Saturday, October 24, 2020

Trojan War Chapter 1






Jimmy Loong




The Gods and Goddesses


The lovers laid on the grass looked to the skies above them. The darkness of the sky was rising then with the shining star that provides the brightness moved below the horizon. The man slept on his back while the lady was lying on the side with her legs over his. Her right hand caressed the chest of the man with slow motions of her fingers, while her lips were at his left shoulder, laying onto him the soft kisses. He was huge with a magnificent physique marred by the numerous scars that carried the marks of his conquests. Her fingers trailed the chest to the navel and there is laid to caress his gift to her.

“Leda, if you do not stop that, I may have to lay in you once more.” The man whispered in his low voice yet it roared into her ears as that of the lion. The lady smiled at the whispers of her lover and gripped him with her fingers.

“As it would be your wish, I am willing to sacrifice myself into your den,” Leda replied.

“You are vile, as well as eager to be with me.” The man replied while his stare was on the skies. “Much as I am, but I cannot parlay my stay here any longer. Your husband returns to his lair and I must be onto mine.”

“Must you go soon, my lover? What am I to do without you?” Leda released her grip and then moved to sit up with her legs drawn up. She swept her hair from her face to the rear and then clasped her arms around her legs at the knees. The man had also sat up and moved to stand up. She looked at the rear of him, with the masculine physique and admired the scars there. He kept his hair long like hers, flowing thick down his back ending just before the waistline. She admired his long limbs and the wide shoulders and smiled for she had held onto those limbs in her moment of pleasures.

“Armor, I command thee towards me now.” The man had stood there and then raised his arms to the side. The components of his armor levitated from the ground and clamped itself by the planned sequences onto the man’s body. The first was the chest plate, followed by the backplate that soon co-joined at the aides and below. With that in place, the greaves for the limbs clasped on covering the arms and legs to the cover of the feet. The gloves were then secured onto the hands, and the headpiece soon followed on with the neckpiece. Soon after the man was dressed, he then turned to look at her. His face uncovered by the headpiece displayed the bearded expression with the deep blue set of eyes.

“I must go, Leda. It’s time.” The man reminded once to his lover.

“And you must, my lover. I shall not hold you from your duties as you will not of mine.” The lady stood up and held out her right hand to him; hand facing up. Zeus picked up the hand towards his lips and kissed it.

“And I shall always do that.” Zeus smiled at her before he released her hand. She stepped back and then reached for the discarded gown on the ground. It stirred him to see her then but Zeus knew that his time was needed elsewhere. She picked up the silken gown to slip it over her head. The gown of the smooth material sailed down her body to cover her from the neck down until her knees. She then stepped into the feet coverings and clasped on the waist belt that was to lend her justice to her beautiful physique liken to that of a Goddess. She reached up with her hands to ruffle her hair until they billowed freely behind her back to her waistline.

“Leda, I dragged leaving you every time but…” The man’s words were stifled by the lady’s right index finger at his lips.

“You are a God while I am your subject. Do not despair for I know you have your duties to millions like me. I am just as contented to be yours and yet ever treasured to be of your desire which many others may not have the opportunity.” Leda told him.

“And I am of you. You are beautiful …. Subject and I wished I could make you a …”

“Silence on your lips, my lover. Do not make me your equal. I am contented to be what I am and who I am with…. Even though it may be brief for us as one.” Leda stopped his words again. “Perhaps, one day our creation will be called on as God by the subjects.”

“It will be. I decreed it with my lips.” The man smiled.

“And it shall be for it will have created from your seed in me.” Leda smiled. “Now go. My King awaits me.”

“I dread it that the other will desecrate your body…” The man in the armor sighed.

“My body yes, but not my soul. It belongs to you and only you.” Leda smiled. She then shooed the man off from the spot where they have laid in the throes of pleasures. She watched him stepped to the clearing and there, his craft of travel awaits him. The craft was designed in the shape of an orb with two wings that covered its sides; unfolded and it housed only the single occupant. The craft powered up with the low humming throes and soon ascent to the skies to hurl into the void of the skies.

“My lady, the King returns to the chamber.” Leda heard the call of the servant but her stare was still on the darkening skies where his lover had taken to journey.

“My lady, we …” The servant reminded her.

“And we shall, my loyal construct.” Leda turned to look at the silvery surface metallic droid that had appeared at the rear of her. The droid was a designed built with an exterior appearance of an oblong; vertical body frame in design with a dome headcover and the six metallic limbs on the sides with the frame movement assisted by the anti-gravity discs.

“Erase and replace with the Seq 2098.V.32.” Leda commanded the droid. She knew that the droid recorded her earlier tryst with her lover. She wanted that erased and displayed the one clip that she had prepared; one of her doing nothing but her self-pleasures.

“The King can see where I am deprived of his conjugal visits,” Leda muttered to herself before she walked to her ride back to the place she had to call home or rather a castle. Her ride was a rectangle land craft inlaid with the furnishings that befit her rank as Queen.

“Welcome, Queen Leda. Please be comfortable and we will be on our way. The next destination is the castle. I have communicated with the staff there, and every…” The mechanical voice in the craft was stopped by Leda.

“Shut the niceties, servant. Can we just move before I sent your frame into the crusher and squeezed the oils out of your canned frame for a body?” Leda snapped out.  

“Please step in.” The servant in the craft responded. “My Queen.”

“A Queen, I am. What a fucking bore.” Leda stepped into the craft and the door to the craft slid into place to secure its occupant. The servant droid of her’ had stepped into the rear of the craft and was secured there. The land craft was managed by the built-in system that operates it. The craft was programmed to drive its occupants to its next destination; the castle where the King prefers to dwell with the Queen.

Or rather the place where he will fuck her.

What a relief that was when he was not in the area which was rare those days.



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