Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Story Write Compilations Volume I Stories 58

 Easy Squad


Author's Note:

The contest calls for aliens and war. I give it Alien Trooper with a Man. Mark my words, it was not easy to come up with three chapters in the tale as it's the ruleset then.





There is one thing I dislike most is Humans, and more so in-depth when they are posted to my squad. They are clumsy and above all with an ego in them thinking that we are below them in the intelligence levels. Frag the Commander for sending me this species when I asked for is a reliable scout not an oaf in a uniform. If I had my choice, I would have pulled the trigger on that species the day it reported in.


I am on recon with my squad of aliens in the Gazza sector. My squad is not large in number but we are the best in the battalion under the Alien Troopers. There is my second in command, Senior Officer Seth; a pythonic species with an affinity for crushed meat and bones. He is a scrawny reptile species with a short length of twelve feet but he made up for his strangulation skills, and he has this small two set of arms on the scale side that holds a phaser each. I saw him shot up four different targets in one click each of his four phasers. Next to him is Rhono; large bulk and good man in the field. He may be on his four limbs in movement, but his heavy bulk carries the twin mounted cannons on each side of his bulk. The four cannons can tear a hole in a three-inch thick armor with one burst. Many commented on Rhono as he has a curved horn on his snort, but they would regret it soon enough when he charges at them. His thick hide can stand up any phaser shots except the heavy cannons. But we complement his hide with the body armor as not every squad has a Rhono in theirs.


But there is always a sneaky rat in one squad; mine is Rat-Daniel, the worst of the scums. He would run off in any battle if you are not winning or the odds are too great. I normally fight with one paw on his tail so he can't do the hiding trick. He hates me for it but he is the best sniper in the battalion. He can shoot well with the Sniper Class Rifle so he tolerates his rat-like behavior. My last member in the squad besides the human is Lizzie. She is a Class One Amphibian with a set of orbs that you cannot be without. Her orbs are independent of each other and she can see more than any of us can. Her other best skill is her ability to blend into any background; so we sometimes nickname her 'Chameleon'. She is our pointer in the patrol. As for my human recruit, its name is Tom but we just called it Man. He told me on my first encounter with it, that not addressed him as 'it' but him. I dragged him up off his feet with my paws and looked at it in the face. The man never complained again. It's not every day, he comes face with a Grizzle like me. I am Squad Commander Yogi, formerly of the Grizzle Nation, now a mercenary here. I am about seven feet tall and my paws can crush a human head in a click but I let my sawn-off twin-barrel rifle phaser do the crushing now.


Lizzie raised her tail and that means to halt. We are in the worst stretch of the Gazza Sector; the area where the thickets are dense and higher than my lower torso. We are also surrounded by the thick trunk of trees that has build canopies of shelter with its leaves, leaving little sunlight at the ground level. I signaled Seth to slitter off to the left while Man takes the right. I pulled Rat-Daniel to take the firing position on the upper branches. He is having a problem to climb up or feigning one. So I grabbed him and hurled him up to the branches. He sneered back at me, but I ignored his gesture. I pushed Rhono to cover the left while I took the right.


"Liz, what you got?"


"Movements at twelve; I count ten or more. They are also alerted to us."


Ten or more, says bad odds against us. I need more confirmation so I comm to Rat; 'Do a re-count and assessment." We may need to retreat and re-route. The mission is more important than a skirmish as the latter may cost us time and lives.


"Enemies withdrawing. The count is affirmative but they are retreating to the rear. We are cleared on the route." If Rat says they are withdrawing, I can agree with him. He has an uncanny appreciation for the fight situation. He is not a coward but he hates confrontation especially when the odds are against us.


"Squad to proceed on caution. Give them five clicks to start before we move. But the new route is to the north left. We do not want to walk into a trap. Over."


Four clicks say it all; order understood and confirmed. I let them move as I take the rear. I just do not want the enemy to be backtracked on us. We moved out in close formation to our target.


We finally made it there.


I had to lie down flat on my front to avoid being seen. It's not easy being seven feet tall and with a dimension this large. I unslung the heavy launcher on my back and laid it next to me. I took my Range View which will give me a magnified look at the area. It's there as Intel has provided the information before we left the camp. I counted fifty guards and two outposts with the rapid-fire tripod-mounted phaser. There are the Command Post and our acquired target, the animal pen. That's where they stored the General who was captured by the enemies two days ago near the border. We have been tracking him to here now. I can see that they have him strung up on the high beam in the pen. His low limbs are attached to the chains on the ground. So the Grizzle is not allowed to sit or sleep but stand all day. That is torturing humans.


I signaled Rat to take to the higher ground and on my signal take out the Outposts. Rhono was to move nearer to lay us cover fire during the attack. Seth as usual slitter off on his recon and attack. I never hed him back as he is good at that maverick role. Lizzie set up a cover fire to my left in case anyone comes in.


"What about me?" The Man has to ask.


"Unpacked your gear. I need those missiles for the launcher." I did not bother to see how he unpacks it as I am already setting the launcher for shoulder release of its missiles. The darned thing weighs heavy but it will hold on to my large shoulder.


"Missile Set One in the bay." That means its a go for the mission.


"Goodbye, General."He is a broken Grizzle and it's best he goes down with his pride intact. No one will know he was captured and displayed on those vids for the others to see. We, in the Alien Trooper, do not condone capture by the enemy. We prefer death to that, as the torture by the enemies can be very painful, and humiliating. I sighted the launcher and pressed the trigger.


Missile One is away, and I still have three more rounds inside this launcher.


I sighted the Command Post as the first missile ripped the pen apart into a blazing inferno. Missile Two launched and I am onto the Outposts. Outpost One has been neutralized by Rat and he is mopping up Outpost Two. I took out the two outposts before I discarded the launcher. Rhono is laying down cover fire to those who were enthusiastic to run for our position.


"Easy Squad recalled to Rendezvous Point. Mission completed." We reached the RP coordinates to continue on our long trek back to our line. Man has to voice his opinion then.


"You shot dead the General, How could you? I will have you reported for Court Martial." The human never saw Seth's move on him. He was dead in two clicks and we all got up to march back. I told Lizzie to take point while the rest followed on slow and easy.


"Seth, when you are fully ingested; join up." He is a chomper when it comes to food. With his jaws stretched, all he could do was nod at my request. "Rat, stay watch over him. He would need maybe a day to ingest."


"Why me?" The rat has to be the one to ask.


"Because you are next if Seth comes to any trouble." I always like to joke with Rat-Daniel as he is so gullible.





"Did you drop your shit back there? How did they find us so fast?" I shouted as I reached over from the side of the big tree trunk to place the next shot. We were on the trail back to our camp now for two days and we came onto this ambush. Seth and Rat have just joined up with us some click back. Now the whole squad is pinned down by the hidden enemies. I could not see the enemies clearly but the shots coming at us are very clear to take our lives.


"Where's Lizzie?" I looked around and see all the teammates but missing the new one.


"Lizzie got it in the first wave." Now I remember, she took point today and she paid for it. It's the most dangerous position in the patrol, and we fouled it all up. "Don't blame her. Makes no fragging different." That was nice of Seth to read my thoughts.


"Frag the sentiments. Seth, take right, and Rat, you take left. Circle and wipe them out." Rhono and I raised our rifles and cannons to lay some ground fire. Then we ducked behind the tree and the replies came in short and hot on our position. We laid down close to the ground and given our size that is still very exposed in this jungle.


"Aargh! I nicked one on my lower left rear." I looked towards Rhono was the one shrieking off. "But I am okay to fight on."


That's my trooper, Rhono; never say die. I heard two explosions over there followed by some shots. Then it was all quiet again. So Seth and Rat did their part again. I ran forward to check on Lizzie. She is breathing but weak in her breath. I looked at her body and see no real marks on her.


"Lizzie, you are doing that on me again, are you?" I grabbed her by her shoulders to jolt her up.


"Hey, Big Boy. A lady needs a respite from it all sometimes. So you boys can play hero and save the heroine." I loved this spunky lady but she sure scared me off my furs back there. This is her second time doing it; the last one was over the cliff and I thought she dunked it down the edge for good. But she came crawling up smiling.


"Trooper Lizzie, you get up and take the front again. If you let up one more time, I will personally drag you down to rookie rank." I pulled her up and she grabbed her phaser rifle off the ground.


"Promises, promises, and more empty ones. Big boy, if you coming at me, I would not shout violation of conduct but viola to my senses." She is one of her periods when she is all slutty. I pushed her to take point and told the rest to follow on. I darned this reptile to put me on my raging hormones mood. It's not like we are back at camp and I can look up Maggie, but here in the jungle, even the tree barks are tempting.


But we made it to Camp without any more casualties or mishaps. I reported to the Senior Commander on the status of the mission. He was happy we slap the General quick and painless as the General is the first of ours of that rank that ever gets caught. It would be too embarrassing to tell the other battalions that we lost our General to capture. I also told him that Man could not make it out too. He fell into a trap and was killed immediately. I was told the squad can rest for now while he sorts out the correspondence and reports of our General who died in a craft crash in the jungle. I saluted and took my leave of the Senior Commander.


The squad billet in the rear of the camp with the other squads, but ours is an improvised bunker. It was to be a mass grave but someone decided to lay iron sheets over it and then laid the dug-up soil to became a mound. The ingenious alien created an entrance to the 'grave bunker' as they all called it. That alien was Ferret-ion type and they all lived underground. But since then we took over the bunker and named it "Our Graveyard'. Lizzie is still praying the day a nuke will fall directly on us sleeping there and leave us as a wisp of smoke. But it ain't happening just yet.


We were to bunk in when the alarm went off. It's to say we got enemies in the line; but where we are supposed to find out. I caught hold of a running trooper and haul his butt in. He's telling us some reports of enemies seen in the camp and they search now. So all squads are to keep to their bunker including ours. The Military Robotic Squad is policing the camp now. They have always been trigger happy and they would shoot any of us for the sake of their perverted programming. I would keep my squad safe.


Then they came; them mechanical droids; all six of them with their phaser held ready to shoot then answer the questions themselves.


"Easy Squad, Alien Trooper. We are moving to check your place. Kindly move to the side so we can do our work." Fragging polite they are until you twist their screws hard. Like what Lizzie is trying to do; remove her phaser. "Warning! Recruit is armed."I jumped in front of her and held out my hands.


"No! No! Don't terminate. She is just putting in her phaser. She is not shooting it at you." I held my ground watching them droids. They have their phaser raised but they are holding fire. "Please."The droids lower their phaser and proceeded to search the place. When I said search, I meant they thrashed it. They fished out everything and leave it outside its original place. Soon the search was over. It took us some time to clean up and then we bunked in. It was a short rest as we got the call to see the Senior Commander. I wondered if those idiots sleep or rest.


"Squad Commander, Easy Squad. Your new mission is to go here with black ops. Your departure is in two hours. Go and tell your squad." You don't question orders; you followed them or you take on the droids. Either way, you are dead. I went back to tell the squad. But I saw them facing off some humans; must be from the neighboring Battalion. I heard they are called the Human Legion. I walked into the discussion and heard some harsh terms.


"Aliens scums, you tell us where we can find Tom and we are on our way?" That was a burly looking man when compared to Lizzie, but with me, he is a young sapling to be plucked off the ground. In this case, there are eight saplings to be handled. But Seth has to open his jaws.


"Tom? Is that the tall chap who fell into a big hole and got himself strangled? I heard he broken some bones too. Was it then he got later chomped up some meat eater. Delicious it was." He had to demonstrate with his extended tongue to his lips. That got the humans to show their hidden blades.


"Boys, are we too harsh here. I am sure Tom is somewhere in the camp. So be nice, and we will all be fine. No aliens humans conflict. You don't need it." I had then walked in to stand by my squad.


"Sonny, we need you here. We got some Grizzly in our fight." I saw the puny man shouting and his men are cheering. Then I saw a man named Sonny. He ain't tiny and he is about below my head but his arms are huge. "Sonny used to wrestle crocs and bears. That's your cousin in the zoo."


I dislike my reference to the earthling bears. We shared the looks but not the intelligence. I grabbed the puny man and was to crack his head in when I saw the droids coming. I let go of the puny man. The whispers have gone off; droids. So everyone backed off and try to act normal. Droids went past us and we are back in our line. But time is running out; I got a mission to move out on. I just walked up to Sonny and grabbed his nuts with my right paw and jabbed him in the right ribs with my left fingers. Sonny hauled out in pain and I head butt him from above. He is out by the count of two. Then I hauled back at the six men. I turned to my squad and told them five minutes to get ready. Then I walked to my bedding space inside the bunker.


One hour later we were outside the Senior Commander bunker. He came out with the Black Ops personnel. I never like them. Black Ops like to takes on these alien species; the incorporeal nation of Mist. One of the few species with no physical form, but they take on other hosts to housed their form. This one is in a human skin form, or we termed as a skinwalker. The personnel is dressed like us Alien Trooper but it's not carrying any weapons. They do need any as they have their self-defense mechanism.


"Easy Squad, this is Commander Pond. It will be a pleasure to served with the best squad in this battalion." But I can feel the tension in my squad. They dislike incorporeal species and more when they served in black ops. "You are to assist me in my new mission. You take me there and come back with me. That's all."


"Dead or alive, Sir." That has to be Lizzie. She is the outspoken member of my squad.


"Alive preferable. But being dead would be acceptable as long as the mission is done." I almost puke.


But the mission is green for Easy Squad. They are flying us into the hot zone but we were never told the odds of being blown out of the skies.


And four miles out of the drop zone.


With about six dozen enemy troops around us.


Oh, I forgot.


They are all armed and pointing at us. We've just been taken, prisoner.





They threw us into the pit and took our weapons. They even threw the skin of Ponds. He vanished on the crash and left us cold. Lizzie picked up the discarded skin, and then looked at me.


"You want me to blow it up?" She had to ask but I just shook my head. I am not keen on any dirty jokes but how to escape. But we are in a pit with a depth of twenty feet and width of twenty across but with a large Rhono and elongated twelve Pythonian plus sneaky Rat I am not envious of our private space right now. I assessed the options and I decided to change them.


I brief the squad and they nodded.


But nothing planned is always to plan.


I was called to the Commander's place. I dislike human's design; they are not suited to a species like us. I had to crouched lower to walked in. The Commander is a normal human being dressed like one. We are battling in this war between their species except we are the mercenaries. We were brought in by the losing side and then we even the chances to its current level now. I was offered a seat but I decided to stand. I like to look down on the enemies.


My interrogation was brief as we were interrupted by some explosion on the east side of the camp. I was with two guards and that was a mistake when you have someone my intelligence. I had them guards knocked out and I searched the place. I found our weapons and more which Intel would love to preview. The door opened and I saw Seth slithering in.


"Hello, Commander. We got out and I see what we need are here. Can you help me to assist in passing out the weapons? Rhono and Rat outside waiting." We did as needed and I am out with part of the door frame removed by force. I told Rhono to take the main troop bunkers while Rat covers us from a higher position. Seth and I would run to look for ways to get out. Then I realized that Lizzie is missing.


"Where is Lizzie?" I asked Seth but he just shakes his tail ends to denote 'I have no fragging idea'.


There was a huge explosion on my right as I see Rhono doing great with his cannons. Rat is doing his part with his sniping on the troops. Then I saw the armored vehicle approaching but I see the smiling face of Lizzie behind the driver compartment. It is nice to see her in this bad situation.


"Hop into the Easy Express. It only seats six." I signaled the rest and they came on board but Rhono had to ride on the top with the cannons blasting away. We made it out and now we are in the clear some distance from the camp.


"Easy Squad, it's time to recover our guest. Anyone knows where Pond could be?" They all looked at me but I drew blank looks. But I heard the voice behind me.


"Can anyone helped me with the headpiece?" I turned to see Pond struggling into his skin to look decent. I told Rat to help. It sure it's nice to be together after a mission. "Thanks, Rat. But we can't leave yet. I have not completed my project yet."


Easy Squad is back in action.


----- to continue........




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