Sunday, May 23, 2021

Weekend Special Short Tales California 2.3 Chapter 2



I took my first cup of the concocted drink made by the drink machine. Tiffany the Twisted which was the ship nicknamed has monitored our vitals during the hibernation and when awakened from, the ship’s pods, it will also schedule our dietary intake. I had refreshed and change into the body fitting overall which served as the uniform I wear on duty. On the forearm of the overall was the logo of the ship; The Mercedes TF99-9. I had my utility belt which housed my favorite extendable energy baton and the set of tools for me to work on anything mechanical.

“Bitch, don’t wake the others yet.” I know it felt weird to be talking to myself in the chamber but when you are in a ship traveling across the galaxies, you get used to it as if you are talking to the walls in the chamber.

“Brief me for the interruption to my rest.” Traveling across the galaxies took a long time even at a maximum Warp Speed of Three, which was not fast considering the Empire Military models were doing to the maximum of Warp Speed of Nine on the newer designs. With this ship, I could do Warp Speed of Four but the containers we were to tow will be scattered in the journey, hence we only up to Warp Speed of One. We have the frame shell to lock the containers at the rear like a wagon. I was secured by cable links that held it in places.

“Navigator, I woke you as per protocol. We have two alerts. The first was the malfunction at Container Five.” I heard the bitch. That was me when I am agitated.

“Bitch, it belonged to the Captain or Benz. It’s their task. I am the Navigator.”

“I did call the Captain to respond and he did proceed to attend on the first alert but the second alert was your area.” Tiffany rattled on. That was an issue with an automated system. They don’t know how to collate the issues and make an informed brief to assign.

“According to the protocol in the ship regulation, if there is a second alert was triggered and the Captain was pre-occupied, then the Navigator was to be called on.” That was the second issue with the automated system; they don’t know to abbreviate their explanations.

“I heard you, bitch.” I shouted back. ”Tell me of the second alert.”

“My designation is referred to TF99,9 or Tiffany by the crews, I am however not a bitch. That is a reference to a female canine or a fox, or an otter but I am not of those breeds.” The ship answered me which was of lately frequent and tiresome.

“Ok, I retract my statement. Now please”, The last word came out with the squeeze in my butt. “Give me the second alert, please.”

“The second alert was that we lost Container Five fifteen minutes and thirty-three seconds ago.” I heard the bitch and dropped my drink to rush to my console at the Bridge. Losing a container was bad for the business.

The Bridge was not a huge compartment for it housed only the Captain’s seat and mine behind him. It was more of a fighter cockpit but it held the needed consoles for us to control the whole ship. My rush to the Bridge took me thirty seconds from the Common Chamber where I had my drink skipping the obstacles and overlay of cables. The Mercedes was an old ship and some parts of it were modified or added on to make it work.

I jumped onto my seat and pulled the revolving console display panel to my front. I punched in the codes to activate the panel and did a ship-wide search for the Captain.

“Captain, where the fuck are you?” There was no reply.

It was not like Hirohito to go silent on the communication unless he was incapacitated or worse, dead. He was after all with the dead. I recalled my maiden voyage and could not understand why I took up the task. I had Hirohito as my first mate before he turned Captain.

“I can’t serve below a woman.” Hirohito had conveyed his view then although being the major shareholder I hold the decision.

“Fuck you, Hirohito. You had no issue with that when we were at Felix Five.” I hit back. He did report to me then.

“We were in the shitty environment and I never told anyone I work there.” Hirohito gave me his reason. “Now I am to own… okay, partially own a ship I need my honor so that the others will smile at me.”

“Fuck you, Hirohito. I was not like letting you kissed my arse. It’s…” I was upset at our first argument as a shareholder of the enterprise.

“Tiffany, your fanny is not of my interest. Nor is my ‘inkei’ (penis) for your liking.” Hirohito knew of my gender preference. And he was straight like a taut string on the bow. That was when I agreed to him being Captain and I knew met his friends to tell them we are a ‘hearse hauler’.

So I called up the Captain
"Please bring me my wine"
He said, "We haven't had that spirit here since 1969"
And still those voices are calling from far away
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say

That came through the communication unit. It was Hirohito's sick way of communicating then.

“Fucked! Don’t get into my arse with that song.” I screamed out. “We lost a container.”

Those words sang out was a grim reminder we lost the container on the route on one of your hauls. The container was designated cargo ‘1969’. It took us two calendar days to find it and another three days to restore the link to the ship. We almost did not reach the funeral transfer to the surface ships at the designated space station. We lost our bonus on that trip. And we never speed to the funeral since then.

 “Bitch, why didn’t you tell that?” I engaged my anger on the ship.

“The containers are not a part of me. I merely advised that it malfunction as per my system protocol.” For once Tiffany was being brief. Now I know why it woke me up. I have to navigate the route back to where the container could have been disengaged. And from there, with the speed we were traveling at, it could have taken on its trajectory and be in the radius of the wide orbit.

Or out of it.

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