Thursday, May 27, 2021

Arthur II Book IV Chapter 6



Jaseth had taken in the new guy he met in the forest. He felt something in him and his amulet was vibrating. He was drawn to that for it told him evil was near and yet he could not see that in the figure. They met and spoke then. In moments, Jaseth offered the figure to join him as his squire.

“My name will not be revealed. You can call me Green Knight. You can join me and I will teach you.” Jaseth offered his guidance. “You can begin now. We have a tournament tomorrow.”

“My name is …. Mordred of … Forest.” The figure replied. “I am glad to have your guidance. Where are we to go?”

“Tournament.” Jaseth offered Mordred to go there. “You will see the others. There will be notable names and even the King himself.”

“Who are the notable knights? Will the King be in the tournament?”

“The King? I doubt he will. However, there will be Lancelot, Percival which I was advised had returned, and most probably Galahad and his brother, Gaheris. I am not sure of the Black Knight for he is ever elusive.” Jaseth counted the names.

“And myself. I am the Green Knight. I intend to partake this year to test my strength, perhaps against Lancelot.”

“A long list of names. I will go with you. I want to see the King.” It was there Mordred saw the others that he won’t dream of meeting so soon. He stood at the side watching the Green Knight taking the horse to the end where he was a ride from to meet the challenger.

“The Black Knight will take on the Green Knight.”

The riders took their places and were to be handed their lances when Arthur stood up to speak.

“Knights, both of you held the rank of the best among the knights yet your identity is not known. Your feats are well known. Today may mark the champion of the champions.” Arthur clapped his hands. He was cheered by the audience and among them, one stood apart from the rest.

“King, you will be mine,” Mordred muttered to himself from a distance away.

The Black Knight rode towards the other knight. He leaned over to speak to the other.

“Today will be the reckoning of our battle.” The Black Knight said. “For the Marcellus.”

Jaseth was stunned behind his helmet. He had never thought that he would be recognized by the other without his armor. He was to ask but the other knight had ridden off.

The trumpets sounded and the battle was on.

The first round was a square off then. The lances were spared and so were the riders. They rode in for the second round and the shields deflected the blows. The rider parted and then to their surprise, the Black Knight dismounted after dropping the lances. He drew on his sword and approached the King.

“We are equal in the joust. I will challenge him on the swords.” The Black Knight was handed his sword but he declined it. He approached Percival for the sword.

“May I loan yours, Sir Percival?” The Black Knight was handed the sword. He then turned to the Green Knight and told him to use his halberd.

“The halberd? It will be a disadvantage to the Black Knight.” The whispers went out among the audience.

“I declared myself the loser in this battle.” The Green Knight made the declaration. He turned to ride off but the Black Knight stopped him.

“You will fight me today, or I shall hunt you.”

“I will fight in his place.” Mordred stepped forward. “I am Mordred, the …”

“He is a squire.” A voice shouted out. “Get him out.”

“I am no squire but a knight. I am Mordred of …Normandy. I am here to watch the tournament but I feel the need to challenge now. Would you take my challenge, knight, or anyone here? Are you all afraid to face me?” Mordred looked to Arthur. “Or yourself, King Arthur.”

The sound of swords drawn could be heard but the one voice stifled their intentions.

“I will fight you, knight of Normandy. Camelot will not stand down from you.” The Black Knight said. “You will need armor to fight me.”

“I will fight you without one. Give me a shield and I will be fine.” Mordred was handled a round shield. “You may keep your armor.”

Both knights faced each other and Mordred drew his sword. Lancelot recognized it as one made by the elves. He was to ask when Mordred charged at him. He deflected the move with Percival’s scimitar and retreated. The two clashed with swinging slashes and using their shields to block the swords but none was hurt.

“Mordred, we are equal.’ The Black Knight called out. “Cease the challenge and we can be ….”

“There will be a winner or none.” Mordred pressed on the attacks. The Black Knight retreated and then he lowered his sword. He signaled the friar to remove his armor.

“Is it wise, Sire?” Friar Tate's words were ignored. The knight had removed his helmet and to the surprise of all who were there.

“It’s Lancelot.”

Lancelot handed his helmet and scimitar to Percival before he took up his sword, Arondight, and held the shield.

“The Black Knight is me. I am Sir Lancelot of Camelot. I will take your challenge now.” With that, Lancelot charged at Mordred. With the familiar sword and without the encumbrance of the armor, Lancelot was pressing on his attack. He swung in from the sides with both hands gripped on the hilt and from overhead without any opportunity for Mordred to attack but to defend the moves. He finally cut when Arondight slashed Mordred at the left thigh.

“First blood!” The audience roared.

Mordred staggered back from the wound. He had never been wounded before in his training. The pain spurred him to fight harder. He turned the battle and forced Lancelot back. The tide of battle favored Lancelot for in anger the other knight lost his balance of skills and determination. Lancelot saw his move and took it. He deflected the sword and did a turn of the wrist to slash in. He stopped his move when the sword reached Mordred at the face.

“Yield, knight,” Lancelot called out.

“And you too, Sir.” Mordred sword was at Lancelot's left ribs. Both knights lowered their swords.  

“You fought well, Sir Mordred.” Lancelot praised the other.

“But I did not win. For that …”

“It was equal.” Lancelot looked at the other.

“No, there are no equal in the land. Only winners and the one that lay dead.” Mordred stepped back. “We will battle one day and there will be a winner.”

“Both of you are winners today.” It was the voice of Arthur. “I have seen the best of the knights. Those of you won will be seated on the round table.”

“Thank you, King. I must be leaving now. I have a friend to attend to.” Mordred limped off. He was met by Jaseth who offered him the horse to ride. They left without a word. However, for Lancelot, he was met by Arthur.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were the Black Knight/”

“It’s my way to serve the locals. I was the Ghost and now I am the Black Knight. The last one died defending the land. With my identity lifted, the Black Knight will not ride anymore. Only Lancelot will exist.”

“As you wish.” Arthur looked away with anger in his expression from the knight. In his mind, he wondered how many other secrets that the knight had hidden from him.

Octavia Meleagant woke up in a start and began raving about his whereabouts.

“You are back in your villa, Master Meleagant.” The servant told him.

“I won or lose?”

“You lost, Master.” The servant told the young master. Octavia sat up and turned to get up but his head was throbbing with pain.

“Did the Queen see me lose?”

“No, Master. She was not there.”

“Then I will return for her.” Octavia Meleagant muttered. “She will be mine.”

The servant left the young Master and was met by the Elderly Meleagant.

“How is he?”

“He still raves for her.” The servant told the elderly Master. “It may get him killed.”




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