Monday, May 17, 2021

Tweet...tweet... 17/5... Dante's Book One almost done

 My sincere apologies, I was in Hell with Dante for the last month. 

I have 34 Canto to interpret and complete and now at Canto 30 which was insanely difficult to write in one month. It's all explained in Book One. 

Meanwhile, in the realm we are still breathing in, I am into another lockdown for 3 weeks, hence the work activities went 'abyss' down and I had to use my time, hence I was writing and will be for the next 2 weeks; darned, it's been Hell.

I am telling you it's like a marriage; you thought you knew her, and when you finally get out of bed (pun intended), you saw on the dresser, the bottles and the cans; the flight controller's handheld flags (let's admit it looked familiar; you had a hand removing it), and the toilet seat is down. You were never told of it. before the whodunit before then. Then she comes and hugs you. 

"All is forgotten, darling." Don't we say that after an argument about the Mother in Law.

In the last month, I read most of the Canto in Inferno like every other three lines, and understood every other three words, and constructed the other three words to make mine. I am saying if you are not into re-writing or adapting it, don't try to do what I did last four weeks. It was like me doing my thesis on my Mother in Law.

But there were moments which I enjoyed (pun intended, mother in 'law'.) where I was the "spitfire pilot' veering off the flight path with the ME109 on my back, and I do the twists and loops before I come in for the kill.... I know it sounded crazy here but that was how it was doing the book then. 

And I am into the last loop at Canto 30 of 34, and my finger is on the trigger. I will admit I am praying my gun will work then, or it's a 'no no' day for me. 

Baffled by my comments; don't be. I am nutty as like the squirrel hoarding nuts for the winter when the tree was to be cut down for Xmas decorations. Yes, it a mad mad world.

Tally ho, dinna worry. I will send the tale here soon when I am done with it by this week. 

As for follow-up on Book II and III, I will dabble into it while I am in the mood. Or rather before Hell freezes over. 

Cheerio, mate. 

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