Sunday, October 25, 2020

Arthur Book II Chapter 8




Merlin missed Prime when he returned to the castle at Gurnion. He was told that the Roman Legionnaires had marched before dawn. He cursed at his delay. He recalled the event as clear in the sunlight at daybreak.

“Merlin, I forbid you to seek Excalibur.” It was the sight of Vivianne that surprised him. He felt the weight of his body was heavy and unmoving were his limbs. He turned to look and saw the other ladies. All five of them were there. There was Vivianne, Vivian, Ninianne, Nimue and also the young Nymue. The only missing ones were the banished sisters, Morgause and Morgan le Fay. All seven of the ladies were the current guardians of the lake. Their tasks were to safeguard the lake as their predecessors have done. The set of ladies varied from nine to seven in any one era but their roles had never changed. They are to preserve the magical items of the realm to be called upon when needed but that was their judgment to make. The ladies as they were called had not faltered in their roles since the beginning of the realm until the current one.

Two events affected their responsibility.

One was Merlin.

Merlin was mortally wounded and had found himself at the lake. He heard of it from the ancient scrolls. He was pursued by the warring Lords soon after the death of Lord Gorlois. He was branded a ‘miscreant’ sorcerer. It was rumored then that he had the Lord killed. He fled the castle and was pursued. The pursuers were not alone; they heard of Merlin’s works and they brought their druids. It was led by Gildas then and once the mentor to Merlin.

Merlin escaped into the forest but with his sorcery subdued by the others, he had to rely on the other skills. He had once lived with the hunters and had picked up some skills. He was armed then with the dagger but it was no match to the swords. He was cornered and wounded but managed to escape. Well, he was younger then and his body was still agile. He ran for his life and ended at the lake.

“Run no further, Merlin.” It was Gildas who appeared before him. “Let me end it quickly.”

“Stop!” It was the voice of a lady. “The grounds around the lake are under the protection of the ladies of the Lake. It’s forbidden to have blood there.”

“Respectfully, Lady of the Lake. This druid is a rogue. He …” Gildas replied to the lady that appeared on the surface of the lake water.

“He had sought sanctuary here.” The lady cut in. “It’s his wish and ours to …”

“Sanctuary can only be offered if the …” Gildas spoke.

“He had spoken.” The lady snapped in. “Would you want to question the sisters?”

On the surface than were six more figures covered in white.

“No, I dare…. Will not. If he had requested, then we will not pursue now.” Gildas retreated with the others.

“Move him into the lake. He will be tended.” The first lady voiced out.

“Sister Vivianne, did he seek sanctuary?” It was Sister Morgause that asked. She knew the words but it was not heard for ages.

Ego quaerere tutela stagnum claudit. (Latin translated; I seek the protection of the lake.). Yes, he spoke it. I was at the edge here.” Lady Vivianne glared at Morgause. “I am the eldest and my words count higher than yours, Lady Morgause.”

Merlin was lifted by the magical spell and then transported towards the lake. The pool of swirling water was seen and the druid immersed in it. The druid was then transported to the hidden dimension inside the lake. Where there was to be water turned out to be a beautiful garden with the huge and tall trees and on the trunks and supported by the branches were the adjoining huts that were interconnected by the high walkways. The place was not like a castle but it was huge with the many huts there. The druid was placed in one of the huts where the nymphs tended to the wounds. 

“The druid is not one of us.” Lady Morgause had raised the protest when the sisters gathered in the big hut supported by three huge trunks. They had themselves seated on the extended branches that were shaped like seats for the sisters. They were dressed in the white gowns covering them from neck to their toes. Their headpiece was the bonnet with the white fleece feather on the left side.

On the walls of the hut were the smaller branches with the extended twigs. On those twigs were the ancient artifacts from the swords, shields, and even daggers. It was called the artifact Hall.

“He …” Lady Vivianne defended her action.

“It may be so but we do not want to get involved in the conflicts of Man. We are to preserve the artifacts here.” Morgause pressed on her view. “May I remind the sisters of our responsibility?”

“I am fully aware of them Sister Morgause. I will also remind the Lake is also the sanctuary for the weak. We had taken in them before.”

“Ladies but never men.” Morgause reminded the other lady. “It’s not our role to protect them. We are the guardians of the artifacts.

Vivianne looked to the display of artifacts. “Many of these were the belongings of those who had given to us as keepers. Some of them may be used when called upon. We preserved it for them, for the new owners. We are their caretakers. Artifacts and …... life.”

“You deviated from our vows, Vivianne but the latter waved them off.

“Must we be cautioned on the issue of Lady Madeline?” Vivian reminded the others. “She…”

“Lady Madeline had eloped with another Man. She left the Lake on her own. The druid was brought in to recuperate. It’s not the same. Now leave me. I need to be alone.” Vivianne called out. The sisters left the hut. The lady seated alone placed her hands on her bosom.

“Show me the light, Elders. I have ….” Vivianne sighed. She did not hear the call for sanctuary and yet she offered it. She can’t recall why she did it.

Boredom? Perhaps to seek new companions. Vivianne took her vow to be a Sister of the Lake to forego all that was a part of Man…. And Woman. She had recent doubts about it.

The Nymph appeared before Vivianne. She heard from the Nymph that the druid may live.

“Keep him alive,” Vivianne told the Nymph.

That was her first mistake.

“Then I am indeed on the trail.” Merlin laughed back there at the stream. “Hello, ladies.”

“Merlin, tell me why we should not kill you here? Your insolent behavior had caused us much pain.” Vivianne looked at the older druid she had saved years ago.

“You would have then,” Merlin replied. He recalled upon his recovery, he stayed with the ladies at their hidden realm. He had his time to read the ancient scrolls there. There was no one to supervise him but he had the company of Vivianne at times.

“Merlin, did you not read the scroll before?” Vivianne looked at him. She found her attention was onto the druid more than her sisters.

“I had with it but I have not mastered its spells,” Merlin replied. He heaved the heavy bounded volume off his lap to place it on the table. He was dressed in the simple tunic that covered him to his knees. Merlin then bends over the tabletop to look at the scrolls. It was then; Vivianne had a view of Merlin’s buttock cleft. She blushed and stepped away to retrieve another volume.

“Let me help you.” Merlin had offered out his outreached hands and touched Vivianne on her elbows. “It’s heavy.”

The brief contact had sent shivers down the lady’s spine. She had never felt that feeling before. She was confused, yet elated to feel the new feels.

That was her second mistake.

“Sister Vivianne is too pre-occupied with the druid.” It was Morgan who was normally silent had said to Morgause. They were watching the hut where Merlin was recuperating.

“She had missed our gathering today,” Morgause told Morgan. “We were to train in the new skills.”

“Yes, the one where the three were to learn.” The sisters were split into groups to learn new skills at certain times or retrained in it. Three was the ideal number for if one was not able to do it, the other two will provide the guidance. Such was called the Power of Three.

“I think Sister Vivianne needs to be reminded of her responsibility.” Morgause looked at the hut. She had her attention also on Merlin then. He was attractive. Morgause had taken her vow later in her life and had seen the vices of Man.

“Be careful, Sister. Sister Vivianne is the eldest.” Morgan reminded the other. “She can be vicious.”

“And I am bitchy.”

That was not Vivienne’s mistake but she failed to manage the sisters which were one.

So, it was her third mistake.

“Merlin, you are …. beastly.” Morgause whispered into Merlin’s left ear. She had her against the wall, and his lips were on the nape of her neck, while his hands were groping her at the bosom. He had his legs between hers with the skirt of the gown drawn to her waist. She felt his hardness still covered by the tunic and yearned for it. It was not their first time; there were other occasions since Merlin fell to her charms that one evening when she approached him at the hut. It was late and she feigned the excuse that she needed a volume to practice on.

“The volume is behind you at the rack.” Morgause stepped over and reached for the volume. Her white silken gown caressed Merlin on the left arm. He felt the sensation moved to his entire body and he responded. He was after all, very much younger.

“Ahhh…” Morgause slipped on reaching the volume and fell to her knees with her face on Merlin’s left thigh. He reacted by reaching for his groin to protect himself.

“I am sorry. Did I hurt you?” Morgause reached out with her right hand onto Merlin’s left thigh. The druid stood up and turned to face the rack. She stood up to stand behind him.

“It’s normal. I ….” Morgause then paused in her words. It was the instinctive act by Morgause to reach out with her arms to hold the druid on the waist. The warmth of the body enticed the druid to a higher level of his feelings.

“I …” Merlin tried to fight her off but his mind was not linked to his body. He felt her body clinging harder and then the druid has forgotten his place at the sanctuary. She felt her hands down and then all guards were down. He turned toward her and kissed Morgause on the lips. It was her long-denied pleasure ever since she took the vow. He grabbed her to rest against the rack.

Morgause moans caught the attention of Vivianne who was passing outside then. She looked in and saw the forbidden act by the druid.

“Merlin, how could you?” Vivianne screamed at him.

Merlin pulled himself away from Morgause. He pulled his tunic down to cover himself.

“You are a disgrace. Pack up and leave.” Vivianne commanded the Druid. “You will never be allowed back here.”

Lady Morgause slipped away in silence. Merlin approached Vivienne.

“I never…. I had wished we never met.” Vivianne stepped away. It was then Vivianne realized her final mistake. Feelings were potent to the Sisters. It destroyed Lady Madeline then and will destroy her too.


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