Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Tweet...tweet... 27/10.... tweeeeet

 The only reason I am tweeting the tweet to tweet the celebration to tweet the end of the CMCO had to be re-tweet to another day for we were tweeted that we have to undergo another two 'tweet' of it with the climbing tweeting numbers in the infection., Nevertheless, I do tweet that I will be tweet to work harder both here and at my work to end 2020 with a tweeting tweet of tweets. 

I sure sounded like some President in town. 

Yup, we are now on the extended 14 days 'Controlled Movement 'Control' Order' or CMCO, and it sounded like the droid trying to operate with the last surge of the power left in its pack. 

Dinna worry, I ain't that droid. And I ain't no dork ( borrowing from Judge Dredd of 2001 Comics ).

I am still around and will be.... let me count my fingers, and is that months or years? 

How did you find my version of the Trojan War? Surreal.... I think so. I had given it thought of how you re-tell an epic and with the Latin verses that appeared foreign to me, I had to give it a new shift in the tale. And it had to be 'epic'.

And talking of epic, I have decided to open another tale. I had to or my hands will be occupied elsewhere and I was implying that I will be driving, cooking, doing the laundry etc < it's the aftermath of rasing emancipation to the women while at home quarantined within four walls.> And the bedsheets needed to be washed... not for more apparent stains but it's just there... and the BIG BOSS is watching < ala George Orwell 1984 vision > or was it ANIMAL FARM when the sows ruled the tribunal < oink...oink...>.

Whatever, I delved into another epic. It was not me. It was the busy fingers that needed to do the foreplay on the keyboard. 

It's to do with the heroes in green < and it ain't the GREEN LAMPS > but these lived in the woods. Need I say more? I will as I turned the epic on a different scenario... dark and gritty but I will be darn honest; I could not find the passages to slot < pardon the term > in on the sex scenes. I guessed every time I tried to think of those passages. my mind reverts to my memory when I used to read the book with Marcia; or was it Mary then, whatever, I do know she got married and had three or was it, four kids... God bless her, I meant in a nicer way. I had moved on but I was ... should I say barred...no, frustrated...no, it was more of I felt no loss of losing her. Sorry, girl. I had to admit I kissed your left cheek and your smack with the right hand still aches on my left cheek. 

Well, onto the new tale, it's only at 10K words and it may, no promises and don't cross the legs, just curled up the toes will do, it may come with some orgasm within its pages. Who else will write a female archer among Merry men except me? To pick another set of words of it, consider it as the doe among the ... deers or was it moose.. Geez, my animal kingdom knowledge is into the shreds of bacon strips. 

Cheers, readers. I am off to do my work now. Life awaits me. 

"Coming, my dear. I will finish up." I wished it was the other reason to come. I will sing "memories' at the shower.

Here's to the ones that we got

Cheers to the wish you were

Dedicated to Marcia, or was it, Mary. Do you know when Man fantasies, they don't recall the face but the name only and other crucial parts that matter? Women tend to think of the person in total. Don't believe, "What they never teach you at Psychology Clinics?" by Jimmy. Its also called I got five minutes to do this, so can we hurry up. 

Tweet me if you don't agree. And I don't shake hands. It's the COVID syndrome. 

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