Friday, October 9, 2020

Arthur II Book II Chapter 1


Book Two


Arthur and Camelot


Lawnslot sat by him at the fireplace while the rabbit skinned of its furs was roasting over the open fire. He was in deep thoughts and did not see the druid joining him.

“Meat to be shared?” Merlin took up space opposite the Ghost. He reached for his bag and withdrew the white grains of minerals.

“Nothing like a sprinkle of sea salt on it.” Merlin took to sprinkle it over the roast.

“Do naught on my dinner. You have not to partake in it too.” Lawnslot voiced out with a gruff voice.

“So, the Little Bear wants to roar now.” Merlin went on with the sprinkle despite the refusal by Lawnslot. He had known the other for some years, and the adding of salt makes the meal more appealing.

“Do not call me Little Bear? I am the Ghost.” Lawnslot turned the roast to get the salt into the meat evenly.

“Yes, Ghost it’s. I had told you of your real father before.” Merlin reminded the other. “You …”

“Need not tell it to others.” Lawnslot snapped back. “I will avenge my father’s death with Lord Pendragon but it won’t …”

“It won’t happen unless you have Arthur’s help. He is a part of your legacy. You have tried for years to unite the Chiefs and Lords. What have you got? You are a branded renegade and yet Lord Pendragon upon his return has reveled as the Lord on his land. As I speak, he is gathering more support with the other Lords and Chiefs at the wall while you battled here.”

“Then I shall return to the wall. I will …”

“And you had. What did you bring with your effort? Will there be a dozen men to your call?” Merlin slammed the truth towards Lawnslot. “You cannot fight Lord Pendragon …. alone, Lancelot, son of Lord Gorlois. He who is your real father. ”

“Call not my given name. I am ….” The other glared at Merlin across the open fire.

“It’s your name. Lord Gorlois gave you that name on your birth. Your name was taken from the Irish deity, Lugh Lonbemnech, with "Llwch" meaning "Lake" in Welsh. Your mother, Lady Madeline was a sister of the Ladies of the Lake. She eloped with your father then but her distance from the lake caused her pain and soon death but not before she bore you to the world. Your father was a recluse upon her death and blamed you for it. He had you sent to Normandy and raised by King Bon then.”

“I know you told me so. That was why I was sent to the ladies to be raised.” Lawnslot snapped back “And they gave me the name Lawnslot.”

“And they did take back the Arondight for it was your mother’s.” Merlin reminded Lawnslot. “It was her gift to you.”

“My father …”

“Lord Gorlois later buried his grief in battles. He fought relentlessly to quell his memory of her. Love is a foolish notion in our namesake.” Merlin sighed. He was also the victim of love. He had regretted it since then.

“And he found another love. What was so …. unique of my stepmother, Lady Igraine?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know how love works. I knew the movements of the stars…. The creatures in the forest, the inter dimension we co-exist but…. Never how love was to exist?” Merlin reached for the roast. “The meat is burnt but can be consumed.”

“Druid, do not ever mention my father to anyone,” Lawnslot told the druid. “I hardly knew him.”

“Like love, it can burn you on the looks yet you will relish it.” Merlin took the left thigh and passed the rest to Lawnslot. “Lancelot, do fight your destiny. Embrace it and move on. You are destined for greater things.”

Destiny was what pondered on Hengist’s mind after he left the castle where his previous ally, Garth of Gurnion holds court. He rode to his camp with the dwindled numbers. He took to his tent and indulged in the comforting fermented mead drink.

“Master, we send for the wench as you requested.” His aide had turned up the flap of the tent. Hengist nodded for his stupor mood. He was dressed in the loose tunic. The so-called wench stepped in. She was young and wore a simple makeshift tunic.

“Be off with the cloth, wench. I am in the mood.” Hengist called out to the wench. The wench walked to the bedding and then removed with her back to him. Hengist stood up and approached the wench.

“Bend over. I have no ….” Hengist then reacted in despair. “Who are you?”

The wench turned up to be an old lady with her body sagging. She turned to look at Hengist.

“Why do you favor me?” The lady voiced out. “When you are without the tool?”

Hengist looked down and saw his organ had transformed into that a woman.

“I am …” Hengist looked towards the lady. She was not more the older lady but a youthful one but covered in the body tight gown of the gules (red) in the shade.

“I liked a woman anytime. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lady Morgause of the Lake. I have come to … assist you.” Lady Morgause waved her right hand and Hengist got back what was his but not his desire.

“I don’t like witches. Hengist backed to the wall and saw his sword.

“Or do you prefer druids?” The druid that Hengist beheaded stood before him. “He is looking to take your soul.”

“Nay! I will not be …” Hengist grabbed his sword and swung it at the druid. The sword cut through the druid as if he was not there. “What witchery is this?”

“Of mine. Fear not, Hengist. Alger. He will not torment you. He holds your brother more in contempt.” Hengist saw then the image of his brother, Horsa in chains and tortured by the druid.

“Leave him alone. He is …” Hengist close to breakdown. “He came into battle on my calling. Take me instead.”

“That won’t be necessary if you defeat the Romans.” Lady Morgause then appeared in front of Hengist. “They are in Caer Lion but they are still small in the numbers.”

“I am without an army now. Garth of Gurnion has betrayed my alliance.” Hengist replied. “If there ...”

“Castle Gurnion it will be then. Let the next battle be there.” Lady Morgause nodded and then looked back at Hengist. “I will raise you an army that Garth will gleefully open the gates for you.”

With that, Hengist found himself standing in the tent. He then saw the wench; the young one he had summoned was bent over his bedding. He turned away and dismissed her. She put on the shift and left in a hurry. Hengist then heard from outside that he has visitors.

“Chief Morlock and Gregor are here to see you. They brought over many warriors. He had met those chiefs before. Maybe his army will rise once more.

It was for Artorius when he saw the reinforcements arrived at his new castle. He was down to forty legionnaires, eighteen Auxiliaries’, and twenty Sarmatians, with twenty riders. He saw Belvedere with the Auxiliaries.

“Aye, Prime. I marched with them to fight with you.” Belvedere smiled at the Prime. “We are many. We held the strength of the cohort strength of eighty legionnaires with another hundred Auxiliaries.”

“And I have another twenty-four riders," Percival added in there. “I am more equipped to fight those barbarians.”

“Our strength with yours will be more to fight the Anglo-Saxons.” Artorius looked to his new strength. With the reinforcements, he held a hundred and twenty legionnaires, a hundred and eighteen Auxiliaries, and with Aubin’s Sarmatians of twenty. The Equities are back to strength with almost two squads.

“They have two ballistae with them.” The ballistae’ were made of wood, and held together with iron plates around the frames and iron nails in the stand. The main stand had a slider on the top, into which were loaded the iron bolts, or the stone shot. At the rear was the pair of winches with a 'claw', used to ratchet the bowstring back to the armed firing position. The bowstrings are drawn with the winches twisted the already taut springs, storing the energy to fire the projectiles. There are the bronze or iron caps, which secured the torsion-bundles where adjustments can be using pins and peripheral holes, which allowed the weapon to be tuned for symmetrical power and for changing weather conditions.

“We hold a dozen bolts with each machine,” Belvedere told the Prime.

“Prime, I have also brought you a gift. It isn’t exactly the Eagle.” The Eagle was the emblem of the Roman Legion. It used to be a handful fixed to the top of a spear or pole. Over the years, the bundle of hay or fern was soon succeeded by the figures of animals, enumerates five: the eagle, the wolf, the ox with the man's head, the horse, and the boar. It was the design of the red dragon with its fiery flame.

“It’s the symbol of my people. I am from the land of Wales. I have this made for you here.” Belvedere handed the shield to Artorius. “It’s called a scuid by my people from Wales.”

“You are a Welsh? I thought …”

“I was born but left the land with my family. I am returning to it now. That is a family heirloom.” Belvedere than roared his ancestry. “Teribus ye teri odin.”

“It’s a Welsh batter cry, Prime.” Belvedere smiled. “The scuid is said to be magical. It shines where they were shadows. My father told me so as his father had told him.”

“Then you should hold it, son of the Welsh blood.” Artorius offered to return the shield.

“Nay, you hold onto it. It may be of use to you in the coming battle. After all, we are fighting on my land for my people. The scuid will help you.” Belvedere then walked on ahead. Artorius held the shield and looked to his faithful one strapped to the horse flank.

“I will live to your words, Belvedere. Today, I will not be the Roman Prime but …... I am Arthur of Briton. Then it will be carried by me in the next battle. I fight for all of Britons.”

Artorius saw the leader of the Equities had stepped up.

“What happened to the Ghost?” Percival asked Prime.

“He left with his men. They are not far but I think he will be back. I doubt he will abandon us.”

That was Lord Pendragon’s exact thoughts then at his castle. He heard the Romans had done more progress there than at the wall. He got words the old families are returning from the South. They are the Lweis, Aeron, and Amlodd. All three were his adversaries even before the death of Lord Gorlois. They swore that he was the one who had the Lord killed with murderous intent.

“I fought a war with Lord Gorlois. He was killed in battle.” Lord Pendragon defended his action.

“A war fought on the betrayal of you towards the Lord. He once loved you dearly.” Lord Pendragon was accused by the others.

“It was …. Inevitable. We developed our differences.” Lord Pendragon pleas were ignored and he took to the banishment to the main continent. He had returned triumphant and yet his enemies who had left the land in chaos to the South now re-claimed their titles.

Lord Pendragon needs his allies. He had approached Augustus.

“I do not know who send the reinforcements.” Auric had denied it all. Lord Pendragon then excused himself. Auric looked at the departing Lords. He knew his safety there was at stake. He had refuted what the Lord had asked of him. He did request for the reinforcements but he did not bargain that it will be sent to Prime. He had thought they will be to reinforce the wall.

Lord Pendragon was upset at his shortcomings. Besides the Romans, he felt the issue with Igraine and also the elusive young lady he was to know as Gentry. His thoughts were interrupted when he returned to his castle.

“What did the Roman say?” Lord Bors asked impatiently. “Did he…”

“Auric won’t say. Maybe he does not know.” Lord Pendragon replied.

“I doubt so. The Augustus may not be telling.” Lord Bors snapped back. “I think he is not with us.”

“If he is not, then we will remove him. I am not short of friends now.” Lord Pendragon looked at Lord Bors. “Do what you think is required.”




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