Thursday, May 27, 2021

Arthur II Book IV Chapter 5



The tournament after a lapse of inactivity took on a festival mode with the patronage of the local Lords and Chiefs. Camelot was packed with locals from all over. Even the number of participants in the tournament has increased with many new entrants to be knighted. The stand for which the King was to be seated was widened and increased its seating.

Announcements were loud and cheered by many, or booed by some. Some of the notable names mentioned were Lord Ban and Lord Bors, Galahad, Gaheris but not the other, Gawain who chose to remain at the side. There were also the names of the Green Knight and the surprising Black Knight who had re-appeared to contest.

“Sir Percival” That name roared with the audience to see the long-missing knight returning to partake.

Then the surprises of the tournament came out with new names.

“Lord Meleagant the Second.” Octavia Meleagant had arrived with his retinue of guards and servants.

“Sir Erec of Lac.” The new arrival had ridden into the tournament.

“Sir Owain of Landon.”

The trumpets sounded to sound the arrival of the King. Arthur took his seat while the Queen’s seat was vacant. Next to the seat, was Lady Elaine but Sir Lancelot was not listed in the participating knights. The whispers went around the audience in her absence. Octavia sends his servant to find out why the Queen was not there.

“My King, would the Queen joined us later?” Elaine asked the King.

“No, she is unwell. We will proceed without her. Perhaps you can do the honors of handling the gifts.” Arthur told her. Elaine nodded and then sat back. She was expecting to meet Guinevere but she may do so after the tournament.

The trumpet sounded and the battle was on. The new knights had to fight each other before they are to meet the more experienced ones. Each time a new knight wins, the audience roared the name while the loser was booed off. The elimination rounds went through and then the new list was drawn. The winners of the first round could then choose their opponents.

“I challenge anyone who will take mine.” Octavia Meleagant roared out. He had been practicing the joust with the other knights paid with coins to coach him. He had defeated two others to reach the final round. He had no particular knight to challenge and made his choice open.

“I will take on him.” Sir Gaheris rode out to meet the knight. Gaheris had partaken in two tournaments and lasted to the final rounds. Both knights took their positions and leveled their lances. When the trumpets sounded, they rode hard at each other. Both of them clashed but their lances broke without toppling the riders.

“Bring out the new lances.” The calls went out.

The second round was eventful with Octavia scoring a direct hit and almost toppled the other but Gaheris held on hard to the saddle after he dropped the lance.

“Bring out the new lances.” The calls went out again. Galahad approached his brother.

“Are you hurt? You can withdraw.” Galahad's call was rejected. Gaheris was hurt in the chest but he wanted to do it. He grabbed the lance and steadied his horse. The call went out and he rode. The riders met in the middle but Gaheris turned his body at the last moment while his lance went upwards and hit the other rider in the helmet. They rode past each other but Octavia dazed by the hit had dropped his lance before he fell off the saddle.

The audience roared to the new winner. Octavia was carried out by his servants. Gaheris rode towards his tent and had to help down from the saddle.

“You are a fool to battle in that condition,” Galahad told off his brother.

“I had to. It was our honor.” Gaheris groaned when the chest armor was removed. The area behind the heart was blue darkish.

“It’s not your honor, but your ego.” That was Gawain who approached the brothers. “God will not look with concern for your foolish act.”

“Gawain…” Galahad was to retort the other when Gaheris stopped him.

“Gawain is right. I am foolish. Are we not all the same?’ Gaheris laughed and then groaned out.

“Make way, I will see to him now.” It was Merlin who had arrived to attend to Gaheris. Both Galahad and Gawain went outside the tent.  

“Gawain, I appreciate you coming back but you must bury the hatchet with your brother.”

“I do not quarrel with Gaheris anymore. I have seen the true purpose of my life.” Gawain then walked off. He was to visit the other knight. He met the servant and asked.

“Master Meleagant is fine. He was hit in the face and fell. He will return for a second bout.” The servant defiantly defended his master. Gawain sighed and took his leave. He heard then the contest was still on with the new challengers.

“Sir Erec to challenge Sir Percival.”

The audience roared to support Percival. The knight rode to meet his challenger.

“Percival, I am here to challenge you at the request of Enide. She wants me to topple you.” Erec had removed his helmet and smiled at Percival.

“Why me?” Percival was puzzled. In his mind, he had buried the event of Enide appearing at his chamber that night. Lady Angharad had joined the two knights.

“Erec, why the challenge here?” Lady Angharad raised her concern. “I thought….”  

“This is not of what the both of you had thought of. I am here to earn my place with the others.” Erec smiled. He then turned his horse. Lady Angharad was still concerned but Percival allayed her fear.

The trumpets sounded once again.

The riders met in battle for over two rounds, and no result was seen. Their lances were replaced twice and the final round was to begin. The trumpets went off and the riders rode out. The audience was silent with only the sound of the horse gallops heard while raising dust in the ride. The lances were leveled and the riders clashed. Both lances made an impact on the riders, and they fell off after they parted. Both knights staggered up from the fall and faced each other. It was a rare event to come to that stage. The squires ran out with the knights’ swords. The knights drew their swords and faced each other.

“Hold your battle, knights.” That was the voice of the King. Both knights lowered their swords and faced the King.

“I just want to settle the challenge but declaring the two of you as winners. You can end it now.”

“My King, I will not be denied my challenge to be completed.” Erec looked at the King. Arthur was baffled by the knight's refusal to accept his verdict.

“As you wish, Sir Erec. You may continue.” Arthur looked at Percival. “Will you take the challenge, Percival?”

“No, my King. I will not proceed.” Percival lowered his sword to the ground. “I will not fight him. He …”

“Fight me or we will…. Meet another day in battle.” Sir Erec sounded back to Percival. “This has nothing to do with Enide. It’s my challenge and won’t be denied.”

Percival turned to walk away. He was not to fight his friend.

“It won’t end today.” Sir Erec turned to see Arthur. “I will take my leave now.”

That was not the only spectacle in that tournament.




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