Sunday, May 30, 2021

Arthur II Book IV Chapter 8



Merlin met Arthur in the Hall to raise his concern about Camelot. Arthur was in a foul mood than having being harassed by Guinevere on the fate of Augustus' family, and the revelation of Lancelot as the Black Knight.

“I had told her that I will look into the Augustus family killing, and for the last time, I had no idea of Lancelot being whoever he was. Or who he would be from then on?” Arthur had repeated his words to the druid.

“Why can’t the lady understand it all?” Arthur raved on at Merlin on his argument with Guinevere. “I don’t have Lancelot as my Legionnaire and more it, even if he was, I would not have known it all.”

“You, Druid? You knew him before me. Who is Lancelot and when is her not whom he claims to be?” Arthur looked at the druid. “Or anyone you know who may be…”

“Arthur, I have no concern on Lancelot or the Queen. I have is yours. And yours only. And right now. I fear Camelot is in peril.” Merlin cut in.

“Camelot? Peril? Of what? I have stopped the raiders from the sea. Are you telling me that Anglo Saxons are back?”

“No, Arthur. Those are only parts of the event. I am also referring to the knights. Sir Kay lies in bedding with wounds that have yet to heal, Lancelot …. As who he was no to be, and the families killed.” The druid marked the list of events. “More to it, I sensed more danger to the realm. I feared sorcery and witchcraft are abounding here.”

“Those are your concerns, druid. Not mine. I am to fight the enemies of Man and leave me out of sorcery and witchcraft. I hold no …” Arthur roared in anger.

“Excalibur can defend you. All you need is to …” The words of the druid were drowned by the arrival of Belvedere.

“My King, I bear concern news. Lamorak had called on for his attackers. He has Sir Kay’s to round up support and even some of mine to fight the Sarmatians. They are calling for blood. Percival rides to defend the Sarmatians.” Belvedere reported in. “I fear I cannot control them.”

“I thought you said Lamorak was still recovering.” Arthur looked at Merlin. “Are …”

“I did and it was some days since I saw him. He may have recovered but he was in no position to fight.” Merlin replied. “He will be a fool to do so.”

“Get the other knights to assist. I will ride there. I don’t want a war on my land.” Arthur told Belvedere. He then looked at Merlin.

“Fix those issues on my land. I have a war to avert here.” Merlin nodded to the King and left. He was to rush towards the Lake for guidance but Vivianne will not appear on his call. In his frustration he went to look for Ronin, the other was in distress.

“Mary had gone missing. We can’t find her.” Those words will haunt Merlin for the days to come.

“Did you see Morgan Le Fay?” Merlin asked.

“No, the other sister was not here.  Nor was she seen by us. Mary had wandered off when we were busy.” Ronin burped then. Merlin knew then that the elf was busy with his takings than to guard Morgause.

“Mary must be found. Or it will be a war for all of us.” Merlin told the elf.   

It was war then when the words spread among the locals. The Sarmatians were not exactly welcomed by the others. Lord Bors saw the opportunity to ride then.

“We will get those unwelcome guests out of the land.” Lord Bors also took his twenty-odd riders to battle the Sarmatians.

Galahad with Gawain and Gaheris together with Percival had reached the Sarmatians settlement ahead of the others. He was met by the warrior who had replaced Aubin Knur.

“Romans, you are not welcome anymore.” The warrior named Slaine of the Hill Tribes. “The death of our leader, Aubin Knur had yet to be resolved.”

“I am Galahad, and these are my brother Gawain and Gaheris. Percival is also here. We came to assist you. Many soldiers are coming here to battle your people. We need to prevent this.”

“I know all of you. We fought as one against the Anglo Saxons. Today, there is nothing to prevent for we are ready.” Slaine roared out and another twenty other soldiers followed suit. “We fear no one.”

“I am not here to battle. I am here to negotiate the peace between us and your soldiers.” Percival explained. “Battle will not bring back the soul of Aubin. He was also my friend.”

“We know you, Sir Percival but now the situation is our people. Fight with or against us, it does not matter. Many more Sarmatians from afar will ride to the cause.” Slaine said. It was then the alarm was raised that the others have arrived.

“Friends or foe?” Slaine called out.

“Foes!” The reply reverted to the new leader. Percival told the others to stay back and he rode out. He saw the assembled ragtag army of Irish and Welsh with some locals who have harbored dislike on the Sarmatians. He counted a hundred of them. He saw Lamorak in the wagon covered with the bandage. He rode towards the wagon.

“Stop this madness, Lamorak. They did not attack you.”

“When have you addressed me by my name, Rider of the Legionnaires? I still the Optio of Legio VI Victrix.”

“Yes, Optio.” Percival bowed to the Optio in his respect for the Legion. “I hear you.”

I was told that Aubin attacked me and yet you defended them.” Lamorak was upset then. “I have been bedridden for a season because of him. And they will pay for it.”

“I killed Aubin because he told me….” Galahad who had ridden out spoke to Lamorak.

How do you explain the attack was by the possessed Syaitan? They won’t believe him. He saw then the arrival of Arthur with the knights. He looked at the familiar faces there, but there was no sign of Lancelot. That could mean the locals are not getting involved.  

“Stop this madness, Lamorak. I am your King and will not permit this battle.” Arthur rode in between the two warring parties. “Go back to your homes.”

“Arthur, I demand justice. I am with the injured one.” Sir Kay roared. “You told me once before that in the Legion, we fight as one and cared for each other. I demand my right as Lamorak’s friend.”

“And you will all have justice. I will get them to pay for your injuries.” Arthur looked at the wounded knight. Lamorak may recover but he will never be the same.

“I…” Sir Kay called out but was silenced by Arthur.

“This is a matter which I will settle.” Arthur looked at Sir Kay and then Lamorak. “Optio, return to Camelot and stay there. I will decide the next action.”

“I am not your Legion. I want them out of this land. They don’t belong here.” It was Sir Kay who stated his stand again. “Or we will evict them.”

Arthur looked at the Irish knight. He had ridden with twenty knights most of them were from his Legionnaires, and he accessed the situation on the other side. He was upset that Lamorak remained silent. He saw then Belvedere had moved over. If he were to battle, he may win and inflict the rift between him and the Irish and Welsh. He turned to look at the Sarmatians.

“Legionnaires,” Arthur called on the Legion call. “The Sarmatians have fought with us against the Anglo Saxons. They are brave soldiers and passionate about their life.”

“Arthur, they are mercenaries and not of the land.” It was Belvedere who rode up to speak to Arthur. “As we were but we are also the locals. They were paid the coins before but they are not entitled to the land that belongs to us.”

“Belvedere, I fought with you once before and called you my brother but no more today.” Slaine had joined in the meeting.  

“We were never brothers. We were just mercenaries.” Belvedere replied.

“I …” Arthur saw then the arrival of Lord Bors with his army of twenty soldiers. He waited for Lord Bors to arrive and saw the other had joined in with Sir Kay. He knew then the cause was lost. He had to decide on the winner.

“Galahad, tell the Sarmatians they have to vacate the land. We have …” Arthur was cut off by the other.

“Why are you to back down? They are no different from the Sarmatians. They also fought for coins too.” Galahad sought to address the issue.

 “They are the locals and not your ….. real friends. I am trying to avert a war.” Arthur then looked at Belvedere. “The land goes to Lamorak.”

“Where is Lancelot?” Arthur looked around him.

“I don’t know, Arthur.” A Roman knight replied. “He did not ride with us.”

“As King of the land and Camelot. I have decided. The Sarmatians will leave the settlement to a new one by the end of the season. The land will then be given to Lamorak as compensation.” Arthur made the call.

“And if we don’t?” Slaine asked.

“You will be …. evicted. Those are my words.” Arthur made his words heard by all. “Now go back to your homes or faced my wrath.”

“We shall wait for your wrath,” Slaine said before he turned his horse back to the settlement. Arthur looked at the others who then took their turn to go back. He then looked at Percival.

“Meet me at Camelot soon. And the others who were in the Legio.” Arthur then added in the two names he wanted there. “The Green Knight and the new one, Mordred of Normandy.”  

The call for the ranks by the Legion was to be respected once more.


Arthur II Book IV Chapter 7



Lord Ban seated on the saddle looked to the Augustus Villa. He knew that it was owned by the ailing Master but he held the protection of Lancelot then revealed to be the Black Knight. With that, he had earned the scorn from Arthur. He knew then it was time to usurp the favored knight from the King’s mind. He turned to look at the assembled twenty strong mercenaries dressed like Anglo Saxons and held the same weapons.

“Lord, the villa held the strength of forty guards, not including the servants.” The head of the mercenaries said.

“Those numbers were taken care of with the help of some coins. Their meals and drinks are laced with potions to make them weak. Spare the servants unless they resist.” Lord Ban replied. Then he changed his mind.

“Kill the servants. I will not have anyone to tell on me.” Lord Ban knew that the dead ones will not reveal his role there. He will let the family be killed like the Marcellus and then the estate will be open for pillaging. He knew he can’t own the land yet but with coins in his name, he could buy it over. He had once done it with Lord Bors but they were no more allies.

“You will loot the villa and bring me the bounties. Half will be yours.” Lord Ban told the mercenary.

The attack took place as scheduled and the guards were too weak to fight. The mercenaries swept through the villa and killed everyone. Despite the weakened guards’ condition, five mercenaries were killed. They soon cornered Auric Augustus at the chamber.

“Do you know who am I? My wrath will be heavy on you and your family.” Auric then supported by the long cane to hold up had held the gladius in the right hand. “I am Auric Augustus, and I am related to Sir Lancelot.”

“We feared no one, Sire, and today we will take what is yours.” The mercenary approached the ailing man and stabbed him in the chest. Auric had wanted to fight but the gladius was heavy in his hand. The elderly Noble was soon discarded body onto the courtyard.

“Tell the servants to retrieve the silverware and coins to be loaded onto the wagon.” The mercenaries have taken it from the stable. Soon, the loot was loaded and the servants rounded up. Two of the servants stepped up to the mercenaries’ leader.

“It’s us who poison the food and drinks, my Lord. Will you spare some of the coins?” The servant looked at the leader.

“Aye, we will. It will be the slice of your throat.” The leader swung the sword to cut the servant’s throat. The other tried to run but was cut down by another mercenary. The other servants cowered into a huddle while the leader told them of their fate.

“You will all die but I will let you go. Be gone and be far.” The leader grabbed some coins with both hands and tossed it to them. “Take what you can grab and leave.”

The fifteen mercenaries saw the servants fled with whatever coins they could pick and was to flee themselves with the wagon. It was then they heard the calls of mercy outside the wall. They saw then the riders that rode in. It was twenty of them led by Lord Ban.

“My Lord, why are you here?” The leader approached Lord Ban.

“I am not your Lord. You are a despicable man to do such a heinous act. Be gone.” Lord Ban had his sword plunged into the mercenary’s chest. He then saw his men engaged the mercenaries who were then put to death.

“Leave the bodies here. We will take the wagon. And burn the villa. It does disgust me.” Lord Ban then turned his horse to ride. He found at the gates was another rider.

“Lord Bors?”

“Yes, your brother in ally. It’s me. I have come to witness your act here where you killed the Augustus household. I am here to avenge them.” Lord Bors said.

“You are alone? I am with twenty of my men.” Lord Ban laughed. “What absurd threat is that?”

“They are no more of yours. They ride with me.” Lord Bors replied. “Kill him now.”

Two of the riders plunged their swords into Lord Ban from the rear then taken by surprise. He fell off the saddle and Lord Bors rode up.

“The act was to set you up. Now I will take over your lands and also the loot here.” Lord Bors laughed. “We are not bound by oaths of chivalry but personal gain in power and wealth.”

“Leave the bodies. Let the locals report his death.” Lord Bors rode off with the wagon trailing.

Such was the loyalty of friends but not all.

Jaseth had taken Mordred to his hut and had the wound tended. The other knight was upset at being defeated by Lancelot. He had never tasted defeat in his training.

“It’s not and won’t be the last,” Jaseth told the younger knight while he wrapped the bandage around the wound. Mordred seated on the only available seat had his wounded leg straightened.

“What is great of the knight named Lancelot? Who is he?”

“Lancelot is one of the greater knights on this land. He had fought with Arthur for many seasons. Why did you say you were from Normandy?”

“I… I heard of the name and used it. I am from …” Mordred replied but Jaseth stopped him.

“Don’t tell if you don’t want them to know. As you may not know my name but my namesake here will do.” Jaseth told him. “I will be your …. Guide but I cannot be your friend. If you are with me, you will die the hard way. Not like this.”

“Green Knight, teach me the ways of this land.” Mordred looked at the other knight.

“First thing is to feed our hunger.” Jaseth smiled. It was then Mordred asked the other the pertinent question that was on his mind.

“What did the Black Knight speak to you?” Jaseth did not reply immediately and later he spoke. “He has mistaken me for someone he wants to kill,” Jaseth told him. “Now we will hunt for food, or eat the grass outside.”

Guinevere heard the Black Knight was Lancelot. She was surprised at that. She had heard the talks that the Black Knight was with Lord Pendragon when he died and then at the Marcellus Villa. She wondered if he knew more than she was told.

“My lady, I bring in bad news. Auric Augustus is dead.”

Tweet...tweet... Done it..30/5/21


Wow! What a write it was. For months when I was bust at work and not writing much then in the mid to late last year, I had planned (or rather read most times) and finally done a total of three books with an average of 30K words per book. The appeal of the tale was to my liking but to rewrite/adapt it was easier said than done. When I embarked on the new write here like a month ago, I was to take the trail that Dante took but the adaption was difficult at many instances but I made a promise many years ago; I will complete the tale I started.

Finally, I finally did it, with so many possible endings.

Finally, I took this one which will give me more leeway to do my own write.

Finally, we are into the second round of 14 days lockdown due to the Covid. The last one I was knocking my head on the wall when I was not writing. This time around, I won’t be doing it; I have already felt the impact on my mind; lapses of lost memory… maybe age, or health issues, or my sex life sucks… it's corroding my wave of thoughts.

Do read this. I hope the ending was good. It was my style of making it my adaption.

Will there be Book IV with Purgatory? I think so. After the Hell I was at, I had to purge the creative thoughts or I will be doing a lobotomy of my own. I need my Paradise soon after, but let me complete my third re-run of Black tits --- meant Black List the series. Don’t get upset with me. It was the Devil’s workshop in me.

Help me, Virgil.



Thursday, May 27, 2021

Arthur II Book IV Chapter 6



Jaseth had taken in the new guy he met in the forest. He felt something in him and his amulet was vibrating. He was drawn to that for it told him evil was near and yet he could not see that in the figure. They met and spoke then. In moments, Jaseth offered the figure to join him as his squire.

“My name will not be revealed. You can call me Green Knight. You can join me and I will teach you.” Jaseth offered his guidance. “You can begin now. We have a tournament tomorrow.”

“My name is …. Mordred of … Forest.” The figure replied. “I am glad to have your guidance. Where are we to go?”

“Tournament.” Jaseth offered Mordred to go there. “You will see the others. There will be notable names and even the King himself.”

“Who are the notable knights? Will the King be in the tournament?”

“The King? I doubt he will. However, there will be Lancelot, Percival which I was advised had returned, and most probably Galahad and his brother, Gaheris. I am not sure of the Black Knight for he is ever elusive.” Jaseth counted the names.

“And myself. I am the Green Knight. I intend to partake this year to test my strength, perhaps against Lancelot.”

“A long list of names. I will go with you. I want to see the King.” It was there Mordred saw the others that he won’t dream of meeting so soon. He stood at the side watching the Green Knight taking the horse to the end where he was a ride from to meet the challenger.

“The Black Knight will take on the Green Knight.”

The riders took their places and were to be handed their lances when Arthur stood up to speak.

“Knights, both of you held the rank of the best among the knights yet your identity is not known. Your feats are well known. Today may mark the champion of the champions.” Arthur clapped his hands. He was cheered by the audience and among them, one stood apart from the rest.

“King, you will be mine,” Mordred muttered to himself from a distance away.

The Black Knight rode towards the other knight. He leaned over to speak to the other.

“Today will be the reckoning of our battle.” The Black Knight said. “For the Marcellus.”

Jaseth was stunned behind his helmet. He had never thought that he would be recognized by the other without his armor. He was to ask but the other knight had ridden off.

The trumpets sounded and the battle was on.

The first round was a square off then. The lances were spared and so were the riders. They rode in for the second round and the shields deflected the blows. The rider parted and then to their surprise, the Black Knight dismounted after dropping the lances. He drew on his sword and approached the King.

“We are equal in the joust. I will challenge him on the swords.” The Black Knight was handed his sword but he declined it. He approached Percival for the sword.

“May I loan yours, Sir Percival?” The Black Knight was handed the sword. He then turned to the Green Knight and told him to use his halberd.

“The halberd? It will be a disadvantage to the Black Knight.” The whispers went out among the audience.

“I declared myself the loser in this battle.” The Green Knight made the declaration. He turned to ride off but the Black Knight stopped him.

“You will fight me today, or I shall hunt you.”

“I will fight in his place.” Mordred stepped forward. “I am Mordred, the …”

“He is a squire.” A voice shouted out. “Get him out.”

“I am no squire but a knight. I am Mordred of …Normandy. I am here to watch the tournament but I feel the need to challenge now. Would you take my challenge, knight, or anyone here? Are you all afraid to face me?” Mordred looked to Arthur. “Or yourself, King Arthur.”

The sound of swords drawn could be heard but the one voice stifled their intentions.

“I will fight you, knight of Normandy. Camelot will not stand down from you.” The Black Knight said. “You will need armor to fight me.”

“I will fight you without one. Give me a shield and I will be fine.” Mordred was handled a round shield. “You may keep your armor.”

Both knights faced each other and Mordred drew his sword. Lancelot recognized it as one made by the elves. He was to ask when Mordred charged at him. He deflected the move with Percival’s scimitar and retreated. The two clashed with swinging slashes and using their shields to block the swords but none was hurt.

“Mordred, we are equal.’ The Black Knight called out. “Cease the challenge and we can be ….”

“There will be a winner or none.” Mordred pressed on the attacks. The Black Knight retreated and then he lowered his sword. He signaled the friar to remove his armor.

“Is it wise, Sire?” Friar Tate's words were ignored. The knight had removed his helmet and to the surprise of all who were there.

“It’s Lancelot.”

Lancelot handed his helmet and scimitar to Percival before he took up his sword, Arondight, and held the shield.

“The Black Knight is me. I am Sir Lancelot of Camelot. I will take your challenge now.” With that, Lancelot charged at Mordred. With the familiar sword and without the encumbrance of the armor, Lancelot was pressing on his attack. He swung in from the sides with both hands gripped on the hilt and from overhead without any opportunity for Mordred to attack but to defend the moves. He finally cut when Arondight slashed Mordred at the left thigh.

“First blood!” The audience roared.

Mordred staggered back from the wound. He had never been wounded before in his training. The pain spurred him to fight harder. He turned the battle and forced Lancelot back. The tide of battle favored Lancelot for in anger the other knight lost his balance of skills and determination. Lancelot saw his move and took it. He deflected the sword and did a turn of the wrist to slash in. He stopped his move when the sword reached Mordred at the face.

“Yield, knight,” Lancelot called out.

“And you too, Sir.” Mordred sword was at Lancelot's left ribs. Both knights lowered their swords.  

“You fought well, Sir Mordred.” Lancelot praised the other.

“But I did not win. For that …”

“It was equal.” Lancelot looked at the other.

“No, there are no equal in the land. Only winners and the one that lay dead.” Mordred stepped back. “We will battle one day and there will be a winner.”

“Both of you are winners today.” It was the voice of Arthur. “I have seen the best of the knights. Those of you won will be seated on the round table.”

“Thank you, King. I must be leaving now. I have a friend to attend to.” Mordred limped off. He was met by Jaseth who offered him the horse to ride. They left without a word. However, for Lancelot, he was met by Arthur.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were the Black Knight/”

“It’s my way to serve the locals. I was the Ghost and now I am the Black Knight. The last one died defending the land. With my identity lifted, the Black Knight will not ride anymore. Only Lancelot will exist.”

“As you wish.” Arthur looked away with anger in his expression from the knight. In his mind, he wondered how many other secrets that the knight had hidden from him.

Octavia Meleagant woke up in a start and began raving about his whereabouts.

“You are back in your villa, Master Meleagant.” The servant told him.

“I won or lose?”

“You lost, Master.” The servant told the young master. Octavia sat up and turned to get up but his head was throbbing with pain.

“Did the Queen see me lose?”

“No, Master. She was not there.”

“Then I will return for her.” Octavia Meleagant muttered. “She will be mine.”

The servant left the young Master and was met by the Elderly Meleagant.

“How is he?”

“He still raves for her.” The servant told the elderly Master. “It may get him killed.”




Arthur II Book IV Chapter 5



The tournament after a lapse of inactivity took on a festival mode with the patronage of the local Lords and Chiefs. Camelot was packed with locals from all over. Even the number of participants in the tournament has increased with many new entrants to be knighted. The stand for which the King was to be seated was widened and increased its seating.

Announcements were loud and cheered by many, or booed by some. Some of the notable names mentioned were Lord Ban and Lord Bors, Galahad, Gaheris but not the other, Gawain who chose to remain at the side. There were also the names of the Green Knight and the surprising Black Knight who had re-appeared to contest.

“Sir Percival” That name roared with the audience to see the long-missing knight returning to partake.

Then the surprises of the tournament came out with new names.

“Lord Meleagant the Second.” Octavia Meleagant had arrived with his retinue of guards and servants.

“Sir Erec of Lac.” The new arrival had ridden into the tournament.

“Sir Owain of Landon.”

The trumpets sounded to sound the arrival of the King. Arthur took his seat while the Queen’s seat was vacant. Next to the seat, was Lady Elaine but Sir Lancelot was not listed in the participating knights. The whispers went around the audience in her absence. Octavia sends his servant to find out why the Queen was not there.

“My King, would the Queen joined us later?” Elaine asked the King.

“No, she is unwell. We will proceed without her. Perhaps you can do the honors of handling the gifts.” Arthur told her. Elaine nodded and then sat back. She was expecting to meet Guinevere but she may do so after the tournament.

The trumpet sounded and the battle was on. The new knights had to fight each other before they are to meet the more experienced ones. Each time a new knight wins, the audience roared the name while the loser was booed off. The elimination rounds went through and then the new list was drawn. The winners of the first round could then choose their opponents.

“I challenge anyone who will take mine.” Octavia Meleagant roared out. He had been practicing the joust with the other knights paid with coins to coach him. He had defeated two others to reach the final round. He had no particular knight to challenge and made his choice open.

“I will take on him.” Sir Gaheris rode out to meet the knight. Gaheris had partaken in two tournaments and lasted to the final rounds. Both knights took their positions and leveled their lances. When the trumpets sounded, they rode hard at each other. Both of them clashed but their lances broke without toppling the riders.

“Bring out the new lances.” The calls went out.

The second round was eventful with Octavia scoring a direct hit and almost toppled the other but Gaheris held on hard to the saddle after he dropped the lance.

“Bring out the new lances.” The calls went out again. Galahad approached his brother.

“Are you hurt? You can withdraw.” Galahad's call was rejected. Gaheris was hurt in the chest but he wanted to do it. He grabbed the lance and steadied his horse. The call went out and he rode. The riders met in the middle but Gaheris turned his body at the last moment while his lance went upwards and hit the other rider in the helmet. They rode past each other but Octavia dazed by the hit had dropped his lance before he fell off the saddle.

The audience roared to the new winner. Octavia was carried out by his servants. Gaheris rode towards his tent and had to help down from the saddle.

“You are a fool to battle in that condition,” Galahad told off his brother.

“I had to. It was our honor.” Gaheris groaned when the chest armor was removed. The area behind the heart was blue darkish.

“It’s not your honor, but your ego.” That was Gawain who approached the brothers. “God will not look with concern for your foolish act.”

“Gawain…” Galahad was to retort the other when Gaheris stopped him.

“Gawain is right. I am foolish. Are we not all the same?’ Gaheris laughed and then groaned out.

“Make way, I will see to him now.” It was Merlin who had arrived to attend to Gaheris. Both Galahad and Gawain went outside the tent.  

“Gawain, I appreciate you coming back but you must bury the hatchet with your brother.”

“I do not quarrel with Gaheris anymore. I have seen the true purpose of my life.” Gawain then walked off. He was to visit the other knight. He met the servant and asked.

“Master Meleagant is fine. He was hit in the face and fell. He will return for a second bout.” The servant defiantly defended his master. Gawain sighed and took his leave. He heard then the contest was still on with the new challengers.

“Sir Erec to challenge Sir Percival.”

The audience roared to support Percival. The knight rode to meet his challenger.

“Percival, I am here to challenge you at the request of Enide. She wants me to topple you.” Erec had removed his helmet and smiled at Percival.

“Why me?” Percival was puzzled. In his mind, he had buried the event of Enide appearing at his chamber that night. Lady Angharad had joined the two knights.

“Erec, why the challenge here?” Lady Angharad raised her concern. “I thought….”  

“This is not of what the both of you had thought of. I am here to earn my place with the others.” Erec smiled. He then turned his horse. Lady Angharad was still concerned but Percival allayed her fear.

The trumpets sounded once again.

The riders met in battle for over two rounds, and no result was seen. Their lances were replaced twice and the final round was to begin. The trumpets went off and the riders rode out. The audience was silent with only the sound of the horse gallops heard while raising dust in the ride. The lances were leveled and the riders clashed. Both lances made an impact on the riders, and they fell off after they parted. Both knights staggered up from the fall and faced each other. It was a rare event to come to that stage. The squires ran out with the knights’ swords. The knights drew their swords and faced each other.

“Hold your battle, knights.” That was the voice of the King. Both knights lowered their swords and faced the King.

“I just want to settle the challenge but declaring the two of you as winners. You can end it now.”

“My King, I will not be denied my challenge to be completed.” Erec looked at the King. Arthur was baffled by the knight's refusal to accept his verdict.

“As you wish, Sir Erec. You may continue.” Arthur looked at Percival. “Will you take the challenge, Percival?”

“No, my King. I will not proceed.” Percival lowered his sword to the ground. “I will not fight him. He …”

“Fight me or we will…. Meet another day in battle.” Sir Erec sounded back to Percival. “This has nothing to do with Enide. It’s my challenge and won’t be denied.”

Percival turned to walk away. He was not to fight his friend.

“It won’t end today.” Sir Erec turned to see Arthur. “I will take my leave now.”

That was not the only spectacle in that tournament.




Arthur II Book IV Chapter 4



Morgan Le Fay took a deep breath soon after she had returned to the realm where she had escaped from. She breathed in the fresh air there and then pressed her feet on the ground. She was by the tree trunk where she took to leave for the alternative realm.

“Have we returned to your realm, Mama?” Morgan heard the question and turned to look at the young man who stood next to her. Mordred had grown in the alternative dimension and there he stood at the early years of his second decade. He was taller than his mother and wore a dark blue tunic with the leather belt that held his Elf sword. He had on his hair grown to the rear and tied to form the ponytail that reached his waist. He wore the dark soft boots provided to him by the dwarves. He was given a bag of coins to use. He knew how it works but the value was insignificant to him.

“Yes, my dear Mordred. You are in my realm. From now, you will learn to live like the others; learning their skills and soon, you will be a knight. I want you to be good to seat yourself at the round table.” Morgan looked at her son. “You will then plan the revolt from what we have planned.”

“Then what of yourself, Mama?” Mordred asked.

“I have my tasks, Mordred. From here, until you become King, we will never meet, or if we do, we will be strangers. I will wipe out that memory from you. You will be Mordred, on your own.”

“Wait. Before you do that, can you tell me who may be my father?” Mordred asked. “I don’t want to …”

“I doubt you will meet him. I know not by his name, but I will tell him when I do see him.” Morgan told Mordred. “You must not push to know your father. He will come when he is ready.”

“Can I …”

“No more questions, Mordred. You are to head to Camelot. Remember your task is to be King. You can be one but not alone. You need the knights to help you. You must know them by name and be trusted but never will you trust them. As King, you are alone. No one is a friend forever.”

“I was …” Mordred pressed on.

“I know your question. I have been your Mama for so long. Your aunt, Morgause is missing and will remain missing to you. I will seek her myself. Now be gone.”

Mordred took his first step into the new realm. He had lived in the alternative reality. His friends; real and imaginary were all not there with him. He was alone. He turned to look for his mother but she was gone. He moved on and reached the edge of the forest where he saw a rider there. He called out to the rider.

“I am new here. Can you help me?” The rider that Mordred addressed was wearing green armor. He smiled when the rider approached him.

Merlin had done the same to the lady that he rescued but she was unable to recognize him. She was lost to her own identity. She looked simple with a mature look on her expression. She was wearing a simple tunic with her hair loose down her back.

“Who am I?” The lady asked. She looked to the elderly man and then to the elf that was standing by the other.

“We don’t know. We found you in the forest and brought you here.” Merlin looked at the lady who at one time was a powerful witch and at some time, she had wanted to kill him.

“Do I have a name?” The lady asked. “Can I have one?”

“Oh…:” Merlin paused in his voice. He was to utter the name when the elf spoke first.

“Mary. That was the name we gave you.” Ronin smiled at the lady. “For you who are gentle, the name is for a gentle lady.”

“Mary it’s.” Morgause smiled. Merlin saw the lady retreated to her place where she had rested for more than a season. He then turned towards the elf.

“She must not leave here. Not like this.” Merlin told the elf.

“I can’t promise you that. She is healthy in the body and may move on her own will.” Ronin replied. He saw the glare from the other. “I will try.”

It was trying for Lancelot then while he sat by the creek trying to reconcile his action to kill the lady at the Marcellus Villa. He was unsure of why he did it. All he knew was that she was a threat to Guinevere. It had happened but the memories of the meeting remained in his mind replaying there as if to taunt him of his sin.

“Lancelot, we need your help.” Elaine looked at him. “It’s for Guinevere and me. There is a lady named Adele who is with the Marcellus family. She is a witch that planning to kill us for the secrets we knew of her past. She is planning the murder of the Marcellus.”

“How do you know of this? Why did Guinevere not tell Arthur?” Lancelot raised his suspicion.

“Arthur is still a Roman. He can’t just go and kill that witch. Not when she was is a Roman citizen.” Elaine looked away. “Maybe I was wrong to ask you.”

“Yes, I can’t do it. I am the knight of Camelot. You need to find someone else like …. The Black Knight. Is the Queen safe?”

“Yes, Guinevere is safe at Camelot but she is worried. She had asked me for the fear of Arthur.”

“Well, I can’t do it.” Lancelot had told her then and walked off. She knew that he may do it, for it was in his love for her. Or he will get the Black Knight to do it as he had mentioned the name.

“Lancelot, do not take me for a fool,” Elaine said.

At the creek, Lancelot had cleaned himself in the creek, washing his hands several times. He had blood on them before but never had he killed a lady in anger. And to that, there was the other knight that saw the act.

“The Green Knight will need to be silenced or the Black Knight to remain hidden,” Lancelot told himself.



Sunday, May 23, 2021

Weekend Special Short Tales California 2.3 Chapter 4



If you were to have attended the navigation courses, you will be surprised that the mapped galaxies only spanned the width and length of the hall screen which was huge. You could zoom in and out but that will make the map looked like a street map to several blips.

“That is the mapped area of the galaxies which ran to over the fifth update in the last update, and that was five years ago. We are still mapping the planets and moons in the galaxies and at the current update, we are at eight one percent done, with twenty-nine percent of them suitable for organic life with only three percent deemed to be close to Earth’s offerings.” That was the presenter laying the first words on the inter-galaxies mapping.

“We are close to extinction in the breed types in the galaxies. Our requirements are tighter than the rose bud of yours, or for some of you anyway, and we are waging wars to expand our boundaries.” That was the course cruncher and my inspiration to pursue a new career. After all, my previous one was shitty.

“Fortunately, we breed too fast and had occupied twelve galaxies with over eighty planets and moons. We are not overpopulated but overspread.” That accounted for my previous career; we have too much shit to process.

The song then hit me.

Mirrors on the ceiling
The pink champagne on ice
And she said, "We are all just prisoners here of our device"

I was shaken out of my dream state and looked at the vid on the console. We are at the coordinates.

“I had to wake you. You were asleep at your station.” I heard Hirohito. “Do you need to get a respite at the Common Chamber?”

That was his way of saying I need a hot shower but the shower in the chamber was steam and recycled moistures. I declined and then re-examined the maps.  I turned on the scanners to detect the transponder. It was seen and blinking but weak.

“It in that moon there at coordinates N.23W234 T676 H87.” I read the numbers off. There was no real need for there was the huge planet there and the single moon that was one hundred and thirteenth of the planet’s mass. It was a small moon in the terms of navigation terms; it was a satellite moon and probably took half a calendar year to orbit around it.

I took the readings of the moon. It was frigid cold, although earlier long scan surveys showed the water was present the surface of the moon was harsh with unpredictable winds and hail storms, with no signs of vegetation or living organisms there. If there were, these organisms had burrowed in the ground or survived at subterranean levels. There were contents of minerals and metals but the amount was insignificant to be mined.

Then I found a new reading.

“Captain, I have something new,” I called out. “It’s a ..”

“An unknown alert. I saw it too.” Alerts are to be responded to in the universal protocol of the space farers, regardless if it’s understood. We are not alone in the wide universe; noticed the term wide added in. The universe was deemed to be huge by the ancient astrologers but when we had interstellar travel ships and upon reaching the so-called frontiers, the universe became too vast to be restraint in one word hence the term ‘wide’ was interjected in.

And the myth that we are not alone, we did meet some other aliens; another common myth of the ancients, but the truth was true. There are others in different forms unlike us. The Earthlings profile was not fashionable form; we encountered all shapes and forms, although we had not corporeal forms yet; hail Charon had no competition to the River Styx for services of the souls.

Not all the aliens we met were friendly or warlike. Some were more advanced than us and to be honest, despite ‘our hello, we are Earthlings’ gesture, we were not invited to their homes, and contact was ‘I know you are there and stay away’. The less advanced ones held with hostility acts. Maybe someone out there tagged us as warlike.

Diplomacy fucks in the universal worth.

Being the Earthlings, we still colonized where we could shit, and pillage what we could from the core. Guess where we have the wars. It reminded me of the ancient movie I saw with one of my old dates; it was named King Kong. I felt we were like the protagonist there. We held onto the tip of the rewards and roared at the others. Fuck it did for the ape and so did we. I roared louder when I realized my date was he-she.

“Fuck!” I shouted when she displayed it. And we did;’ a fucking roar that night. She ruled me for some sessions until I went hearse duty.

“It’s the rule, Navigator.” When Hirohito takes that name for me, I knew he was being the Captain and all rules are to adhere to. “We need to investigate and assist.”

“Captain, the last time we did that, we sparked a small war with an alien breed.” I reminded the Captain although it was not us but the military frigate who happened to receive the alert. Their presence triggered the war, and the alert may not an alert but a signal transmitted to receive the devotees of the breed to a once-in-a-lifetime meet.

“We are not a military frigate. We are …” I battled back. I was not keen on losing the bonus. I reminded the Captain. “We are a hearse hauler.”

“You do that and I will check the alert.” Hirohito hit back. “You will take the Shuttle and re-attached the container.”

“We can’t do it. The atmosphere may be too harsh for the shuttle.” I interjected. “We need Tiffany down there.”

Weekend Special Short Tales California 2.3 Chapter 3



Tiffany got the rest of the living crews up and we met at Common Chamber. Benz strolled in with the overall unzipped and display his upper body cavities. The two crews seated there were in their uniforms and were enjoying their meals at the table.

“Hoot…Hoot… The Aryan is showing off again.” Hagar called out at the brazen display by the other. “I doubt Tiffany will notice you.”

“She does not see the delight of the ‘pikk’ (Norwegian for the penis), Tyskland (Norwegian for Germany) idiot,” Hagen added on. The bastard knew my sexual gender.

“Vogeln (German for fuck)” Benz replied and took his seat at the table. He grinned at Hagar. “One day, I will use my metallic arm on your arse.”

“Promises… promises…” Hagar laughed. He then roared out the song that they all liked while turning his rear back to Benz.

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
They livin' it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)
Bring your alibis

“Okay, enough of this for now.” It was the Captain. He had joined them from the rear where he inspected the other containers. He knew his crews were on good terms and the bartering of insults was their way to greet each other. I had then joined them there with my navigation results.

I pulled up the hologram of the system where we are then having maintained a full stop.

“I got the alert from the system. It was a malfunction and affected the program that operates the frame that housed the containers.”

“However, I could rectify the program but we lost a container here. A second alert was sent out.” Hirohito looked at me. It was my cue to speak. I had studied the charts and got the new bearing.

“We have to turn back and used the scanners we have on to find the container.” The ship scanners were not military standards and due to budget constraints, we only have short-range scanners.

Based on the speed of the ship and our last encounter, I would say the container is somewhere in this sector. There were two planets there and with five moons in the marked sector although they were another five planets with their respective moons.

“If the container was pulled in by the atmosphere, it may have landed on one of these. I cannot ascertain until we get there and used the scanners to pick up the transponder signal.”

Each container held a transponder unit and it can be picked up the signal if we are near it.

“This sector although seldom traveled and the planets and moons are uninhabited by any colonies. We may be encountering pirates or worse, rebels.” I added on. Pirates existed then with the renegades of the smugglers and they held various designs of ships salvaged or taken by force. The pirates are hunted and they hid out at the remote stations or the moons that will give them reprieve between raids.

All transporters like the Mercedes had the basic defense systems but we are no fight with any pirates or rebel ships. We could give them a run but with the containers, we were outclassed.

“We will look for the container and any surface search we will use the Shuttle only on confirmation.” I then looked at the system time. “If we rush, we may meet it back with a three days window frame.”

That was the allowed time for us to spare.

“Or we lose our bonus.” Benz roared. “Who was the imbecile to fix the links to the containers?”

“And who was to test the links?” Hagar launched his version of the roar. The fault-finding was beginning and I had to stifle it.

“I will say it’s our fault.” I roared out in turn. They all looked away from each other. It does help when I am the fanny in the group and more to it they know I am a major shareholder of the ship. I dismissed them all and then joined the Captain on the Bridge. We climbed into our respective seats. It was padded to provide the comforts needed for the ride. I had strapped in and then voiced my call at the Captain in front of me.

I had checked the logs.

“Hirohito, why was I not alerted when you did not respond?” I raise the issue with him. “There was a delay of three minutes.”

“I had Tiffany on a new routine. We are all tired after the last trip. This is our fifth in thirteen months and everyone was tired.” Hirohito replied. “Each trip, we were roused from our hibernation for issues. Most times menial ones and I re-programmed the alerts to call only me and I will maintain the next alert action unless more help was needed. I wanted to let all of you rest.”

I knew that we were on our edge. The emotional display at the Common Chamber was the tip of it.

“You could not have left me out. I am still your partner.” I told Hirohito and I knew why. It’s was his manly pride and the rank of Captain.

“The coupling on the link was faulty before and during the voyage, it came loose.” I did not recall any report on that.

“Tiffany was alerted to the drop in the mass of the cargo and woke me. I had investigated and then told Tiffany to alert you when I saw the container had dislodged.” Hirohito pushed back. “What surprised me was not the coupling but how it was decoupled. It was not system dislodged but it looked manually done. I saw no signs of other damages except for the depreciated clasps.”

“Are you telling me someone on our ship disengaged it?” One thing about accusations, it hurts worse than a bad fuck. We are only five and that is a lot of bad damages.

“It looked that way but I checked the ship logs. No one else was to do work on it and we have no intrusion…” The Captain had run his checks. The accusation was more than a statement.

“It may be a stowaway then on the ship. Tiffany may have missed that.” I knew it was a wild shot but worth taking if I can put the ship system to a fault. I wanted to have the crew put into the limelight as careless. I liked the crews.

“That is not possible as I ran the calibration check and mass density. We are as per the pre-defined weight with the loads and crews. I am…” I heard the bitch and told it to shut off.

“I am talking to the Captain and it’s a private conversation. So, butt out and ran the checks on the other loads. I am leaving it here to collect later. I have left our marking on the manifest and no pirates will take on dead bodies.”

“We will discuss the matter later. Right now, we have to retrieve the container.” I had then punched in the coordinates to turn the ship around. It was faster and less use of the resources to fly without the loads. Every count matters then.

“And send a memo to the crews. No more singing that relic of a song. We are going brazen with some new sounds.” I then punched into the system, the Cardasy Classics. I knew the crews disliked that but I was the fucking bitch then.

Weekend Special Short Tales California 2.3 Chapter 2



I took my first cup of the concocted drink made by the drink machine. Tiffany the Twisted which was the ship nicknamed has monitored our vitals during the hibernation and when awakened from, the ship’s pods, it will also schedule our dietary intake. I had refreshed and change into the body fitting overall which served as the uniform I wear on duty. On the forearm of the overall was the logo of the ship; The Mercedes TF99-9. I had my utility belt which housed my favorite extendable energy baton and the set of tools for me to work on anything mechanical.

“Bitch, don’t wake the others yet.” I know it felt weird to be talking to myself in the chamber but when you are in a ship traveling across the galaxies, you get used to it as if you are talking to the walls in the chamber.

“Brief me for the interruption to my rest.” Traveling across the galaxies took a long time even at a maximum Warp Speed of Three, which was not fast considering the Empire Military models were doing to the maximum of Warp Speed of Nine on the newer designs. With this ship, I could do Warp Speed of Four but the containers we were to tow will be scattered in the journey, hence we only up to Warp Speed of One. We have the frame shell to lock the containers at the rear like a wagon. I was secured by cable links that held it in places.

“Navigator, I woke you as per protocol. We have two alerts. The first was the malfunction at Container Five.” I heard the bitch. That was me when I am agitated.

“Bitch, it belonged to the Captain or Benz. It’s their task. I am the Navigator.”

“I did call the Captain to respond and he did proceed to attend on the first alert but the second alert was your area.” Tiffany rattled on. That was an issue with an automated system. They don’t know how to collate the issues and make an informed brief to assign.

“According to the protocol in the ship regulation, if there is a second alert was triggered and the Captain was pre-occupied, then the Navigator was to be called on.” That was the second issue with the automated system; they don’t know to abbreviate their explanations.

“I heard you, bitch.” I shouted back. ”Tell me of the second alert.”

“My designation is referred to TF99,9 or Tiffany by the crews, I am however not a bitch. That is a reference to a female canine or a fox, or an otter but I am not of those breeds.” The ship answered me which was of lately frequent and tiresome.

“Ok, I retract my statement. Now please”, The last word came out with the squeeze in my butt. “Give me the second alert, please.”

“The second alert was that we lost Container Five fifteen minutes and thirty-three seconds ago.” I heard the bitch and dropped my drink to rush to my console at the Bridge. Losing a container was bad for the business.

The Bridge was not a huge compartment for it housed only the Captain’s seat and mine behind him. It was more of a fighter cockpit but it held the needed consoles for us to control the whole ship. My rush to the Bridge took me thirty seconds from the Common Chamber where I had my drink skipping the obstacles and overlay of cables. The Mercedes was an old ship and some parts of it were modified or added on to make it work.

I jumped onto my seat and pulled the revolving console display panel to my front. I punched in the codes to activate the panel and did a ship-wide search for the Captain.

“Captain, where the fuck are you?” There was no reply.

It was not like Hirohito to go silent on the communication unless he was incapacitated or worse, dead. He was after all with the dead. I recalled my maiden voyage and could not understand why I took up the task. I had Hirohito as my first mate before he turned Captain.

“I can’t serve below a woman.” Hirohito had conveyed his view then although being the major shareholder I hold the decision.

“Fuck you, Hirohito. You had no issue with that when we were at Felix Five.” I hit back. He did report to me then.

“We were in the shitty environment and I never told anyone I work there.” Hirohito gave me his reason. “Now I am to own… okay, partially own a ship I need my honor so that the others will smile at me.”

“Fuck you, Hirohito. I was not like letting you kissed my arse. It’s…” I was upset at our first argument as a shareholder of the enterprise.

“Tiffany, your fanny is not of my interest. Nor is my ‘inkei’ (penis) for your liking.” Hirohito knew of my gender preference. And he was straight like a taut string on the bow. That was when I agreed to him being Captain and I knew met his friends to tell them we are a ‘hearse hauler’.

So I called up the Captain
"Please bring me my wine"
He said, "We haven't had that spirit here since 1969"
And still those voices are calling from far away
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say

That came through the communication unit. It was Hirohito's sick way of communicating then.

“Fucked! Don’t get into my arse with that song.” I screamed out. “We lost a container.”

Those words sang out was a grim reminder we lost the container on the route on one of your hauls. The container was designated cargo ‘1969’. It took us two calendar days to find it and another three days to restore the link to the ship. We almost did not reach the funeral transfer to the surface ships at the designated space station. We lost our bonus on that trip. And we never speed to the funeral since then.

 “Bitch, why didn’t you tell that?” I engaged my anger on the ship.

“The containers are not a part of me. I merely advised that it malfunction as per my system protocol.” For once Tiffany was being brief. Now I know why it woke me up. I have to navigate the route back to where the container could have been disengaged. And from there, with the speed we were traveling at, it could have taken on its trajectory and be in the radius of the wide orbit.

Or out of it.

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...