth day of the week with a meeting of thirteen knights having a late supper at the table. It's similar to that when the Son of God took his with his thirteen disciples."


"But you were the last to arrive and you did betray his trust with your tryst with his wife. So it's too much of a coincidence on your part." I left Merlin with a heavier heart.


But my fate was sealed when the next morning, Mordred my companion had abducted my Queen to his stronghold. We laid siege on the stronghold for three days before we could storm it. Arthur fought the errant knight and suffered a mortal wound on himself. It was myself who slain the knight who was once my companion and even took my place at the round table when I am not to attend. But my worse action was to take the life of my Queen. She pleaded with me on her request made the night on the ninth day of the new Moon as she had been ravished by the demon named Mordred.


"Slay me so that I would not see him with my body uncleaned." I did as I was told. And never again would I ever rejoice on the day when it's Friday the 13th.




Story Write Compilations Volume 2 Stories 25

 The Wealth of Man


Authors Note: Is money the root of all evil? Money does tempt us into the follies of evil but it's not the root of all evil. Our greed is the culprit; we greed with the money we hold. We forget that money is meant to be used to make good of life and that includes others. If we were to look beyond the value of money to us, then maybe we would have been better people.


But we are not, as seen in my tale. Not many of us would change his views to suit the one I wrote here as to them, "it's my bloody money, mate. So frag off if you think I would share it with you".


It's true what was spoken but what you hold would be lost when your soul leaves this world. Then when you stand next to the poor man who held another worthy wealth, do you think he would part it to you when your turn comes.


God gave us the Age of Man but he told the Devil to test us and many times we fall. Even with his Son's sacrifice, we still failed to see the real journey of life. it's not about one's effort but how you share your effort with others. Just as I spent my time doing the tales here, for many to read as I read theirs too. It's all about sharing.


I liked the movie  "The name of the Rose" and watched it many times. So here is my effort to share the movie with you with my sequel.


Contests rules:



"William of Baskervilles, thank the Lord you are safe. Come in, my dear friend from the damn cold. My fireplace awaits your return for many nights." The man who offered me sanctuary in his humble home is the Abbot of Turns and a very old friend. We studied together in the great Library of Canterbury before we part for our humble postings to different parts of the island. I stepped into the home of his alongside with my assistance; the novice Adso of Melk who was unloading our mounts of their weight of the burden.


"My apologies as this is my good man, Adso of Melk who tags with me to learned more of the Franciscan works." I introduce my young novice as he brought in the bundles to the house. The abbot in turns pulled the heavy loads into his living area where the fire was stoked to give out its warmth to two weary travelers. Suddenly Adso lunged forth to pulled the bundles from being too near the fire. He grabbed them by the lashings which they were tied by and carried them to the far colder corner.


"I am so sorry, but these items are not too near the fire." The novice bows his head and proceeded to unload the remaining bundles. He placed each one of them ever cared to the flooring and stacked them by their size and weight.


"Are those the scrolls and books you saved from the fire?" The abbot turned to look at his visiting friends of his. William nodded his head and the abbot made a holy sign on his body. He mumbled a prayer not for the dead but the thanks of God for this recovery. Just as Adso had relief the mounts of these weights, the yard to the abbot's home was soon sounded by the arrival of a drawn carriage. As the carriage pulled to stop by the entrance of the abbot's home, a figure of a man was soon to be seen to dismount from the carriage and he comes into the abbot's home without any greetings.


"Father Timothy, is this the man whom we spoke of earlier?" The newly arrived man was dressed in fine clothing and dashing headgear that befits a rich manor or maybe a squire from the countryside. He also carries a large bag with him which he deposited next to him as he removed his gloves. "Be haste, Father. I am a busy man and time is precious to me as its means more gold would be deposited into my vault as I speak. Tell me, William of .... Baskervilles, how much for your books?"


"Pardon me, sir. We were not introduced nor am I privileged to hear of your name before." I was taken aback by this man who came in barging in to seek his purchase of my carrying. Adso who was at the door to take the mounts to the stable now has returned with his chore undone. He choose to stand beside me and looked at his care of his since we left the Benedictine Monastery some weeks back.


"Waste not my time. Herewith is a thousand guineas for the restoration of the Monastery in exchange for the books." The rich man took up his bag and dropped it in front of us to reveal the rich content. "If it's not sufficient then I can give you double of that for the books. But you would need to take a promissory note of mine for tonight."


"I am afraid, my dear sir; the bundles are not for sale. I am taking them back to the Church to be presented as a gift by the Monastery. I cannot betray that trust bestow on me. Please do keep back your money as it's not a bargaining tool here." I turned my back to the man and speak to Adso in whispers; "attend to the poor mounts as I would handle the situation here." Adso on my insistence made his way to complete his unfinished task.


"Your unworthy novice is not here now. Name me your price and I would consider." This man thinks I am called away my novice to cover for my dealings on the matter.


"I apologize, sir. The bundles are not the sale. Please do not flaunt your wealth of money on this evening, as we seek not your exchange but only the warmth of this fire." I turned to the fireplace and reached for a small log to keep it burning warm.


"William of Baskervilles, you stand before my fire and the log you burned comes from my forest. I am the rightful owner of this land, and the abbot lived here on my permission. Why do you shun my offer when all I am giving is money to do good for your monastery? Those are hard-earned money of mine which I toil with my sweat and blood. All I asked for is the exchange of it for the bundle of old books. Is that too much of what I asked?" The squire has now looked enraged and tries to exert his influence of material wealth on my humble self.


"I begged your pardon, sir. No exchange of anything would be entertained. But before I am to explained; tell me why you need the books when you have the means to acquire more of others in similar contents from the willing trading parties?" I moved to stand between my bundles and the squire for I feared he would do hasty things in the emotions of his.


"Books I have aplenty, as much as the wealth of money. But I desire those you hold dears as they are not any books but coveted treasures of the Church. I want them to buy favors with the clergy perhaps but actually to be seen to closer to the faith by having them in my possession. I meant no harm to them, but to enhance myself with it. As I am not privileged to the findings of such treasures, I am now offering to acquire them by the means of my other wealth. Forgive me, William of Baskervilles. These treasures have troubled my mind since the reports of your findings. I seek them so I can appease myself of that troubling thoughts. Please spare me your mercy to grant them to me." The squire was now openly declaring his wanton to me but I am annoyed.


"Sire, you are a man of wealth which I salute you as you acquired them by hard work and pain, but you have fallen into its trap as it now uses you to drive your other desires. 1 Timothy 6.9 People who want to get rich fall into temptations and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction." I quoted from the Bible of this man use of the wealth of material. "Remember this, sire; we come with nothing and we would return with nothing."


"Tell me then of what can I do with the wealth of materials which I hold now?" The man challenged me to his means to the end.


"Do as your heart and mind tell you but on noble causes. Look to your man sitting out there in the cold night; invite him in and sit down by this fire. He is a human like you and me, but your blindness to the riches of wealth has made him a servant in your eyes. There are no servants among all of us in the blood and flesh. We are the only servant to HIM whom we have placed our faith. He gave us the freedom of choice to work on our journey here, and how we do it determined our understanding of this ongoing journey. If we are ahead in some ways, remember the ones before us who may need a hand in catching up. Offer it to them and let them come up with you. In life's journey, there is no winner but participants to complete it altogether. You may have more of one of the wealth's of life, but he who is beside you holds the other parts of wealth. Share and both of you would be stepped into the end of the journey together."


Soon I find myself sitting with a company of five people in front of a fireplace perusing some good books of old. The writers of these books left behind a wealth which money cannot buy but a love for it would open it pages to all. I am just sharing my wealth of knowledge to explain these words to the new readers.




Dante Book II Canto VII Scene II


Scene II

Dante saw then Virgil on the back of Geryson who had its wings spread and was looking to soar. He saw them the mechanical orb had returned when it was thought lost earlier. The orb was hovering before Geryson as if was a playful item to move about avoiding capture by the beast.

“Come forth, poet. I can’t hold the beast down from leaving us. It was the rob of mine that held its feet still planted on the ground.” Virgil called to Dante and then extended an arm towards Dante.

“Hold on well, Poet.” Dante heard Virgil who had offered him the fore seating. He tried to find a gap on the scales of the beast frame. He cringed inside feeling the cold clammy surface of the beast and before he was truly ready, the beast had taken off to dive into the abyss.

“We will descend by stairways such as these; mount thou in front, for I will be midway, so that the tail may have no power to harm thee.” Dante heard Virgil then. “I am too afraid to look what lies ahead.”

The orb was in front as if directing the beast to dive further in. Dante was then with his issue. His nails on his fingers were already blue, and his body trembles. He was seated on the monstrous shoulders. He felt his fear was not his alone for Virgil had taken to embrace Dante’s frame.

“Now, Geryon, bestir thyself; the circles large, and the descent be little; think of the novel burden which thou hast,” Dante spoke to the beast as if he had domiciled it but the beast had taken its flight. He soon found himself lifted on his seat with only his arms around the neck of the beast his grip. He felt his heart had moved to his legs and then back to reach his neck, the beast was relentless in its dive. It went down swift like an eel swimming in its domain of water, its frame extended to elongate with the air stream. It was like when he first took the flight with the squad to the front lines. They were nine then, with the experienced Marcello all crammed into the battle-ridden craft that was to soar the skies as if it belonged there.

“I am telling you, young one. If you survive the flight, you may still go home in this war.” The one seated next to Dante had spoken. “The casualty rate of us ever surviving a crash landing was one in ten, if we ever land.”

Dante had taken air flights but it was during peaceful times, and the craft was bigger and there was no one to shoot it down.

“Krieger you old fool. Don’t annoy the new volunteer.” It was Stefan the Veteran who came to the aid of Dante. The veteran of the war then told Dante that Krieger was a doomsayer on anything that leaves the surface. They did get shelled by the enemy but the craft landed well, despite a faulty engine. Dante had then uttered a prayer for the safe landing.

“Save your prayers, son. We are going to war, and the only prayer you will need is that you don’t die here.” That was Stefan assuring the young volunteer. Since after that in every skirmish or battle, Dante offered his prayer to God for having lived through that.

As in then when Dante was holding on for his life on the beast. He held his breath and took in the small amount to keep conscious, and the prayers he made were not to let him lose hold on the beast.

“How --- do you fare there?” Virgil had the breath to ask of Dante.

“I fear for both of us but I won’t let go. We won’t end up like Icarus when his flanks were stripped of feathers and heard his father cry that his way was ill taken.” Icarus was the son of Daedalus who to escape imprisonment flies employing artificial wings but falls into the sea and drowns when the wax of his wings melts as he flies too near the sun.

“Don’t let go. We will make it.” Virgil called out but fear also reigns in his voice for once he had taken the helm on a project named Icarus; the design of a safety program and it failed when it was tested causing the loss to the owner. Virgil was removed by the owner saying that he had the vision of Icarus when he embarked on it.

“God, don’t let me …” Virgil called on his prayer but was interrupted by Dante then.

“Stop your prayer, Virgil. You were never one ever close to God before. Stay hold on your hands and with my prayers, we might make it.” Dante took to glimpse of the circle in the abyss; he saw sights that he had not missed from his earlier journey. There were the lost souls that were embedded into the side, reaching with their hands for anyone to snatch to accompany them. Geyson had his dive clear of those hands, moving in the dive as if they were in a whirlpool.

“We are going down deep.” Virgil's words again were heard. ‘Oh, God…”

Dante ignored the other for in the perception of his mind, they were descending deep into Hell, and for all, he was told; The Book hints that people in hell will be just like this. As well as “weeping” in hell, there will also be “gnashing of teeth”—a sign of defiance. One reason hell goes on forever is that the people within it simply never humble themselves, say sorry, and admit that God is right and they are wrong. (Taken from

“God, I am not to be left here,” Dante called out. It was a call of defiance in him.

It was then Dante saw what appeared to be a falcon who appeared next to the beast, and it spoke that it will ‘"That path no bird of prey knoweth, Neither hath the falcon's eye seen it." ( It was a sign from God.

Dante’s felt the stop of the dive, and the beast shook them off its back. Both Dante and Virgil landed on their rear ends, and the beast took off without a glance.

“Where are we?” Virgil asked. “Are we …”

“You have cleared the Circle, creator. I had taunted the beast to bring you here.” It was the mechanical orb voicing to them. “I had it all figured out by myself. You needed to be here and I needed to distract the beast, so I plotted the trail down with the best trying to get me. It was simple logic being set as the bait when I was the predator.”

“You could have to signal me on that beforehand. Do you know the dive was steep and we could have fallen off if not for the poet’s firm grip.” Virgil reprimanded the orb.

“I did my calculations and knew that both of you will be safe with the trajectory. It’s like taking a seat in the roller ride with the safety secured in.” The orb replied. “I did however made some adjustments for any error in my calculations with the deviation factors and fine-tuned the momentum at some points.”

“You did what?” Dante was in a state of disbelieving then. “I –”

“It was needed or you would have been splattered on the side of the gully, and God knows what lurked there.” The orb beeped at the end of the reply.

“Honest with me, Virgil. Did you create that demon for us?” Dante was furious. “I am already in Hell and need not be plagued with more of its other versions.”

“Secured yourself, poet. We are safe for now. And for your remark on my orb, welcome to Hell. It was a helluva fun ride there.” Virgil laughed.

“You are mad, Virgil.” Dante ended the talk there.




Dante Book II Canto VII Scene I


Canto XVII

The Seventh Circle: Violence VI

Scene 1


Dante picked up the torch and it still shines. He then looked towards the one who tossed him his torch.

“How dares to intrude on me? I am Geryon, the one who guards the final gate in this circle.” Dante heard the roar of the Guardian there. He looked at it; if there were words to describe what may be a beast with enormous dragon-like wings and the paws of the lion, the body frame of the wyvern, with a poisonous sting at the tail end. It all sounded more than a beast but that description was held for the beast came with a human face; innocent and honest. It spoke of that one may possess the face of an honest man 'good of cheer,' but the tail of a scorpion can sting with pain. It’s the other word to describe ‘fraud intents’.

“What monster of Hell are you?” Dante called out.

“Monster? I am no monster. I am a beast that guards the exit of the Seventh Circle to the Eighth. Who addressed me in such name when I am named once as Geryon? I was the son of Chrysaor and Callirrhoe, the grandson of Medusa, and the nephew of Pegasus, who dwelt on the island Erytheia. I was a cattleman but Heracles had set his mind on what was mine and having killed me, I am removed to here.” The so-named beast climbed off the abyss to confront Dante and Virgil.

“An abyss of darkness, but no light shall be shone on the souls that I have entrapped here. All sinners without care of their victims. These sinners have enriched themselves on the woes of others. Such sins are worse than murder for their actions may as well plunge the dagger into those woeful hearts.”

“What act that could override the beastly act of murder?” Dante asked.

“Fraud it’s. The act created woes on the victim and the fraudulent watches in glee at the woes it created. Families are broken and souls are condemned but in here, their retribution will be mine to administer.”

“I held still the soul of the ancient fraudulent soul. His name is Hegetrartos, a Greek sea merchant who had wanted to commit the act of fraud with the sinking of an empty ship while he had stored its contents beforehand to claim the insurance on the stock and ship. His act of sinking the ship was seen and he fled but drowned to be my guest here. He stayed here as my guest to be seen by the others.” (Extract from

Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out; Proverbs 10:9.” Dante recited the passage from the Book.

“Wise words, the soul who passes here.” Geryon looked at Dante. “Your look tells me of your innocent nature but a flicker of your expression spoke of curiosity which intrigues me. What does makes you curious about where you are?”

“I ----” Dante was cut off by Virgil.

“He is a passer of this realm. He was to be in Heaven but alas his journey took a wrong turn.” Virgil cut in. “I am to guide him the correct way.”

It was then Dante saw the circles of souls that were far from the abyss. He looked to Virgil and then to Geryson.

“You may go and see them for I am not their Guardian there. Their suffering was they were usurer; unethical or immoral monetary lenders. Like the many who shared my abyss, they are the ones without repentance. They will remain here till eternity. Even after death, they will not long to return to the right path but the part may not be there. Go and see them. I can wait.” Geryson told Dante. “I will not be here if you take long a time.”

Without hesitation, Dante rushed over to the nearest circle.

What greeted him was the circle of men seated in a circle with each of the etching on the ground, the faint drawings. Dante stepped up and peeked at the drawings on the surface which specks of flame were seen; flickering to the strokes of the finger on the surface. The sands on the surface were moved by their fingers, scorched by the heat and flames of fire, and yet they perceive.

The souls were counting some numbers and seen to erase them to re-do the numbers. Each of them held a pouch over their neck. Dante saw then was the face of a lion, the white goose, and another was an azure sow. The unique part of the pouches was its drawing held shades to their creation. The lion was yellow, the goose was red, and the sow was white. It dawned on them those were coats of arms of the rich.

The obsessive rich had no regard for others except their returns in folds that makes it ugly to comprehend. It was then Dante saw one he knew.

Giovanni,” Dante spoke. “He was of one like them.”

Dante knew that name he had muttered in distaste. He was a man of words, and many a time, he was called on those who were in Florence, by the ‘weakest chess piece and yet it was able to only in a square at a time in any direction, to share his words but not it's meaning. (Taken from

Giovanni was also one who had eluded the service of the Army by staying within the circles of the elites. He paid his price on the gambling tables but he collects like a wicked usurer.

Now get thee gone; and since thou’rt still alive,” The one identified as Giovanni voiced out without looking a glance at Dante. “Know that a neighbor of mine, Vitaliano his name will have his seat here on my left-hand side.”

Dante shuddered at the mention of the name. He heard of that name; a bird of the same feather flocks together. He felt he was no more of Florence then; he will deny himself the company of the sovereign cavalier was on him hung the satchel with three goats; one who can twist his mouth, and forth he thrust his tongue, like to an ox that licks its nose.

Dante turned and leave as the circle was most foul to his taste.



Dante Book II Canto VI Scene I


Canto XVI

The Seventh Circle: Violence V

Scene 1


Their walk took them from the harsh lands to the refreshing treeline and into it the flowing streams of water, not of boils. They soon reached a scenic waterfall where the water cascade down was in the shade of red, but at the bottom, it emerged clear crystal. Virgil then called on Dante on his emotions towards the last sinners.

“Perhaps the sins of Man can be purged by Hell. No one is ever accused to eternity.”

“I stand by my view that my Ser was wrongly accused. He is a good mentor and could not bear his woes here.” Dante replied.

“We may not know how we are seen,” Virgil said to Dante. “We see others from our sight but we hardly see ourselves in the mirror. I once told my associate; before you judged others on their looks, see yourself in the mirror.”

Dante stopped in his track and turned towards Virgil.

“I am a poet. I narrate what I may see, or perceived.” Dante rebuked. “Do you?”

“I am a creator of things. I do not narrate, I perform.” Virgil took offense and later calmed he explained his statement.”

“As mentioned before, we are in Hell, and what we saw does not have to hold any emotional baggage to our conscience. We are to observe.” Virgil said.

“I am not a mechanical being. And even your creation, the orb held its thoughts. Your words conflict your mind.” Dante looked at Virgil. “We are the ones with the emotions, and if God held it like me, he would have pardoned the sinners.”

“God may do it but he had to let the sinners take their penance on their sins. If one is left off easily, then we will be all living in Utopia and not Hell.” Virgil laughed. Just when Dante was to reply, he saw three souls approaching them. He looked at the three; clothed in the tatters of what was once their uniform. He recognized it from the insignia that was seen; they are of the Regulars Army.

“Now wait, to these, we should be courteous,” Dante told Virgil. As the three came nearer, he saw the frame of their soul was with burnt wounds on their limbs. Some of the wounds were recent but many were scarred or old.

“I would say their haste were more becoming thee than them.” Virgil smiled at Dante. “They looked like from the Army.”

The trio stopped before Dante and Virgil but their boots marched to the beat of the parade.

“Pardon us for if we were not to stop our steps. If we ever do, we will be doomed.” One of the trios spoke to Dante. “You are one of us, but not of the same division.”

“I am Guidoguerra, the grandson of General Gualdrada IV of the Second Army of Florence. He commands the Army with his wisdom and his sword.” The one who spoke stood in the middle. “The other, who close by me treads the sand, Tegghiaio Aldobrandi whose fame above there in the world should welcome be. He carries more medals with him than his pride.”

“And I am Jacopo Rusticucci, whose love above may harm me for failing to return home. She is a woman best, not scorn for even what I get at Hell will not rival her wrath.”

“We are of Florence and we had seen you before. You were a figure of words, and we see you here in uniform.” Guidoguerra looked at Dante from head to toe. “Not a mark on you. Did you die of the emotional state of cowardice? I had seen the few who had died of such manner for they were not fighters. They dwell there before here.”

“I did not. I ---” Dante could not find the words to share with the others. They were in the war long before he did. While he was safe in Florence, they fought at the war and lost their lives.

“Dante just arrived. He was killed by other means.” It was Virgil who came to the rescue.

“You are recent then, fellow Florence. How fares our beloved city?” Dante was asked. The poet thought hard in his mind. He had met the few who spoke to him who were from Florence. Was it coincidental or it was the way Hell may have paved his journey?

“Florence fared well. We are far from the front.” Dante replied.

“You wore the uniform of the Volunteers. Are we calling up the volunteers because of the war? Are we losing?” Jacopo asked.

“No--- The Volunteers are in as we ---winning. What best to end the war fast and may peace reign once more.” Virgil replied on behalf of Dante. Relieved of the words from Virgil, the trio decided to march on.

“We will now strive forward in pride.” The trio soon left Dante and Virgil.

“Why did you lie to them?” Dante asked of his companion.

“The truth may hurt them. Are they not tormented enough to be left here in Hell? And of what sins had they committed to be left here?” Virgil snapped back.

“To one who has said to leave emotions aside, you are applying it now. Who cares if they get hurt if I told them the truth?’ Dante displayed his swing of emotions.

“I do,” Virgil replied. “I guess I was wrong. We cannot ignore our emotions even though---”

“We are dead here? Unfortunately to that, I am still a living soul.” Dante hit back. “Our soul carried our mind and that includes how we feel. And we will feel it even here.”

With that Dante moved on and soon they reached an abyss or what was seen as one.

“Another circle awaits us.”

Dante and Virgil leaned over to look and saw nothing for beneath the edge, there was seen a misty atmosphere. It deadens the sight to naught what was beneath.

“It’s dark below.” Virgil tried to adjust his view below. He then turned to Dante. “Do you have any light?”

It was obvious that Virgil had seen Dante’s equipment. Dante reached for the torch.

“I was too used that to hunt the dark predators in the forest soon after Stefan was taken.” Dante turned on the torch. He shone it below. The ray of light was not far.

“I can’t make out much below,” Dante spoke.

“Do you have a rope? Or a cord?” Virgil asked.

“I have none but ---- my belt. I could use that to extend the reach.” With that Dante attached the torch to the belt. He then lowered it and swung it to get a wider view. With the swing, they got were glimpses. With the random movement of the swings, the torch came loose and dropped below.

“There goes our light.” Dante cursed. He sighed and then stepped from the edge. When it was all deemed over, Dante felt the impact on the rear of the neck when the torch hit him.

“Who dares to litter my land?”



Tweet ---tweet--- Dante Adaption of Purgatory ends... 30/9/21

 It was tough but it had to be done. 

Finally, I have done the final writes of the adaption of Dante's Purgatory today, after many changes and ripples in my work scene. I concluded the missing links in Dante's Chronicles; making the tale ready for its finale when Dante visits Paradise. 

I was away for two weeks (Pardon me there but work came up) and then I was trying to get my ending prep for the follow-up tale. It was a challenge ( I know I mentioned many times; my ego told me too; told ya....) and getting it wrapped on my head was I needed to conclude the tale. At least, the one I was on then. I posted my updates of the writing done, and finally today, I had to step away from work area, and got it done. 

Am I to embark on the third book? Maybe not so soon. I have some other tales in mind.... free wheeling without any reference ...and sizzling... 

Let me gather my notes, and stepped out of Hell first.


Saturday, September 18, 2021

Story Write Compilations Volume 2 Stories 24

 The Woman I created for Adam


Authors Note: This is a short satire on Adam. Inspired by a song named the "Woman I made from Clay".


Contests rules:



One day in the ages when we never bother to date, in a beautiful garden; they do plant more than flowers those days, they added in fruit-bearing plants too as they were all one big family. Talking about family; pardon me everyone had an equal opposite to be considered as their pair, there was one who was all alone. He sat there brooding and looking glum. It was on this day that I walked by and saw him sitting there.


"Hello, Adam." He looked at me and weakly raised his hand to wave at me.


"And hello again, Adam. What's with you today? It’s very unusual for me to see you sitting here in such a sad mood. Where's your other half?"


Me? I know everything in this place, as I am the Maintenance Man. I fixed the needed fixes and unfixed the unneeded fixes so they can be fixed once more. Even HE calls me when the flush does not work. I told him it would be eons before we perfect the flushing mechanism but HE was said my daily routine cannot wait for it to be invented as HE invested so much into his body. I would have suggested a diet but the kitchen staff took offense to it. So I suggested to HIM to use the lava tubes as they go all the way down to Hades and are blown dried by then. HE did and now HE tells me HE has got the piles on him. Guess we can't satisfy them all in this garden of Eden. HE is now resting on some clouds and I hope HE does not do it up there or we would have more than cats and dogs raining on us soon enough. <


But let me get back to Adam. The lad is so embarrassed that he had to whispered into my long tall bunny's ears.


"So she dunks it again. Poor lad, with you so vigorously ....male-like and she went for the one named Samuel. I tell you, my dear lad; you need a new woman in your life......" But poor Adam took to hide on me mentioning the last lines.


"Shhhh... You are an imbecile for an angel. I need fixing to my life and not have my life story affix to their ears." Adam was pointing at the fairies who are within ear shouts distance.


"Pardon me, Adam." I sat down to think of how to resolve Adam's issue, I was looking at the fairies who were all playing by the golden pond. It's a golden pond as its water glimmers with the gold dust falling off from the blonde hair of those fairies. The fairies are making castles by the pond and then they poured water onto it to soften the material. Its molds well into the shapes they want and by golly, they can even build the upright twin turret with perky points.


"Hey Blondies, what is that you are using to make your castle?"


"Who are you calling Blondies, Bunnies ears?" One of them replied to my question. "We are building our castle and you ain't going to be invited to it."


"I need to know where you got those materials so I can help you cart some moreover. I was just offering my help that's all." I pretended to walk away and the fairies echoed the answer to me; "Ask the Mole man as he said there been a heck lot of clay being dumped into his lava tubes. We found it soft and easy to mold when mixed with water, so we brought them here. Would you fetch more of these and maybe you can make a mate for yourself and save you the needs to creep up on us beneath the waterfall."


Shucks! They knew and yet they did not sound me out earlier. I need to find a new burrow for that place. I rushed off to the Mole man's place and heave out a hundred pounds of clay from his lava tubes. I took them to the golden pond and mold them myself like an artist with his models in the display. The covered can be uncovered from my memories if not by the glimpses I can peek at. Soon I have my present ready for the lonely lad.


Adam, come forth and see your lady in clay. You can name her as yours as if she was made for you." Adam came running from his hidden corner to view his newly presented model. He looked at the model before he and sang the chords as below:


He rolled His big sleeves up

And a brand-new world began

He created a woman and-a lots of lovin' for a man

Whoa-oh-oh, yes he did

With just a hundred pounds of clay


That's one more maintenance works I completed today. I left for my other works but not long later Adam came running to me.


"I think she broke an arm"Adam showed me the broken limb of his model. I ran back to the pond and fixed the model's arm back and she was new again. Before I left, I told Adam to keep her wet or if would be hell to pay.


It was not for another day that he came running.


"She grew all fat and clumsy like a pile of clay....." Adam was sobbing in front of me. I rushed back to see the model all crumbled down and it does look like a pile of clay. I was to start again when HE arrived.


"Why does Adam ails?" HE asked as he stood before me. "Is that what I think it is? Oh goodness, did you bring it here or did I dropped it on the way the last time I pass by."


I whispered into his ears on the plight of Adam.


"I knew then I did make him short on a peck or two. I should make amend. Come here, Adam."       


Well, the rest you know from your storytimes. But let me add to you this final part. I had to clean the mess everyone left behind as I am still the Maintenance Man. But they now appreciated me more. I can tell from their singing of my efforts.



People, let me tell ya what He did

With just a hundred pounds of clay

Story Write Compilations Volume 2 Stories 23

 My new Life


Authors Note: This is a short tale of girls taken out of their life into forced prostitution. I used the song lyrics "Sound of Silence" to showcase the mood then.

Contests rules:



It was dark as usual when we are locked in the rooms with only the single window up above on the far wall allowing us a glimpse of the night sky. But tonight was different, I could hear a song being sung by a man on the guitar. He was strumming the song I have heard before but not in recent months. The lyrics vibrated in my mind as I recall its words.


Hello darkness, my old friend

I've come to talk with you again

Because a vision softly creeping

Left its seeds while I was sleeping

And the vision that was planted in my brain

Still remains




A beautiful song heard from a beautiful time but now it holds my emotions in as silence is what I desired now. It’s the defined word I have held onto since I came here. The same word I hope would be heard by me when the sun comes up. I wished upon it every night when I looked to the darkness. But comes morning, my wish would just be a dream to be re-taken into the next night. It had failed me ever again to take on my wish and left me to be tormented in the day with the opposite of silence.


Like the coming new day when the sunlight came creeping in and I moved my body to the other side. It’s not that I cannot bear the stench of her who lies with me but to see the welts and damages her body reminds me of mine endured before. I had suffered the bruises and pains like her; stripped of my dignity and strength but never my soul.


Just as then when I could take the nags and scoldings I lived my own life regardless. I do not need their love then but only their unending flow of money for me to use was my care. I hang out with my friends and abuse my time with restless actions so that when I dragged myself home; it was to be in my bed and be asleep till the need to get up. That was how it was then while I sum up my life with my parents when they do see me; silence, when we meet and, silence when we part. We all led solitary life from each other although we are bonded by blood and name.

Till that one day, they came and took me by force into their van. I fought hard and they beat me harder till I had to succumb to their needs. If the abuse of my body was bad then, then the treatment later was more brutal. Slavery is not a way to live life, but it was of mine then. I became a fragging human slave made to serve and be served on their needs. I lost all hopes when I was abducted.


But I found myself not alone.


Oh, God! If you can hear me, please stop it. Maybe then we would have leaned more to you in our times of need, but you have forsaken us in these times. We prayed for your mercy and none was given. We could have cursed at you but what good would it do. Like her behind my back now, we wept and cried but silent sounds followed our tears. Surely, you could have seen us but you sent forth the Devil himself to do his foul works. So tell me, God, do you know mercy or do you only give to those whom you think deserved it. If it, my dear one whom I called God, I am not your failure but you are mine.


We numbered more than you can imagine. The lucky ones died before their tormenting overcame them but I was not one of the lucky for I am still here. My mind tells me not to take my life but I tried many a time to do it. All it did was give me more pain than relief. As I lay in silence, I asked myself; maybe you would come. But when was the second question I asked myself. I could find no answer for both nor do I know how long I can last this pain and abuse.


The new day has come again and we would be on our way. Nothing would be different from other days but we hope that we would not need to come back here tonight. Maybe you would be merciful and forced the hand of Death to take me with her today.


But if you could not, please let me be silenced from the thoughts of the enduring sessions on this stretch of my life. That would be my final request of you. Now let me be alone to hear the last of the lyrics before I am awakened.


To the neon god they made

And the sign flashed out its warning

In the words that it was forming

And the sign said "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls

And tenement halls

And whispered in the sound of silence




Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...