Saturday, October 3, 2020

Arthur II Chapter 29



Lawnslot had ridden back to Joyous Gard and found the place had boomed into a small village in his absence. He dismounted at the edge of the village and walked with his horse towards the manor. The peasants saw him and they bowed to him. Some called him ‘savior’ or ‘Lord’ but he detested the latter name. He was no Lord and that was how he addressed his household when he met them in the Hall. It was not a lavish one but it held a high ceiling and there were draperies with the long table and seats to accommodate more than sixteen persons. His household in his absence had included the nine servants who maintained the place and twelve guards.

All that was done under the supervision of a trusted friend, Hemlock.

“Aye, Lawnslot. I have taken the liberty of maintaining your castle. They are not slaves but paid servants from the cutoff supplies by the peasants who were willing to share their harvest for their farms on our land.” Hemlock reported to him, “I am your Overseer here.”

“Indeed, you have done so, Hemlock. I can see the girth on your waist have indeed widened.” Lawnslot snapped at the other. “I am drawn between putting my sword to your belly or praise you for a work well done.”

“Ah, Joyous Gard is the name of the castle and we shall remain it that way. No … murderous thoughts or warring action, but we will share your exploits when we dine.” Hemlock was easy with his words, for he was the learned scholar who returned from Londinium upon the untenable attention of his tutor upon him. He had said that I shall not have the belly flop upon mine for we will roll like the barrel from the hilltop.

It was Londinium that the news of the Prime Pilus of the Legio VI Victrix was discussed by the Legatus with his other Centurion.

“I am in mind to recall him but the Senate had endorsed his successes; I cared not to call them victories for they are small battles. Artorius has edged his name with them well.” The Legatus lamented on the shadow over his command.

“Legatus, he is well connected. The families there with him; I heard one Marcellus and Augustus were nobles and held many friends in the Senate. The Senator's coffers are filled by these two nobles.” The Centurion of the Third Cohort voiced out. It was not normal for the Centurions of the Legion to talk on their counterparts but the Legio VI Victrix has been stranded to hold Britannica by the Emperor.

“The Legatus of the Legio XX Valeria Victrix had returned to Gaul and there they were doing what the Legion was to do; fight for Rome.” Legatus Heironymianu expressed his in-action. “Yet, they send me reinforcements which were directed to the First Cohort under the Prime Pilus.”

“We shall ride to the North to access the situation. They are after all under the Legio VI Victrix Eagle.” The Centurion of the Eight Cohort spoke up. There was animosity between that Centurion and the Prime but it was kept under the surface.

“I would, Centurions but my orders were to remain here. The orders specified that the Prime Pilus shall be retained to do the battle there. The more he overtook on the Anglo Saxon; we are in for peaceful times.” Legatus Heironymianu spoke out. “However, I have sent words to the Prime Pilus that he is held under the Eagle of the Legio VI Victrix. He will not revolt on that. I know Artorius well.”

It would be as much later when Artorius received the reinforcements for he had marched on. He felt his smaller force than was vulnerable to attacks and sought the advice of the Ghost and the druid.

“I know of an old fort that still stands although part of its wall had crumbled. It stands next to the river. It’s a place named Caer Lion.” Merlin voiced out. “It’s not the one at the South named Caerleon but nearer here to the Northern lands. It sits near the castle of the once famed Lord Gorlois.”

“You are well-traveled, druid.” Artorius complimented the druid.

“I am and with my wanderlust of young, I had covered the whole aisle and even as far as the high mountains of the Alpines. But alas I found myself drawn here to the Highlands.” Merlin sighed. “It still stands tall and deep despite the unrest of the raids. And war.”

“The land will be united soon, druid,” Artorius spoke up. “The Romans …”

“The Romans are no more than the Anglo Saxons. You are invaders.” Lawnslot cut in. “The land rightfully belonged to the people of its own.”

“He may right, Artorius. You need to see more of the land but not through the sight of the Prime but of Arthur. See their plight and their hardship with the Lords and masters infighting.” Merlin interjected. “I can help….”

“You do no such things on me, druid. I have my sight to see things.” Artorius held up his hands in protest.

“So, be it.” Merlin quiet down.

“We march to the fortress,” Artorius announced then. “It’s there we will await the reinforcement.”

Back at the Anglo Saxon’s camp at Gurnion castle, Hengist was in deep discussion with the Garth of Gurnion. They were seated in the Hall where the Lord of the Castle meets his guests. It was once a grand castle but the years of neglect had left in a need of restoration although it held a roof over the Hall, and the walls were still intact. It was the inside that showed the rotting and decay of neglect. The once maintained yard was then overgrown with patches of shrubs and where there was none, it served as the camping area for the men under Garth. The leader himself had taken over the living quarters of the castle to store the supplies they had taken from the peasants and his armory held there. He held an army of two hundred warriors.

“I hear thee but the answer remains no. I will not march my men to battle the Romans while the castle stands defenseless. I do not fear the Romans but the other Lords and Chiefs may raid my castle.” Garth voiced out.

“We have an understanding before,” Hengist stressed that to the other.

“Then you were strong with an army,” Garth said it out plainly. “We live on strength. You have none. I have two hundred and more will come on my call.”

“You are great, Garth but don’t ever forget that if you ever need me, I will come. That is my pledge as an ally.”

Indeed, it was on the strength that the Augustus had survived on. His influence carried him to the ears of the Senate, and they have replied with good news. It was also better news that his investment in Londinium was paying off with the shipments to Rome paid. He was with wealth then but feared for his safety and the daughter. He had sent for the one other person whom he was owed favors.

“It’s been some period since we last spoke, Lord Pendragon.” Auric looked at the Britannica Lord that he had provided with shelter and good graces in the continent. They were seated in the Hall of the new villa.

“Splendid place you have here, Auric.” Lord Pendragon starved off the period that they had not met since they arrived. “I take it upon that your daughter is here too.”

“Elaine? Yes, she is. You know how young people think at that age. They are either seen or heard except at mealtimes. How does the Lady Igraine fare in your care?” Lord Pendragon shuddered at the subject but he knew it was inevitable with the other.

“She fares well, Auric. She is … in her place once more.” Lord Pendragon replied. “May I ask what ails you to call o me? I heard….”

“Ails me? None whatsoever, Lord Pendragon. I am fine. So is Elaine.” Lord Pendragon replied with a tinge of distaste in his tone. He was annoyed that the Lord had jumped on the subject with a lack of manners. If the Lord was in Rome, he would have been banished in hours for that insolence of manners.

“Pardon my crude manners, Auric. I do have …”

“I was advised, an army that you command now. It must have felt great to be in command once more.” Lord Pendragon had requested for coins to pay his mercenaries once before at Gaul. “I am …”

“A smaller army than the one I had but it will do. I am expanding it as we speak. There are abundant of lands untenanted beyond the wall.”

“Exactly to my point. What about those lands? My claims of rights are before the wall. I do like if …”

“For our friendship, I will get a tract that is huge for your coffers.” Lord Pendragon replied. “For old time’s return in kind.”

“Splendid! Will you stay for supper?” Auric offered the Lord but the latter declined. Lord Pendragon in an annoyed state and during his ride back, Lord Bors who was accompanying him offered his services once more.

“I think the time to get rid of the Augustus may be due. Find the opportunity and make it clean.” Lord Pendragon then turned to another issue that had troubled him.

“The lady that lived in my castle? What have you found out?” The reply was nothing and that agitated the Lord. “I will check myself.”

Young Meleagant was also then checking on the lady he saw at the settlement near the wall. She was a beauty to behold and was chaperoned by an elderly lady. They were dressed in the fine designs and were not of the local peasants. He had followed her back to her home.

“Lord Pendragon.” Young Meleagant stood at the treeline and saw the two ladies strolled into the castle. “I wonder who she is.”

Young Meleagant was startled by the sound of steps behind him. He turned and saw his father there with three guards.

“Father!” The younger Meleagant had not recovered from his previous encounters with the peasants in the village and was saved by Belvedere. “You made me …”

“Jump out your soul! You were told not to go wandering by yourself. I have guards to ….”

“They are …. a hindrance to me. I needed freedom.” Young Meleagant replied. “More to it, I have Belvedere to call on.”

“Belvedere has requested to join the Prime up north and as for you, the guards are to ensure your safety. What brought you to the wildness? And is that Lord Pendragon’s castle? What …”

“I was merely …”

“I saw you followed her. Do you know who is she to the Lord? I am telling you not to court that Lord. He is not our friend.” Master Meleagant told his son. Look for Augustus’s daughter? Elaine is her name. Or the Marcellus?”

“The Marcellus’ girls are too young.” Young Meleagant snapped back.

“The eldest is old enough to be married. And that also said of you.” Master Meleagant replied. “We the Meleagant do not influence the Augustus but we held wealth. With it, we can buy power.”

“Leave me, father. I am tired.” Young Meleagant ran off. The older one assigned a guard to follow the younger man.

“I will go back too.” Master Meleagant sighed. He was indeed lost without his wife, but she had eloped with another man years ago. He had brought up the one son they had, and it was not easy.

“Lord Pendragon, you will pay for your sins.”


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