Sunday, May 30, 2021

Arthur II Book IV Chapter 8



Merlin met Arthur in the Hall to raise his concern about Camelot. Arthur was in a foul mood than having being harassed by Guinevere on the fate of Augustus' family, and the revelation of Lancelot as the Black Knight.

“I had told her that I will look into the Augustus family killing, and for the last time, I had no idea of Lancelot being whoever he was. Or who he would be from then on?” Arthur had repeated his words to the druid.

“Why can’t the lady understand it all?” Arthur raved on at Merlin on his argument with Guinevere. “I don’t have Lancelot as my Legionnaire and more it, even if he was, I would not have known it all.”

“You, Druid? You knew him before me. Who is Lancelot and when is her not whom he claims to be?” Arthur looked at the druid. “Or anyone you know who may be…”

“Arthur, I have no concern on Lancelot or the Queen. I have is yours. And yours only. And right now. I fear Camelot is in peril.” Merlin cut in.

“Camelot? Peril? Of what? I have stopped the raiders from the sea. Are you telling me that Anglo Saxons are back?”

“No, Arthur. Those are only parts of the event. I am also referring to the knights. Sir Kay lies in bedding with wounds that have yet to heal, Lancelot …. As who he was no to be, and the families killed.” The druid marked the list of events. “More to it, I sensed more danger to the realm. I feared sorcery and witchcraft are abounding here.”

“Those are your concerns, druid. Not mine. I am to fight the enemies of Man and leave me out of sorcery and witchcraft. I hold no …” Arthur roared in anger.

“Excalibur can defend you. All you need is to …” The words of the druid were drowned by the arrival of Belvedere.

“My King, I bear concern news. Lamorak had called on for his attackers. He has Sir Kay’s to round up support and even some of mine to fight the Sarmatians. They are calling for blood. Percival rides to defend the Sarmatians.” Belvedere reported in. “I fear I cannot control them.”

“I thought you said Lamorak was still recovering.” Arthur looked at Merlin. “Are …”

“I did and it was some days since I saw him. He may have recovered but he was in no position to fight.” Merlin replied. “He will be a fool to do so.”

“Get the other knights to assist. I will ride there. I don’t want a war on my land.” Arthur told Belvedere. He then looked at Merlin.

“Fix those issues on my land. I have a war to avert here.” Merlin nodded to the King and left. He was to rush towards the Lake for guidance but Vivianne will not appear on his call. In his frustration he went to look for Ronin, the other was in distress.

“Mary had gone missing. We can’t find her.” Those words will haunt Merlin for the days to come.

“Did you see Morgan Le Fay?” Merlin asked.

“No, the other sister was not here.  Nor was she seen by us. Mary had wandered off when we were busy.” Ronin burped then. Merlin knew then that the elf was busy with his takings than to guard Morgause.

“Mary must be found. Or it will be a war for all of us.” Merlin told the elf.   

It was war then when the words spread among the locals. The Sarmatians were not exactly welcomed by the others. Lord Bors saw the opportunity to ride then.

“We will get those unwelcome guests out of the land.” Lord Bors also took his twenty-odd riders to battle the Sarmatians.

Galahad with Gawain and Gaheris together with Percival had reached the Sarmatians settlement ahead of the others. He was met by the warrior who had replaced Aubin Knur.

“Romans, you are not welcome anymore.” The warrior named Slaine of the Hill Tribes. “The death of our leader, Aubin Knur had yet to be resolved.”

“I am Galahad, and these are my brother Gawain and Gaheris. Percival is also here. We came to assist you. Many soldiers are coming here to battle your people. We need to prevent this.”

“I know all of you. We fought as one against the Anglo Saxons. Today, there is nothing to prevent for we are ready.” Slaine roared out and another twenty other soldiers followed suit. “We fear no one.”

“I am not here to battle. I am here to negotiate the peace between us and your soldiers.” Percival explained. “Battle will not bring back the soul of Aubin. He was also my friend.”

“We know you, Sir Percival but now the situation is our people. Fight with or against us, it does not matter. Many more Sarmatians from afar will ride to the cause.” Slaine said. It was then the alarm was raised that the others have arrived.

“Friends or foe?” Slaine called out.

“Foes!” The reply reverted to the new leader. Percival told the others to stay back and he rode out. He saw the assembled ragtag army of Irish and Welsh with some locals who have harbored dislike on the Sarmatians. He counted a hundred of them. He saw Lamorak in the wagon covered with the bandage. He rode towards the wagon.

“Stop this madness, Lamorak. They did not attack you.”

“When have you addressed me by my name, Rider of the Legionnaires? I still the Optio of Legio VI Victrix.”

“Yes, Optio.” Percival bowed to the Optio in his respect for the Legion. “I hear you.”

I was told that Aubin attacked me and yet you defended them.” Lamorak was upset then. “I have been bedridden for a season because of him. And they will pay for it.”

“I killed Aubin because he told me….” Galahad who had ridden out spoke to Lamorak.

How do you explain the attack was by the possessed Syaitan? They won’t believe him. He saw then the arrival of Arthur with the knights. He looked at the familiar faces there, but there was no sign of Lancelot. That could mean the locals are not getting involved.  

“Stop this madness, Lamorak. I am your King and will not permit this battle.” Arthur rode in between the two warring parties. “Go back to your homes.”

“Arthur, I demand justice. I am with the injured one.” Sir Kay roared. “You told me once before that in the Legion, we fight as one and cared for each other. I demand my right as Lamorak’s friend.”

“And you will all have justice. I will get them to pay for your injuries.” Arthur looked at the wounded knight. Lamorak may recover but he will never be the same.

“I…” Sir Kay called out but was silenced by Arthur.

“This is a matter which I will settle.” Arthur looked at Sir Kay and then Lamorak. “Optio, return to Camelot and stay there. I will decide the next action.”

“I am not your Legion. I want them out of this land. They don’t belong here.” It was Sir Kay who stated his stand again. “Or we will evict them.”

Arthur looked at the Irish knight. He had ridden with twenty knights most of them were from his Legionnaires, and he accessed the situation on the other side. He was upset that Lamorak remained silent. He saw then Belvedere had moved over. If he were to battle, he may win and inflict the rift between him and the Irish and Welsh. He turned to look at the Sarmatians.

“Legionnaires,” Arthur called on the Legion call. “The Sarmatians have fought with us against the Anglo Saxons. They are brave soldiers and passionate about their life.”

“Arthur, they are mercenaries and not of the land.” It was Belvedere who rode up to speak to Arthur. “As we were but we are also the locals. They were paid the coins before but they are not entitled to the land that belongs to us.”

“Belvedere, I fought with you once before and called you my brother but no more today.” Slaine had joined in the meeting.  

“We were never brothers. We were just mercenaries.” Belvedere replied.

“I …” Arthur saw then the arrival of Lord Bors with his army of twenty soldiers. He waited for Lord Bors to arrive and saw the other had joined in with Sir Kay. He knew then the cause was lost. He had to decide on the winner.

“Galahad, tell the Sarmatians they have to vacate the land. We have …” Arthur was cut off by the other.

“Why are you to back down? They are no different from the Sarmatians. They also fought for coins too.” Galahad sought to address the issue.

 “They are the locals and not your ….. real friends. I am trying to avert a war.” Arthur then looked at Belvedere. “The land goes to Lamorak.”

“Where is Lancelot?” Arthur looked around him.

“I don’t know, Arthur.” A Roman knight replied. “He did not ride with us.”

“As King of the land and Camelot. I have decided. The Sarmatians will leave the settlement to a new one by the end of the season. The land will then be given to Lamorak as compensation.” Arthur made the call.

“And if we don’t?” Slaine asked.

“You will be …. evicted. Those are my words.” Arthur made his words heard by all. “Now go back to your homes or faced my wrath.”

“We shall wait for your wrath,” Slaine said before he turned his horse back to the settlement. Arthur looked at the others who then took their turn to go back. He then looked at Percival.

“Meet me at Camelot soon. And the others who were in the Legio.” Arthur then added in the two names he wanted there. “The Green Knight and the new one, Mordred of Normandy.”  

The call for the ranks by the Legion was to be respected once more.


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